(if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(if:visits is 1)[You step out of The small building.]
The sun beams down on you, warm and happy. Birds fly free over head, chirping with delight. The insects chatter as the sweet smell of apple pie wafts by you.
To your left is a long forest trail with a sigh that reads blue lake
To your right is a small town with a simple road and small brightly collored houses
ahead it a city with bright, dazzling lights
(if:$book is "book")[[read book]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
you wonder where everyone went, why did they leave and who's stuff is this.
You enter a small less dense section of the forrest. Dappled light touches the shrubery and small trees. In the center there is one large tree coverd in vines with a a large bush seemingly resting on its side. It is calm still and quite.
[[turn back|start]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
after a short distance you come upon a large gate.
It apears to have two key holes, one big and one small.
(if:$apple is not "apple")[on the ground is a small apple you pick it up
(set: $apple to "apple")]
To your right are some bushes
[[turn right]]
(if:$key is "key" and $bigkey is "big key")[[procead through the gate]]
[[turn around|start]]$ret
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
The town is small and familiar
(if:$apple is not "apple")[
(set: $apple to "apple")
on the ground is a small apple you pick it up]
as you walk by the houses, somthing seems to be off.
There is nobody in them. For that matter the whole town is empty.
[[go forward|town 2]]
[[turn around|start]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
The Bright lights and wonderful sounds of the city bring back great memories
(if:$apple is not "apple")[
(set: $apple to "apple")
on the ground is a small apple you pick it up]
As you get closser however the sounds seem to fade and the bustle disapears.
The lights are still on however.
[[aproch city]]
[[turn around|start]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(if: $cut is not "cut")[
you aproch the small building.
It has a combination lock.
to your right is a knocker. whth and engraving of a crow on it.
past that is a dented gray mail box that has the paint chippign off of it
below you is a worn discollored mat that used to read welcome.
[[enter code]]
[[check under mat]]
[[use the knocker]]
[[turn around|start]]
[[cheak mailbox]]
(if: $boltcutter is "bolt cutter")[[use bolt cutter]]]
(if: $cut is "cut")[
[[open the door|The door is unlocked!]]
[[check under mat]]
[[use the knocker]]
[[turn around|start]]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
There is no wind, no clouds and almost no sounds. There is somthing in the bush.
[[eat the apple]]
[[turn around|start]] (if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
drawn in by curiosity you aproch the bush
In it is somthing reflective.
It apears that the flora has almost entiraly engulfed the object.
It must not have been touched for years.
You are standing right next to it now and see what apears to be a complex aray of metal peices.
It is motionless
[[eat the apple]]
[[move branches and leaves to get a better look|machine]]
[[turn around|start]] (if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
There are many joints made of thin more flexible materials.
Small hollow spaces can be sean filled with what seams to be tighly pact machenarie.
Despite having been here for so long it apears to have suffered little damage.
It long form apears to be currled around somthing
[[eat the apple]]
[[turn around|start]]
(If: $battery is "battery" and $wires is "wires")[
[[use the battery and wires to power the machine]]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
In what apears to be its arms are bones, seemingly preserved by the mud and roots covering most of it.
You move back startled but curiosity drives you forward.
As you look more closly at the remains you can see that the persons arms were also wraped around the machine.
The machine and person must have been here long before the large tree as it seelms to hve slighly tipped the machine.
You hold the apple tightly
You are finaly here...
Who is this?
(input-box:2bind $me,"=XXX=",1)
[[eat the apple]]
[[turn around|start]]$ret
$key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
you drop the apple
You look back one last time remembering your last words to them "thankyou"
You have another chance
You walk past them until you enter a large feild.
the suns warms you.
The birds chirp, the insects sing, the leaves rustle
You are no longer living in the past. You didn't forget, you learned.
A head of you is civilization and more importantly a bright future.
You are free.
(set: $nd to "acceptance")(if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(if:$me is "me")[
(if:$me is "Me")[
(if:$me is "its me")[
(if:$me is "it is me")[
(if:$me is "that is me")[
(if:$me is "thats me")[
(else:)[[[turn around|start]]]
(if:$me is "the person is me")[
(if:$me is "The person is me")[
(if:$me is "that person is me")[
(if:$me is "That person is me")[
(if:$me is "Myself")[
(if:$me is "myself")[
[[Continue|end]]](align:"=><=")[[The End]]you slump to the the ground and eat the apple.
It is bitter but you cannot stop
[[eat]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
The two keys fit perfectly in the gate and you unlock it.
You walk past the gate and final you reach the beutiful lake your stresses melt way. The leaves rustle in the gentel breeze.
It's just the way you remember it.
[[Go forward|feild]]
[[eat the apple]]
[[turn around|start]] $ret
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
(if:visits is 2)[(set: $m to "yes")]
(if:$m is "yes")[
(set: $wires to "wires")
To your right is a flag surounded by small purple flowers. It is at half mast.
to your left is a small blue car
ahead of you their is open road
on the ground are some wires (if: $d is 1)[(set:$tooth to "tooth")and your tooth]
You pick them up.
[[walk down the road|continue down the road]]
[[look at car|hide behind the car]]
[[look at the flag|go to flag]]
[[eat the apple]]
[[turn around|start]]]
(if: $m is not "yes")[
You feintly hear rustling behind you.
You go forward as your pulse begins to quicken
There is somthing behind you and its ganing on you.
to your right is a flag surounded by small purple flowers. It is at half mast. (imposible to hide behind)
to your left is a small car
ahead of you their is open road
[[run down the road|run]]
[[hide behind the car]]
[[turn around]]
[[eat the apple]]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $rot to it + 1)]
(if: $rot is < 5)[
You continue to eat
(if: $rot is > 4)[(if: $rot is < 10)[
You are full
(if: $rot is > 9)[(if: $rot is < 14)[
why are you doing this?
(if: $rot is > 13)[(if: $rot is < 18)[
what do you gain?
(if: $rot is > 17)[(if: $rot is < 21)[
what do you expect to happen?
(if: $rot is > 20)[(if: $rot is < 23)[
what do you expect to happen?
(if: $rot is > 22)[(if: $rot is < 24)[
you have already given up.
(if: $rot is > 23)[(if: $rot is < 25)[
There is nothing to find in the past.
(if: $rot is > 24)[(if: $rot is < 30)[
(if: $rot is 30)[
[[stop]]]you trie to stop but you cannot...
[[...]]its over
(set: $nd to "temptation")(if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(set: $ret to it + 10)
(If: $m is not "yes")[
you duck behind the car and hold your breath.
Unfortunatly you have steped on a nail
The nail digs into your skin but you don't move a muscle
The monster soon passes and its safe to move out from behing the car. Blood drains drom your foot.
You trie to stop the bleeding and are somwhat succesful.
you stand up finding that you are exausted
you look back at the car and it looks amost like your car.
[[turn around|start]]
[[continue down the road]]
[[go to flag]]]
(If: $m is "yes")[its a small old blue car and it looks kind of like your car
[[turn around|start]]
[[continue down the road]]
[[go to flag]]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
you see a figure in the distance. you cant quite make out its face but you can see that its tall.
very tall.
sunlight shines off patches of its theeeth that arent coved in dried blood.
Its too late to hide.
It aproches you
(if: $knife is "knife")[[fight]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
adrenaline kicks in and you charge at the figure
The creature, lets out a terifying roar.
It swings at you with its long clawed fingures
(if: visits is 1)[(set: $d to (random: 1, 2))]
[[doge]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(if:$d is 1)[(set:$ret to it + 15)
You have been struck and are launched to the side of the road and knocking out your tooth.
with your remaining strength you scrambledown the road
(if:$d is 2)[(set: $tooth to "tooth")
you duck under the swing and stab the creature in the jaw slising through the flash and shattering the bone suprisingly easily.
The creature scrambles off into the distance
On the ground you can see a small tooth
It apears to be a human molar
you pick it up and walk away indury free while cleaing your blade with the bloody cloth.
[[go to flag]]
[[turn back|start]]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
you are much faster the the monster and escape.
You eventualy stop out of exaustion. It doesn't apear to be anywhere in sight
You touch the side of year head and see blood on your hand.
As the adrenaline beginsd to subside you feel a throbing headache come on
[[eat the apple]]
[[continue down the road]]
[[turn back|start]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
you aproch the flag but somthing about it makes you deaply incomphertable.
[[eat the apple]]
[[continue down the road]]
[[turn around|start]] (if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(set: $ret to it + 5)
you sprint down the road as fast as you can but you trip on a pot hole and slam the side of your head into the ground.
There is no time!
[[escape]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(set: $key to "key")
you walk down the road and come across a small familiar bench.
There is a key on the ground.
you pick it up
you sit there and rest.
It is relaxing you could stay here.
[[eat the apple]]
[[keep going]]
[[turn around|start]] (if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
up ahead you see a small bulding.
Thats strange, this is right whewre you started.
and your even returning on the same road you left on.
[[keep going|start]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
you give it a nice loud knock...
looks like nobody is home
[[turn around|start]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
uppon closer inspection, the small purple flowers apear to be forget me nots
The knot in your stomach loostens a little. It's nice here. you could stay here. Why would you want to leave?
[[eat the apple]]
[[continue down the road]]
[[turn around|start]] (if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
The deaper you procead the dimmer the lights get and the quieter it becomes.
your stomach growls
[[go deeper into the city]]
[[eat the apple]]
[[turn around|start]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
A thick grey haze hangs heavy over the city.
It's cold
[[enter a building]]
[[continue deaper into the city]]
[[eat the apple]]
[[turn around|start]] (if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
you try to open a door but their all locked. however, the windows dont seem paricularly protected.
It's cold.
[[continue deaper into the city]]
(if: $jp is "jp")[
[[enter through the window|break the window]]]
(if: $jp is not "jp")[
[[break the window]]]
[[eat the apple]]
[[turn around|start]] (if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
you go forward. Now your extremitys are numb. you may have frost bite
[[eat the apple]]
(If: $jacket is "jacket")[[check]](If: $jacket is not "jacket")[[[check|ckeck1]]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
(if:visits is 1)[(set: $ret to it + 15)]
(set: $note to "name tag")
(set: $jp to "jp")
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(if:visits is 1)[
you break open a window with your elbo shaterign the thick glass leaving deep gashes in your arm.
Inside you are greated by ever so slightly warmer temperatures and reduced winds.
on the ground is an illegible note.
Your sure it was once a nametag.]
the hall splits into three paths, one leads satrait a head and out the building through another door
to other contains a small room
and the final one contains a staircase
[[stair case]]
[[eat the apple]]
[[turn around|start]] (if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(If: $jacket is not "jacket")[
(set: $jacket to "jacket")
In the room is a small folding chair with a jacket resting on top of it.
Without a moments hasitation you put it on.
It fits nicely
[[go back to hall|break the window]]]
(if:visits >= 2)[
(set: $battery to "battery")
its just a small folding chair, same as before.
Oh wait, there is a batterie on the floor.
you grab the batterie.
[[go back to hall|break the window]]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
you step out the doorway, pushing aside the heavy door, into the cold.
Its wet and dark
to your right is an old rusty dumpster
ahead is more road
[[procead|continue deaper into the city]]
[[search the dumpster]]
[[eat the apple]]
[[return to hall|break the window]]
[[turn around|start]] (if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
its dark
[[climb stairs]]
[[eat the apple]]
[[return to hall|break the window]]
[[turn around|start]]
(if: $flashlight is "flashlight")[ [[ use the flashlight]]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
(set: $flashlight to "flashlight")
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(if:visits is 1)[
(set: $ret to it + 10)
You rumage through the dumpster finding a flash light.
as you go to pull it out howver you get stabed by a small blade]
(if:visits is not 1)[nothing of value here]
[[go back to the door|door]]
[[continue deaper into the city]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
(set: $ret to it + 25)
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(If: visits is 1)[you attempt to climb the stairs but they are wet and broken.
You fall backwards down the stairs hitting you head
[[return to hall|break the window]]]
(If: visits is 2)[(set: $ret to it + 200) you attempt the climb once again
Falling backwards and landing on your head
You also hear a loudh poping sound, You apear to have broken your forarm.
It hangs loosley by nothing but skin and flesh.
But you fell no pain...
you sand up disorianted, you may have suffered a concusion.
Lookign up you can vagly make out a... somthing?
it is at the top
[[attempt the climb again]]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
(set: $boltcutter to "bolt cutter")
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
The steps are wet and broken, better not climb them.
to you left you see a bolt cutter.
You grab it.
[[return to hall|break the window]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
(set: $ret to it + 20)
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
yep thats frostbite. If only you had a jacket to keep you warm.
(If: $flashlight is "flashlight")[[use flashlight]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
no frostbite, it seems your jacket kept you nice and warm
(If: $flashlight is "flashlight")[[use flashlight]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
(set: $ret to it + 7)
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
its all icy, you slip and fall hitting yor shoulder on the pavement
you get back up
[[go further into the city]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
using your flashlight you see that it is all icy so you procead with causion. It's warm glow has saved you from indurie.
[[go further into the city]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
(If: $book is 0)[(set: $book to "book")]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
all roads seem to merge as you come across a beat up car.
Inside you find a book. You carfuly reach around the glass grab the book and get out of there.
[[eat the apple]]
[[go back the way you came|start]](if: $book is "book")[(set: $book to "book m--or--s")]
(if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
It is a well worn black book with no tital.
The spine seems to have been broken many times only to be repaired with variouse types of tape.
You causionsly open the book trying not to ri the pages.
The edges of the book have a yollow tint asthough they had recaive water damage long ago.
In black inkworrds have been written on the frts page in chicken scratch.
The first couple words have been scribbled out
Beneath them you manage to make out the letters "m--or--s"
The rest is illegible.
There a pears to be a foldeed page about halfway through the book.
[[turn to folded page]]
[[turn to last page]]
[[close book|start]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
On the folded page is a rough sketch of a oddly kind looking long machine.
Several pages before this one have been ripped out.
The pages ahead of it apear to be blank.
[[turn to last page]]
[[close book|start]]
[[eat the apple]](set: $book to "book m--or--s 20 8 5 16 5 18 19 15 14 9 19 25 15 21")
(if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
on the last page is a sequence of of numbers
20 8 5 16 5 18 19 15 14 9 19 25 15 21
[[turn to folded page]]
[[close book|start]](set: $bigkey to "big key")
(if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
whow thats a lot of mold.
(if:visits is 1)[
in it is a big key.
You you grab it and quickly drop the mat]
[[turn around|start]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(Use only numbers 1 through 26 with spaces in between)
(input-box:2bind $oneone,"=XX=",1)
[[open]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(if:$oneone is "20 8 5 16 5 18 19 15 14 9 19 25 15 21")[[The door is unlocked!]]]
[[back]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(if:visits is 1)[
you open the door and light fills the dark space.
Your here. This is your home. you are home. Ahead of you is a warm comperting place. The place you belong in.
(If: $flashlight is "flashlight")[[use the flashlight]]
[[turn around|start]]
[[eat the apple]]
[[go further back]](set: $ret to it + 20)
you set aside your belongings but not the apple.
[[Go further back|its the end]]This is no place to live...
[[turn off flashlight|The door is unlocked!]](set:$ret to it + 100)
at the end of your room you see your friend.
[[approach]]as you aproach your friend you start to relax.
you trip and fall into a deep dark pit
[[close your eyes]]you close your eyes...
[[...|.....]]you hit the ground perishing instantly.
(set: $nd to "regresion")(set: $pocketwatch to "pocketwatch")
(if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(if:visits is 1)[
In the mail box only a pocketwatch.
You you grab it.
uppon closer observation it doesnt seem to be working]
(if:visits >= 2)[There was a watch]
[[turn around|start]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
its just a bunch of bushes
[[search bushes]]
[[go to lake|lake]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
(set: $knife to "knife")
(set: $bloodycloth to "bloodycloth")
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
(if:visits is 1)[
In the bushes you find a small knife wrapped in a bloody cloth.]
(if:visits >= 2)[There was a knife and cloth here]
[[go back to the lake|lake]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
(set: $ret to it + 2)
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
Ouch! you were shocked.
[[stop trying|machine]](set: $cut to "c")
you cut through the lock
[[open door|The door is unlocked!]](dropdown: 2bind $one20, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26")
(dropdown: 2bind $two20, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26")
(dropdown: 2bind $three20, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26")
(dropdown: 2bind $four20, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26")
(dropdown: 2bind $five20, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26")
(dropdown: 2bind $six20, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26")
(dropdown: 2bind $seven20, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26")
(dropdown: 2bind $eight20, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26")
(dropdown: 2bind $nine20, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26")
(dropdown: 2bind $ten20, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26")
(dropdown: 2bind $eleven20, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26")
(dropdown: 2bind $twelve20, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26")
(dropdown: 2bind $thirteen20, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26")
(dropdown: 2bind $fourteen20, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26")
(if:$one20 is "20" and $two20 is "8" and $three20 is "5" and $four20 is "16" and $five20 is "5" and $six20 is "18" and $seven20 is "19" and $eight20 is "15" and $nine20 is "14" and $ten20 is "9" and $eleven20 is "19" and $twelve20 is "25" and $thirteen20 is "15" and $fourteen20 is "21")#Welcome!
this is a first person text based adventure game thing/trash fire.
Throught the game you can collect items and travel.
Through this you can start to figure out what the answer at the end is.
There are a total of 14 items and 4 endings to the game.
glhf (text-style:"condense")[:D]
spelling asnd gramer in this game are lacking...
you have been warned(link: "Restart")[(confirm: "Are you sure?")[(goto: "waaa")]]
your scour:$ret
items found:
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
#Your ending:
You have accepted your cercumstances and are able to move on toi live a full life. While you you are hurt now, in the futer you will always remeber them in a positvie light, you will think of the good and smile at the thought of them. You will meat people and tell the story of them. You are free.(set: $ret to it + 200)
You attempt to climb the stairs once more.
You scrabmble up but loose your footing, you gab the nearby railing using the hand on you non broken arm but it comes loose topling to the ground with you. You land on your side hand feel a splitting pain coming from your hip and radiatign out. It is likly fractured at least
you were so close to the top.
[[climb the stairs again]](set: $ret to it + 200)
at this point you can heardly walk.
you bring yourself upright leaninfg on the wall gaspign for air, somting must have caused so internal damage. Maby a broken rib.
You climb again but having suffered multiple concusions at this point you are unable to get half as far as you were able to last time.
In fallign down this distance you do manage to break you femer in two.
The back of your skull alse seems to be heavily brused. you spit bright red blood on to the ground only for your moth to fill with blood once more
[[climb]](set: $ret to it + 200)
Unable to stand up, you drag yourseld up the the stairs which, like you, were in shambles
Glass cuts into your chin seveing your flesh so deep that you can feel the tips of the glass in your mouth.
Dispit the pain you crawl on reaching for the top step. You dont have the strength to reach it no matter how hard you try.
Looking behind you you can see your blood rolign down the stairs pooling at the bottom and mixign with the mudy water you are ligng in despit you blurry vision.
You move your move your head to wipe the tears streamign down your face only to rub glass in your eyes blinding you.
You puke but are unable to move and begin to choke.
you manage to breath a little despit this.
your whole body is on fire depite the freezign cold.
This is it.
You die of exausion and hypothermia.
(set: $nd to "")(link: "Restart")[(confirm: "Are you sure?")[(goto: "waaa")]]
your scour:$ret
items found:
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
#Your ending:
You, blinded by your intense greif made a seris of bad, self endangering desitions. You will be found dead, nobody alive knowing who you are. Nobody will care about your death. Unlike them, no one will griev when you die.(link: "Restart")[(confirm: "Are you sure?")[(goto: "waaa")]]
your scour:$ret
items found:
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
#Your ending:
You refuse to belive you have lost them. You pretend things are just as they were before. You spend almost all of your time in places you used to be in together. However this decreases over time untill you almost never leave your house. Do you think of them all the time. Due to this obsesion you are unable to hold down a job or make conections with people leavign you homless and without people to care for you. You die sooner than you expect due to your refusal to perchse new and nessesary items makign you freeze to death.(link: "Restart")[(confirm: "Are you sure?")[(goto: "waaa")]]
your scour:$ret
items found:
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
#Your ending:
You have fallen into the trap of not moving on. You will constantly reflect on the longing you have for them. You will never make conections and will forever be alown. People may trie to reach out to you but you will always decline. Over time you will be left feeling numb and in despair. You will eventualy die of hunger thirst or desease as you no longer take care of yourself. You suffer for the rest of your life.(if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
A crumbling buildign lies before you.
ahead is a bad place are you ready?
[[enter]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
the stars are broken beyond repair
[[enter the building]]
[[eat the apple]]
(If: $flashlight is "flashlight")[[[use the flashlight|flash bar]]]
[[turn around|start]](set: $bar to "bar")
(if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
In Whats left of the stairs you see a peice of the metal railign. You grab it.
[[enter the building]]
[[turn around|start]](if:visits >= 2)[(set: $ret to it + 1)]
$apple- $key- $bigkey- $jacket- $flashlight- $book- $knife- $boltcutter- $tooth- $note- $battery- $wires- $pocketwatch- $bloodycloth
You step into the building. It is dimly lit by an unatral glow.
as you walk forward the loose tials shift beneath you feet.
Everythign is white. The wals the floor the seling.
Only the stains of ash and dirt add collor.
The door locks behign you.(reload:)