(This is an experiment in progress, as we all are)
What the fuck is gamestock (gme) and what the fuck happened (so far)?
A Media literacy exercise
always read the 101 first.
How to make a reddit bot
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are we on the verge of a new financial crisis?
Siamo sull’orlo di una nuova crisi finanziaria? Il caso GameStop, i segnali degli Hedge Funds e l’ascesa delle criptovalute
the following text is the outcome of a 6 monthish (and counting) Deep-Dive into GME mixed with free associations and a whiff of MEME.
its beeing updated as the situation develops.
there is a curated list with links to videos, comments,explanationsand analysis on the memestock situation,
which i read after i wrote the text and couldn't find a place in the text for yet
links may change or disapear
dis no advice in any form
Social Ecology
Everybody needs to understand this.
This is why naked short selling is so serious.
You can't just print your own money and take everybody else's.
Too long; wont read! Give MEMEs!!!!
What's a meme?
Discipline and Punish
GameStop is the biggest offline video game vendor.
Some hedgefunds made a bet that GameStop will reach bankruptcy soon (stock market lingo shortet)
You short by borrowing a share of a stock and later on selling it again.
Now, when the stock price goes down and you buy your share back, the difference of your first payment will be your benefit.
If the stock price goes up though, this difference will be your loss.
After a certain amount of time, you will have to give your share back. No matter what price it is now, you will have to buy it.
Everything is bigger in Texas
In fall 2019 a few self-labeled apes bet inWallstreetbets that the GameStop share would be worth more than the 4$ it cost at that moment.
In September 2019 Roaring Kitty, was one of the first to say that that stock was undervalued.
Other apes thought the same and just liked the stock.
Because so many apes bought this share, its price went up.
The apes shared their analysis (socalled "DD"s) on the stock at Reddit where they would correct each others analysis.
In this process, it has gotten clear that there were more shares borrowed than there actually are shares!
As soon as that was out, many more apes bought GameStop shares, which made the stock's worth rise fast.
This was a little of a pain in the ass for the people who shorted the GameStop share in the first place (Hedgefunds, shrt. HFs).
To lower the price, HFs and their partners tried some tricks, which I'm not gonna list here since that would take too much time.
Right now it looks like many small Investors (the apes) own shares, which the HFs will have to buy back.
Nonetheless, if the apes won't sell their shares, their price could rise to infinity and beyond!
This depends on whether the shorts are covered or not.
Official numbers say they are.
This text is just a very shortened and inacurate, even wrong in the details, summary of what has been happening.
If you're interested in the details, you can click through the links and read the DDs (all in english).
Ready Player One
Yesterday on the 21st on April 2021, Atobitt shared the first part of his DD House of Cards
In which he describes how small Investors get ripped off by big Investors.
seems like atobitt had some misconceptions
how the economic machine works
In case you dont deem some rando reddit ape a legit source, Frankfurt Institute of Law and Finance on that topic :)
In case Frankfurt sounds to lefty for you (Frankfurt School), maybe this book rings your bell
Or watch the last interview with the author
This isnt any new information really. But since so many apes invested their money in gamestock, the post went viral.
This means that many small Investors lost their faith in the stock market and the big actors.
A system nobody trusts cannot work.
From now on, institutions will try to gain back the people's trust with maximal tranparency in the stock market.
The american stockwatch (SEC) swore in their new boss on saturday last week, who is a Blockchain specialist.
My guess is, that in the future the stock market will be organized over blockchains and NFTs.
Will be enforced through so called "structural Adjustments", #IMF-STYLE
It would be great get more aware about the fact that the market itself is the problem!
The Tyranny of the Female-Orgasm Industrial Complex
Or else there wont be a world that has space for many worlds.
Take care :)
Forbes has an opinion as well :)
There are 3 scenarios that seem probable to me right now:
The HFs covered their shorts.
The apes lose their investment.
The world learns about the fuckery in hindsight.
the believe in the market gets stabilized through transparency via NFT and Blockchain.
Will be enforced through so called "structural Adjustments", #IMF-STYLE
I'm just an ape who cannot count.
I like crayons.
I like a certain stock.
The HFs did not cover.
the apes don't got Diamond Hands. The shorts get covered.
the apes lose their investment.
The world learns about the fuckery in hindsight.
the believe in the market gets stabilized through transparency via NFT and Blockchain.
Will be enforced through so called "structural Adjustments", #IMF-STYLE
Little Brother is watching you
I'm just an ape who cannot count.
I like crayons.
I like a certain stock.
The apes got Diamond Hands. The rocket takes off.
the Hedgies dont have the money to cover their Shorts and they default.
the institutions let them default an doesnt cover for them.
they accept the loss in trust to the actors.
those are presented as corrupt scapegoats.
the apes lose their investment.
the believe in the market gets stabilized through transparency via NFT and Blockchain.
Will be enforced through so called "structural Adjustments", #IMF-STYLE
I want the whole bakery
I'm just an ape who cannot count.
I like crayons.
I like a certain stock.
the Hedgies dont have the money to cover their Shorts and they default.
the institutions let them default an cover for them, to prevent a loss of trust in the actors.
the apes get their bananas.
those are presented as corrupt scapegoats.
the apes. not the bananas.
the believe in the market gets stabilized through transparency via NFT and Blockchain.
Will be enforced through so called "structural adjustment reforms", #IMF-STYLE
All about love
I'm just an ape who cannot count.
I like crayons.
I like a certain stock.
How to destroy surveillance capitalism
The Wall street Code
the apes got chainsaws now
now they learn howto fix them
"If" 420,000,000,000.69
"is going to get broken apes need to fucking buy!! Even if you are holding and have diamond hands, they are useless when you sit on them. Smash the buy button you degenerates!
Obviously only buy securities you have researched, and only use funds you can afford to invest. This is my honest opinion only. You'd have to be an ape to listen to me...."
YOU. Yes YOU who STILL thinks their X/XX/XXX shares don't matter
"Dann bin ich auch ein Delegitimierer"
thats what i got out of this, if you know someone with an education in finance, please forward this for factchecking :)
if you know someone who might find this site informing, interesting, annoying or just funny, feel free to forward as well.
Does this strike you as antisemitic?
We are Angry.
We are so angry, we made signs.
We put QR-Codes on them.
We dance.
How to join the #AAB
Get/make angry.
Get/make (ape)mask.
Get/make sign with your favourite slogan.
Choose link you like, Get/make QR-code.
Put on sign.
Put on mask.
Go dancing.
Be a nice ape :)
Get/make video.
Alman Brothers
Stock i love
Die Dunkelheit darf niemals siegen
The best thing that i ever did
Nadel verpflichtend
Hedgies shorts are due due due
Wenn ich ich bin
The Shill song
Keine Argumente
Degenerate Anthem
Aal izz well
Bones in the ocean
Dancing queen
for all the female gme holders. i made this for you
scroll up for dd :)
The Dancings ape's Paylist
Amazon und Säckeschmeißer: Verschwendung in neuer Dimension
Ballade von den Säckeschmeißern
I shot the sheriff
Keine Lieder über Liebe
Liebes Lied
Keine Argumente
Die Wüste lebt
C'est quoi ton role?
Die Eskalation
Hymne gegen euch
(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party)
Abuso de Poder
Zuhause im Nebel
Conspiracion por la paz
Warten auf
Ich müsste Lügen
I Can't
Live Goes On
Warten auf die Sonne
Lighters Up
Encore en Danse
Cosa Capitalista
La rage
Die Welt brennt
Du fehlst
Wo ich wech bin
Bye Bye
Strasse ins nichts
Lauf davon
Das ist alles von der Kunstfreiheit gedeckt
Rosen auf den Weg gestreut
Alles wird Gut
Söhne Stammheims
Niemals Stress mit Bullen
Queere Tiere
Operation § 3
Bling Bling
Fremd im eigenen Land
Wer ist dieser Deutschland?
Deutschland isch stabil
Es ist die Systematik
Musik ist Politik
Letzte Stunden
Weck mich auf
Mit allen notwendigen Mitteln
Ich ficke euch alle
Ich wars nicht
Das Kannibalenlied
Die Freundin von
Fotze Wieder Da / Hier Oben
Auf der Suche
Lied der Freiheit
Von Freiheit Nicht Genug
Keine Parolen
Erste Schritte?
Eines schönen Tages
the future is still unwritten
Nur Angst, kein Respekt
What we have
Rise up
War Starts Here
Passt aufeinander auf
Worauf es ankommt
Lauf der Dinge
Betonung auf FAK
§ 129
Die Angst vor den Gedanken verlieren
Hurra die Welt geht unter :)
Coco Chanel
Ein Schritt
(This is an experiment in progress, as we all are)
[email protected] :)

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License