(This is an experiment in progress, as we all are)

why the dumb money is still betting on gamestop
are we on the verge of a new financial crisis?
dis no advice whatsoever
[1/3] The Ultimate DD guide to the moon!!. Crazy Melon πŸ”¬ DD πŸ“Š
Here is a Complete Compilation Documenting the Existence of Every Market Manipulation Tactic Used by Hedge Funds in this GameStop Saga Education πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« | Data πŸ”’
FUD campaigns we've endured so far Possible DD πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬
The Bigger Short. How 2008 is repeating, at a much greater magnitude, and COVID ignited the fuse. GME is not the reason for the market crash. GME was the fatal flaw of Wall Street in their infinite money cheat that they did not expect. DD πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬
"Black Monday" events are Mondays which experience great market turbulence. September 29th, 2008, was one of these days which occurred the week OF a quarter end where there is even more strain on the system. The markets have been boiling all quarter, and next week is a Quarter End (June 30th).Education πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« | Data πŸ”’
Please share with your friends & family... (r/SuperStonk PSA)
Gamestop stock (GME) explained using Smash Ultimate
A helpful way to explain the gme situation to non apes, or even existing apes needing an added wrinkleEducation πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« | Data πŸ”’

Wall Street Firms Are Now Buying Up Family Homes
PACE: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

TL;DR: Buy and HODL.
BEHOLD, the #queenape is talking
THE INFINITY POOL: naming a theoretical posit for endgame and post-squeeze considerations

Hm, quite 🧐
Call Option Definition
Gamestop Stock Options Prices

The GME Masters' Guide: A DD Campaign for Apes Levels 1-20 (The GME Story in 100 DDs)

******New Apes******, Now it's more important than ever. NO STOP LOSSES! We've been in this scenario multiple times. They can drop the price in seconds with manipulation. This is a ****5 minutes***** chart from March 10H
QUESTION: The other side of the equation - Where is the money?
DRAFT: I have done my best to summarize the GME MOASS Thesis in a way that hopefully appeals to individuals outside of this community. I was thinking about reposting before opening bell tomorrow with updates depending on feedback I get tonight. Intention is for it to be a starting point prior to DD
House of cards part3
Crosspost: WHERE ARE THE SHARES? A Beginner’s Guide to Hiding 100 Million FTDs (1 of 3) - Deep Dive DD DD πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬

the Media Narrative

The Hidden Shorts: The Correlation of FTDs and Open Interest for EXTREMELY OTM Put Options DD πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬
Our boy πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ /u/dlauer's full segment on CNBC News πŸ“° | Media πŸ“±
The Jungle Beat- Thursday 06-17-2021 Can't Stop, Won't Stop πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ Daily News πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸš€
$GME Daily Discussion - June 18, 2021 DAILY πŸ“Š Wrinkle Brain Think Tank
GameStop is on a Secret Hiring Frenzy - Over 50 Unannounced Tech/E-commerce Hires From Mostly Amazon and Chewy - GMEdd.com πŸ“° News | Media πŸ“±
I think the Fed just accidentally proved us right Possible DD πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬

The Bigger Short, SR-DTC-2021-005, the return of Dr. Michael Burry, OBV, the reverse repo market, upcoming NFT, Citadel Luxembourg dissolved...so many reasons for my mammary glands to be stimulated, but I think it's time to recall the words of Sun Tzu...
Shell Games All The Way Down DD πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬
Don’t let the fud that shfs are working on sophisticated strategies to get out from under their short positions concern you. They’ve sold millions of shares short that are now locked away in the brokerage accounts of retail and there’s no way to get them back unless retail sells them back. HODL πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ
Wall Street is not a Physical Place. That's why the first Occupy movement didn't work. ☁️ Fluff 🍌

Remember to stay "Incognito" after MOASS Shitpost πŸ‘Ύ
Washington Prime Group - Shorting Brick & Mortar to Bankruptcy? Discussion 🦍
I heard you guys like TA. Here's every indicator Fidelity ATP has on the GME Daily YTD chart Shitpost πŸ‘Ύ
GME Targeted - AMC being pumped by HFs Theory Validated? Discussion 🦍
Floor is jail HODL πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ
$HYG and correlation to $GME Discussion 🦍
Great depression part 2 is probably coming after the MOASS. Be prepared
Reverse Repo rates for the visual learners
Today's reverse repo operations - Just announced - HOLY MOLY!
IS THIS THE FINAL BOSS? John Petry and Ken Griffin Billionaires Boys Club - And the Puppet Master behind it all??? Possible DD πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬
Billionaire's Boys Club - Part 2: The Inner Circle Possible DD πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬
Feds Hunt For $720 Billion Dollars From Reverse Repo
Weekend Update - Are you ready to rumble?? πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€
GME 6/12 Weekend Update - Elliott Wave Count Handcrafted by H4HU
Lmao if you don't understand HOW $20,000,000+ floor is not a meme.... Discussion 🦍
I'm kind of shocked so many people think holding will fix the financial system
Is GME's price related to the Reverse Repo Rate in some way? - Lets find out! - Brought to you by the Superstonk Quants πŸ¦πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ§πŸš€
So the Reverse Repo's are definitely related to GME
heyo everyone , hope you are all doing ok :)
This is why we hodl
Riding Elliot Waves to the Moon, Why GME from a Technical Standpoint Alone is Better Than Gold πŸš€
A revisit to Net Capital. What is truly driving these T+21 loops, the March and June gamma runs, and how skyrocketing ETF FTDs might cause big price movements in the coming weeks.
Major Collusion Going On Down WallStreet. The Biggest Financial Crime Of Our Generation. DTCC, Melvin Capital, Shitadel, Maple Lane Capital and many others. The Fact These Funds Have Been Able To Sit On Nearly 50% Paper Losses For months Says It All. The Crooks Need To Be Exposed. πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ€œ
Beware of Passive Investing (Index Funds and ETFs) Post-MOASS - Growing Wrinkles with Michael Burry, weekend of June 11th 2021

Quadruple witching day incoming

You Are Here (DFV Tweet Decoded)
Things are shockingly similar to the February 24th and March 10th runup so far. Gamma squeeze indicators from the previous T+21/T+35 have returned. Their doom approaches.

πŸ’ŽReporting in from South Korea: Please acknowledge how strong we are TOGETHERπŸš€
DiamantenhΓ€nde πŸ’ŽπŸ‘ German market is open πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

DTC, ICC, OCC passed rules this week to prepare for BIG defaults in the stock market. Big banks to testify in Congress next week. This might pull Crypto down much further. Repost on my profile since r/CryptoCurrency removed it (rip)

Too many posts talking about Crypto Apes like they're idiots who are 'waking up' to our reality. It's belittling and we're above that. We haven't won anything and they've done everything right for themselves.

500 million per share is not a meme, I am dead serious.

we are all fucked

The MOASS Study Guide

Anatomy of a Short Squeeze and Why No Ape Will Be Left Holding The Bag

The GME Wargame: A New Theory of Everything (My Final DD)
Wargame Theory II: The Mother of All FUD (MOAFUD)

UPDATE -- Go / No-Go For Launch - The checklist keeping GME on the launchpad.

Connecting the Dots- Citadel's Treasury Market Short

Enron - The smartest guys in the room - Everyone needs to watch this, if this doesn't get your ass motivated then nothing will!

This week is different than january and march

Cyclical Patterns in Failure-To-Deliver (FTD) and Short Interest Reporting

Whats happening in this wallstreetbets?, a very rough overview video
Citadel potential 160B open short positions - Need looking in to

Apes if you haven’t so already, please, please spend time and watch this video. You will not regret it and gain all sorts of wrinkles.

found it



What genius ape uploaded this image to Citadel Photos on Google Maps?

The infinity

I just wanted to share two simpsonmemes and somehow endet up in my own private NSFW-subreddit

All shorts must cover

Geometric Mean, Exponential Increase and GME Price
Estimations for the total payout of GME based on Share Price.

How/Why is high-frequency trading legal?

"Something Big is happening! I think Citadel is throwing everything they got at us!"

Meanwhile in Germany
Afro-German Women Still Speak Out

Why did Bill Gates get a Divorce?
Lets talk about voting

Social Ecology
Everybody needs to understand this.
This is why naked short selling is so serious.
You can't just print your own money and take everybody else's.