'Human' it says, in some weird translucent ink.\n\nYou feel like you shouldn't be able to read that ink.\n\nHow are you gonna go home? Should you build a spaceship? You stand there, not knowing what to do...\n\n[[Try to escape, by any means... Maybe the way out will be in one of these rooms.]]\n[[Someone out there must know how to help you, right?]]
''//'People generally don't remember my name. You do not need to, either... It wouldn't help much.'//''\n\n[[Well, you can accept that.]]\n[[You feel belittled.]]
''//'This is where we live.'//''\n\nIt's so far from Earth... You all definitely don't come from it.\n\n[[You feel a little hopeless.]]
Perfection would be a paradox of itself.\n\n''//'You will be sent to Earth, to prove yourself.\n\nWhenever you're ready, of course.\n\nFor now, you've done a good job.'//''\n\nThey bow down.\n\n''//'You're the first step of our hope.'//''\n\n[[You bow down too.]]
Naturally, a lot of things weren't there before.\n\nYou know you should be careful, though... This time, you won't fall.\n\n[[Enter the room.]]\n[[Be more cautious and don't enter.]]
''//'Humans are driven by willpower.\n\nThey find the will to do almost anything.\n\nThat is very interesting.\n\nAnd I eat that.'//''\n\n[[Sure, but how is that possible?]]
<<set $eatencandy = "no">>They don't seem threatening.\n\nThey offer you some candy when you're close enough to them. <<if $nap eq "yes">>You hesitate a bit, since it doesn't seem like //human// food.<<else>>You don't feel particularly hungry, but that mountain of candy looks so glittery, pink, and magical... Maybe if you eat some of it, you'll become more like it.<<endif>>\n\n[[You take the candy and start eating it.]]\n[[You politely decline the candy offer.]]
You're tense, you're fearing for your life, but you wanna fight back. Or... Or something.\n\n[[Ask her what you can do, no matter what it is.|So, I want you to think.']]
They wave their hand.\n\n''//'It's better to not worry!'//'', they say, while smiling.\n\n[[Try to ask them who they are.|Who are you?]]\n[[You excuse yourself and leave.|Make the best out of your life, like they said.]]
What is so good about being a human? There are so many flaws about it! You'd rather not be one. Not even if it's your purpose.\n\nBut... You guess that if it's your purpose, then you're not ready for it.\n\nIt seems to be true, because she seems a little upset.\n\n[[You're sorry.]]
That is definitely odd. It helps you draw some facts about your existence, though.\n\n''//'I'd advice you to try to find your purpose.\n\nI believe you can achieve good things.\n\nBoth from you, and for us.'''//\n\n[[That last bit seems suspicious.]]
Yes, of course. You're being tested right now. You know that. Slowly, the memories come to you! Or that's what you think, anyway.\n\nYou don't have any set of instructions, but you know you have to get to God, right...\n\nSo, you get out of the room, and into the hallway.\n\nIt's such a big hallway, you already have the feeling you've been there before...\n\n[[The hallway is too big, don't bother exploring.]]
<<set $book = "yes">>You pick up the pen and start writing in it. The words come out by themselves. <<if $read eq "yes">>You recall a couple of nice things you read back then in the library, so when you realize it, you've written down your opinion on them.<<else>>When you stop to read what you wrote, it doesn't really seem like a nicely written text...<<endif>>\n\n[[It doesn't really make you feel anything.]]\n[[You're proud of it.]]
<<set $encountersacchy2 = "no">>Earth is your home. You're sure of this.\n\nThey appear to like that answer.\n\n''//'Your life is fragile. Be careful.'//''\n\nYou don't know what to make out of that. It's sort of scary...\n\n''//'You should make the best out of it.'//''\n\nThat seemed like a hint to go back to exploring. They seem sweet, and also seems like they're all alone.\n\n[[Stay with them.]]\n[[Make the best out of your life, like they said.]]
They shrug.\n\n''//'It just is.'//''\n\nWhat's the deal with these beings not wanting to explain stuff?\n\n[[Whatever, it's better to leave. There will be more answers out there.]]\n[[Talk to the green haired one before you go. |Talk to the green haired one.]]
[[The sheer meme power punches the stardust out of you, and you stop existing.|Gameover]]
''//'Humans like to define themselves as many concepts.\n\nI think that very fact is what defines them as such.\n\nIt's something very natural of your kind.//''\n\nShe talks so much about you being a human...\n\n[[You're not very convinced.]]\n[[You're inspired.]]
''//'Truth is, we're not supposed to tell you this.\n\nIt's just... You've been around for more than enough, and we feel a little sorry about that.'//''\n\nThe green haired takes a sip of their tea, a little sad.\n\n''//'Especially knowing why you're here...\n\nAh, but we shouldn't tell you that either.'//''\n\n[[You try to think about it.|That sounds familiar...]]\n[[The tea is supposed to make you feel happier, so you take a sip of it.]]
<<set $goodwill ="yes">>Somewhere out there must be something, or someone... You don't even know why you want to fill that room.\n\nYou feel like it would make you be useful in something. <<if $nap eq "yes">>So far, you've spent most of your time sleeping...<<endif>>\n\n[[Keep walking through the hallway.]]\n<<if $visitedgreendoor eq "no">>[[Look for stuff in the green door.|greendoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedsurrealdoor eq "no">>[[Look for stuff in the surreal door.|surrealdoor]]<<endif>>
''//'You don't need to know my name.'//''\n\nAh, rude much? But it's okay, if they don't wanna tell you that...\n\n''//'I eat good thoughts.'//''\n\n[[What...? How does that work?]]
As you approach them, they look at you.\n\nThey offer you some tea, and to sit down.\n\n[[You oblige.]]
Well, you guess you'll have to look for <i>her</i> or something...\n\n<<if $encountersacchy2 eq "no">>[[Walk further into the hallway.|walkfurthergreendoor]]<<else>>[[Walk further into the hallway.|Keep walking through the hallway.]]<<endif>>
So... It's true! Your existence isn't as permanent as you thought.\n\nYou feel... No, you //know// you've lived your life many, many times before.\n\n<<if $encountersacchy eq "yes">>Everyone you've met probably dislikes you, or isn't expecting anything great out of you...<<else>>As you realize you //know// what's going on, you can see your creator getting disappointed.<<endif>>\n\n[[You're sorry.]]\n<<if $nap eq "yes">>[[You don't want to be more of a disappointment.]]<<endif>>
You feel hopeful, happy, and glad that you finally know what your purpose is.\n\nEspecially since your purpose is to <i>be free.</i>\n\nYou even giggle a little while you're walking.\n\n[[You spot a room that wasn't there before.]]
[[The second you walk out, everything else seems to vanish.|Walkfurther]]
<<set $badendgod1 = "no">>Even if you try to speak to this person, the words can't come out.\n\n''//'How fragile.'\n\n'What a joke.'//''\n\nIt seems like this //being// is upset at you.\n\n[[You just wanna ask them something, and leave. That's all.]]
''//'... You're another one of those.'//'' is what that person says right after you take off. You look back for a second when you hear them.\n\n[[As you do that, you trip.]]
<<set $visitedsurrealdoor = "no">>You hear laughter come from somewhere inside the room. You look around, and it seems no one is in there...\n\n[[Whatever, you keep on doing your thing.]]\n[[That doesn't sound right. You better get out of the room.|Get out of the room.]]
[[You fall into space, and your last breath is filled with stardust.|Gameover]]
You promptly apologize a couple of times.\n\nThey wave their hand, as if they were telling you to not worry.\n\nBut the voices don't stop, and you just want them //to stop//. You don't need to hear so many bad things.<<if $nap eq "yes">> You don't even consider it was so bad, why is it escalating so quickly?<<endif>>\n\nThey seem to pick up on how distressed you look, and point at their face.\n\n[[You tilt your head.]]
You start walking a little quicker, looking for any sort of window. And you find one. A beautiful and giant glass window that faces to...\n\nSpace.\n\nThere's lots, lots of stars. It's a beautiful sight, for sure. But it's not Earth.\n\nYou're not sure what that makes you feel.\n\n<<if $nap eq "yes">>[[You wanna go back.]]<<else>>[[It feels like home.]]<<endif>>
This hallway seems like it has no end. The doors of each room you've passed are really pretty. A couple of them catch your eye.\n\n[[Go into a pastel green door, decorated with cats and hearts.|greendoor]]\n[[Go into a door with surreal decoration, lots of squares and contrasting colors. An odd, but interesting view.|surrealdoor]]\n[[Go into a shiny glittery violet door decorated with ribbons.|shinydoor]]
You take a sip of the tea, and it tastes... Pretty good! It's the exact kind of tea you would've enjoyed.\n\n''//'No matter who you are, if you drink this, it'll make you happy.'//''\n\nThey put a hand on their chin.\n\n''//'Well, that is if you're human.'//''\n\nThis person seems content that you're there, which is nice.\n\n[[Ask them if they could give you some answers.]]
Maybe this is all just a dream, or a hallucination. You will get out.\n\nAs you open a door, you're faced with... A person. They're looking at you. They don't seem very human. They're wearing a mask, and some sort of purple mist is oozing out of it.\n\n<img src="http://i.imgur.com/4NzaAPs.png">\n\nThat //being// looked definitely scary, but their reaction was more of a curiosity thing. They didn't seem like they wanted to hurt you.\n\n<<if $khradarixencounter eq "yes">>[[They place a hand over your mouth.]]<<else>>[[You open your mouth to ask something.]]<<endif>>
[[As you do, you hear a door closing behind you.|You hear a door closing behind you.]]
It takes many steps until you feel like you're walking to an open place. As if you were outdoors, about to feel the breeze on your hair, and look at the green, pretty grass.\n\n... Only you don't. You only see space. Beautiful nebula, beautiful stars... But it's not home.\n\nYou realize you aren't standing on anything. It's sort of a transparent floor.\n\n<<if $encounterputagalactica eq "yes">>There is someone behind you.\n\n[[Not again...]]<<else>>[[There is someone behind you.|Not again...]]<<endif>>
GAME OVER.\n\n[[Try again.|Start]]
Right, you're looking for answers. Or at least, to search for more interesting objects...\n\nAs you touch many of the objects in that room, you realize you experience changes in your emotions. Some of the objects make you happy, others make you feel scared, others angry...\n\nThere isn't really a rational explanation to this.\n\n[[You spot a library with glowing books. It looks...]]
As you walk out, you see there's a huge hallway. Something that makes this place seem like a castle. It's beautiful, it doesn't seem like you're... \n\nOn... \n\nEarth...\n\n[[That's because you aren't.]]
There are plenty of things to question, actually. //Why// are you there? It doesn't seem like the kind of place someone like you would be in, at least not naturally. It is pretty, though...\n\n[[You inspect some objects in the room.]]\n[[You look for a door and walk outside the room.]]
<<set $eatencandy = "yes">>It tastes really really sweet, but it's nice enough.\n\nOh, right, you should ask them some questions.\n\n[[What is this place?]]\n[[Who are you?]]
They seem pleased. You can hear the voices mention that you're 'a strong one', but you don't quite get it.\n\n''//'I think you'll be able to find your answers out there, very soon.\n\nYou just have to keep looking.'//''\n\n[[Nod and continue your quest.|Make the best out of your life, like they said.]]
<<set $alreadyplayed2 = "no">>You feel like you're not what she wanted.\n\nAs you do, you feel a hand placed on your shoulder.\n\n[[She's trying to make you feel reassured, but you don't feel any less sorry.|Ah... That's great. But why don't you feel overjoyed...?]]
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dQw4w9WgXcQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>\n\n[[GET ME OUT OF THIS MEME HELL]]
Earth is where you're supposed to be from, but you know you aren't. You're from this place.\n\nYou feel like you have to look for someone. You don't know who or what, but you also feel you'll find out soon if you keep investigating.\n\n[[Keep walking through the hallway.|Someone out there must know how to help you, right?]]
You respect your creator a lot.\n\n[[FINAL TRUE END.|Credits]]
You wonder what the voices around them are. There doesn't seem to be people around both of you.\n\nMaybe they're ghosts. Or candy. Or maybe ghosts of the candy this person has eaten?\n\nNo, that's silly.\n\n[[You don't know what to say, though.]]
Back to Earth, right? You belong there. You're...\n\n[[You realize there's something on your wrist.]]
<<set $alreadyplayed = "yes">>You already knew that anything would make you burst into stardust, and it doesn't bother you this time.\n\nFIRST TRUE END.\n\n[[Try again one last time.|Start]]
''//'It's something that doesn't involve me.'//''\n\nTheir expression turns serious, suddenly, and they look directly into your eyes.\n\n''//'I'm never gonna let her down.'//''\n\n[[You giggle.]]\n[[... What?]]
She appears in front of you.\n\nShe's a petite, long-haired and eerie fairy-like deity.\n\nHer mouth is covered with a white surgical mask.\n\n<img src="http://i.imgur.com/r0nfvKX.png">\n\n[[It seems that you were correct.|She's responsible for this.]]
<<if $encountersacchy2 eq "no">>As you walk, you hear whispering in the distance.\n\n[[Walk closer to the voices.]]<<else>>The hallway seems endless, and you feel like something is calling for you at the end of it.\n\n[[Walk further.|Walkfurther]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedgreendoor eq "no">>[[Go back and into the green door.|greendoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedpinkdoor eq "no">>[[Go back and into the pink door.|shinydoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedsurrealdoor eq "no">>[[Go back and into the surreal door.|surrealdoor]]<<endif>>
<<if $nervous eq "yes">>You close the door behind you and make sure it's locked. That... That should do it. As you turn your back and see what's in the room, you breathe in the somewhat warm air in it.<<else>>You close the door behind you, and the somewhat warm air catches your attention.<<endif>> It smells nice... It makes you happy.\n\nBut the mere fact that it makes you happy, makes you question it.\n\n<<if $khradarixsparesyourlife eq "yes">>[[You see there are two people in the room.]]<<else>>[[Someone is having a tea party in the room.]]<<endif>>
<<set $alreadyplayed2 = "yes">>The hand on your shoulder vanishes.\n\n''//'There's nothing wrong with you now.\n\nYou've run your course.\n\nWe'll meet again.'//''\n\n[[Your 'human' body vanishes into stardust.|Gameover]]
They slowly cup your face in their hands, and stare at you.\n\n''//'What does it feel like?'\n\n\n'Answer me.'\n\n\n'What does it feel like having such a disposable, useless existence?'//''\n\n[[You can't move.]]
You aren't sure if the gas mask is protecting you from it, but it's pretty far from you, so you're sure you aren't breathing it.\n\n''//'I do not like it when people breathe it.\n\nIt drives them to do things with no purpose, no substance.'//''\n\nHuh, that makes sense. That's what happened to you before, right?\n\n[[But... that means you've been alive before.]]
She appears in front of you.\n\nShe's a petite, long-haired and eerie fairy-like deity.\n\nHer mouth is covered with a white surgical mask.\n\n<img src="http://i.imgur.com/r0nfvKX.png">\n\n[[You're sorry.]]
You have a feeling there's something //huge// out there. Plus, these mustn't hold any valuable information.\n\n[[Explore outside the room.|Outsidetheroom]]
''//'You will be able to feed us soon.'//''\n\n[[She pushes you.]]
<<set $visitedgreendoor = "yes">>When you realize it, you're being pushed out of the room.<<if $khradarixsparesyourlife eq "yes">> And the gas mask disappears from your face, too.<<endif>>\n\nThe green haired waves at you.\n\n''//'We'll meet again! You better think very good thoughts very often, or else... It would be sad.'//''\n\n[[The door closes in front of you.]]
Even if you tried to open it, it's closed.\n\n... Well. It's true that you do want to escape, but seeing that person made you recall a bit why doing so was a bad idea.\n\n[[Continue walking into the hallway.]]
It looks like you could just grab one.\n\nYou try to grasp one of the books and your hands pass through it.\n\n[[Oh, right, you know how to read these.]]
You... You just can't recall what it was.\n\nFor some reason, you feel disappointed in yourself.\n\n<<if $nap eq "yes">>[[You just want to go back to Earth.]]<<else>>[[All this rollercoaster of emotions makes you feel tired.]]<<endif>>
They shake their head.\n\n''//'If you were to know\n\nEvery little secret about this place\n\nThis place wouldn't be this place.'//''\n\n[[A... Alright.]]
Just get to the end of it, if you do, surely...!\n\nWell, don't be so quick. You know anything dangerous can make your existence fade into stardust.\n\nYou wish it would be something more human than stardust.\n\n[[You feel excited, however.]]
No, you've had enough of that. [[You enter the damn room already.|Enter the room.]]
You're human...\n\nYou show them your wrist.\n\nThey look at it, and then back at you.\n\n''//'... Do you think that's right?'//''\n\n[[Of course.]]\n[[Probably.]]
You pick up a paintbrush and use some of the paint that was on the table. <<if $read eq "yes">>You don't know why, but you have an image stuck in your head that you wanna properly //bring to life// on the canvas.<<else>>While it's true that having a paintbrush in your hand makes you feel productive, you aren't really sure of what you're painting... It looks more like a mess than a painting.<<endif>>\n\nYou stop to take a look at it when it's nearly done.\n\n[[It doesn't really make you feel anything.]]\n<<if $read eq "yes">>[[You're proud of it.]]<<else>>[[You're proud of it, even if it's weird.|You're proud of it.]]<<endif>>
<<set $badendgod1 = "yes">>You try to move away from them, to no avail.\n\nYou hear a loud 'crack'.\n\n''//'Well, no matter how many of them she brings to life...'//''\n\nYou suddenly feel like you're about to fall.\n\n''//'You're not worthy of being eaten by me, so you're definitely not good enough.'//''\n\n[[Your face breaks and bursts into stardust.|Gameover]]
<<set $nap = "yes" >>You sit on the bed, pull up the sheets and comfortably sleep in it.\n\n... You don't know how many minutes you spent asleep when you wake up. \n\n[[Now what was happening before you slept...?|Curious]]
You start thinking of something, but all you can think is about your existence so far. The existence of this place, of the rooms, and all...\n\nYou're probably nervous that she's looking at you...\n\nShe tilts her head, and then shakes it.\n\n''//'... If I tell you to, it doesn't work right.'//''\n\n[[She places both of her hands on your shoulders.]]
However, it was all too quick, and they became visibly frustrated when they realized the purple mist was already too close to you.\n\nYou accidentally breathe in some of that mist, and instantly feel a rush of adrenaline and irrational impulses to get away.\n\n[[So intensely, that you immediately turn your back and start running.]]
''//'I want you to take what you've learned, and turn it into something new.'//''\n\n<<if $read eq "yes">>[[How are you supposed to...?]]<<else>>[[Create something.]]<<endif>>
As you walk past many objects, you feel several emotions. Irrational and weirdly enough... Something tells you that you shouldn't leave, but something tells you that you shouldn't //stay//.\n\nYou feel like you have a lot of pressure on your choices.\n\n[[Go back and inspect the objects in the room. You probably have time to explore outside afterwards.|You inspect some objects in the room.]]\n[[It's better to leave. Something is waiting for you outside.|Outsidetheroom]]
[[You slowly melt into stardust.|Gameover]]
You try to ask them, but you appear to //forget// about what they said.\n\nHow odd.\n\nWell, what should you do now?\n\n[[Talk to the green haired one.]]\n[[Go find your purpose.|walkfurthergreendoor]]
You look at your hands.\n\nYou were never human to begin with.\n\n... You're not sad about it, though.\n\n[[You feel human enough.]]
You took a nap already and all, but this is more like... Losing your life energy... Right...?\n\n''//'You've been good enough. You should rest...'//''\n\n[[You feel a warm embrace.]]
This feels more like home. You like this place. It's big, starry, beautiful... You don't need anything else.\n\nThey nod while you explain, but don't seem particularly glad about that explanation.\n\n''//'This time isn't the right one for you...'//'', They say, with sorrow.\n\nWell, that's... Weird.\n\n[[Are you supposed to be doomed?]]
<<set $read = "no">>These are //conceptual// books! You don't necessarily //read// them. You just... Think them.\n\n[[This could be useful. You take a seat and <i>think</i> some of those books.]]\n[[You don't want to spend your time reading.]]
Well, you're looking for answers, anyway.\n\n[[You better take off.|Make the best out of your life, like they said.]]
You get a little nervous, but as you do, you realize the green haired person disappeared and appeared behind you, putting a gas mask on your face.\n\nDoes that mean you can freely breathe the mist?\n\nThe green haired one closes their eyes, as if they were smiling at you, and walk over to their place in the tea party.\n\nIt's easy to get distracted by their appearances, but you're here for <i>answers</i>.\n\n[[Talk to the green haired one.]]\n[[Talk to the scary one.]]
<<set $visitedpinkdoor = "no">><<set $visitedgreendoor = "no">><<set $visitedsurrealdoor = "no">><<set $nap = "no">><<set $read = "no">><<set $nervous = "no">><<set $goodwill = "no">><<set $creativity = "no">><<set $encountersacchy = "no">><<set $encountersacchy2 = "no">><<set $eatencandy = "no">>Air... Air is needed for a human being to live.\n\n[[Breathe in.]]
There are needles and thread, ready to embroider something on the hoop. You don't know if you're good at this, but you want to try.\n\n<<if $read eq "yes">>You pick up the pen from the other table and draw a pattern on the fabric of the hoop. Then you proceed to embroider it.<<else>>You embroider whatever your heart tells you to.<<endif>>\n\nWhen you're somewhat done, you stop to look at it.\n\n[[It doesn't really make you feel anything.]]\n[[You're proud of it.]]
<<set $visitedsurrealdoor = "yes">>What should you do now?\n\n<<if $visitedpinkdoor eq "no">>[[Go into the pink door|shinydoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedgreendoor eq "no">>[[Go into the green door|greendoor]]<<endif>>\n[[Walk further into the hallway.]]
<<set $visitedgreendoor = "no">><<set $encountergoodthoughts = "yes">>Maybe you're one of them, if you're there?\n\nThough you don't feel particularly hungry.\n\n''//'As much as I would like to have you here, I think you should go find her'//''\n\nFind her?\n\n[[The tea disappears from your hands.]]
<<if $humanchoice1 eq "no">>''//'You think, therefore you exist.'//''\n\n<<if $read eq "yes">>That's... What you read before.<<endif>> Wait, you remember you did this.\n\n[[You step back.]]<<else>>''//'I think, therefore I exist.'\n\n'I want you to exist.\n\n[[So, I want you to think.']]//''<<endif>>
Your existence, however, is too fragile for the sheer amount of tea you drank.\n\nSlowly, you start to become an empty shell.\n\nIt appears an existence based off of pure happiness cannot sustain itself.\n\n[[Yous consciousness shatters into stardust.|Gameover]]
Cold air fills your lungs. So far, it seems like everything is alright.\n\nYou place your feet on the ground.\n\n''//Humans are complicated beings...//''\n\n<<if $alreadyplayed eq "yes">>[[You immediately recognize the voice. That is...]]<<else>>[[There is a voice somewhere. What is it? You look around.]]<<endif>>
They tilt their head.\n\n''//'The human experience is about something much more natural, though... So, if we told you everything at once, it would be fruitless.'//''\n\nThat makes sense, you guess.\n\n[[They invite you to keep exploring the place.]]
You open the door, and there are some objects placed on several neatly decorated tables.\n\nThere is an empty canvas, an open book with a pen on top of it, an embroidery hoop. Each set on top of each table.\n\n<<set $canvas = "no">>[[The empty canvas catches your attention.]]\n<<set $book = "no">>[[The open book catches your attention.]]\n<<set $hoop = "no">>[[The embroidery hoop catches your attention.]]
<<set $khradarixencounter = "yes">>And fall on the floor.\n\nYou do not feel pain when you do, but you know it's the end of your existence.\n\n[[You disappear into stardust.|Gameover]]
Well, that's probably something rude, but you get the feeling they're doing it for your own good. \n\n<<if $badendgod1 eq "yes">>''//'You do not need to break more than enough.'//''<<else>>They nod.<<endif>>\n\n''//'I'm eager to meet you, but not like this.'//''\n\n[[That makes you a little sad.]]
<<set $alreadyplayed = "no">>It's true that you feel like you have a lot of pressure, but her words made you feel better about it.\n\nSo, is this it? Have you passed the test?\n\nShe shakes her head.\n\n''//'Unfortunately, no.\n\nI've guided you too much.\n\nNext time, you'll be free.'//''\n\n[[This time, you accept your fate.]]
<<set $visitedsurrealdoor = "yes">><<set $nervous = "yes">>That person is dangerous, aren't they? You know this, somehow. Your heart is beating really fast. They're probably still in the room, behind you... \n\nOh god, oh god... You should hide before they find you.\n\n[[Walk further into the hallway.]]\n<<if $visitedgreendoor eq "no">>[[Go into the green door.|greendoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedpinkdoor eq "no">>[[Go into the pink door.|shinydoor]]<<endif>>
You suppose you need more happiness, and as you keep drinking the tea, you feel like you have nothing to worry about.\n\nYou don't have to worry about this place, or who you are...\n\nIsn't happiness something most humans want to achieve? If you can do it just by drinking tea, then nothing else really matters.\n\n[[You have a good time in the tea party.]]
<<set $creativity = "yes">>You smile while looking at your creation.\n\n[[You hear a door closing behind you.]]
You stand up and make the mistake of looking at them directly in the eyes for one last time.\n\n[[You feel the voices starting to project something inside your brain.|... What?]]
What are they...?\n\nOh, they're trying to get you to calm down, right?\n\nThey shake their head. They're a little disappointed.\n\n''//<<if $eatencandy eq "yes">>'Once they start, they never stop until they're satiated.'<<else>>'Taking the candy would've made this easier.\n\nOnce they start, they never stop until they're satiated.'<<endif>>''//\n\n''//[[Sorry.|... What?2]]//''</i></b>
<<set $visitedpinkdoor = "yes">><<if $nervous eq "yes">>You close the door behind you and make sure it's locked. That... That should do it.\n\n...There is nothing in this room.<<else>>There is nothing in this room.<<endif>>\n\nIt's an empty, lavender room.\n\nYou don't like the emptiness of it.\n\n[[Find stuff to fill the room with.]]\n[[Go back to the hallway.]]
You see a green haired person surrounded by bunnies and cats, having some tea. They're alone.\n\n<img src="http://i.imgur.com/gneV7tS.png">\n\n[[Talk to them.|Talk to the green haired one.]]
<<if $visitedsurrealdoor eq "no">>[[Go into the surreal door.|surrealdoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedgreendoor eq "no">>[[Go into the green door.|greendoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedpinkdoor eq "no">>[[Go into the pink door.|shinydoor]]<<endif>>\n[[Go somewhere else.|Keep walking through the hallway.]]
They won't tell you.\n\n[[As you watch them, they seem to grow sadder...|Oh no, are you making them sad...?]]\n[[As lonely as they seem to be, you don't have time for this.]]
<<set $encountersacchy2 = "no">>Sigh.\n\nIt's difficult to communicate.\n\nAs you look at them, you notice they seem a little less lively than before.\n\n[[Maybe what you said was too depressing.|Oh no, are you making them sad...?]]\n[[You better take off|Make the best out of your life, like they said.]]
You look around trying to see if there is anyone in the room with you, but you don't see anyone... However, you get distracted by how beautiful the room appears to be. It's such a big room! It looks eerie, everything is in different shades of pink and violet, and there are objects you could only //imagine// they were real.\n\n[[You start wondering why it's possible for you to <i>imagine</i>]]\n[[You inspect some objects in the room.]]
God, isn't it?\n\nOr something like that. You wonder if you could have a conversation with that voice. The more you spend without any answers, the more you start overthinking your place in the world.\n\nYou feel odd. Have you heard this before? Have you thought of this before...?\n\n[[Of course you have. This feels familiar, doesn't it?]]
<<set $visitedsurrealdoor = "no">><<set $nervous = "no">><<set $encounterputagalactica = "yes">>You quickly turn your back, and you see a tall person looking directly at you with an unnerving stare.\n\n<img src="http://i.imgur.com/Rh1Zyo5.png">\n\nThey're smiling, but their smile doesn't seem very human.\n\nThey reach for your face.\n\n[[Stay still. Maybe they could give you some answers.]]\n<<if $badendgod1 eq "yes">>[[Get the hell out of there as quick as you can.]]<<else>>[[Walk past them and get out of the room.]]<<endif>>
After all, you only have some ink on your wrist to prove it.\n\nThough, it's true that you //feel// human...\n\n[[Do they know who you are?]]
<<set $visitedsurrealdoor = "yes">>That was odd... You were suddenly really scared. Your heart is beating pretty fast, huh... Maybe you should find something to calm down with.\n\n[[Walk further into the hallway.]]\n<<if $visitedgreendoor eq "no">>[[Go into the green door.|greendoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedpinkdoor eq "no">>[[Go into the pink door.|shinydoor]]<<endif>>
''//'Those are what I eat.'//''\n\nThere's a pause.\n\n''//'I've tried over and over to create a lifeform that can make concepts by themselves.\n\nA lifeform that can sustain the cycle of creation by itself, just like the universe.'//''\n\n[[You look around and you see that the room is projecting Earth's current scenery; a normal city.]]
When you enter, you see your creator sitting in the middle of an almost pitch black room. \n\nShe offers you her hand.\n\n<img src="http://i.imgur.com/JvrM62O.png">\n\n[[You take it.]]
''//'The more of the cycle of creation you hold in yourself, the better you become.\n\nMerely creating a lifeform proves to be quite difficult, even for deities.\n\nJust like any human, you hold expectatives in yourself. Every human has their very step filled with expectatives of varying degrees.'//''\n\n[[Isn't it a lot of pressure?]]
You thought you would die just by not obeying...\n\nWell, it's not that you didn't obey, you just... Didn't force it out.\n\nIs that what she likes?\n\n''//'Liking or disliking are very common concepts, yet can be very complex.\n\nSomeone like me is beyond those common concepts.\n\n[[You aren't supposed to be.']]//''
<<set $khradarixsparesyourlife = "yes">>They nod back.\n\n''//'Good luck, you'll find answers soon.'//''\n\n[[They disappear, and the door closes in front of you.]]
<<set $encountersacchy2 = "yes">>But, what else should you do...?\n\n[[Walk further into the hallway.|Walkfurther]]\n<<if $visitedgreendoor eq "no">>[[Go back and into the green door.|greendoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedpinkdoor eq "no">>[[Go back and into the pink door.|shinydoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedsurrealdoor eq "no">>[[Go back and into the surreal door.|surrealdoor]]<<endif>>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Kc-Kob8I0VI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>\n\n[[GET ME OUT OF THIS MEME HELL]]
The voices stay quiet as you get further from them.\n\nYou hear someone telling you they'll be glad to meet you again, when your existence becomes stronger.\n\nYou don't feel especially flattered by that, but something tells you they're right in something.\n\n[[Walk further into the hallway.|Walkfurther]]
''//'We all eat stuff like that!<<if $khradarixsparesyourlife eq "yes">> Khradarix right here eats wills!<<endif>> But if we eat something, it doesn't mean it disappears.'//''\n\nYou think it through for a moment.\n\n<<if $khradarixsparesyourlife eq "yes">>[[They whisper to each other about some stuff.]]\n[[That sounds familiar...]]<<else>>[[That sounds familiar...]]<<endif>>
W-what? Really? After so many times...?\n\n''//'Perfection isn't what I'm looking for.\n\nPerfection isn't a natural thing.\n\nWhen you achieve it, it's more harmful than anything.'//''\n\n[[You suppose that's true.]]
You wanna know. All this stuff being so misterious is bothering you.\n\nThey seem to find your attitude to be interesting.\n\n''//'Khradarix.\n\nI'm the devourer of wills.'//''\n\n[[... Wills, you say?]]
The purple mist seems to be dangerous, though... And that's why you shouldn't breathe it in.\n\n... That's right. This has happened before.\n\n[[Nod.]]
<<set $encountersacchy = "yes">><<set $encountersacchy2 = "yes">>You're awful!\n\nOr at least that's what you hear the voices say.\n\nTheir whispers suddenly become hearable. They're saying horrible things about you.\n\n[[Apologize.]]\n[[Cover your ears and go away.]]
They don't treat it like a big deal, which you were a little anxious about. That's good.\n\nThey make a gesture to invite you to sit beside them.\n\n[[Sit beside them.]]\n<<if $nap eq "yes">>[[Politely decline and go back to the hallway.|Go back and into any of the other rooms.]]<<endif>>
You feel a little bad that you left them alone, but you're pretty sure they were the source of it, somehow.\n\n[[Walk further into the hallway.|Walkfurther]]\n<<if $visitedgreendoor eq "no">>[[Go back and into the green door.|greendoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedpinkdoor eq "no">>[[Go back and into the pink door.|shinydoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedsurrealdoor eq "no">>[[Go back and into the surreal door.|surrealdoor]]<<endif>>
Wait...\n\nYou realize... This place tends to change out of the blue. You could swear this hallway was endless, but now there's some sort of balcony to your side. <<if $encountersacchy2 eq "no">>However, you can hear voices at the end of the hallway.\n\n[[Walk closer to the voices.]]\n[[You walk into the balcony.|You walk into it.]]<<else>>\n[[You walk into it.]]<<endif>>
Being daring, that's what you feel like you should be.\n\n''//'Respect is something natural, so you would naturally be respectful to your creator\n\nWhether they scare you, or your emotions are very strong towards them.\n\nThe moment you put your life on the line to speak up, is the most valuable moment you can have.\n\nOr so it seems.'//''\n\n[[That's definitely confusing.]]
It figures, the more negative you feel, the more negative this person looks.\n\nIt's like they're happier if //you're// happier.\n\n''//'We've seen you around many times before, you know?\n\nThe more we see you, the less positive your existence becomes...'//''\n\n[[That seems like the most informative thing you've heard so far.]]
<<set $read = "yes">>Even though you don't flip through the pages, it feels like it. There are stories about 'mankind', entire encyclopedias about fantastic animals, how to build gigantic monuments, how to make glittery healing tea...\n\n<<if $alreadyplayed2 eq "yes">>There is a page of a book that says 'I think, therefore I exist.' and that does ring a bell, but you can't figure out why.\n\nWell, it's a pretty enjoyable time. You've learned many things, but concerning this situation, it was trivial and you haven't really received any //answers//.<<endif>>Well, it's a pretty enjoyable time. You've learned many things, but concerning this situation, it was trivial and you haven't really received any //answers//.\n\n[[Get out of the room. Maybe you'll find answers out there.|Outsidetheroom]]
<<set $visitedgreendoor = "no">>''//'You'll learn with time. I hope we can have a nice tea party next time we see you.'//''\n\n[[Before you go, you wanna know who they are|who is you]]\n[[You get out of the room to explore the place.]]
Rather, it feels like a waste of time.\n\n[[You feel like you could do better, so you try again.|Again]]\n[[Get out of the room.]]
As you walk, you hear whispering in the distance.\n\n[[Walk closer to the voices.]]\n<<if $visitedpinkdoor eq "no">>[[Go into the pink door|shinydoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedsurrealdoor eq "no">>[[Go into the surreal door|surrealdoor]]<<endif>>
It's odd.\n\nYes, you could describe it as odd.\n\nThey smile.\n\n''//'Do you not like odd?'//''\n\n[[Odd is great! It's just...]]
A bunch of colors start surrounding you.\n\n''//'These are concepts.\n\nAs you know, these are what makes life exist in itself.\n\nThe moment the universe was aware of itself, is the moment it started to exist.'//''\n\n[[There's a warm feeling in knowledge.]]
CREDITS\n\nCharacters:\n[[reinapepiada|http://reinapepiada.tumblr.com]] - [[kirimorii|http://kirimorii.tumblr.com]] - [[rgaze|http://rgaze.tumblr.com]] - [[estroboscopios|http://estroboscopios.tumblr.com]] - [[monoso|http://monoso.tumblr.com]]\n\nArt:\n[[reinapepiada|http://reinapepiada.tumblr.com]] - [[estroboscopios|http://estroboscopios.tumblr.com]]\n\nWriting:\n[[reinapepiada|http://reinapepiada.tumblr.com]]
They look at you, and start munching on a lollipop.\n\n<<if $nap eq "yes">>''//'Do you know who __you__ are?'//''\n\n[[Oh, right... You're...]]<<else>>You're not sure if they're going to answer your question, but after a long while, they speak up.\n\n''//'I like this place'//''\n\nHuh, how educative...\n\n''//'Do __you__ like this place?'//''\n\n[[Yes.]]\n[[Well, it's definitely pretty, but...]]<<endif>>
[[Keep walking through the hallway.]]\n<<if $visitedgreendoor eq "no">>[[Enter the green door.|greendoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedsurrealdoor eq "no">>[[Enter the surreal door.|surrealdoor]]<<endif>>
As you sit down and eat candy with them, the voices start getting louder. They don't worry you as much as you think they should, but they're growing more worried the more you spend there.\n\nThey insinuate you should leave.\n\n[[You don't wanna leave them alone.|You don't know what to say, though.]]\n[[You nod and leave.]]
<<set $nap = "no">>You don't know if you're allowed to touch them, or if they're even real, but you approach one. It looks like it's made of crystal, and has some projections inside...\n\nIt makes you feel happy, for some reason.\n\nThere is also a bed in that room. It's big, it looks comfortable... It makes you feel sleepy.\n\n[[You figure a nap wouldn't harm anyone.]]\n[[You're more curious about your surroundings than for a nap.|Curious]]
<<set $visitedgreendoor = "yes">>[[Walk further into the hallway.|walkfurthergreendoor]]\n<<if $visitedpinkdoor eq "no">>[[Go into the pink door|shinydoor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $visitedsurrealdoor eq "no">>[[Go into the surreal door|surrealdoor]]<<endif>>
It's more like... You like this place, but you feel guilty that you do.\n\nDoes that make sense?\n\n[[They tilt their head.]]
Even though this is a vast place that you can explore, and even though you don't have any memories... You know you come from Earth.\n\n<<if $read eq "yes">>You also know you shouldn't be alive if you're so far from Earth.\n\nThat's the catch, isn't it?\n\nThis is more like... [[An illusion.]]<<else>>This is confusing. [[Thinking so much makes you feel tired.]]<<endif>>
<<if $nap eq "no">>You're a little tired, but as you turn and look at them...<<else>>As you turn and look at them... <<endif>>You //remember//.\n\n<<if $encountergoodthoughts eq "yes">>[[She's responsible for this.|She's responsiblebefore]]<<else>>[[She has something to do with you, but...]]<<endif>>
They look at you for a couple of seconds, and then nod.\n\n[[Who are you?|who is you]]\n[[What is this place?|what is place]]
They nod.\n\n''//'But if you don't figure it out by yourself, then I can't tell you.'//''\n\n[[Gah, but why?]]\n[[You understand.]]
Honestly, since you were 'born', you weren't very good at making choices. Or that's what you think. All the pressure isn't good for your judgement.\n\n<<if $creativity eq "yes">>But you actually created things, and liked them! Wouldn't that be enough? Why do you have to be tested about that?\n\n[[You do whatever feels natural to yourself.]]<<else>>[[Fall into the pressure and try to obey your creator.|Create something.]]<<endif>>
It might be a little rude... But not answering things properly is a little rude, too!\n\n[[You walk further into the hallway.|walkfurthergreendoor]]
<<set $encountersacchy = "no">><<set $encountersacchy2 = "no">>They keep looking at you, and as you remain silent, they grow... Sadder.\n\n[[Oh no, are you making them sad...?]]
You hear her voice inside your head.\n\n''//'It is true'//''\n\nHuh, so she's some kind of god, right...?\n\n''//'You were born out of concepts. Natural human concepts, such as curiosity, fear, happiness<<if $encounterputagalactica eq "yes">>, creativity<<endif>><<if $khradarixencounter eq "yes">>, motivation<<endif>>...\n\nSomeone like you, should accomplish anything a human can.'//''\n\n[[Those words don't make you feel well.|She appears in front of you.]]
They're wearing a dress over the same clothes you saw them wearing the first time.\n\nIt makes you think they were kind of forced into participating in the tea party.\n\n[[Who are you?|who da fak]]\n[[What is that purple mist?]]
There's a green haired person wearing a nightgown and a mask with a cat face on it. They appear to be the one this room is inspired in.\n\n<img src="http://i.imgur.com/fU5XaLL.png">\n\nAnd here's the person you saw before... The one with the purple mist oozing out of their mouth.\n\n[[Wait, that mist is dangerous!]]
You can't possibly be alone in this palace. It's obvious, because there are several rooms, and you don't //feel// alone. It all feels definitely real, too.\n\nThis hallway seems like it has no end. The doors of each room you've passed are really pretty. A couple of them catch your eye.\n\n[[Go into a pastel green door, decorated with cats and hearts.|greendoor]]\n[[Go into a door with surreal decoration, lots of squares and contrasting colors. An odd, but interesting view.|surrealdoor]]\n[[Go into a shiny glittery pink door decorated with ribbons.|shinydoor]]
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It sounds like there's a group of people whispering things to each other, but as you keep walking, you step into a big living room and you see a mountain of candies.\n\n<img src="http://i.imgur.com/R9Xksey.png">\n\nThere's a person sitting against the mountain of candies. They look at you.\n\n[[Approach the person.]]\n[[Go back to the hallway.|Go back and into any of the other rooms.]]
[[Can you at least know what the purple mist is about?|What is that purple mist?]]
Maybe you should've taken a nap...\n\n''//'You've been good enough. You should rest...'//''\n\n[[You feel a warm embrace.]]
''//'I apologize for being so ruthless with you.\n\nI did not want you to experience death so many times.'//''\n\nYou know you've experienced death at least once, but you have a feeling it's been close to the thousand times... You don't really wanna know.\n\n[[<i><b>'You're still not the perfect one.'</i></b>]]\n\n