<img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DdVbCVXXkAYcQmB?format=jpg&name=medium" height=350 width=770 alt="Life, After">
<span class='amber'>
(align:"==><==")[[[| ENTER |->index]]]{<!-- Set autosave variables -->
(set: $_version to "1")(set: $_autosave_slot to "autosave")(set: $_autosave_filename to "save v"+$_version)(set: $_start_passage to "1")
}(set: $inv to (a:)) (set: $hp to 100)[[The end...->2]]
(set: $hp to 100)The end...
[[Nothing...->3]]The end...
[[Nothing...->4]]No, not nothing...
There's darkness...
And there's a light [[up ahead...->6]]Cool and pale, with a halo of turquoise and silver.
The light at the end of the tunnel.
It shimmers and shivers and blurs your eyes as [[you approach.->7]]But your feet aren't moving. You can barely feel them at all.
You can barely feel anything.
And yet, somehow, you are still moving closer...
[[And closer...->9]] //What's happening?//
You slowly start to become aware of [[your body->your body]] again, as you continue to drift towards the strange, pale light.
It takes some effort, but you are starting to remember. Your [[legs->legs]] aren't moving now, but they used to.
Likewise, your [[arms...->arms]]
And then there's that sensation in your [[ears...->ears]]
(if: (history:) contains "ears")+(if: (history:) contains "legs")+(if: (history:) contains "arms")[ [[You must be underwater...->10]] ]They seem to still be there - your legs - but it only just now occurs to you that you might be able to make them move.
It's hard, they seem heavy, like they are dragging or weighed down somehow.
[[«Back»->your body]]You try to move your arms - try to see them in front of you. But, like your legs, they feel heavy. Weightless and heavy all at once.
As if in slow motion, you drag your arms into sight, silhouetted against the glittering brightness in front of you.
[[«Back»->your body]]You've only just noticed it.
Is it a sensation? Is it sound? Both, perhaps. It's not exactly a rushing sound, it's too muted. It presses against your ears but carries echoes of movement from far, far away.
[[«Back»->your body]]
It's not the light at the end of the tunnel. It's the sun, and you are floating up to [[meet it->11]].
You can see, now, the dimpled skin of the water above you as it shifts from side to side.
(align: "=><=")[ [[Swim up . . . ->13]] ]
You erupt from the water at last.
Spluttering, spitting, and wiping your eyes, you take your first [[gulp of air.->14]]And now you remember breathing. You remember how much you used to love breathing and how, generally, one can't breathe underwater.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->11.1]]]You don't know for how long you weren't breathing, but it had seemed comfortable enough not to.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->11.2]]]
Now that you've remembered, though, the urge to fill your lungs with air intensifies, and a little panic creeps in.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->11.3]]]
Your lips are salty and your eyes sting like the devil. Once they're as dry and free of salt as they can be, you take in the sight of [[endless, flat ocean.->14.1]]
A small boat is tearing its way
across the water, making right for you.
You hear, "Ahoy there!" over a megaphone. The boat swerves to a halt, and a net [[scoops you up.->16]]
The rough motion forces a ton of seawater up your nose and down your throat. You're still coughing it up as the net hauls you clear out of the water to plop you inelegantly down on the deck of some kind of [[fishing vessel.->16.1]]
"Easy there, easy," says the other - a chunky man with bronzed skin. What hair he lacks on top of his head, he makes up for on his forearms. His accent is difficult to place.
[["Wh- what happened?"->18]]
"S'alright, s'alright," he says as the other sits you down with the towel around your shoulders, "Just first tell me where you've come from, eh?"
[["St. Georges Hospital."->19]]A violent knocking sensation starts up in your chest as your heart bursts awake.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->11.4]]]//This isn't how it's supposed to be!//
You strain at your arms and legs, imploring them to move - to swim!
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->12]]]
A noise from behind startles you. Thrashing and splashing, you [[whip around.->15]]
You spit one last time, and a long sigh drags out of you. You're getting used to the feeling of lungs expanding in your chest again.
[[ //What the hell is going on?// ->14.5]]
Like a wet fish, you slither and roll about on the rocking boat. This thing looks pretty aged, like it's weathered more than a few too many storms. You're practically snorting barnacles off the floor.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->16.2]]]
You try to disentangle yourself from the net and stop yourself from throwing up. Two men wearing rubber gloves clamber over ropes and boxes to reach you, one of them with a towel.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->17]]]
"Sorry, can you be a bit more general, please?"
[["Um... It's near the -"->20]]
"What country?"
//What country?//
[["Eng- England... The UK...->21]]
"Great, let's go." The man turns away and trundles back to his steering wheel. The other one, skinny and beaky-faced, hands you a bottle of mineral water and a form of some kind.
"And here's a pen for you," he says, offering it.
[["A pen for what?"->22]]
Too late, he's off doing something else now. You scrub the water and salt hard from your face and hair. What a relief. Glancing down, the form seems to just be asking for a few details. Maybe it's an immigration thing. You fill it in.
//FULL NAME:// [[Morgan Mackenzie.->22.1]]
You blink hard at this question. What on Earth do they need to know //that// for? Still, you fill it in all the same.
[[Susan Stamp (maternal grandmother)->24]]
You blink hard at this question. What on Earth do they need to know //that// for? Still, you fill it in all the same.
[[Susan Stamp (maternal grandmother)->24]]
"Nearly there!" the chunky man calls over his shoulder. You look beyond him, past the nose of the boat and you can see [[something big and bright->25]] on the horizon.
It's a large ship - you're not sure how far away exactly - but this little boat is headed straight for it.
Funny, you suppose you must be in the channel or something.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->26]]]
"Have you finished with the form yet, (if: (history:) contains "female")[ miss?" ] (if: (history:) contains "male")[ mister?" ] The beaky man comes near again.
[["I think so. Where are we going?"->27]]
[["Who are you?"->niko]]
[["Why does it ask about my dead relatives?"->relatives]]
"Where are //we// going?" He squints at the hulking great beast ahead of you. "Well, me and him are handing you over to them lot on that big ship, yonder."
[["Then what happens?"->28]]
"Ah... well you see..." (if: (history:) contains "niko")[ Niko ] (else:)[ The beaky man ] is cut off by the chunky man with a cough and a glare.
"Uh... We're not qualified to say." (if: (history:) contains "niko")[ Niko hands you a cookie from his lunchbox and gets back to work. It's a ginger nut, and it really helps with the nausea.] (else:)[ Beaky continues tidying up and fiddling with ropes. ]
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->relatives2]] ]
"Niko," he says, smiling with long teeth. "And yourself, (if: (history:) contains "female")[ miss?"] (if: (history:) contains "male")[ mister?"]
[["You can call me Morgan."->morgan]]
[["Please, just tell me where we're going."->27]]
"Lovely to meet you, Morgan." He sits down opposite you and opens a lunchbox. "I suppose you're wondering where we're going."
[["I am, yeah."->morgan2]]
[["Actually, I'm more wondering why this form needs to know about my dead relatives."->relatives]]
"Then," adds the other man, "There'll be a heap of other forms and booklets and interviews for you to enjoy."
They're acting as if this kind of thing happens all the time. Your head is still spinning, and you're struggling to remember exactly how you came to be under the sea in the first place.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->29]] ]
"Anyway, see that big ship, yonder?" He squints and points at the hulking great beast ahead of you. "Me and him are handing you over to them lot on board."
[["Then what happens?"->28]]
"Well," He squints at the hulking great ship ahead of you. "Me and him are handing you over to them lot on the big ship, yonder." Niko fishes out a cookie and hands it over. It's a ginger nut. "For the sea-sickness," he says.
[["Thanks. Then what happens?"->28]]
Staring back at the water, you realise that you feel really weird, actually. Now that the shock of almost drowning is starting to wear off, you feel, somehow... not quite yourself.
Or perhaps you're feeling more yourself than ever.
(align: "==>")[ [[Remember the hospital.->30]] ]
The hospital! That's right, you just said it moments ago. That was where you //just// were! You remember stark, white lighting. White sheets. Lots of balloons and cards and giant stuffed animals and the puffy, red eyes of [[parents.->31]]
Parents... Oh God, they must be worried sick. How the hell did you fall asleep in a London hospital and wake up under the sea?
(align: "==>")[ [[Remember your meds.->32]] ]
Your medication! Your drip! Everything! No wonder you feel weird! How long have you been without them?!
(align: "==>")[ [[But then...->33]] ]
You notice your hands... The way they look right now, folded on top of the paper in your lap. You remember how sinewy and veiny they looked just yesterday. Paler than they once were. Meatless chicken bones.
But now they look the way they did a year ago. Before the cancer...
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->34]] ]
Inspecting the palms, they have their softness back, and a healthy colour. Up the wrists - less skinny now - you can't see any of the puncture marks where the nurses jammed needles into you.
[[Check hair.->hair]]
[[Check stomach.->stomach]]
[[Check legs.->legs2]](align: "==>")[ (if: (history:) contains "hair")+(if: (history:) contains "stomach")+(if: (history:) contains "legs2")[ [["Ahoy, up there!"->35]] ] ]
You run a hand across your head, only for your fingers to tangle in a mess of wet hair. You thought you'd imagined it last time, the feel of something dragging in the water, the feel of something shaggy when you rubbed it with your towel. You chase the water droplets down to the ends of your locks.
(if: (history:) contains "female")[ By some miracle, your hair is long and thick again. Long enough to plait. Long enough to see the ends resting on your shoulder. It's wet, so it's darker than it used to be. ] (if: (history:) contains "male")[ By some miracle, your hair has all grown back! It's about as long as it used to be. Long enough to fall over your brows, maybe. ]
(if: (history:) contains "morgan2")[That ginger nut actually did do an amazing job. You must remember to thank Niko for that. A year's worth of horrible nausea - gone!
](if: (history:) contains "relatives")[ That ginger nut actually did do an amazing job. You must remember to thank Niko for that. A year's worth of horrible nausea - gone!
]No more nausea. No more cramping. You don't feel like throwing up any more - from chemo //or// the seawater you swallowed. Incredibly, you might be feeling the start of an appetite!
They're still a bit shakey. You do notice, however, that you seem to be wearing (if: (history:) contains "female")[ some kind of long, white night gown. Still damp, it clings to legs less skeletal than yesterday's. ] (if: (history:) contains "male")[ some kind of white PJs. Still damp, they cling to legs less skeletal than yesterday's. ]
[[Back.->34]](align: "==>")[Your boat is approaching
the massive ship.
It looms high
and hard white
aginst the sky.
Just now noticing it, the colour of the sky seems bluer than blue, somehow.
Your senses are alive with it! Your heart is a fist and your blood is charged and buzzing.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->37]] ]
The sun on your skin feels different, too - as if it's touching you for the very first time. Like shaking hands with a perfect stranger.
A kind of platform is lowered down on chains to sea-level from high on the ship, and the two men help you to your feet.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->38]] ]
"Alright then,(if: (history:) contains "female")[ Miss](if: (history:) contains "male")[ Mister](if: (history:) contains "morgan")[ Morgan]," says (if: (history:) contains "niko")[ Niko,](else:)[ the beak-faced man.] "Hop on."
You stare at the rickety thing. It's a long way up...
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->39]] ]
You should be scared, shouldn't you? Or at least concerned. You do realise, don't you, that you are totally at the mercy of strangers right now?
But no, something's compelling you to move on. Something's calling you and the feelings of power and energy are growing by the minute.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->40]] ]
"Bye, then," you tell them, offering back the towel, "And thank you." But they push it back towards you to keep for yourself. You notice they are still wearing those rubber gloves.
"Just doing our jobs, (if: (history:) contains "female")[miss." ] (if: (history:) contains "male")[sir." ]The chunky, bronzed man smiles, tightly, then helps you onto the platform. "You'll be just fine."
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->41]] ]
He closes the metal frame that borders the platform, and the little boat backs away.
With a //clang//, the platform jerks upwards and your ears are filled with the metallic //clacker, clacker, clacker// of chains turning along wheels.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->42]] ]
And you were right. It is indeed a long way up. The ocean wind whips up your hair, still wet and cold, and you almost lose your towel to it.
The higher you rise, the more you can see. Yours wasn't the only little boat. There are loads - all seeming to sail to and from this ship.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->43]] ]
At the top, you are greeted by two ladies, one older and one younger. Both are smartly dressed and wearing blue rubber gloves, like dentists, and they help you onto the deck.
"Afternoon, (if: (history:) contains "female")[young miss, ] (if: (history:) contains "male")[young sir, ]is that all filled in, then?" the older one yells over the wind and you offer her the form. She glances at the paper flapping wildly in her hands, then back at you.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->44]] ]
"Morgan Mackenzie. That right?" She squints against the tendrils of black hair whipping her eyes.
"Uh, yes. Yes miss." - a habit of yours from school.
"Great, let's get you inside." They both lead you to the nearest door - a heavy, steel thing with a circular window. One of them holds it open for you.(align: "==>")[ [[Enter.->45]] ]
On the other side, a corridor marches away, deeper into the beast. The smart but simple decor reminds you of the ferry you took on a school trip to France. The floor shifts up and down and side to side, and you hope your nausea doesn't return.
Another corridor crosses yours, left and right.
<div style="float: left">[[Glance left.->glanceleft]]</div><div style="float: right">[[Glance right.->glanceright]]</div><div style="clear: both;"></div>
(align:"==><==")[[[Follow straight on.->46]]]
The ladies stride ahead to the double doors at the far end, which are mostly made of glass, and it looks like they lead to some kind of passenger lounge. The younger lady holds one of them open for you.
"Make yourself comfortable somewhere," she says, "I'll be with you in a tick."
(align:"==>")[[[Enter.->47]]](if: (history:) contains "glanceright")+(if: (history:) contains "glanceleft")[
You glance left again-
"Are you coming?" the older lady raises her eyebrows at you impatiently.
You can see out through a port hole. The sun is starting to get low, and its light is slanting in.
You can see a small boat on the water from here. There's something large on it, all curled up and... twitching?]
(align:"==>")[[[Glance right.->glanceright]]]
(align:"=><=")[[[Follow straight on.->46]]](if: (history:) contains "glanceright")+(if: (history:) contains "glanceleft")[
You glance right again-
"Come along, please," says the younger lady. //We haven't got all day,// says her face.
A large, square stairwell, leading upwards and downwards. People are milling about.
You can hear gushing water upstairs. And downstairs... Is that smoke? No one seems concerned.]
(align:"<==")[[[Glance left.->glanceleft]]]
(align:"=><=")[[[Follow straight on.->46]]]
You spy an empty seat and sink down into it. There's quite a lot of people here, but you try to keep your head down. You must look very strange, indeed - all wet and in your nightwear. At least you're not dripping so much any more.
It feels like another hospital waiting room (like you haven't seen enough of //those//). You really wish you had a game to play and you're missing your handheld. You pull the towel tighter around yourself.
(align: "==>")[ [[Next->48]] ]
(align:"==><==")[[[Peek at who's in front of you.->cryinggirl]]]
<div style="float: left">[[Look out the window.->window]]</div><div style="float: right">[[Peek right.->phasingguy]]</div><div style="clear: both;"></div>
(align:"==><==")[[[Peek behind you.->lioness]]]
(if: (history:) contains "cryinggirl")+(if: (history:) contains "window")+(if: (history:) contains "phasingguy")+(if: (history:) contains "lioness")[ It seems you may not look as strange as you first thought...
There's a fairly young girl about your age, there. She also has a towel, and looks a bit on the damp side. Is she crying? She opens her eyes for a second and they are bright yellow. She opens her mouth for a second and - just then - it looked as though she had long fangs; folding up and down inside her mouth like a snake...
Better to just stare out the window and mind your own business. That lady said she'd come and find you soon. The sea outside is vast and quite calm, though you're now noticing some dark clouds in the distance, splitting up the setting sun. Still lots of little boats coming and going. (if: (history:) contains "glanceleft")[You try to look for that one with the twitching thing on it, but you can't see it any more.]
To the right of you, some way away, you can see a disheveled man being comforted by two members of staff - both wearing these blue rubber gloves. He appears to be hyperventilating, and rapidly phasing in and out of existence.
Pretending to dry your hair, you twist around to see and...
Good God, is that a //lioness// lounging across the three seats behind you?! It's grumbling something to the member of staff sitting adjacent to it - rubber-gloved and listening intently.
<!-- Auto-save our progress (unless a passage forbids it) -->
(unless: (passage:)'s tags contains "nosave")[
(save-game: $_autosave_slot, $_autosave_filename)
} {
<!-- Set initial variables that change here instead of in the Startup passage -->
Begin a New Adventure->1]]
(unless: (saved-games:) contains $_autosave_slot and (datavalues: (saved-games:)) contains $_autosave_filename)[(goto: $_start_passage)]
Already on your way?
(link: "Continue on your Journey")[(load-game: $_autosave_slot)]
(set: $hp to 100)
A part of you wants to ask someone what's actually going on here - just quickly, before that lady comes over. You might have time to talk to <u>just one</u> passenger...
[[Go to the crying girl.->cryinggirl2]]
[[Go to the hyperventilating man.->phasingguy2]]
[[Go near(ish) the lioness.->lioness2]]
[[Stay by the window instead and stay put.->50]]
(if: (history:) contains "cryinggirlbad")[
She's still sobbing into her towel.
She's quietly weeping into her towel, no one seems to be with her yet. Her coarse, black hair is woven into a braid as long and thick as your arm. She must be cold - a lot of her tawny skin is exposed. Her long, white shift doesn't cover her arms, and she's shivering.
[[Approach confidently.->cryinggirlconfident]]
[[Approach cautiously.->cryinggirlcautious]]
[[Never mind, stay put insead.->50]]
(if: (history:) contains "phasingguybad")[
He's still flickering and freaking out.](else:)[
Is it a trick of the light? Maybe your eyes are failing from lack of meds, but he keeps flickering in and out of sight. He's got two people with him, trying to soothe him, but it doesn't look like it's working. The sometimes-invisible man is wearing a white shirt and grey trousers, with a grey tie hanging loosely around his collar.]
[[Approach confidently.->phasingguyconfident]]
[[Approach cautiously.->phasingguycautious]]
[[Never mind, stay put insead.->50]]
(if: (history:) contains "lionessbad")[She's still languishing on those seats, the tufty end of her tail is flicking from side to side quite contentedly.
This creature appears to be the only calm thing in your vicinity. That member of staff - an older man - is perilously close to it. But something tells you that all is not as it seems.
[[Approach confidently.->lionessconfident]]
[[Approach cautiously.->lionesscautious]]
[[Never mind, stay put insead.->50]]
Probably a good idea. You're clearly going insane - best not to make it worse. Just focus on the calming waves...
The pretty sunset...
The [[pirate ship->pirate]] on the horizon...
Before you know it, the lady comes and plonks herself down in the seat opposite you.
(align: "==>")[[[Next.->51]]]
(if: (history:) contains "pirate")[ "There you are!" the lady smiles pleasantly as she sits opposite you. ](else:)["Hello, hello," says the lady, smiling broadly. ]"Welcome aboard, young Morgan - can I call you Morgan?"
[["Yeah, sure."->morgan3]]
[["Uhh..."->formal]](set: $pirate to true)
What the heck is //that// thing doing there?
"Splendid! Splendid. My cat was called Morgan. Anyway, //my// name is Lucinda Fairfax, I'll be assisting your transition today. Now tell me, Morgan, has anyone told you the ins and outs of exactly..." She leans forwards and mouths the words: "... what's going on?"
[["Not... really..."->52]]
"Ah, not to worry - say no more, young(if: (history:) contains "female")[ miss,] (if: (history:) contains "male")[ sir,] say no more. Aww..." She goes sad, suddenly, pouting at the information on your form, "Young, indeed! Seventeen. Poor thing. //Anyway,// my name is Lucinda Fairfax, I'll be assisting your transition today. Now tell me,(if: (history:) contains "female")[ miss,] (if: (history:) contains "male")[ sir,] has anyone told you the ins and outs of exactly -" She leans forwards and mouths the words: "- what's going on?"
[["Not... really..."->52]]
"Excellent, excellent." Lucinda flicks a blue thumb through the pages on her clipboard. "Just got to go over a few bits with you, for our records... Aha!" She pulls out a sheet of paper and fixes it to the front. Clicking the end of her pen, she begins to fill it in.
//Alright. Big smiles.//
You stride over with your renewed energy and perkiness. It feels so GOOD to be fit and well again! You extend a hand.
[["Hi there! My name is-"->cryinggirlbad]]
She must feel quite vulnerable. Better to try a gentle approach. You sit beside her, with a space between you. Quietly, you ask: "Excuse me... Are you alright?"
The girl's face is buried in her towel, and she peeks at you with one yellow eye. You offer a small, sympathetic smile.
"I don't know..." she whimpers.
(align:"==>")[[[Give her your towel.->cryinggirlgood]]]
He's staring at his hands, and every time he disappears, he reappears looking more terrified. The man reminds you of a time when you were ten years old, and a crow was injured on your lawn. The thing was flapping around, panicking, and your father wanted to help it. He threw a cotton sheet over it to calm it down. The crow couldn't see the monsters any more, so it stopped freaking out.
(align:"==>")[[[Cover his eyes.->phasingguygood]]]
He's really freaking out, and although the members of staff are clearly trying to calm him down, they just seem to be getting him more riled up. He's staring at his hands, and every time he disappears, he reappears looking more terrified. So you approach very sheepishly, so not to spook him.
[["Excuse me... is everything alright, sir?"->phasingguybad]]
The lioness looks like such a proud creature. And now that you have paused to watch more carefully, it seems to be somehow conversing with the older gentleman. He looks like he's conversing back, so either he's mad, you're mad, or that lioness is a person. Your mother always said that a compliment goes a long way, so this might be the best approach for either scenario.
[["Sorry to interrupt, but you look absolutely gorgeous."->lionessgood]]
God, it's huge! It could eat you alive. Better make no sudden movements. Stay calm... STAY CALM...!
She hisses at you violently! Big yellow eyes! Slitted pupils! Scary snakey fangs! You can't help but recoil, and that makes her cry even harder. You'd better back off. You might still have time to:
Talk to that [[hyperventilating man->phasingguy2]] (if: (history:) contains "phasingguy2")[<u>again.</u>]
Approach that [[lioness->lioness2]] (if: (history:) contains "lionessbad")[<u>again.</u>]
Or just [[return to your seat->50]] by the window.
She looks down at the towel in your hand then back at you, uncertain. Her lips part to reveal a bit of fang.
"It's okay," you whisper, "Take it. Are you cold?"
The girl stiffens and examines you suspiciously, but doesn't object as you slowly drape your towel across her shoulders.
"I'm Morgan, by the way."
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->mina]]](set: $mina to true)
"M-Mina," she says, lowering the towel from her face. "Mina Sidiqi. D-do you know what's going on, here? I'm so confused." You both look around the room.
"I was hoping you could tell me," she shakes her head and you sigh. "One minute I was in London, the next..."
"Same. I was //just// in Greece an hour ago."
(align:"==>")[[["Morgan Mackenzie?"->50.1]]]
You turn away from Mina to see that the lady that first welcomed you is walking to where you'd sat. You say a quick goodbye and return to where you were sitting.
The lady sits opposite you with a clip-board.
"Do NOT interrupt!" The lioness' voice booms between your ears, but its lips do nothing but snarl. Terrified, you back away. You might still have time to either:
Talk to that [[crying girl->cryinggirl2]] (if: (history:) contains "cryinggirlbad")[<u>again.</u>]
Talk to that [[hyperventilating guy->phasingguy2]] (if: (history:) contains "phasingguybad")[<u>again.</u>]
Or [[go back to your seat by the window.->50]]
"Just go back to your seat, (if: (history:) contains "male")[mate,](if: (history:) contains "female")[sweetheart,]" snaps one of the staff, "We've got this under control."
//Charming...// The flickering man grips his head in anguish, holding back a scream. Maybe you really should [[return to your seat.->50]] Or, if you have time, you could:
Talk to that [[crying girl->cryinggirl2]] (if: (history:) contains "cryinggirlbad")[<u>again.</u>]
Approach that [[lioness->lioness2]] (if: (history:) contains "lionessbad")[<u>again.</u>]
Ignoring the staff, you march forwards assertively and, when he's visible, you wrap your towel around his eyes.
"Hey!" the man and the staff members protest at first, but you know this will work. You hold the towel tightly over his head, telling him firmly that he'll be okay. He starts to calm down - at the very least, because he's distracted by the weirdness of this. The staff calm down, too, and return to their duties, satisfied that they're no longer needed.
(align:"==>")[[["Are you okay now?"->stefan]]](set: $stefan to true)
"I... I think so... Yes..." His breathing slows. "Who are you?"
"I'm Morgan. Listen, do you know what's going on here?"
"Not a clue! I just don't understand." He sniffs, "I'm Stefan, by the way. One minute, I'm freezing in Berlin, the next -"
(align:"==>")[[["Morgan Mackenzie?"->50.2]]]
You turn away from Stefan to see that the lady that first welcomed you is walking to where you'd sat. You say a quick goodbye and return to where you were sitting.
The lady sits opposite you with a clip-board.
"Well, well, well." The lioness fixes you with her piercing, orange eyes. Her lips snarl, but you can hear her voice between your ears - deep and sultry. "//Someone// was raised well." She turns her massive head to the man adjacent to her, "Leave us." The man glances at you, rolls his eyes, and walks away with a shake of his head.
"I like you, child," she says with a voice like syrup and cigars. "Come closer, what is your name?"
[["Morgan Mackenzie, Miss...?"->hashiki]](set: $hashiki to true)
"You may call me Hashiki. A Kenyan name. It means '//passion//'." The lioness whips her tail up dramatically. (if: (history:) contains "female")["You know... You are the first person to address me appropriately, here. Are you seeking employment?"] (if: (history:) contains "male")["Hmmm," she grumbles low, "You seem like a strapping young lad..."]
"Actually, I'm wondering if you can tell me what's going on here, please?"
(align:"==>")[[["Morgan Mackenzie?"->50.3]]]
You turn away from Hashiki to see that the lady that first welcomed you is walking to where you'd sat. You say a quick goodbye and return to where you were sitting.
The lady sits opposite you with a clip-board.
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->51]]]"So, full name: Morgan Mackenzie, correct?" You nod, she scribbles. "And is that your birth name?" You nod again, she scribbles. "Good, that saves us some extra paperwork. You've put 'Susan Stamp' as your most recent deceased-"
"Yeah, why does it ask for that?"
"Oh gosh, apologies, I'm doing this in the wrong order. I'm a bit new, you see. Still getting the knack of this protocol."
<span class='amber'>
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->54]]]"Moving on," she glances at the next question, then pauses. She narrows her eyes at you, like she's choosing her next words very carefully. "Do you... Have you noticed any... //changes//... to yourself?"
"To your body, perhaps? Or your senses?"
<span class='amber'>
[["Actually..."->55]]You tell her about your hair growing back, and how you seem to be a healthier weight than yesterday. Lucinda nods as she listens, apparantly not at all surprised. You mention that you've been feeling this amazing surge of energy and she seems to perk up.
"A... //surge//, you say?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Kind of. It's hard to explain. It's like the cancer has just... sort of... gone." <span class='amber'>
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->56]]]"Of course, of course." Lucinda doesn't seem terribly impressed by that. "But tell me more about this //'surge'// of energy, as you put it."
She leans forward eagerly, cocking her head like an interested puppy. You notice, suddenly, that the collar of her smart, white blouse is hiding something either side of her neck. Are those... gills?
<span class='amber'>
[[Tell her how truly energised and amazing you feel.->amazing]]
[[Downplay the truth.->downplay]]
[[Demand some proper answers.->demand]]You(if: (history:) contains "demand")[ begrudgingly] tell her about how the world seems //so much sharper// than before. Colours are extremely vibrant, you feel like you're walking on air and there's what feels like a great ball of energy in your stomach - and it's growing in power. She scribbles down notes with raised eyebrows and approving nods.
"Interesting, interesting," she mutters, still writing. "So, did you have any extreme hobbies or interests before you died, then?"
"Before I..." You stall. //What did she say?// Watching her face, it stiffens, eyes widening, and her pen-hand freezes mid-sentence.
<span class='amber'> (align:"==>")[[[Next.->57]]]In truth, the world seems //so much sharper// than before. Colours are extremely vibrant, you feel like you're walking on air and there's a great ball of energy growing in your stomach. But then...
"I think it's just the adrenaline," you tell her. "Nothing special."
"Ah, I see," she mutters, still writing. "So, did you not have any extreme hobbies or interests before you died, then?"
"Before I..." You stall. //What did she say?// Watching her face, it stiffens, eyes widening, and her pen-hand freezes mid-sentence.
<span class='amber'> (align:"==>")[[[Next.->57]]]"Look," you tell Lucinda, "Can you please just tell me why there's all this weird stuff going on? Why was I randomly in the sea? Why is there a lioness on board, why is that guy going invisible and what's up with that snake-girl? I'm pretty sure this //wasn't// on my list of side-effects." Lucinda gives you a pretty patronising smile.
"That's all on my //next// sheet," she says, patting the papers on her clipboard. "I just want to know a bit more about the way you feel, please. I assure you, it's quite important."
<span class='amber'>
[[Tell her how truly energised and amazing you feel.->amazing]]
[[Downplay the truth.->downplay]]"I mean..." she says, "Oh damn it. I'm awfully sorry about that." Lucinda frantically flicks through her pages, then back-tracks upon not finding something. "Ah! Here." She clears her throat and, attempting to regain her composure, reads from a script.
"On behalf of the Administration, the crew of Vessel PM-5, and all your ancestors, I warmly welcome you to the Second Life. You may be experiencing feelings of nausea, anxiety, confusion and/or depression right now, but I am here to help you with any questions you may have about the post-death transitioning process." She looks up from the script to flash you a smile.<span class='amber'>
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->58]]]"//Do// you have any questions about the post-death transitioning process?"
<span class='amber'>
[["I'm sorry - what?"->59]]
Lucinda leans forward with a sympathetic grimace, "I know. It's a lot to take in, isn't it? Bit weird. Not at all as expected. But I am here to answer as many questions as you'd like to ask."<span class='amber'>
[["Right... So where //actually// are we?"->where]]
[["If I'm dead, how can you see me?"->how]]
[["Can I go back?"->can]]
[["What's up with all the weird people and animals on board?"->what]]
[["Why are so many people wearing rubber gloves?"->whygloves]]
[["Is this heaven? Because it's not what I pictured..."->heaven]]
[["I don't have any more questions."->60]]"We are currently anchored approximately eighty miles off the coast of a city called <span class='amber'>[[Port Mercurius.->portmercurius]]</span> Might be a wee while yet, but once <span class='amber'>[[the PM-5->pm5]]</span> reaches her full capacity, we'll make a move and should make port after a four-hour journey"
<span class='amber'>
[[Back.->59]] "Oh! Heavens," she chuckles, "You're not a ghost, sweetie. We've all passed through to the Second Life, here. We're all quite dead."
<span class='amber'>
[[Back.->59]] Lucinda's smile drops, and she purses her lips. "No, sweetheart. No, I'm afraid not. Many have tried to return to the living. None have succeeded. Well," she straightens up, "Not //yet// anyway. If that's a route that interests you, there are <span class='amber'>[[academies->academies]]</span> researching the possibilities. You can always dedicate your afterlife to aiding their research."
<span class='amber'>
[[Back.->59]] "Port Mercurius, yes," she says again, "You died in Europe, I assume."
"Uh, sort of. The UK. Does that still count?"
"We go by rough geographical regions or continental plates here. The British Isles' deceased get processed along with the rest of Western Europe at Port Mercurius. Better chance of reuniting old friends and family, you see. But once you are settled in, you are welcome to roam the heartlands. Track down some ancestors. That sort of thing."
<span class='amber'>
[[Back.->where]] "Ah," she says, "Yes, the Vessel PM-5. Built specifically for ferrying the dead across the Aftersea. I'll show you to your cabin in a minute, though last I heard we're at around 90% capacity. So you won't have long to wait before we head back to shore."
<span class='amber'>
[[Back.->where]] "That's right. Contacting loved ones still in the First Life has been the ambition of most people that arrive here. If you want to try, then you can apply for a Fellowship. The closest one to Port Mercurius is The Trident in New Rome. I'll find some brochures for you."
<span class='amber'>
[[Back.->can]] "Anyone wearing a uniform like mine is a member of the ship's crew. Everyone else is a passenger, like you are. The recently deceased. Try not to stare, though. Not everyone takes on the same form they had in their previous lives. Many may enter this life as a reflection of who they really are, or of the deeds they've done. There's little more logic to it than that. And sometimes this place has a kind of sick sense of humour. Irony's a hell of a thing."
<span class='amber'>
[[Ask about her gills.->gills]]
[[Ask about yourself.->yourself]]
[[Back.->59]] "Oh, you noticed, did you?" Lucinda grins proudly and lowers the collar of her blouse to reveal the slits of skin either side of her neck. "I got off quite lightly. In my first life, I lived on the Amalfi Coast and swam every day. I'd snorkel in search of shells to sell in my shop by the seashore... Huh. I'm sure there's a tongue twister about that... Anyway, needless to say, I don't need my snorkel gear any more."
<span class='amber'>
[[Back.->what]] "Well, that's what we aim to find out. I'll conduct a few tests with you to see what your Special is. Looking at you now, you don't appear to have any physical alterations, so you may have what we call an Abstract Special."
<span class='amber'>
[[Back.->what]] "Ah," she says, holding up her blue hands, "These are nothing to worry about. They're for our own protection. We're handling hundreds of unprocessed souls every day, any one of whom may have a devastating, contact-based Special. I heard a story once about a woman who killed anyone whose skin touched hers. Very rare, but it can happen."
<span class='amber'>
[[Back.->59]] "Great," she says, "Any time you want to ask something, don't be shy. Believe me, in a world like this one, there really is no such thing as a stupid question."
Lucinda puts her pen away and stands up, indicating that you should <span class='amber'>[[follow her.->61]]Lucinda giggles, "Um, no. Not quite. We do get asked that a lot, though. There are certainly some gorgeous spots and breathtaking views to be found here - but Heaven?" she puffs, "I certainly wouldn't call it that. Besides, it seems that every single person that ever lived - saint or sinner - has been and will be sent here."
<span class='amber'>
[["Is there a Hell?"->hell]]"Ummm..." Lucinda stares into the middle distance, "I think we'd better move on."
<span class='amber'>
She leads you from the lounge towards a stairwell and you both descend a couple of decks. You have to hold on tightly to the railing as the ship rocks from side to side. There are all manner of strange-looking souls marching about. Lucinda nods to a few crew members as they pass by, many of whom are accompanied by someone looking as confused as you feel.
Eventually, she brings you into a long, narrow corridor of many numbered doors. Striding ahead and pushing against the walls for balance, she reads each number, gradually slowing down. When you catch up to her, she has stopped and is now fiddling in her pockets.
"Aha! Here we are," she says, pulling out a keycard on a lanyard. You have to press yourself flat against a wall as a man with feathers for hair passes you in the opposite direction. Lucinda swipes the keycard and you both [[enter.->63]]
It's a narrow room all in off-white. Lucinda closes the door behind you and opens up a small wardrobe. She takes out a thick, white bathrobe and hands it to you, which you gratefully put on and wrap tightly around you. She invites you to sit on the single bed while settling herself into the desk-chair opposite.
"Alright," she says, taking a small mirror from off the desk,<span class='amber'> [["Take a look."->64]]
You take the mirror from her and look into it. The face staring back looks different from yesterday's. It's healthier. Your cheeks have regained their old plumpness and colour. Eyes, wide with fascination. A thick head of hair, now almost completely dry.
For the longest time, you've despised catching yourself in the mirror - to have that skeletal Gollum eyeing you up every day. But now... You really didn't think you'd ever see the old you again. And suddenly, you feel like you want to [[hold on to this mirror->65]] forever.<span class='red'> <p style="font-size:20px">(if: (passage:)'s name is "inventory")[<!--Do nothing-->](else-if: (passage:)'s tags contains "donotshowinventory")[<!--Do nothing-->](else:)[(if: (history:) contains "67")[(align:"==>")[[[|INVENTORY|->inventory]]]]](align: "==>")[(if: $hp > 100)[(set: $hp to 100)](if: $hp < 0)[(set: $hp to 0)]<p style="font-size:15px">Health: (print: $hp)%(if: $leginjury is true)[
Your leg is injured.](if: $bleeding is true)[
You are bleeding.](if: $co2poisoning is true)[
You have mild CO2 poisoning.](if: $wristinjury is true)[
Your wrist is injured.](if: $spiderbite is true)[
You have been bitten.]]</p>(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)
(align:"==><==")[<h3>''INVENTORY''</h3>]//These are the items you currently have stored in your hammerspace.//
<span class='amber'>
(if: $mirror is true)[- Mirror](click: "- Mirror")[(display: "mirror")]
(if: $brochure is true)[- Brochure](click: "- Brochure")[(display: "brochure")]
(if: $keycard is true)[- Keycard](click: "- Keycard")[(display: "keycard")]
(if: $extinguisher is true)[- Fire Extinguisher](click: "- Fire Extinguisher")[(display: "extinguisher")]
| //MIRROR added to inventory// | (set: $mirror to true)
You jump, startled, as the mirror vanishes from your grip. It's gone! Lucinda makes a noise and you look up to see her mouth fall open.
"What happened!? Where did it go?" you ask her, kneading the empty air between your hands. She shrugs, aghast.<span class='amber'>
"You tell //me//," she says, now smiling. "Do you feel anything?"
You're not sure. Apart from the surprise of that new magic trick, you've no idea what kind of feeling to look out for.
"I don't think so," you tell her, "I don't know where I've put it."<span class='amber'>
[[[Next->67]]]<p style="font-size:20px">//It's a small, circular mirror on a metallic stand. How the hell did it get here?//
<p style="font-size:20px">//It's about the Trident Academy at New Rome. [[READ->readbrochure]]//<span class='amber'>(link-undo:"Back to inventory.")
//<h3>THE TRIDENT</h3>// - Striving for excellence since 97 AD -
Are you looking for meaning in your afterlife?
Are you a motivated individual who has what it takes?
Do you care about the peace and safety of those less powerful?
Here at THE TRIDENT ACADEMY, you can realise your full potential with our dedicated workforce of experienced mentors and trainers.
So named for our three-pronged approach, The Trident offers rigorous programmes for each of the three main Guardian types:
- The WARRIOR Guardian: //Learn to channel your physical fighting power with some of history's greatest heroes in our world-famous arena.//
- The SORCEROR Guardian: //Discover new possibilities for your Abstract Special through guided introspection and practice.//
- The HIDDEN Guardian: //Become one with the shadows or hide in plain sight by training as our most secret defenders of justice.//
Application forms can be obtained from your local Administration branch. Places on each course are subject to approval and availability.(if: (history:) contains "inventory")[
"What!?" That was crazy, you have a real-life inventory! You've got hammerspace! You tell Lucinda about this and she shakes her head with a smile.
"Kids these days! I keep on hearing about this 'videogame' phenomenon from the newcomers. You're all obsessed!"<span class='amber'>
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->69]]]]</span> (else:)[
"I can see something," you tell her. "Floating just here..." You grab for the air in front of you but Lucinda doesn't seem to see it. "It's just the word, 'Inventory' - like in a game..."
She looks confused, "I'm not sure I get the reference but never mind. Try exploring it deeper. Go into your - as you say - 'inventory'."
Well. You suppose you may as well try...
"'Where you've //put// it?'" Lucinda narrows her eyes. "You feel like it still exists somewhere? You've not destroyed it?"
"Well... Yeah, I suppose." You try to search for it in your mind. You do have the strangest sense that the mirror is still with you somehow. Suddenly, you are reminded of all the videogames you used to play to wile away the hospital hours, and a single word pops up in your vision...<span class='amber'>
[[[Next->68]]](if: (history:) contains "69")[
"Wow!" you exclaim. That was pretty cool! "It just disappeared! But not really, I've still got it!" Lucinda laughs along with you.
"Fascinating!" she beams as she writes more notes, "It's not something I've seen a lot of before. Perhaps it'll be a quirk of this new generation of deceased."
<span class='amber'>
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->70]]]] (else:)[
"Try something else," Lucinda says as she leafs through the papers on her clipboard. "Can you do the same thing with this?" She hands you a brochure of some kind and you take it. Nothing happens at first, until you decide you want to keep it.
| //BROCHURE added to inventory// | (set: $brochure to true)
It's gone! Lucinda grins and you try to find it again.
"I suppose the next logical thing to test is whether you can give things back. You know," she looks at you expectantly, "Take them //out// of... wherever they are." Agreeing to give it a go, you try to focus on that new muscle again. You visualise the mirror first - its weight, its texture, its... mirrorness. You hold out your hands, as if getting ready to catch it. And as soon as you decide to let it go:
| //MIRROR removed from inventory// |
(set: $mirror to false)<span class='amber'>(align:"==>")[[[Next.->71]]]
With a //clunk// of metal and glass, the mirror materialises in your hands. Lucinda scribbles furiously at the forms on her clipboard.
"Fab," she says, sounding impressed. But then changes her tone upon checking the slim, golden watch on her wrist. "Ah, you know what, let's take a break there. You've not really had any time to yourself. No rest even for the dead, it seems! Sorry... it's easy to forget how new this must all feel to you. But I'm sure you'd like some time to reflect."
<span class='amber'>(align:"==>")[[[Next.->72]]]
"Keep the brochure," she says, getting up, "It helps to focus on the opened window, rather than the closed door. Have a read if you haven't already. I'll be back later." You watch her as she moves to the door, pausing before touching the handle, "If you're hungry, someone will come down the corridor soon with food, I'm sure."
Lucinda offers a sympathetic smile before leaving the room.
<span class='amber'>(align:"==>")[[[Next.->73]]]
You sit there; alone, for the first time since floating up from the... what did she call it? The Aftersea...
This is mental. But you are certain now that this isn't a mad dream. You can feel it in your DNA. You can feel that this is the single most natural thing in the world - and that it's right that you've come here. You realise, now that Lucinda is gone, that you actually have so many more questions to ask.
<span class='amber'>(align:"==>")[[[Next.->74]]]
But your thought is interrupted by the sound of several pairs of feet running past your room, with worried shouts and frustrated moans.
Just as you ponder what might be going on, you then hear a commotion from the deck directly above you.
<span class='amber'>
[[Stay and look through the porthole.->pirate2]]
You open the door just a crack, so you can see back down the way you came. Down at the very far end, where the stairs are, you see the last of several crew members running up to the deck above.
You feel compelled to follow them, and you take your keycard before leaving the room.
| //KEYCARD added to inventory// | (set: $keycard to true)
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->76]]](if: (history:) contains "pirate")[Huh. That pirate ship is still out there - a bit closer than before, and you wonder if the ferry's crew have noticed, or if they care. Maybe this is just part of the 'new normal' that you'll have to get used to.](else:)[Through the circle of glass in your cabin wall, you can see what appears to be a... a pirate ship? What on Earth is that doing there?]
You hear more of a kerfuffle outside your cabin again, and lots of voices, though you can tell they are disappearing down the hall.
Maybe you //should// [[[go and see->75]]] what all the commotion is about...
<p style="font-size:20px">//A small rectangle of plastic with "Room 2056" written on it.//
You head towards the sound of a struggle up the stairs, alert to your surroundings and oddly invigorated by the call to action. You can still hear a commotion above your head. There's a crash and now you're racing to find the cause.
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->77]]]You emerge from the stairs into the corridor in time for you to hear the word, "DUCK!"
Spinning around, you narrowly escape being hit in the face with something white. You hit the deck and everything's a blur! There's a group up ahead, wrestling with someone.
Or some-//thing//! It looks like a huge creature of some kind - the size of a moose! - and as soon as your eyes can get a fix on it, you are horrified to see that it's an absolutely ENORMOUS brown spider!
The white blur you just dodged was a thick, slimy rope of webbing that it must have ejected. It's stuck itself to the far wall and slackens to the floor. There must be like five crew members trying to grab the spider's legs but it keeps stamping them and baring its fangs. It's horrendous!
[[Grab the fire extinguisher.->fireextinguisher]]
[[Back away from the conflict.->backaway]]
[[Run to help the crew.->helpcrew]]
You pull the heavy fire extinguisher from the wall, thinking you might use it to freeze the thing or at least to have something to hurl, but then:
| //FIRE EXTINGUISHER added to inventory// | (set: $extinguisher to true)
Damn it! It's disappeared! Empty handed again, you start to panic. What do you do NOW?!
[[Run to help the crew, anyway.->helpcrew]]
Yeah... you should probably leave this to the professionals...
Back away nice and slowly, now. Don't take your eyes off that spider...
Oh God, it's broken free and now it's legging it right towards you!
They definitely need help! You make a mad dash into the fray and try to pick a leg to grab on to.
"Stay back, (if: (history:) contains "female")[miss](if: (history:) contains "male")[lad]!" shouts one of them, "It's under control!"
[[Do as they say.->backaway]]
[[Grab a leg.->grab]]
The eight-legged freak gallops after you, running along even the walls and the ceiling in a corkscrew path. You are running for your life! And for the lives of all those passengers in the lounge ahead.
You can hear the monster's shrill cry behind you as you race onwards. You burst through the glass doors first, just in time to yell out:
<p style="font-size:20px">//CO2 - Instructions: 1) Hold upright and pull pin. 2) Aim at base of fire. 3) Squeeze lever (do not hold the horn) 4) Sweep slowly side to side.//You are totally grossed out but if videogames have taught you anything, it's to always help those in trouble!
But just as you make a grab for one of those thick, hairy, stamping legs, the thing shrieks and kicks you in the knee so hard that bright letters flash in your vision...
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->spiderdamage1]]](align: "==><==")[(t8n: "pulse")[
<p style="font-size:40px">
''| //LEG INJURY// | (set: $leginjury to true)
| //-20% HEALTH// |''(set: $hp to $hp - 20)]]
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->spiderdamage2]]]Damn it!
You crumple to the floor and the eight-legged freak gallops over you and makes straight for the passenger lounge.
"What did we tell ya, kid? Leave it to us!" The members of staff all pull themselves together and dash past you in hot pursuit of the spider. You wish you could follow them but your knee screams to put your full weight onto it.
Still, you have to do the right thing and [[keep trying->80b]] to help.But the battlezone is hurtling towards the glass doors of the passenger lounge. Using the wall railings, you pull yourself up but can now only limp after them.
Not a second later, though, you watch as the gargantuan spider charges through those doors in a shower of broken glass, and a hundred screams erupt from the other side.
You know you have to get there as quickly as possible, but should you [[try to run->81b]] or [[pace yourself->80c]] instead?
Everyone whips around, wide-eyed at your disturbance, but it's only a second later when the gargantuan spider explodes through the doors behind you in a shower of shattered glass.
You are knocked forward so hard that bright letters flash in your vision...
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->81a]]](align: "==><==")[(t8n: "pulse")[
<p style="font-size:40px">
''| //BLEEDING// | (set: $bleeding to true)
| //-10% HEALTH// |''(set: $hp to $hp - 10)]]
Dammit! You're face-down on the carpet with the sound of thumping spider legs all around you. You can feel a sharp, stinging pain on your forearm, and looking at it you can see a slash of blood from the broken glass.
It looks far worse than it feels, but then you //are// pretty tanked up on adrenaline right now. (align:"==>")[[[Next.->83a]]]You know you need to get there as quickly as humanly possible, but in your haste, you've underestimated just how badly your knee is injured, and the force of running sends more pain shooting up your leg.
| //-5% HEALTH// |(set: $hp to $hp - 5)
Goddammit! The pain is really bad but you don't let it stop you running right after the action, and you make it into the passenger lounge just a few seconds after the spider.
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->82b]]]Slow and steady does it. You know you'd only be doing yourself more damage if you ran, but hearing the chaos in the lounge ahead is killing you. You have the strongest instinct to help, rather than hide, but you'll be no use to anyone if you make your leg worse.
(if: $extinguisher is true)[Keeping most of your weight on your good leg and the railing, you gradually make it to the smashed-up door.
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->81c]]]](else:)[You remember seeing a fire extinguisher just now. Do you think you should grab it? It might be useful.
[[Take the fire extinguisher.->81d]]
[[Keep going without it.->81c]]
It's chaos! The glass doors have shattered into a hundred pieces on the carpet, and you can see the spider is trying to fight off the blue-gloved crew members while passengers scatter in all directions.
Tip-toeing painfully across the carpet, avoiding the nasty shards, you shout, [["What can I do?!"->83b]]
You pull the heavy fire extinguisher from the wall, thinking you might use it to freeze the thing or at least to have something to hurl, but then:
| //FIRE EXTINGUISHER added to inventory// | (set: $extinguisher to true)
Damn it! It's disappeared! Empty handed again, you press on towards the lounge anyway. You'll need to keep practising that.
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->81c]]]You need to reach the passenger lounge as quickly and safely as you can. Keeping most of your weight on your good leg and the railing, you gradually make it to the smashed-up doors.
You make it a good several seconds after the spider crashed through, and you can hear panicked screams within.
You curl up in a ball as you realise that you are completely surrounded by stamping spider's legs. The thing is directly above you, turning like it doesn't know which way to go. The sounds of screaming, scrambling passengers fills your ears!
(if: $extinguisher is true)[Wait... You still have that fire extinguisher somewhere. It's hard to summon it back into being, though. You can't concentrate! Should you [[try anyway->84summon]] or [[attempt to escape->84a]]?](else:)[You have nothing to defend yourself with. You need to [[get out->84a]] from under this monster!
You have to focus. Calm your breathing. Slow your heart right down. Forget about the danger and just reach for that weird little magic trick you have. Remember the weight of that fire extinguisher; the coldness of the red metal. Decide now that [[you want it.->85summon]]
In a panic, you look around for an opening. The spider pauses briefly and on your elbows and knees you haul yourself through a gap between its horrible hairy legs.
"Get back, (if: (history:) contains "female")[miss](if: (history:) contains "male")[lad]!" one of the crew members yells over the chaos. "Back right away! We've got it!"
| //FIRE EXTINGUISHER removed from inventory// | (set: $extinguisher to false)
You find yourself now curled around the extinguisher! YES!
[[Aim the nozzle at the spider's body.->86spray]]
[[Whack it!->86whack]]
Rolling onto your back and keeping your legs tucked in, you are directly under the spider's massive abdomen. The thing is still shrieking and stomping and you pull the safety tag and take aim at that brown, hairy underbelly.
[[Squeeze the lever.->spraybad]]
[[Wait! Aim at a leg instead and squeeze.->spraygood]]
This looks a bit too complicated to use, but it's heavy and hard! You want to take out as many legs as you can, so you go to swing the thing in a wide arc. You land a hit! But it's actually heavier than you thought and you hurt your wrist!
| //-10% HEALTH// | (set: $hp to $hp - 10)
| //WRIST INJURY// | (set: $wristinjury to true)
Ow! Still, the spider shrieks louder and you drop the extinguisher in pain. It limps off, and you [[roll away->87a]] from the danger.(set: $spiderlimp to true)
The extinguisher hisses and shoots out a rapid stream of white gas. The spider shrieks even louder and scampers away from you! But now you are left trapped inside the freezing toxic cloud that has descended back down upon you. (set: $spidersprayed to true)
| //-5% HEALTH// | (set: $hp to $hp - 5)
| //CO2 POISONING// | (set: $co2poisoning to true)
Coughing and spluttering, you discard the empty canister and [[roll away->87a]] from the fog.
That's CO2 in there! Spray upwards and you might get trapped in the freezing cold gas! Thinking again, you adjust your aim diagonally to point the nozzel right where some legs meet the body. You yank the safety tag out and squeeze the lever. A rapid stream of white gas shoots out onto the spider and it shrieks even louder before recoiling away from you! (set: $spidersprayed to true)
Discarding the empty canister, you [[roll away->87a]] from the fog.
Once you've gained enough distance, you spring to your feet and take in the scene of chaos. (if: $spiderlimp is true)[The spider has limped away to the far corner of the lounge ](if: $spidersprayed is true)[The spider has run off to the far corner of the lounge, shivering from the remaining wisps of gas, ](if: (history:) contains "84a")[The spider doesn't seem to have noticed you ]and the crew now have it surrounded. Aching all over, you back away to see if anyone needs help. (if: $mina is true)[Like that snakey girl...
Mina... was that her name?
](if: $stefan is true)[Like that invisible guy...
Stefan... was that his name?](if: $hashiki is true)[Like that lioness you spoke to...
Hashiki... was that her name?](if: $pirate is true)[
"Just get back, (if: (history:) contains "female")[miss](if: (history:) contains "male")[lad]!" one of the crew members yells over the noise. "Back right away! We've got it!"
You really want to help them take down the monster! But you're not sure if it would be wise with your leg like this! (if: $extinguisher is true)[
[[Try to use the fire extinguisher.->84bsummon]]
](else:)[And besides, you are totally unarmed and defenseless.
][[Get to safety.->84b]]
(if: $extinguisher is true)[You've never actually used a fire extinguisher before anyway, and you can't be sure that you wouldn't harm others even if you did use it.] Maybe it's best to keep your distance and let the professionals handle this.
You see that most of the passengers have gathered to the right of you and, keeping low, you limp over to [[join them.->85b]]
You have to focus. Calm your breathing. Slow your heart right down. Forget about the danger and just reach for that weird little magic trick you have. Remember the weight of that fire extinguisher; the coldness of the red metal. Decide now that [[you want it.->85bsummon]]
| //FIRE EXTINGUISHER removed from inventory// | (set: $extinguisher to false)
YES! It appears in your hands, heavy and awkward, you stumble to now be holding the thing.
[[Aim the nozzle at the spider.->86bspray]]
[[Go up to it and whack it!->86bwhack]]
You pull out the safety tag, aim the nozzel, shout for everyone to clear off and when they see you, poised and ready to shoot, they scatter! You squeeze the lever and out shoots a rapid stream of white gas at the giant spider! It screeches louder and scampers away from you, hitting the far wall. (set: $spidersprayed to true)
You limp forward and start to swing the canister back behind you, picking out where you want to land the hit. But then a crew member intercepts you - a young man with pale curly hair.
"STOP! Drop your weapon, now!" He halts you with a blue hand.
You keep limping forward to follow the monster, but then a crew member intercepts you - a young man with pale curly hair.
"STOP! Drop your weapon, now!" He halts you with a blue hand, "We've told you! Get over there where it's safe!"
You protest but there's little more you can do as he yanks away the canister and shepherds you towards the other passengers. (align:"==>")[[[Next.->85b]]]
You do as he says, but too quickly! Your momentum is interrupted and the heavy extinguisher twists your wrist awkwardly!
| //-10% HEALTH// | (set: $hp to $hp - 10)
| //WRIST INJURY// | (set: $wristinjury to true)
OUCH! That's a bit embarrassing. The curly man forces you to back away to safety where you [[join the other passengers.->85b]]
At least you can make sure that these people are alright and unharmed. (if: (history:) contains "mina")[You see that girl again. Mina - was that her name? She sees you and scurries over.
"Morgan! Are you okay?!" She looks terrified. "Your leg... You're hurt..."
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->86mina]]]](if: (history:) contains "stefan")[You frantically look around for that guy you spoke to. Stefan - was that his name? He had been panicking too much to get a grip on his visibility. What sort of state must he be in now?!
"Stefan!" you try calling out.
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->86stefan]]]](if: (history:) contains "hashiki")[There's the lioness! Hashiki - was that her name? Her eyes are like saucers, staring at the giant spider. Ears that were flat against her head now prick up upon noticing you.
"Young Morgan," her voice growls inside your head as she creeps over to you. "You're limping. Are you hurt?" (align:"==>")[[[Next.->86hashiki]]]](if: (history:) contains "pirate")[You wish, now, that you had tried to talk to one of them earlier. You're not overfond of feeling friendless right now. Looking around, you can see that strange snakey girl, cowering behind a seat. That lioness is low to the ground, eyes like saucers staring at the flailing giant spider. You can't see the man that was flickering in and out of sight any more. Perhaps he's vanished completely. And almost out of no where, you suddenly [[remember the pirate ship.->86pirate]]](set: $hashiki to true)
"That thing's got a hell of a kick," you tell her, wincing.
"In all my years, I have never seen such an unholy beast," she says, crouching low. "You must be quite fearless to have faced it."
The monstrous spider continues to wave it's horrible hairy legs around, lunging at the crew who have it surrounded. They look pretty anxious, but seem to have the chaos contained for now.
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->88b]]](set: $mina to true)
"That thing's got a hell of a kick," you tell her, wincing. Her yellow eyes widen.
"Gosh, you're brave..." You notice she's still wearing your towel around her shoulders. The monstrous spider continues to wave it's horrible hairy legs around, lunging at the crew who have it surrounded. They look pretty anxious, but seem to have the chaos mostly contained for now.
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->88b]]](set: $stefan to true)
"Morgan?!" You hear his voice just as you feel a hand on your shoulder. Turning, there's no one there. "Morgan, I'm stuck! No one can see me!" You reach out a hand and can feel what must be the young man's chest. His shirt, his tie, everything has disappeared with him. An invisible hand closes over yours and his tone changes. "Are you hurt?"
"That thing's got a hell of a kick," you tell him, wincing. (align:"==>")[[[Next.->87stefan]]]
The monstrous spider continues to wave it's horrible hairy legs around, lunging at the crew who have it surrounded.
"What even //is// that thing?!" His voice trembles and you can feel his grip tighten on your shoulder. "Are they gonna be alright?"
Indeed, the crew look anxious, but seem to have the chaos mostly contained for now. (align:"==>")[[[Next.->88b]]]
"Where the Hell is Fisnik!" one of them shouts, "We need him!"
"But he's got severe arachnophobia!"
"I don't //care// just someone go and get him!"
"Here! I've got him!" Lucinda dashes into the lounge, pulling a middle-aged man behind her who yelps at the sight.
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->89b]]](set: $pirate to true)
(if: (history:) contains "pirate2")[
It had seemed to be getting closer when you'd checked again from your cabin. You're not sure why this bugs you, considering the present circumstances, but it does. You're getting a bad feeling about this... So even though it looks as though the spider is calming down, you decide to keep your wits about you.
Given the present circumstances, you shouldn't really be worried about some rotten old galleon on the horizon. It was miles away when you first saw it. And yet... Something about it is bugging you. You're not sure why, but you're getting a bad feeling about it; knowing that it's still out there. So even though it looks as though the spider is calming down, you decide to keep your wits about you.
The monstrous spider continues to wave it's horrible hairy legs around, lunging at the crew who have it surrounded. They look pretty anxious, but seem to have the chaos mostly contained for now.
"NO!" the man shouts, "NO! NO! NOOOO!" He pulls back against Lucinda and others rush over to help drag him to the spider.
"Fisnik! Come ON! You're the only one who can do this!"
"Stop! STOP! //PLEASE!//" He's on the verge of tears! "Don't!"
Lucinda tears off his rubber gloves while others grab his arms.(align:"==>")[[[Next.->90b]]]
"Where the Hell is Fisnik!" a crewmate shouts, "We need him!"
"But he's got severe arachnophobia!"
"I don't //care// just someone go and get him!"
"Here! I've got him!" Lucinda dashes into the lounge, pulling a middle-aged man behind her who yelps at the sight.
"NO!" the man shouts, "NO! NO! NOOOO!" He pulls back against Lucinda and others rush over to help drag him to the spider.
"Fisnik! Come ON! You're the only one who can do this!"
"Stop! STOP! //PLEASE!//" He's on the verge of tears! "Don't!"
Lucinda tears off his rubber gloves while others grab his arms.(align:"==>")[[[Next.->90a]]](if: $spiderlimp is true)[
The monster is trapped in a corner, surrounded by crew. It seems to be backing down, and the leg you hit with the canister is curled up under its abdomen.
](if: $spidersprayed is true)[
The monster is trapped in a corner, shaking, surrounded by crew. It seems to be backing down, and it's brown hair is still standing on end where you sprayed it.
](if: (history:) contains "84a")[
The monster keeps flailing its horrible hairy legs around at the crew, but seems to be backing down slightly now that it's surrounded. That was a lucky escape!
]But as the man called Fisnik approaches, kicking and screaming, the spider darts up onto the ceiling and shuffles sideways in the direction of some passengers. (if: $mina is true)[And Mina is one of them!
](if: $stefan is true)[And Stefan has just appeared among them!](if: $hashiki is true)[And Hashiki is among them!
](if: $pirate is true)[You recognise a few of them!
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->91a]]](if: (history:) contains "87c")[
The monster keeps flailing its horrible hairy legs around at the crew, but seems to be backing down slightly now that it's surrounded.
](if: $spidersprayed is true)[
The monster is trapped in a corner, shaking, surrounded by crew. It seems to be backing down, and its brown hair is still standing on end where you sprayed it.
](if: (history:) contains "84b")[
The monster keeps flailing its horrible hairy legs around at the crew, but seems to be backing down slightly now that it's surrounded.
]However, as the man called Fisnik approaches, kicking and screaming, the spider darts up onto the ceiling and shuffles sideways in your direction!
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->91b]]](if: $mina is true)[
"Mina! Look out!" you call to her. The group scarpers but she's frozen in place! Staring wide-eyed at the approaching monster, it drops down with a heavy //thud// in front of her and, hissing, lifts its two front legs as if to attack!
(if: $extinguisher is true)[You still feel the fire extinguisher in your inventory! You could [[try to use it->92summon]] or [[run over and tackle the monster->92a]] instead!
](else:)[You're totally unarmed but you have to help her! The crew won't get there in time. Quickly! [[DO SOMETHING!->92a]]
](if: $stefan is true)[
"Stefan! Look out!" you call to him. The group scarpers but he's frozen in place! Staring wide-eyed at the approaching monster, it drops down with a heavy //thud// in front of him and, hissing, lifts its two front legs as if to attack!
(if: $extinguisher is true)[You still feel the fire extinguisher in your inventory! You could [[try to use it->92summon]] or [[run over and tackle the monster->92a]] instead!
](else:)[You're totally unarmed but you have to help him! The crew won't get there in time. Quickly! [[DO SOMETHING!->92a]]
](if: $hashiki is true)[
"Hashiki! Look out!" you call to her. The group scarpers but she's frozen in place! Snarling wide-eyed at the approaching monster, it drops down with a heavy //thud// in front of her and, hissing, lifts its two front legs as if to attack!
(if: $extinguisher is true)[You still feel the fire extinguisher in your inventory! You could [[try to use it->92summon]] or [[run over and tackle the monster->92a]] instead!
](else:)[You're totally unarmed but you have to help her! The crew won't get there in time. Quickly! [[DO SOMETHING!->92a]]
](if: $pirate is true)[
"Look out!" you call to them. The group scarpers but that snakey-girl is frozen in place! Staring wide-eyed at the approaching monster, it drops down with a heavy //thud// in front of her and, hissing, lifts its two front legs as if to attack!
(if: $extinguisher is true)[You still feel the fire extinguisher in your inventory! You could [[try to use it->92summon]] or [[run over and tackle the monster->92a]] instead!
](else:)[You're totally unarmed but you have to help her! The crew won't get there in time. Quickly! [[DO SOMETHING!->92a]]
You have to focus. Calm your breathing. Slow your heart right down. Forget about the danger and just reach for that weird little magic trick you have. Remember the weight of that fire extinguisher; the coldness of the red metal. Decide now that [[you want it.->93summon]]
Loudly, over the sounds of panic, you shout: "HEY! SPIDEY!"
The beast and (if: $mina is true)[Mina](if: $stefan is true)[Stefan](if: $hashiki is true)[Hashiki](if: $pirate is true)[snake-girl] both snap to look at you, interrupted. Before you know it, you are pelting at full speed towards the spider. It shrieks and bares its fangs at you but you keep running.
(if: $mina is true)[The girl](if: $stefan is true)[The young man](if: $hashiki is true)[The lioness](if: $pirate is true)[The girl] seems to shake off (if: $mina is true)[her](if: $stefan is true)[his](if: $hashiki is true)[her](if: $pirate is true)[her] stupor and backs away to safety while you [[attack the monster.->93a]]
| //FIRE EXTINGUISHER removed from inventory// | (set: $extinguisher to false)
YES! It appears in your hands, heavy and awkward, you stumble to now be holding the thing.
[[Aim the nozzle at the spider's body.->94spray]]
[[Whack it!->94whack]]
You pull out the safety tag, aim the nozzel, and shout over the sounds of panic, "HEY! SPIDEY!"
The beast and (if: $mina is true)[Mina](if: $stefan is true)[Stefan](if: $hashiki is true)[Hashiki](if: $pirate is true)[snake-girl] both snap to look at you, interrupted. (if: $mina is true)[The girl](if: $stefan is true)[The young man](if: $hashiki is true)[The lioness](if: $pirate is true)[She] notices your weapon and leaps out of the way just as you squeeze the lever, and out shoots a rapid stream of white gas at the giant spider! It screeches louder and scampers away from you, hitting the far wall while (if: $mina is true)[Mina](if: $stefan is true)[Stefan](if: $hashiki is true)[Hashiki](if: $pirate is true)[Snakey] backs away to safety. (set: $spidersprayed to true)
Loudly, over the sounds of panic, you shout: "HEY! SPIDEY!"
The beast and (if: $mina is true)[Mina](if: $stefan is true)[Stefan](if: $hashiki is true)[Hashiki](if: $pirate is true)[snake-girl] both snap to look at you, interrupted. Before you know it, you are pelting at full speed towards the spider. It shrieks and bares its fangs at you but you keep running.
(if: $mina is true)[The girl](if: $stefan is true)[The young man](if: $hashiki is true)[The lioness](if: $pirate is true)[The girl] seems to shake off (if: $mina is true)[her](if: $stefan is true)[his](if: $hashiki is true)[her](if: $pirate is true)[her] stupor and backs away to safety while you [[attack the monster.->95whack]]
You advance on the spider, keeping it within range. You can't hear much over the loud extinguisher's hiss and soon the creature is lost in a cloud of white. Eventually the canister runs dry, petering out to a pathetic raspberry. The fog dissipates, revealing the trembling brown spider once more - the last few wisps still cling to its hair.
It get's an irate glint in its eyes, shifting them to glare at (if: $mina is true)[Mina](if: $stefan is true)[Stefan](if: $hashiki is true)[Hashiki](if: $pirate is true)[That girl] again, who has unknowingly backed up into a corner. It makes a move to attack (if: $mina is true)[her](if: $stefan is true)[him](if: $hashiki is true)[her](if: $pirate is true)[her], and you know you have to [[stop it!->95whack]]
Unarmed but feeling overwhelmingly fierce, you launch yourself at the creature; spider and (if: (history:) contains "female")[girl] (if: (history:) contains "male")[boy] becoming a hurricane of thrashing limbs. You don't think! You just fight! Wrestling the nightmarish monster away from the innocent passengers has you overcome with a brand new exhilaration! So much so, that you barely feel it when it happens...
It sinks its fangs into your shoulder! Each one must be the length of a carving knife and you hear screams all around you! Staring into its four, black, beady eyes, you lash out at them and the spider recoils, letting you fall to the ground. (set: $spidereyes to true)
Just as it looks like it's about strike you again, it freezes - totally motionless - and you stagger to your feet.
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->96a]]](set: $spiderlimp to true)
Canister in hand, you run right up to it and launch yourself at its massive body. You land a devastating hit onto one of its legs! But the momentum has the weapon fly out of your grasp and you are now wrangling the monster unarmed. Spider and (if: (history:) contains "female")[girl] (if: (history:) contains "male")[boy] become a hurricane of thrashing limbs. You don't think! You just fight! Wrestling the nightmarish monster away from the innocent passengers has you overcome with a brand new exhilaration! So much so, that you barely feel it when it happens...
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->94a]]](align: "==><==")[(t8n: "pulse")[
<p style="font-size:40px">
''| //SPIDER BITE// | (set: $spiderbite to true)
| //-15% HEALTH// |''(set: $hp to $hp - 15)]]
While you were locked in battle, the crew have managed to drag Fisnik up close to the beast. Hyperventilating, his eyes are scrunched shut and a pair of crew members have forced his bare hand to grip one of the spider's hind legs, who now stares blankly into the middle distance.
Swaying, you feel a bit woozy, then you feel (if: $mina is true)[a gentle hand on your shoulder as Mina guides you to](if: $stefan is true)[a gentle hand on your shoulder as Stefan guides you to](if: $hashiki is true)[a gentle bump on your knee from Hashiki's head as she guides you to](if: $pirate is true)[a gentle hand on your shoulder as Lucinda guides you to] [[back away.->97a]]
As you do so, you notice a dim glow where Fisnik's palm makes contact with the spider. It blinks its four eyes - not quite in unison - and lowers its body slowly to the floor. You are guided down into a seat, but you can't take your gaze away from the scene.
"Sh-she's..." Fisnik begins, eyes still closed, "She's scared... Confused... In pain..."
(align:"==>")[[[Next.->98]]](if: $mina is true)[
"Mina! Get back!" you pull her out the way as the monster drops down in front of you with a heavy //thud// and, hissing, lifts its two front legs as if to attack!
You're totally unarmed but you have to defend these people! The crew won't get here in time. Quickly! [[DO SOMETHING!->92b]]
(if: $stefan is true)[
"Stefan! Get back!" you pull him out the way as the monster drops down in front of you with a heavy //thud// and, hissing, lifts its two front legs as if to attack!
You're totally unarmed but you have to defend these people! The crew won't get here in time. Quickly! [[DO SOMETHING!->92b]]
](if: $hashiki is true)[
"Hashiki! Get back!" you stand in front of her as the monster drops down before you with a heavy //thud// and, hissing, lifts its two front legs as if to attack!
You're totally unarmed but you have to defend these people! The crew won't get here in time. Quickly! [[DO SOMETHING!->92b]]
](if: $pirate is true)[
"Everyone! Get back!" you call out. The group around you scarpers and the monster drops down in front of you with a heavy //thud// and, hissing, lifts its two front legs as if to attack!
You're totally unarmed but you have to defend these people! The crew won't get here in time. Quickly! [[DO SOMETHING!->92b]]
Unarmed but feeling overwhelmingly fierce, you launch yourself at the creature; spider and (if: (history:) contains "female")[girl] (if: (history:) contains "male")[boy] becoming a hurricane of thrashing limbs. You don't think! You just fight! Wrestling the nightmarish monster away from the innocent passengers has you overcome with a brand new exhilaration! So much so, that you barely feel it when it happens...
"Her name is... I think her name is Jade... (if: $spiderlimp is true)[Her leg hurts... ](if: $spidersprayed is true)[She's cold... So cold... ]Frightened... She's frightened and angry..."
"Can she hear me?" Lucinda asks, softly, "Can she understand me?"
"Yes," says Fisnik, starting to calm down, "Yes she can."
Lucinda crouches down to look into the spider's eyes.
"Jade?" Lucinda speaks low, placing a gloved hand atop the spider's head. "Jade, can you hear me?" A bloody fang twitches.
"She's listening," says Fisnik. All you can do is stare.
"Jade, you are not in danger." She glances at you. "Not any more."
Now aware of your thumping heart, a sharp pain creeps into your wounds. Vision... turning black around the edges...
"We didn't want to harm you," Lucinda continues, "It won't happen again." The pain... You're aching all over... Everything's fading...
(if: $mina is true)[Mina](if: $stefan is true)[Stefan](if: $hashiki is true)[Hashiki](if: $pirate is true)[Someone] crouches beside you, and you distantly hear (if: $mina is true)[her](if: $stefan is true)[his](if: $hashiki is true)[her](if: $pirate is true)[their] voice... "Medic? Medic! Is there a doctor?"
//"We need a medic..."//
//"... Morgan, try to..."//
//(if: (history:) contains "female")["Miss] (if: (history:) contains "male")["Mister] Mackenzie? Can you hear me?"//
//"Just hang in there, (if: (history:) contains "female")[miss!] (if: (history:) contains "male")[lad!] You'll be fine!"
"Where's Marie?!"//
//"Can you wake up, Morgan? [[Wake up..."->112]]//
[[Open your eyes.->113]]
//Ouch...// You open your eyes to bright, white lights and flustered mutterings. You feel sick and dizzy, but the pains across your body are fading away. You're lying down on that all-too-familiar feeling of a hospital bed or operating table of sorts.
Was it all a dream? Are you back at St. George's? You start to get the impression that it really was just the drugs and you feel...
Disappointed... <span class='amber'>(align:"==>")[[[Next.->114]]]
"Hey!" someone says nearby, "(if: (history:) contains "female")[She's](if: (history:) contains "male")[He's] awake, the kid's awake." You try to move your head to look at them but it feels like a sack of cement.
"Marie?" someone else calls, and you can hear a pair of heels clip-clopping towards you. A woman with brown hair and glasses on the end of her nose looms over you, blocking out the light.
"Morgan Mackenzie?" she asks with a cocked brow.
<span class='amber'>
"Y-yes Miss?" you croak. Your lips and tongue are too dry.
"Doctor, please, Doctor Marie Dubois, keep still."
"Y-you're not my doctor..."
"We have never met before, keep still." You notice that she has pointed ears and her irises are the colour of Parma Violets.
<span class='amber'>(align:"==>")[[[Next.->116]]]
"Now then young (if: (history:) contains "female")[lady](if: (history:) contains "male")[man], you are awake, so tell me, what happened?"
"Umm..." You blink hard to squeeze away the headache, "I'm still dead, right?"
"Yes, yes, still here (if: (history:) contains "female")[//chérie//](if: (history:) contains "male")[//chéri//], still quite dead, but only the once, and you're welcome by the way." She grips your wrist and fixes you with those purple eyes. "Now tell me, injury-by-injury, what happened to bring you to my office?"
<span class='amber'>(align:"==>")[[[Next.->117]]](if: $leginjury is true)[
"I was... The spider, the giant spider... I tried to help but it kicked me hard in this leg."](if: $bleeding is true)[
"I was... The spider, the giant spider... I tried to help but it smashed through the glass and... My arm's bleeding."]
"Anything else?"
"(if: $co2poisoning is true)[My breathing's a bit funny. I used a fire extinguisher and breathed some in. ](if: $wristinjury is true)[I hurt my wrist pretty badly. ]I think the spider bit me, too."
"Very well, [[hold still.->118]]"
She plants the palm of one hand firmly on the centre of your chest, the other on your forehead. "I see what you mean," she says, closing her eyes, "//Mon Dieu//, I was about to stop your bleeding but the venom still courses through your veins. Nurse! Pass the //Vitréais!//
"Wh-what's a veetray-?"
"Stat!" she yells and you glance around nervously. <span class='amber'>
The nurse leans back from his desk to pass a tray to Doctor Dubois, but where you had expected some terrible medical device to be lying atop it was instead a slice of something beige.
"//Merci,//" she says, taking the plate before glancing at you, "You don't have a nut alergy, do you?" You shake your head. "//Bon,//" she starts to eat it - some kind of cake - and wolfs it down quite quickly. An interesting bedside manner...<span class='amber'>
"What about the venom?" you have to ask, a bit annoyed by the doctor's priorities right now. She answers with her mouth full.
"I haven't forgotten about you. I need lots of calories for what I am about to do." She chews hard and fast and finally swallows, chasing it down with a glass of custard. "//Blech!//" she coughs, closes her eyes, and breathes deeply before gripping your punctured shoulder.
<span class='amber'>(align:"==>")[[[Next.->121]]]
Her hand is hot on your skin. Too hot. Glancing down at the bite marks, they are red and angry and weeping in her grip. Looking back at her, beads of sweat are beginning to form on her brow, and the glasses on her nose look like they might slip right off.
"Here it comes.." she grunts, squeezing your shoulder tighter. At first it feels like the puncture wounds are bleeding profusely again, but looking down you see that a clear liquid is dribbling out. The nurse, a small, dark-skinned man, potters around to scoop up the liquid from your skin into a beaker. <span class='amber'>(align:"==>")[[[Next.->122]]]
''| //VENOM EXPELLED// | (set: $spiderbite to false)''
You see the words flash up in your vision, and everything starts to feel more solid. More clear. The doctor releases a long-held breath.
"That's it. Good." She wipes her forehead with the back of her hand, then turns to the nurse, "Marco, tell Lucinda we have a sample of Miss Jade's venom." She turns her attention back to your wounds, "Another victim may not be so lucky without my assistance."<span class='amber'>(align:"==>")[[[Next.->123]]]
You watch as she seemingly pushes the skin around your puncture wounds together, as if you were made of dough. It hurts as she squeezes them shut for several seconds - but when she lets go, all you can see are two pink scars where the fangs went in.
"That's... That's amazing..." you marvel at the healed skin. She squirts some whipped cream into her mouth, swallows, and says:
"All in a day's work, (if: (history:) contains "female")[//chérie//](if: (history:) contains "male")[//chéri//]."<span class='amber'>(align:"==>")[[[Next.->124]]]
Thanks for playing!
[[Start from the beginning->Life, After]]
[[Start from the passenger lounge->44]]
[[Start from the spider->76]]