June 3rd.
For the first time this year the weather was nice. Like actually nice. Not one of those fake days where the sun is out but it's still cold and crappy. It was warm, the first hints of a long summer hopefully. The weather wasn't the only thing nice about today. When I was walking to the store I saw her again. At least I think it was her, she was walking fast and I could only see her for an instant. It was hard to tell after all this time. God what has it been eight years? Nine? I should have said something. She probably wouldn't have recognized me anyway, she looked different and I am sure I do too. Oh well, she was going to the bus stop so maybe I'll see her again. who knows?
To top it all off I finally heard back about that job. There is still the interview and everything so I might not get it. After all this time it's just really hard not to get excited!
June 8th.
I'd been thinking about this job the last couple of days. I can't get it out of my head, almost to the point of losing sleep. At first it was hard to understand. It's not like this job paid well and even if it did the money didn't matter. Hell, if the market keeps up I can probably live on interest for the next decade. This job was something to //do // and it came with sense of purpose. There's this dream I had last night where these kids, teenagers maybe, are throwing rocks. They're trying to break the windows in this abandon building. Before they can though I start yelling and they run off. Sure, it's silly, but it made me feel like a God damn hero.
[[Take the bus to the job interview ->Bus]]
[[Walk to the job interview->Walk to Interview]]
June 9th.
Normally if I am going less than two miles or so I would just walk. That's the whole point of living in a city, right? Well today I opted to take the bus. If I am being completely honest with myself it was because I wanted to see her again. And I did! This time there was no doubt about who she was. I fell in love with her the first time I met her and again today on the bus. That’s how I knew it was her.
I can't remember the exact date when it happened, but I know it was winter. Around Christmas time maybe? Either way Christmas is more romantic so that is what I am going with. Lying in bed all bundled up in the covers sleep came quickly. No sooner had I closed my eyes and there she was! Her radiant skin perfectly accented by flowing red hair and her face was dotted with freckles. Like something out of a fairy tale, we met in a dream. Of course, she looked different today, but who wouldn't after all this time? Her flowing red hair had changed to brown and her freckles had gone.
[[Try to get her attention -> Bus Woman]]
[[Remember the sighting fondly and let her slip away ->B - W]]
June 9th.
I always imagined her name was Annabelle, or Wendy. Something classic, but not old. What's the word, Timeless? Enduring? One way or another fate brought us together again and I couldn't waste what might be our only chance at happiness. It wouldn't be fair to her, to let her get away.
My heart was racing as I decided to get her attention. She was a few rows in front of me, on the other side of the aisle way. I could mostly see the back of her head and about a third of her silhouette, it was enough, but only barely. With all my focus I projected my thoughts to her. For the first fifteen minutes she didn't look once, which was odd. The thoughts were sent with so much force it wouldn't have surprised me if the other people on the bus turned to look. I almost gave up when finally, she looked back. Our eyes locked. For what seemed like an eternity neither one of us moved, each being swallowed up in the other's eyes. With a nervous smile she moved her head forward, looking again only for a brief moment when she got off.
With that she was gone and I didn't do anything to stop her. I was left feeling lost and alone. Why did she go? She looked back, meaning she heard my thoughts. Her smile said that she recognized me, so what went wrong? For the next forty minutes I rode the bus, replaying the scene over and over in my head. The whole incident left me so distracted I missed the job interview. To top it all off I still didn't have any answers to my questions.
[[Call and try to reschedule the interview ->Call]]
[[Go home and get some sleep ->Annabelle]]
June 9th.
They were able to push the interview back a couple of hours. I knew they would probably hold it against me so I spent the trip there thinking up a good reason for having to reschedule.
When I arrived I entered a small reception area. The lady at the counter (I assume she was the one I spoke to on the phone) pointed to a closed, angry looking door.
"He's waiting for you."
[[Enter Office ->Interview Start 2]]
June 9th.
The interview went great and I got the job! // A// job to be more specific. It turns out I wasn't the first, or the only, person who applied.
The job itself is the same pretty much. Same building, still security, the only difference is I'll be doing it at night. Honestly that might even be better since if anything is going to happen it would probably be at night. Another guy already works that shift so I guess it will be like having a partner, which is neat.
June 14th.
First day on the job today. Mr. Muir sure was right about it being boring. "You sit and watch the cameras. Every couple of hours you do a walk around." It seems like there should be more but after the first shift it sort of makes sense. There are two of us, and the place we are watching is like a strip mall for storage warehouses. Must be six of them in total. I remember them telling me but it is a little confusing since some of the places have more than one building. One stores documents, medical records, bank records and things like that. Another one has something to do with imports and exports I think. I am not sure about the rest. There is a small one near the north-east corner that seems out of place. It doesn’t have any doors for a truck like the other ones.
The guy I'm working with is named Harris. I am not sure if that’s his first or last name, but I can't ask now. Something like that either has to be asked right away or a week down the road. He seems nice enough and the conversation is decent when it happens. For the most part he keeps to himself but I can tell he likes the distraction of having someone else around.
One of the cameras is out and when I asked about it he just laughed and said he didn't want me going weird. It was the camera for the little building in the corner, the only camera for it I guess.
June 21st.
It turns out the camera isn't out, just all of the lights in the building are. I would've thought there would be night vision cameras or something like that. Harris said I was an idiot and it was just some empty building. According to him each building is legally required to have a minimum number of lights, for safety reasons I guess, but the ones in building 3 always go out. Apparently, they've replaced them ten times or something like that, but meth heads keep breaking them. I am not sure how much to believe with this guy, I think a grain of salt is the best way to go.
I almost forgot, I finally asked and Harris is his last name.
June 23rd
I saw something move in the camera for building three. Like a flicker, or a reflection or something. Harris just laughed and told me someone was lighting a meth pipe.
[[Investigate building 3 ->investigate]]
[[Have Harris do it ->investigate h]]
June 18th.
For several hours I walked around the neighborhood trying to blend in. Just a man going for stroll, nothing suspicious. I had to wait till it got dark and this was as good a chance as any to get a look around. Hopefully it won’t come to it, but if we have to make a quick getaway having a map in my head could be the difference between life and death.
I'll be the first to admit my plan didn't have all of the details worked out. All I could think about was saving Annabelle. Like I have seen in the movies a hundred times before, I crept around the side of the house with my shirt wrapped around my hand. It was one of those two story jobs, so I didn't know what room I was going to enter but I was pretty sure it wouldn't be a bedroom. Hardly mattered though because as soon I broke the window this stupid dog woke the whole house up.
I whispered "I love you" through the cracked window. I hope she heard it.
June 19th.
Someone in my family used to raise dogs. It was a great uncle or great grandpa or something like that. One of those relatives that are always dead and everyone seems to know one little interesting tid bit about. Anyway, this guy raised dogs and one of his neighbors used to hate him. No one could ever remember why, though an affair was certainly implied. Well, one day the neighbor bought a bunch of steaks, poisoned them and threw them over the fence. It ruined him.
June 21st.
I bought a steak today.
[[Visit Annabelle ->Visit 2]]
[[Send a letter instead ->v-letter]]
June 10th.
She visited me again last night. I had barely laid down and closed my eyes when she appeared. Her autumn brown hair flowing in a non-existent breeze.
For a moment we stared at each other with our hearts racing. Without any words she explained everything to me. Why she could only smile nervously on the bus, and how our contact was limited to a few stolen glances. The way she longed to be with me. How I needed to save her. From what or whom I wasn't sure. If I knew too much I would be in danger but I didn't care.
June 12th.
The bushes were thick and prickly near the bus stop. I pretended to drop something that rolled into the bush, just in case anyone was looking. I didn't know who was watching and I didn't want to get Annabelle in trouble. The pricks and scrapes didn't bother me much and once I was inside away from prying eyes I felt calm. Several times I heard footsteps and held my breath.
After three disappointing hours I left.
June 13th.
A pill bug crawled across my arm. One time I read that they were a good source of protein. That might be true but they taste like dirt.
June 15th.
I saw her again today, walking. I had to be careful and make sure she couldn't see me. Like one of those kid’s games I followed, matching her footsteps and ducking behind a parked car or shrub every time she turned around.
There were already two cars in the driveway when she got home. It was probably a controlling boyfriend, or a husband that tricked her into marriage. He controlled every aspect of her life probably, he even put cameras on the bus. That's why she couldn't say anything. Everything is finally starting to make sense...
[[Approach the door ->Visit]]
[[Send a letter ->letter]]
June 17th.
I went back and forth a bit on what to do. In the end I settled on sending a letter. The tricky bit was letting her know it was from me. There was always the chance that the husband would get it first. It was unclear how much he knows already, but for her to be that scared he must either be really smart or really strong. I was preparing for either.
Most of the letter was written in code and obviously I left off the return address. As a final precaution I disguised my hand writing in case he had connections in the police force. I included three eyelashes so she would know it was from me. The thought of her holding them gives me an erection.
June 20th.
I haven't heard back from Annabelle, I am starting to think that she didn't get my letter.
[[Visit the house ->l-visit]]
[[Check the mail ->mail]]
"Thank you for coming in today. My name is Mr. Muir and that’s what you can call me. I will be conducting this interview. Please have a seat and we can get started."
[["Glad to be here! I am really excited for this opportunity, and I thank you in advance for your time." ->2 h]]
[["Nice to meet you Mr. Muir" ->2 a]]
June 8th.
When I finally got there I was more nervous than I thought. The lady that greeted me at the counter was nice enough. She offered me a chair and I sat there looking at old magazines and watching the clock. After about ten minutes she pointed toward the only other door and told me to go in.
[[Enter office ->Interview Start 1]]
"Glad to see you could finally make it. My name is Mr. Muir and I will be conducting your interview today. I'll tell you right upfront I am not impressed with having to reschedule this interview"
[["I know it's not an ideal situation and I thank you for taking the time to see me." ->2 ab]]
[["I'm sorry, it won't happen again" ->2 l]]
"You know most people your age don't get too excited about security work. Some of the younger guys get real gung ho at first, think it makes them a bad ass or something. Last two guys just up and left after a couple of weeks. Job like this is boring and you gotta be ok with that.
[["Sounds good to me." ->3 a]]
[["I'm about as boring as they come." ->3 h]]
"Hmm, ok. All I'm looking for is someone who is gonna stick around. It's not a skilled position so the pay isn't great. If you’re looking to make money this is not the gig for you. Still interested?
[["I'm just looking for something steady that gives me a purpose." ->Job offer h]]
[["I really appreciate you taking the time to interview me, but I don't think that this is the job for me." ->Interview walk away]]
"I gotta warn you the pay doesn't start out great. If you stick with it though, after about six months I can guarantee an extra 5%. Another five a year after that.”
[["I'm just looking for something steady that gives me a purpose" ->Job offer h]]
[["I knew what it paid before I applied" ->3 a]]
"Starting out an interview with an apology is never a good sign.”
[["It's not my fault, I was on the bus and this fight broke out. I tried to stop it and then the police came and I had to answer some questions down at the station." ->Interview fail]]
[["..."->2 ab]]
June 9th.
I didn't get the job, obviously. I don't even know why they bothered. No matter what I said he didn't want to hear it. The whole way there I was thinking of a good reason for why I was late, I knew it was gonna come up. I told him a fight broke out on the bus and I helped to stop it. How could that not have guaranteed me the job? It's a security position for Christ’s sake!
It's probably for the best anyway, I keep thinking about Annabelle. About that nervous smile and how quickly she looked away.
[[Go to sleep->Annabelle]]
[[Read over the last years’ worth of diary entries ->diary garbage]]
November 18th.
This is really hard for me to write. I think this is about my third attempt to finally put something down on paper. If it were up to me I would just as soon throw this thing out. Looking at it again makes me feel a little sick, but my therapist insists. Did I mention I am in therapy now? He says this is a good way to get some closure before beginning a brand-new chapter. After I finish writing this goes straight into the garbage and I’ll never think of it again.
In a way I am thankful for this book, if I can think about it long enough to get past the shame anyway. It's hard to believe that I thought some of this stuff, much less wrote it down. If I never started keeping this diary I might never have gotten help, so I guess I am thankful for that. I'm ready to let it go, to accept it was a part of me and to be ok with that. This last entry is the start of a new chapter. Hopefully I’ll never to think of it again, out of sight out of mind and all that.
June 9th.
Even though the interview went fine something felt off. It was eating at me and I couldn't figure out what it was. Not until the bus ride home anyway. I saw her again and all at once I knew. I had been thinking of her the whole time.
I always imagined her name was Annabelle, or Wendy. Something classic, but not old. What's the word, Timeless? Enduring? One way or another fate brought us together again and I couldn't waste what might be our only chance at happiness. It wouldn't be fair to her, to let her get away.
My heart was racing as I decided to get her attention. She was a few rows in front of me, on the other side of the aisle. I could mostly see the back of her head and about a third of her silhouette, it was enough, but only barely. With all my focus I projected my thoughts at her. For the first fifteen minutes she didn't look once, which was odd. The thoughts were sent with so much force it wouldn't have surprised me if the other people on the bus turned to look. I almost gave up when finally, she looked back. Our eyes locked. For what seemed like an eternity neither one of us moved, each being swallowed up in the other's eyes. With a nervous smile she moved her head forward, looking again only for a brief moment when she got off.
With that she was gone and I didn't do anything to stop her. I was left feeling lost and alone. Why did she go? She looked back, meaning she heard my thoughts. Her smile said that she recognized me, so what went wrong? For the next forty minutes I rode the bus, replaying the scene over and over in my head.
[[Go home and get some sleep->Annabelle]]
"Alright, now that's what I like to hear! I guess the only question left is, when can you start?"
[["As soon as you need me!" ->Job Start]]
[["I don't think this is the job for me." ->Interview walk away]]
"Alright, now that's what I like to hear! I guess the only question left is, when can you start?"
[["As soon as you need me!" ->Job Start]]
[['I don't think this is the job for me." ->Interview walk awayb]]
"Let me go ahead and cut to the chase. The job is some basic security work, nothing fancy and nothing too exciting. I get a lot of people in here think that this is police work or some shit and it isn't. “
[["Boring is fine with me." ->3 h]]
[["Yes sir." ->3 a]]
"Let me go ahead and cut to the chase. The job is some basic security work, nothing fancy and nothing too exciting. I get a lot of people in here think that this is police work or some shit and it isn't. “
[["Boring is fine with me." ->3 hb]]
[["Yes sir." ->3 ab]]
"Hmm, ok. All I'm looking for is someone who is gonna stick around. It's not a skilled position so the pay isn't great. If you’re looking to make money this is not the gig for you. Still interested?
[["I'm just looking for something steady that gives me a purpose." ->Job offer hb]]
[["I really appreciate you taking the time to interview me, but I don't think that this is the job for me." ->Interview walk awayb]]
"I gotta warn you the pay doesn't start out great. If you stick with it though, after about six months I can guarantee an extra 5%. Another five a year after that.
[["I'm just looking for something steady that gives me a purpose." ->Job offer hb]]
[["I knew what it paid before I applied." ->3 ab]]
June 9th.
Even though the interview went fine something felt off. I'm not sure what it was but I didn't take the job. I took the bus back and I kept thinking of the woman. All I want to do is find her, be close to her.
[[Go to sleep->Annabelle]]
When I finally got there I was more nervous than I thought. The lady that greeted me at the counter was nice enough. She offered me a chair and I sat there looking at old magazines and watching the clock. After about ten minutes she pointed toward the only other door and told me to go in.
[[Enter office ->Interview start 1b]]
"You know most people your age don't get too excited about security work. Some of the younger guys get real gung ho at first, think it makes them a bad ass or something. Last two guys just up and left after a couple of weeks. Job like this is boring and you gotta be ok with that.”
[["Sounds good to me." ->3 ab]]
[["I'm about as boring as they come." ->3 hb]]
"Thank you for coming in today. My name is Mr. Muir and I will be conducting this interview. Please have a seat and we can get started."
[["Glad to be here! I am really excited for this opportunity, and I thank you in advance for your time." ->2 hb]]
[["Nice to meet you Mr. Muir" ->2 ab]]
June 25th.
It was emotional at the house today. A moment of silence seems like a hollow offering but at least it's something. They put up a little grave in the back yard. After everyone had gone to bed I went and looked at the little head stone. His name was Roofus.
[[Come back tomorrow ->murder end]]
[[Dig up Roofus ->still watching end1]]
June 23rd.
One of us needed to stay and watch the gate and it was coming up on time for my walk around. Being pretty confident that no one was doing meth, I grabbed the flash light and left.
All the doors were locked and none of the windows were open. It was pretty evident the camera had simply malfunctioned. The whole walk around took about fifteen minutes and the most interesting thing I saw was a cat.
When I got back all the clocks had been set ahead ten minutes. I pretended not to notice.
June 25th.
The camera flashed again, more than once this time. I knew Harris would just make some crack about meth heads so I didn't say anything. For almost half an hour it went on flashing. There was a pattern to it, Morse code it is called. I looked it up when I got home and the messages translates to "help."
[[Respond to the message ->kill]]
[[Lick the building ->going weird]]
June 23rd.
It was almost time for Harris to go on his walk around so he offered to go early and check it out. I am glad he did, some parts of this place are still a little creepy at night.
It took him all of five minutes to get building three. I followed him on the cameras as far as I could but for some reason all of outside cameras were focused on the buildings. I couldn't see Harris but he must have been standing in the doorway. The moonlight cast his shadow across the floor of the building. He stood there for about three minutes without moving. Something seemed a little bit off but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. When I asked him about it later he said he had never been in the building before and was just enjoying the sights.
June 24th.
Harris went on all the walk arounds tonight. I don't mind, I like watching the gates a lot more anyway. The weird thing about it is that he keeps checking building three. Every time he does I can see his shadow in the camera. He just stands there, sometimes for up to ten minutes. When I ask him about it he pretends he doesn't know what I am talking about.
June 26th.
I got to work a little bit early today, before the guys from the first shift had left. Harris wasn't there yet and I wanted to take a look in building three. I opened the door and there was nothing there. I thought there would be left over racks or old pallets or something. It was literally empty. I looked for the camera. It was above the door about 12 feet off the ground. Someone had turned it so it was facing the corner.
Harris when on a walk around as soon as he got in.
June 28th.
Harris is up here by the gate less and less. It is to the point I think I need to talk to Mr. Muir about it. Even when he is here he either just stares at the screens or mumbles to himself. I've started bringing my diary in and drawing doodles to pass the time.
June 30th.
Harris is out today. He didn't call or anything but it is halfway through the shift and I haven’t seen him. I don't know what made me think about it but I started going back and reviewing some of the tapes from a couple of nights ago. Specifically, the ones from when Harris visited building three. I keep looking at his shadow cast on the floor, and I swear to God there is a hand on his shoulder.
July 1st.
Harris is out again today. I tried to go to building three again. The camera was bothering me, I wanted to go and turn it back. I brought a ladder out there and everything but the key was missing from the ring, I think Harris had it last.
When he gets back I need to bring it up. I kept hearing scratching, like a cat got inside.
July 3rd.
Finally, Harris is back. Says he had the flu or something. Pretty convenient that he gets better right before the 4th of July.
July 5th.
Back from the holiday and Harris seems to be in a much better mood. Maybe he did just have some weird flu deal the last week and a half. He's been telling jokes and is back to his old self again. He hung some sort of good luck charm up by his chair. It was furry but didn't look like a rabbits foot.
It's about half way through the shift now. Harris is back from his walk about and he says he has something real exciting he needs to show me out by building three.
[[Go with Harris ->sacrifice end]]
[[Refuse ->h kill end]]
July 5th.
When I started throwing up I hung up the phone. It felt a little rude but I am sure 911 operators get hung up on all the time. I am not sure if it was the smell of blood or all the adrenaline that did it. Either way the police are coming so I have to write this quickly.
Harris is dead. I don't know what he was planning but I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be me. He tried to get me to go into that building he always visits but there was no way in hell I was going to go in there.
It was dark inside but there was enough coming in through the door for me to know some bad shit was about to go down. A chair and some rope are always a bit concerning, but in the middle of an abandon warehouse the alarm bells start going off. As soon as I started backing out he lunged at me. It was such a clumsy attempt that it would have been laughable in any other situation. I must have frozen, cause all I did was watch him get back up and try again. After that I don't remember too much, just a knife and a sharp pain in my shoulder. At some point he must've taken one to the face ‘cause he started hollering and holding his eye. I just sat there dazed, pissing myself as he crawled off into the building. The sound of something splashing brought me out of it.
I made it to the doorway just in time to see a fireball erupt in the middle of the room. In the flash, just before the heat hit me, I could see that it wasn't rope, but the insides of a cat next to the chair. Through the flames I could see Harris, still covering his left eye, smiling.
I'm not a religious man, never have been and never will be. But I swear to God when he lit that fire I heard the building scream.
That guy creeped me out, always writing in this stupid journal. Thought I'd go ahead and see what he was always on about. Good thing too, he tried making it out like //I// was the weirdo. For anyone reading this let me set the record straight. Just like that damn cat he begged //me// to let him in. I told him he wasn't good enough but he kept on and on about it. "Harris sacrifice me," "Oh, Harris please I want it to be me so bad." Wouldn't shut up about it for days. God damn! I never saw a grown man whine like that.
Doesn't matter really, I should have known better either way. I knew he wasn't good enough. As soon as I started stabbing he started crying. It made me sick. Made the building sick too, having to see a sorry scene like that. What a waste of time.
Now I gotta go sacrifice my feet to make it right. All because I listened to that stupid piss-ant!
June 25th.
I licked the building and it invited me inside. Writing this down it seems sexual but it wasn't.
I asked how I could help but no one was there.
June 27th.
When it was time to leave I pretended I left something and snuck back in. I wanted to go home but building 3 was lonely.
June 30th.
I sneak out at night, but only when it is absolutely necessary. I know where all of the cameras are, and since someone always has to be at the gate Harris is never on a walk around. The building is hungry.
July 1st.
Cats are very trusting animals.
July 3rd.
The building keeps screaming. Every day it grows weaker, starvation is a horrible thing to watch. It wants me to feed it
[[Go get some food ->kill h2]]
[[Go home ->suicide]]
June 24th.
Day after day I keep getting her mail but I don't see any letters from her.
June 25th.
Today when I went to get the mail there was a police car parked in front of her house. It was hard to get a good look, but they were sitting in the front room. One of the officers had a little notebook. Through the window it was impossible to make out what he was writing, and I only managed to read the word eyelashes before they noticed me. Luckily you don't have to be fast to be a police officer. Honestly, I wasn't too worried about it until I noticed the helicopters following me on the way back. All that mapping out of the neighborhood really paid off and I managed to lose them. Still you can never be too careful, I can't afford to mess it up now. She needs me.
From now on I have to be more careful. I'll always be watching, waiting for her signal.
June 24th.
I've given up on trying to get the blood off. I got off what I could but I don't care anymore. The pills should kick in soon and then we'll be together again, this time forever. I left a note on her counter telling the police that she wants to be buried next to me, not her husband. They have to obey her final wishes.
For what it's worth I never intended to kill her. It keeps playing over and over in my head and I feel sick, thinking about the pain I caused. The plan was to kill him, and then once she was free we would run away together. Something went wrong though. I expected her to join in once I started stabbing him. Instead she just kept screaming. I tried to explain but she wouldn’t stop.
I knew he was controlling but I never expected him to take it so far. I racked my brain trying to figure out why she never mentioned it. I think the reason is because she knew, deep down, that this was the only way for us to be together. The bastard had planted a mind control device inside her brain. He made it so she couldn’t recognize me. It took half the night but I found it, disguised like a piece of bone fragment. I smashed it.
I feel the pills starting to work. All that's left to do is lay down, and wait for her to come visit.
June 20th.
For several hours I walked around the neighborhood trying to blend in. Just a man going for stroll, nothing suspicious. I had to wait till it got dark and this was as good a chance as any to get a look around. Hopefully it won’t come to it, but if we have to make a quick getaway having a map in my head could be the difference between life and death.
I'll be the first to admit my plan didn't have all of the details worked out. All I could think about was saving Annabelle. Like I have seen in the movies a hundred times before, I crept around the side of the house with my shirt wrapped around my hand. It was one of those two story jobs, so I didn't know what room I was going to enter but I was pretty sure it wouldn't be a bedroom. Hardly mattered though because as soon I broke the window this stupid dog woke the whole house up.
I whispered "I love you" through the cracked window. I hope she heard it.
June 21st.
Someone in my family used to raise dogs. It was a great uncle or great grandpa or something like that. One of those relatives that are always dead and everyone seems to know one little interesting tidbit about. Anyway, this guy raised dogs and one of his neighbors used to hate him. No one could ever remember why, though an affair was certainly implied. Well, one day the neighbor bought a bunch of steaks, poisoned them and threw them over the fence. It ruined him.
June 23rd.
I bought a steak today.
[[Make friends with the dog ->Visit 2]]
[[visit the house ->murder end]]
June 21st.
I got some of Annabelle's letters today. Most of it was junk mail, but there was a phone bill that was a month behind. I went ahead and paid it, she can thank me once we're finally together.
[[Check the mail ->still watching end]]
[[Visit Annabelle ->murder end]]
June 24th.
This is going to have to be my last entry for a while now. I went to Annabelle's again tonight to get Roofus and everything went to shit. I could see how sad she was when they were burying him, and I got scared she wouldn't forgive me. She would understand, I didn't really have a choice, but understanding and forgiving are two different things.
It's all messed up now and I don't think I will get another chance to bring him back to life. All I can figure is that her husband buried motion sensors in the back yard. I only managed to cut off one leg before I heard shouting and had to get the hell out.
I was right about him having connections in the police department, there were at least two helicopters following me. I managed to give them the slip but even so I can't take any chances. Most of the house is already covered in gasoline. I'll try to cast the spell one more time, but I don't think a leg is enough.
I'll have to be more careful, but I'll always be watching.
June 17th.
I went back and forth a bit on what to do. In the end I settled on sending a letter. The tricky bit was letting her know it was from me. There is always the chance that the husband would get it first. It was unclear how much he knows already, but for her to be that scared he must either be really smart or really strong. I was preparing for either.
Most of the letter was written in code and obviously I left off the return address. As a final precaution I disguised my hand writing in case he had connections in the police force. I included three eyelashes so she would know it was from me. The thought of her holding them gives me an erection.
June 20th.
I haven't heard back from Annabelle, I am starting to think that she didn't get my letter.
[[Visit the house ->murder end]]
June 27th.
Building three was all I could think about. It reached out to me, it needed me. All I could think to do was talk back. On my walk around tonight I brought a little piece of paper with the Morse code for the word "how" scribbled on it.
June 29th.
The building hasn't reached out to me again. It makes me nervous. Did I do the wrong thing? Why won't it talk to me. Every night I ask the same question and wait.
July 3rd.
The door was bleeding today. At first I panicked and tried to stop it, but the building was happy. It wanted to be red.
July 4th.
No trucks are scheduled for today. Everything is locked down but I came in anyway. Sitting next to building 3 makes me feel calm. It's a warm night, I don't think I'll even need to use the sleeping bag.
July 7th.
Harris keeps messing with me. For the last couple of days, he's been sneaking a steak knife into my bag. What's the joke? I keep pretending not to notice and hope he leaves me alone.
July 8th.
It takes a lot of paint to cover a house.
July 10th.
The screen has been flashing out the words "red" for the last hour.
I checked my bag and Harris put the steak knife in again. He's reading a magazine with his headphones in.
July 11th.
Since it was only about 12 feet high I thought there'd be enough to cover one side. The building is sad. I tried apologizing but it doesn't help.
I think I passed out from the pain. It was worth it though, since I can finish painting. The pinky is a useless finger anyway. When that one runs out I've still got nine more. It's going to be so happy when I finish!
July 4th.
Harris is gone. I got as far as the front gate and he was sitting there with his headphones on, reading a magazine. I smashed his head with a rock but I couldn't do it. Harris wasn't worthy, he wasn't clean. Only thing he was good for was a pocket knife. A pool of blood was forming on the ground by his head. I spit in it before I left.
The blade on Harris’ pocket knife was sharp. A part of me is afraid of getting hurt but mostly it feels like going home. I just need to remember "down the road, not across the street."
July 4th
The building wanted me to kill Harris but I couldn't do it. The thought of bringing him in here was repulsive. He was unclean and unworthy. The thought of feeding it something so disgusting made me want to vomit. This building deserves better, it deserves me.
I know it's mad that I broke a window, but I needed something sharp.
There’s a scar on my stomach from when I was five. Me and my cousin were climbing and I fell on the barb wire. I think I’ll start there.
It'll stop screaming once it's fed.