Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
,,,,,<<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<audio "night" loop volume 0.25 fadeoverto 10 0.7>>
<div id="title-screen-block">
<h1>Sleepover rules</h1>
<<if Save.autosave.has()>>
<<if settings.difficulty == 2>>
<<linkreplace "Accept the sleepover invite" t8n>>
This resets your current sleepover.
<<link "Confirm" 'Entrance'>><<audio "night" stop>><<audio "cardoorslam" volume 0.5 play>><<set $RestartTwo to true>><</link>>
<<linkreplace "Accept the sleepover invite" t8n>>
This resets your current sleepover. <<link "Confirm" 'Intro'>><<audio "night" stop>><<audio "cardoorslam" volume 0.5 play>><<set $RestartZero to true>><</link>>
<<if settings.difficulty == 2>>
<<link "New sleepover" 'Entrance'>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>><<audio "night" stop>><<audio "cardoorslam" volume 0.5 play>><</link>>
<<link "New sleepover" 'Intro'>><<audio "night" stop>><<audio "cardoorslam" volume 0.5 play>><</link>>
<<if Save.autosave.has()>>
<<link "Continue the sleepover!">>
<<audio "night" stop>><<audio "cardoorslam" volume 0.5 play>>
@@.disabled-hiscore-link;Continue the sleepover!@@
<<if _tempDeath gte 1>>
</div><<if $RestartZero is true>>
<<run memorize("restartednew", true)>>
<<run Engine.restart()>>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
Hey there!! I’m so glad you decided to stay tomorrow night with me!! Not many people do, but I am looking forward to it tomorrow morning. These rules are to ensure your safety.<br><br> @@.eventtext;Your friend gives you a little list.@@<br><br>If you fail to follow these rules, you will become one of them. I hope we will have fun!! (p.s. keep in mind that everyone besides me is fake, I live alone.)<br><br>
<span id="fadein1" style="display:none">
You nod your head. @@.youspeech;'Well that's a weird start, but he seems like an oke guy,'@@ you think. You ask if you are allowed to bring candy and other sweets.<br><br>
<span id="fadein2" style="display:none">
Of course you are! Please have a look at the following rules, I divided them into several pages.<br><br>
[[General Rules|GeneralRules]] <span style="float:right"><<link "Skip" 'Entrance'>><</link>></span><br><br>
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>
<div style="text-align:center;">\
<h1 style="text-align:center">Credits</h1>\
''//Sleepover rules// created by'': Sjoerd Hekking
''//Art// made by'': <<externalLink "Eli Psia" "">>
'' Rules by'': <<externalLink "Raccoon_Cheeze" "">>
'' With the help of'': Akjosch, Cyrus Firheir, TheMadExile, Gwen
'' Special thanks to'': Somnium (Vincent Valensky)
'' Change log'': [[Change Log]]
'' Discord'': <<externalLink "Press me" "">>
<<link "Back" 'Start'>><</link>>
</div>\<div style="text-align:center;">
<h1 style="text-align:center">Change log</h1>
<<return "Back">><br><br>
Version 1.0.3: since 03 January 2021<br>
- Removed bugs<br>
- New quest<br>
- Font page<br>
- Gore page<br>
- Improved text<br><br>
Version 1.0.2: since 30 December 2020<br>
- Removed bugs<br>
- Audio page<br>
- Quest page<br>
- Improved backgrounds<br>
- Improved text<br><br>
Version 1.0.1: since 26 December 2020<br>
- Removed bugs<br>
- Settings page<br>
- Color blindness option<br>
- More art<br>
- Lowered the random event waiting time (20%~)<br><br>
Version 1.0.0: since 16 December 2020<br>
- Removed bugs<br>
- New art<br>
- New Intro<br>
- Double the amount of dialogue<br>
- True ending added<br><br>
<<return "Back">>
</div><<widget externalLink>>
/% $args[0] should be link text %/
/% $args[1] should be link URL %/
<<if constants.mobileVersion>>
/% On mobile, create a <<link>> macro that uses Javascript to open the system browser to the new URL %/
<<link $args[0]>>
<<script>>[1], "_system");
/% In the web version, just make a regular hyperlink %/
<<print "<a href='" + $args[1] + "' target='_blank'>" + $args[0] + "</a>">>
<<set $Time = 0>>
<<set $Stairs = 0>>
<<set $Insanity = 0>>
<<set $Door to "nothing">>
<<set $Television to "nothing">>
<<set $Dog to "nothing">>
<<set $Dog2 to "nothing">>
<<set $MainHallDown to "nothing">>
<<set $DogFood to "clean">>
<<set $LivingRoomVisited to false>>
<<set $StairsUp to false>>
<<set $InShower to false>>
<<set $RestedConservatory to false>>
<<set $ChildVisited to false>>
<<set $RestartZero to false>>
<<set $RestartTwo to false>>
<<set $F5 to false>>
<<set $DoorbellEvent to false>>
<<set $TelevisionEvent to false>>
<<set $KnifeEvent to false>>
<<set $DresserEvent to false>>
<<set $LightbulbEvent to false>>
/* Audio caching */
<<cacheaudio "night" "audio/night.ogg" "audio/night.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "wind" "audio/wind.ogg" "audio/wind.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "cardoorslam" "audio/cardoorslam.ogg" "audio/cardoorslam.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ambience" "audio/ambience.ogg" "audio/ambience.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "closingdoor" "audio/closingdoor.ogg" "audio/closingdoor.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "static" "audio/static.ogg" "audio/static.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "death" "audio/death.ogg" "audio/death.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "whisper" "audio/whisper.ogg" "audio/whisper.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "heartbeat" "audio/heartbeat.ogg" "audio/heartbeat.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "whoosh" "audio/whoosh.ogg" "audio/whoosh.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "switch" "audio/switch.ogg" "audio/switch.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "knocking" "audio/knocking.ogg" "audio/knocking.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "whisper2" "audio/whisper2.ogg" "audio/whisper2.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "pencil" "audio/pencil.ogg" "audio/pencil.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "footsteps" "audio/footsteps.ogg" "audio/footsteps.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "piano" "audio/piano.ogg" "audio/piano.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "drip" "audio/drip.ogg" "audio/drip.mp3">><<widget fadeIn>>
<<widget replaceAndFadeIn>>
/* $args[0] should be the id of the page element to replace */
/* $args[1] should be the passage to display */
<<replace $args[0]>>
<<display $args[1]>>
<<fadeIn $args[0]>>
<<widget continueLink>>
/* Creates an ordinary link pointing to the passage $args[0] with "Continue" as the text. */
<span id="spaceAct"><<link "Continue">><<goto $args[0]>><</link>></span>
<</widget>><div id="passages"></div>
<div id="button-container" data-passage="Button Passage"></div>AFTERNOON RULES (12:00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.)
1. Bed time is between 9 p.m. and 12 p.m. if you aren’t in the room by 12, I cannot open the door.
2. If you are hungry or need to use the restroom, you may only do that at the hours of 10-12pm.
a. My mother will be chopping food in the kitchen. She will stare at you, but do not make eye contact with her.
b. She is very clumsy, and she doesn’t pay attention well. She will cut off parts of her fingers until she reaches the knuckle on the hand. Do not act as if anything is wrong.
3. If the light in the fridge doesn’t come on when you open it, immediately close it.
4. When you enter the bathroom the curtain must be open. If it’s not, exit and re-enter.
a. If you hear someone in the bathroom, while you are showering, don’t leave the shower.
[[Night rules|NightRules]]<span style="float:right"><<link "Skip" 'Entrance'>><</link>></span>MORNING RULES ( 5 a.m. - 12 a.m.)
1. If you wake up before me, play Rock Paper Scissors with your reflection. If you lose, go back to sleep. If you win, you may stay awake. Only leave the room when I am awake.
2. How do you feel about cannibalism? If you don’t like it, don’t eat the meat.
3. Any left overs must be put in front of the dog at the table.
4. You must only go back upstairs to grab your items to leave. If you go back up there a second time, you won’t come back down.
5. Should you make it to your car, if the house has disappeared, drive away as fast as you can. If it’s still there and you see yourself waving goodbye from the window, you must wave back and look away from the house.
<<link "Front door" 'Entrance'>>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<</link>><<if settings.sfxcontrol == 0>>
<<run setup.randomSfx.start()>>
<<elseif settings.sfxcontrol == 1>>
<<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<if $RestartTwo is true>>
<<run memorize("restartednew2", true)>><<run Engine.restart()>>
<<if $F5 is false>>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $F5 to true>>
<<audio "wind" loop volume 0.1 fadeoverto 10 0.3>>
<<set _knockOptions to ["knock one time", "knock two times", "press the doorbell"]>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Door is "nothing">>
<<if _tempDeath is 1>>
@@.youspeech;//Haven't I seen this door before?//@@, you think to yourself. Oddly enough the wooden door looks familiar to you, as if you have amnesia. Your mind does hurt a little bit, however it could be last nights party, which makes everything blurry. @@.youspeech;//I shouldn't have taken the extra shot.//@@ You should carefully <<cycle "$knock" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _knockOptions>><</cycle>> and step back to <<link "wait" 'Entrance'>><<set $Door to $knock>><</link>>.
<<elseif _tempDeath is 2>>
@@.youspeech;“The door... the knocking... what is happening?”@@, you murmur to yourself while looking at the cracked wooden door. You stare at it for a while before realizing that you actually have been here before, but you can't remember when. Maybe your friend has the answer you are looking for. Again you should carefully <<cycle "$knock" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _knockOptions>><</cycle>> and <<link "wait" 'Entrance'>><<set $Door to $knock>><</link>>.
<<elseif _tempDeath is 3>>
You are sure that you have seen this before, you keep waking up in front of the house from a nightmarish daydream. You turn around to see an empty street. Overwhelmed by everything that has happened and is happening you decide to <<cycle "$knock" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _knockOptions>><</cycle>> and <<link "wait" 'Entrance'>><<set $Door to $knock>><</link>>.
<<elseif _tempDeath gte 4>>
@@.youspeech;//This can't be, again?//@@, is the first thing that pops into your mind while you sigh sadly. You look behind you, but as usual, the street is empty. You need to find a way to stop this, to exit this 'loop', whether it's a dream or not. For the umpteenth time you <<cycle "$knock" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _knockOptions>><</cycle>> and <<link "wait" 'Entrance'>><<set $Door to $knock>><</link>> to see your friend opening the door again.
You find yourself in front of a cracked wooden door. You look back, the streets were empty. Your mom must have drove off rather quickly, she was in a hurry. You take a step closer and think about the rules, you carefully <<cycle "$knock" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _knockOptions>><</cycle>> and silently <<link "wait" 'Entrance'>><<set $Door to $knock>><</link>>.
<<elseif $Door is "knock two times">>
<<if $Random lte 3>>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("ghost")>>
<<set $GhostOpen to true>>
<<timed `random(8, 16) + "s"`>>
<<set $GhostOpen to false>>
<<run jQuery("html").removeClass("ghost")>>
<<audio "closingdoor" play>>
<<replace "#knockknock">>Still looking at you while almost unnoticeably twitching his face he closes the door. His long withered fingers slowly slide into the door ajar. The door has been closed,<br><br><<link "Knock again" 'Entrance'>><<set $Insanity += random(1, 5)>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>><</link>>.<</replace>>
<span id="knockknock">The door opens and someone stands in the doorway. He looks different, your affinity descends into a feeling of strangeness and a sense of unease. He asks with a soft voice if you would like to come in.<br><br><<link "Enter the house" 'dead1'>><</link>>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("friend")>>
The door opens and your friend stands in the doorway, greeting you with a crooked smile. Be sure to leave tomorrow between 11 a.m. and 01.30 p.m.! @@.themspeech;“I hope we will be having a splendid time together!”@@, he says, while an icy wind from inside the house hits your face.<br><br><<link "Enter the house">><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><<audio "wind" stop>><<set $AmbienceAudio to true>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<if _tempDeath lt 1>>
<<goto "MainHallDownIntro">>
<<elseif _tempDeath is 1>>
<<goto "MainHallDownIntro2">>
<<elseif _tempDeath is 2>>
<<goto "MainHallDownIntro3">>
<<goto "MainHallDown">>
<<elseif $Door is "knock one time">>
<<goto "KnockOne">>
<<elseif $Door is "press the doorbell">>
<<goto "Doorbell">>
<<link "you cheated" 'Entrance'>><<set $Door to "nothing">><</link>>
<</if>><<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<set _tempCountCurios to recall('countcurios', 0)>>
<<set _tempDogSeen to recall('DogSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempLightbulb to recall('lightbulb', false)>>
<<set _tempBo4Seen to recall('Bo4Seen', false)>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $LabDown is true>>
<<set $LabDown to false>>
You climb back up, into the rather tiny basement, the laboratory underneath it is a lot bigger. @@.youspeech;//Why did the scientist build a 'secret' laboratory?//@@, you can't seem to wrap your head around it, @@.youspeech;//could he be the reason this house is truly 'haunted'?//@@, you feel nauseous as you think about. You could go back <<link "down" 'Laboratory'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>, or you could try to get some more natural light by going back to the <<link "hallway" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>, @@.youspeech;//it's better than the artificial lights down here//@@
<<if $Random lte 3>>
You rub your eyes since the darkness makes you drowsy, you almost missed your friend standing in the middle of the basement. He is holding a long stick and a candle. You ask him,@@.youspeech; why are you down here and why do you have a stick and a candle?@@<br><br>
<span id="fadein1" style="display:none">Slowly he lifts his head up and whispers,@@.themspeech; “I think some of them escaped the fridge”. “I think it is better if you leave now!”. “You must refrain from making them warm, they only like the cold!”.@@</span><br><br>
<span id="fadein2" style="display:none">You think that he is not playing around, his face seems so serious! He is still staring at you with his eyes wide open,
you think it is better if you just <<link "leave" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><<set $Insanity += random(1, 2)>><</link>>. But you still question yourself why he is referring to something so vaguely and telling you to leave and keep ‘them’ cold.
<<if _tempBo4Seen is true>>
Underneath the junk in the basement you suddenly notice a peculiar latch, should you <<link "enter it?" 'Laboratory'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>
<<elseif $Random gte 10>>
<<if $Fridge is true>>
While the door slams behind you, a loud noise hurts your ears. You can barely hear yourself thinking, the pain is too much. Finally, your eyes are accustomed to the darkness and you see a shadow, or rather an outlining of some humanoid thing. It just stands there. Every time you blink it feels like the shadow is getting closer, and you are getting <<link "colder" 'dead17'>><</link>>.
<<if _tempDeath gte 4>>
While the door slams behind you, a loud noise hurts your ears. Is this another moment which you can't escape? The ringing in your ears makes thinking difficult. You try to let your eyes get accustomed to the light, but you are to stressed to let them adjust properly. While your vision is still not perfect, you see something moving from one side of the basement to the other side.<<if _tempDogSeen is true>> You are almost certain that it was his dog!<<else>> It was something rather large and fast, @@.youspeech;//maybe it could have been his dog?//@@<</if>> You think the basement is <<link "empty" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += 1>><</link>>, so you can leave.
While the door slams behind you, a loud noise hurts your ears. You can barely hear yourself thinking, the pain is too much, after your eyes are accustomed to the darkness you look around. In a flash you saw something moving from one side of the basement to the other side. It must have been something large, @@.youspeech;“maybe it was his dog?”@@ You think the basement is <<link "empty?" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += 1>><</link>>, so you can leave.
<<if _tempBo4Seen is true>>
Underneath the junk in the basement you suddenly notice a peculiar latch, should you <<link "enter it?" 'Laboratory'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<if $Random lte 3>>
<<set $Breathing to true>>
<<timed `random(8, 16) + "s"`>>
<<set $Breathing to false>>
<<replace "#breath">>The breathing is gone and suddenly the lights turn on brightly. You see some scratch marks on the floor and walls, they are not small but really long and thin. Maybe he throws the dog in here as a bad behavior punishment? Other than you, the basement is <<link "empty" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><<set $Insanity += random(1, 5)>><</link>><</replace>>.
<span id="breath">You hear some strange breathing. You quickly try to flip the light switch but the bulb won't turn on. The door fell shut behind your back, so you have to <<link "get out of here" 'dead18'>><</link>> without your vision. It's so cold here, you should've brought a jacket or thick shirt.</span>
The light won't turn on. This house has some electricity issues, nothing works the way it is supposed to work. At least you can see something because you left the door open. The dim light helps you look around, the hallway
<<if _tempLightbulb is true>>
<<if _tempDeath gte 7>>
<<link "bulb" 'Basement'>><<set $LightbulbEvent to true>><<run memorize("lightbulb", true)>><<set _tempCountCurios += 1>><<run memorize('countcurios', _tempCountCurios)>><</link>>
isn't bright enough to light up the entire basement but it suffices. You see some scratch marks on the floor and walls, they are not small but really long and thin. Maybe he throws the dog in here as a bad behavior punishment? Other than you, the basement is <<link "empty" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
<<if _tempBo4Seen is true>>
Underneath the junk in the basement you suddenly notice a peculiar latch, should you <<link "enter it?" 'Laboratory'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>
<<if _tempLightbulb is true && $LightbulbEvent is true>>
@@.eventtext;<br><br>While you looked at the lightbulb you felt different, as if you had a moment of pure clarity.@@
<</if>><<run jQuery("html").removeClass("paintingdis")>>
<<run jQuery("html").removeClass("painting")>>
<<run jQuery("html").removeClass("painting2")>>
<<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Time > 720 && $Time < 990>>
You feel cold hands gripping around your neck. You try to turn around and see what is strangling you, but
you feel to weak to actually perceive the thing that is closing your throat. Your legs give up and you <<link "fall to the ground" 'dead14'>><</link>>
<<if $Time > 540 && $Time < 630>>
@@.eventtext;You are starting to feel really sleepy!@@<br><br>
<<if $Time > 631 && $Time < 719>>
@@.eventtext;You should really go to bed!@@<br><br>
You find yourself in the hallway on the ground level. You see the
<<link "kitchen">>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $Time += random(20, 40)>>
<<goto "Kitchen">>
at the end of the hallway. Next to it there is a doorway to the
<<link "livingroom">>
<<set $Random to random(1, 100)>>
<<set $Time += random(20, 40)>>
<<goto "LivingRoom">>
<<if _tempDeath gte 1>>
<<if $Time < 660>>
<<link "conservatory door">>
<<set $Time += random(10, 20)>>
<<goto "Conservatory">>
opposite the front door is open.
The conservatory door opposite the front door is closed.
The door to the
<<link "basement">>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $Time += random(20, 40)>>
<<goto "Basement">>
seems old and is relativaly small for humans. A foul smell comes out of the
<<link "restroom">>
<<set $Time += random(20, 40)>>
<<goto "Restroom">>
your friend must have sewer problems. The
<<link "stairs">>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $Time += random(20, 40)>>
<<goto "Stairs">>
leading to the second floor are above the basement door, they are decorated with golden ornaments.
<<if $Time > 1380 && $Time < 1470 && $Items is true>>
<br><br><<link "You have your bag, you may leave through the front door!" 'FrontDoor'>><</link>>
<<elseif $Time > 1380 && $Time < 1470 && $Items is false>>
<br><br><<link "You must grab your bag first to leave the house!" 'Stairs'>><<set $Time -= 60>><</link>>
The front door is closed, you could smash the brittle door open, but your friend would be upset.<br><br>
<<include "Painting">>
<<set _Random to random(1, 100)>>
<<if _Random lte 5>>
<<if $Painting is true>>
<<set $Random to random(1, 100)>>
<<goto "Mirror">>
<<if _tempDeath lt 1 && $Insanity gte 20>>
<br><br>@@.eventext;A door at the opposite side of the front door is glowing, but you can't enter it@@
<</if>><<run jQuery("html").removeClass("dog")>>
<<run jQuery("html").removeClass("man")>>
<<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<set _tempManSeen to recall('ManSeen', false)>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Random lte 15>>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<goto "Man">>
<<elseif $Random gte 85>>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<goto "Dog">>
<<if _tempDeath is 1>>
The living room is dusty, you need to sneeze again. You remember, @@.youspeech;//the furniture is from the victorian era//@@, it still looks deteriorated. It's a dim room and you try to understand its vibe, but you can't, @@.youspeech;//how can I remember this room?//@@ What amazes you the most is the old television, bulging from behind. The television does not seem to function anymore since its power cable is broken. You sit on the couch for a while, that cold feeling you get from sitting there is odd. You should explore the house a bit <<link "more" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
The couch has been used again? The room has not been touched by your friend, it still looks the same as when you found it earlier, really weird. For a second you thought you heard static noises from the television, it must have been a figment of the imagination. This rooms creeps you out, not as much as the rest of the house, but still. You think it is time to head to somewhere <<link "else" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
<<elseif _tempDeath gte 2>>
The living room is dusty, you need to sneeze as always. The furnishing... @@.youspeech;// from the Victorian era//@@ you have thought this before., it is all dusted and looks deteriorated. It's a dim room which vibe is chaotic, @@.youspeech;//it feels like this room is frozen in time//@@. What still amazes you the most is... @@.youspeech;//the old television, bulging from behind//@@, this is getting weird, you remember all those things.<<if _tempManSeen is true>> Somehow the television functions without power, maybe there is a hidden cable somewhere.<<else>> The television does not seem to function anymore since its power cable is broken.<</if>> You sit on the couch for a while, feeling cold as always when sitting on it. You should explore the house a bit <<link "more" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
<<if _tempManSeen is true>>The man left a seatprint on the couch.<<else>>You wonder who left the seat print on the couch?<</if>> The room has not been touched by your friend, it still looks the same as when you found it earlier, really weird.<<if _tempManSeen is true>> The television makes a static noise, maybe the man is nearby.<<else>> For a second you thought you heard static noises from the television, it must have been a figment of the imagination.<</if>> This rooms creeps you out, not as much as the rest of the house, but still. @@.youspeech;//I seem to remember it all//@@. You think it is time to head to somewhere <<link "else" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
The living room is dusty, you need to sneeze. The furnishing looks from the Victorian era, it is all dusted and looks deteriorated. It's a dim room that has a strange vibe to it, almost as if someone would've forced it to stay the way it is. What amazes you the most is the old television, bulging from behind. The television does not seem to function anymore since its power cable is broken. You sit on the couch for a while, feeling cold. You should explore the house a bit <<link "more" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>.
You wonder why there is a seat print on the couch? The room has not been touched by your friend, it still looks the same as when you found it earlier, really weird. For a second you thought you heard static noises from the television, it must have been a figment of the imagination. This rooms creeps you out, not as much as the rest of the house, but still. You think it is time to head to somewhere <<link "else" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>.
<<run jQuery("html").removeClass("mom")>>
<<set _tempDogSeen to recall('DogSeen', false)>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $AtticMonsterSeen is true>>
<<set $AtticMonsterSeen to false>>
You are trying to catch your breathe and lean against the wooden door of the kitchen. You sack to the ground while pushing against the door, you have some tears rolling down your cheecks. The thing inside the attic is frightning you, now that you are starting to feel safe again, you can <<link "open your eyes" 'Kitchen'>><</link>> or you can see if you can climb the stairs <<link "again" 'MainHallDown'>><</link>>
<<if $Slept is true>>
<<if $DogFood is "nothing">>
The kitchen is empty, cold and dirty. He should clean it again! However, this is not your task, so you should go <<link "back!" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>. You still want to leave as soon as possible, since this might be your only chance.
<<goto "MomMorning">>
<<elseif $Slept is false>>
Your friend must be gone to another room nearby, you just saw him eating his meat. Really strange that he sometimes disappears like that. The kitchen feels cold again, maybe he also turns off the radiators inside the rooms when he leaves? you <<link "leave the kitchen" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>.
<<if $Time >= 600 && $Time <= 720>>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<goto "Mom">>
<<if _tempDogSeen is true>>Pieces of meat lay scattered around the ground and kitchen counter. There should be a dog around somewhere, why didn't he ate the meat?<<else>> What a waste of food, you see pieces of meat scattered around the ground and kitchen counter.<</if>> A <<link "refrigerator" 'Fridge'>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>><</link>> is catching dust in the corner. Not much to do here, maybe you should go <<link "back" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>. The kitchen is colder than the rest of the house, you notice. When you turn around to leave the kitchen you hear a woman sobbing behind you, but a quick head turn and a glimpse over your shoulder shows you that the kitchen is still empty.
Somehow the meat that once littered the ground is gone, you see some big paw prints next to half eaten bones. You don't know much about dogs but you seem to be confident that the prints are enormous compared to your mothers dog. The <<link "refrigerator" 'Fridge'>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>><</link>> has some new scratch marks on them, did the dog try to open it? Your headaches while you are trying to grasp what is happening in this house, the cold isn't helping you think, maybe you should <<link "leave the kitchen" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>.
<<set _tempCounter = $TimeCounter2 *-1 + $Time>>
<<if _tempCounter gte 120>>
<<set $RestedRestroom to false>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Time >= 600 && $Time <= 720>>
The toilet looks like one straight out of a fancy castle. Completely made from dark gray porcelain with small copper ornaments. It somehow feels safe inside this little room, as if you can take a deep breath and just relax yourself. The smell is awful, you are still not sure what it is. You wash your hands with a dark red soap and
<<if $RestedRestroom is true>>
<<link "leave" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
<<link "leave" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><<set $Insanity -= random(5, 15)>><<set $RestedRestroom to true>><<set $TimeCounter2 to $Time>><</link>>.
<<if $RestedRestroom is true>>
@@.eventtext;<br><br>You have already rested!@@
<<set $Peeing to false>>
<<timed `random(5, 30) + "s"`>>
<<set $Peeing to true>>
<<replace "#toilet">>The stench is overwhelming, you feel light in your head. You just want to close your eyes for a second, that should be alright, no one who will notice. You <<link "fall over" 'dead13'>><</link>>.<</replace>>
<span id="toilet">
<<first>>The toilet looks like one straight out of a fancy castle. Completely made from dark gray porcelain with small copper ornaments. Really strange to use such a beautiful toilet in such an old house, you just don't get it. The smell is awful, you are still not sure why it is. You wash your hands with a dark red soap and <<link "leave" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>.
The second time you enter the toilet the awful smell still hits your face, oddly enough it became a familiar smell to this little room. You wonder why there is no mirror inside the restroom, it could have been useful to check your make-up. The soap has liquefied a little bit after using it, to your suprise there are small little white chunks inside of it, you wash your hands and <<link "leave" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
<<if $FridgeVisisted is true>>The snacks you ate in the kitchen were spoiled, at least, that's what you think, since there is a reason you need to visit the restroom so often.<<else>>Your stomach hurts, maybe that's the reason why you go to the toilet so often.<</if>> Quickly you wash your hands and <<link "leave" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>. When you place the soap back on its holder, it breaks and reveals the inside. The white chunks are long and thin with a hollow inside, almost as if they are bones.
<<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<set _runOptions to ["your friends room", "the kitchen", "the bathroom"]>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Time > 1380 && $Time < 1470 && $Items is false && $StairsUp is false>>
“I need to leave this place! Whatever happens next, I should play along and step through that front door!”, is the only thing you are thinking of. Your heart beats faster than ever before, this house, your friend, the things that have happened, why did you get yourself into this mess. While you are quickly climbing the stairs your long hair falls in front of your eyes, you almost want to pull it out of frustration, but you have to focus on getting to the <<link "bedroom" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $StairsUp to true>><<set $Time += random(1, 20)>><</link>>
<<if $StairsUp is false>>
<<if $Time gte 1020>>
<<set $Stairs += 1>>
<<if $Stairs gte 3>>
You feel so strange, you have walked the stairs for a long time now. You are sure the stairs were not this much of a walk. For a second you sit down to breath, because your body feels tired. Your friends voice echoes through your head, he told you something about walking the stairs but you have already forgotten it. You wake up again and you start to walk again, there is no <<link "end" 'dead7'>><</link>> to this damned stairway.
The sun shines on the flaked golden paint, it actually looks a little pretty in this deteriorated house. You quickly <<link "fly" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><<set $StairsUp to true>><</link>> through the stairs, but you feel a little heavy, this stairway is different from the one in your home. Not different in a visual way, but in an aura way. Almost as if it wants to keep you there.
<<if $Random lte 2>>
you are gasping for air! you have been running these stairs for a long time now, they won't end!? All you want is to go to the <<link "second floor" 'dead8'>><</link>> but it's like a Penrose staircase which never ends. You feel tempted to quickly jump of the <<link "railing" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Insanity += random(2, 10)>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>, you wonder if it won't be too high. You suddenly hear a failling sound, you look over the railing, but no one was there.
<<elseif $Random gte 10>>
you arrive at the second floor, the hallway seems different. A draft of air hit your face, it was cold and felt heavy. The kind of heavy that the smoke of a cigar represents compared to the smoke of a cigarette. When you see that the attic door is open, you are startled, and
<<link "run">>
<<set $Run to $run>>
<<if $Run is "the kitchen">>
<<set $Insanity += random(5, 10)>>
<<set $AtticMonsterSeen to true>>
<<set $Time += random(40, 60)>>
<<goto "Kitchen">>
<<goto "dead9">>
<</link>> as fast as you can to <<cycle "$run" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _runOptions>><</cycle>>. Whilst hoping that whatever you caught a glimpse of, was just something you imagined.
<<if _tempDeath gte 3>>
@@.youspeech;//I remember the feeling of the steps gently pushing down//@@. The wood beneath the steps has rotten, this house is old. For some reason the golden paint starting flaking on some parts, while no direct sunlight is bleeching it. @@.youspeech;//The house is poorly maintained by him, even worse than my dorm room//@@. @@.youspeech;//It's better if I just keep moving and don't mind it, wasting time is a bad idea//@@. You <<link "continue" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $StairsUp to true>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>> to walk the steps.
While you walk the stairs, the steps are gently pushing down. The wood beneath it must have rotten a little. The golden paint starting flaking on some parts, revealing a red colored wood underneath. Your friend never told you that his house was poorly maintained. You <<link "continue" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $StairsUp to true>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>> walk. Some weird sounds originate from the basement, maybe your friend is moving something?
You slowly walk down and wonder why, for such a small house there are so many stair steps. You are unsure if it has to do with the angle they are build in, or just that this house is different in general. The paintings decorating the stairway seem vintage, people don't dress like that nowadays. You will feel better again if you reach the <<link "ground floor" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><<set $StairsUp to false>><</link>>.
<</if>><<include "Options">>
<<if $Stuff is "next to the dresser">>
After you strapped on your seat belt you said to your mother @@.youspeech;“finally you are here!”@@, @@.youspeech;“I never want to sleep at my friends house again!”@@ She smiles at me with the same crooked smile your friend had when you first entered the house and whispers @@.themspeech;“don't forget to say goodbye to yourself!”@@ You immediately stiffen and turn your head to the house. In the window you see yourself with your friend, both are waving at you and <<link "smiling..." 'win1'>><</link>>
You finally sit in your mom's car, she hasn't spoken a word to you since she left you yesterday at the front door. Looking through the car window at the house, it seems almost as if peace has returned to it, as if you were the reason for all the madness. Sitting in the car near your mother makes you feel calm again. You are going home. You look at her since she hasn't spoken a word to you. She smiles and says @@.themspeech;“we are going to visit dad today”@@, as she turns on the engine, you <<link "collapse" 'win1'>><</link>>.
<</if>><<run jQuery("html").removeClass("curtain")>>
<<set _tempManSeen to recall('ManSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempMomSeen to recall('MomSeen', false)>>
<<audio "drip" loop play>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $InShower is true>>
<<set $Curtain to true>>
<<if $Random gte 7>>
<<timed `random(8, 16) + "s"`>>
<<set $Curtain to false>>
<<replace "#shower2">>The feeling of a déjà vu is leaving your body again. You become calm again. As you hear footsteps receding your head feels normal, what ever it was, it could have been the water damp. The shower is clean, but the ground is still a mess. You should get some fresh air again and <<link "exit" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $InShower to false>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><<audio "drip" stop>><</link>> the shower.<</replace>>
<span id="shower2">You hear that someone entered the bathroom, really odd. Your friend was not supposed to shower, he showers in the early morning hours. You feel really unsettled, your head is burning, and you are experiencing some kind of an incomplete déjà vu feeling. You should step <<link "out" 'dead16'>><</link>> of the shower! </span>
Whilst showering you think about all the strange things in this house.
<<if hasVisited("Man")>>
The livingroom would be the first one to pop in your mind, your friend told you that he lives alone, and you later find out a man is actually also inside the house, yet your friend denies that there is?
<<if hasVisited("MyRoom")>>
Luckily the door of the bedroom is protected with a heavy bar, but still you get goosebumps while thinking about the man.
You get goosebumps when you think about the fact that he could maybe sneak up on you while you sleep.
<<if hasVisited("Mom")>>
The kitchen was occupied by a woman which looks like a mother, but your friend clearly stated that he lives alone, really odd.
<<if hasVisited("Dog")>>
She had the look in her eyes as the dog had.
You suddenly snap out of your daydream like state, you have been showering for a lenghty time now, you should put on your dress again and <<link "leave" 'MainHallUp'>><<audio "drip" stop>><<set $InShower to false>><<set $Curtain to false>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><<set $Insanity -= random(1, 30)>><</link>> the shower.
<<elseif $InShower is false>>
<<if $Random gte 7>>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("curtain")>>
<<timed `random(8, 16) + "s"`>>
<<if _tempManSeen is true && _tempMomSeen is true>>
<<replace "#shower">>The curtains are closed and the water is running. @@.youspeech;My friend lives alone, the things down stairs don't leave their rooms.@@ Maybe he decided to preheat the shower for you which is really kind. You should <<link "leave" 'MainHallUp'>><<audio "drip" stop>><<set $InShower to false>><<set $Time += random(15, 40)>><</link>> and return later, when the water is hot.<</replace>>
<<replace "#shower">>The curtains are closed and the water is running. @@.youspeech;My friend lived alone right?@@ Maybe he decided to preheat the shower for you which is really kind. You think the water has warmed up and you should step <<link "in" 'dead15'>><</link>> and wash yourself.<</replace>>
<<if _tempManSeen is true && _tempMomSeen is true>>
<span id="shower">The curtains are closed and the water is running. @@.youspeech;My friend lives alone, the things down stairs don't leave their rooms.@@ Maybe he decided to preheat the shower for you which is really kind. You should <<link "leave" 'MainHallUp'>><<audio "drip" stop>><<set $InShower to false>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>> and return later, when the water is hot.</span>
<span id="shower">The curtains are closed and the water is running. @@.youspeech;My friend lived alone right?@@ Maybe he decided to preheat the shower for you which is really kind. You should <<link "leave" 'MainHallUp'>><<audio "drip" stop>><<set $InShower to false>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>> and return later, when the water is hot.</span>
you step on a wet floor, it looks foul. The smell is unpleasant, which is actually a compliment compared to what you should be thinking right now. The water is brownish red, maybe because of a rusty pipe that is leaking from under the <<link "bathtub" 'Bathroom'>><<set $InShower to true>><<set $ShowerVisisted to true>><</link>> or because the bathroom hasn't been cleaned in a while. You decide to <<link "shower" 'Bathroom'>><<set $InShower to true>><<set $ShowerVisisted to true>><</link>> anyway, since you can't skip a day shaving your armpits.
<</if>><<set _tempCountBooks to recall('countbooks', 0)>>
<<include "Options">>
An attic door that seems to be well secured with iron hinges and a steel lock. It would be a dare to open that lock, since it looks impossible. Maybe your friend wants to make sure that door stays closed for a reason. You should continue to move <<link "on" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(15, 30)>><</link>>.
<<if _tempCountBooks gte 5>>
You see a book laying under the ladder of the attic, it's a little dusty but you could <<link "open it" 'Book4'>><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>
You are standing infront of the well secured attic door, the lock still looks sturdy and new. You shouldn't be questioning anything about the door, but you really want to know what's behind it. You place your ear against the wood and you hold your breath. unfortunately you didn't hear anything, not even the wind. You should continue to move <<link "on" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(15, 30)>><</link>>.
<<if _tempCountBooks gte 5>>
You see a book laying under the ladder of the attic, it's a little dusty but you could <<link "open it" 'Book4'>><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>
Once again you find yourself staring at the attic door, you can't help your curiosity. You slowly walk closer to the door and place your ear against the wooden door again. This time you scratch the lock with your long fingernails and you manage to produce a distinctive metal scraping sound. Whatever is inside, it didn't like the sound you just made, it is moving through the attic fastly. You are startled, because you didn't expected anything to happen, you quickly <<link "leave" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(15, 30)>><</link>>.
<<if _tempCountBooks gte 5>>
You see a book laying under the ladder of the attic, it's a little dusty but you could <<link "open it" 'Book4'>><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>
<<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<set _tempMomSeen to recall('MomSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempManSeen to recall('ManSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempLightbulb to recall('lightbulb', false)>>
<<set _tempDresser to recall('dresser', false)>>
<<set _tempTelevision to recall('television', false)>>
<<set _tempKnife to recall('knife', false)>>
<<set _tempDoorbell to recall('doorbell', false)>>
<<set _sentence to either("slightly opened", "open", "closed")>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Time > 720 && $Time < 990>>
you feel cold hands gripping around your neck. You try to turn around and see what is strangling me, but you feel weak. Your legs give up and you <<link "fall to the ground" 'dead14'>><</link>>.
<<if $Time > 540 && $Time < 630>>
@@.eventtext;You are starting to feel really sleepy!@@<br><br>
<<if $Time > 631 && $Time < 719>>
@@.eventtext;You should really go to bed!@@<br><br>
The hallway is narrow and long, red carpet with an outer lining of wood muffle your footsteps. You can see a brown
<<link "bathroom door">>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $Time += random(20, 40)>>
<<goto "Bathroom">>
which is <<print _sentence>>. More
<<link "doors">>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $Time += random(20, 40)>>
<<goto "LockedRoom">>
either look off limits for you or look like you should leave them alone.
<<if _tempDeath isnot 2 && _tempMomSeen is false && $Insanity gte 40>>
Vaguely you see a door with a flower pattern on it.
<<if _tempDeath gte 2 && _tempMomSeen is true>>
<<link "children's room door">>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $Time += random(20, 40)>>
<<goto "ChildrensRoom">>
has a beautiful flower pattern drawn on the wood.
<<if _tempDeath isnot 4 && _tempManSeen is false && $Insanity gte 60>>
The door next to the bathroom is glowing strangely.
<<if _tempDeath gte 4 && _tempManSeen is true>>
<<link "study door">>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $Time += random(20, 40)>>
<<goto "Study">>
next to the brown door is open.
At the end next to the
<<link "attic door">>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $Time += random(20, 40)>>
<<goto "Attic">>
a small dark brown door with carvings on it resides in a steel frame. That must be the door of
<<link "your friend his room.">>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $Time += random(20, 40)>>
<<goto "MyRoom">>
<</link>> you could also go
<<link "down stairs">>
<<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $Time += random(20, 40)>>
<<goto "Stairs">>
<<include "Painting2">>
<<if _tempLightbulb is true && _tempDresser is true && _tempTelevision is true && _tempKnife is true && _tempDoorbell is true>>
@@.eventtext;<br><br>You see light coming from the locked door's frame!@@
<</if>><<include "Options">>
<<if $Time <= 539>>
The room of your friend is small, he placed an air mattress on the ground for you which barely fits in there. It looks like it has been used a lot over the years. You look around and turn your face to the door again and see that a large iron bar is placed vertically next to the door. Very strange to use that as a lock, but in your dorm room you have seen crazier things used as a lock. <<include "Dresser">> His bed has small red stains on it, there are so many that it looks like a pattern, however the bed seems clean? <<include "Bed">> you should explore the house <<link "more" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>.
<<elseif $Time >= 540 && $Time <= 749>>
With a soft voice your friends says, “you are finally here! We could already go to bed and sleep if you'd like that?”, “You must have had a busy day, my house is unique!”. You thank him for the offer and decide to <<link "sleep" 'Sleep'>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>><<set $Time to 840>><</link>>. You hear footsteps coming from the <<link "hallway" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>, it seems like your friend doesn't notice it, he just keeps staring at the <<link "window" 'Window'>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>><</link>>. <<include "SleepPreps">>
<<elseif $Time >= 750 && $Time <= 989>>
you try to enter the room but it is closed! Your friend actually locked it. There is no keyhole, it's barred from the inside!? you feel a panic attack surfacing in your head, you try to breathe calmly but it is not possible. He stated really clearly that you should've been in bed before midnight. That strange cold feeling is
returning, your fingertips are already becoming numb. You think you messed up terribly! you try to pound the door, but you are too weak. Your consciousness tells you to <<link "escape" 'MainHallUp'>><</link>>
<<elseif $Time >= 990>>
<<if $Stuff is "on the dresser">>
The room looks just the way it was when you left it this morning for breakfast. Your stuff is on the dresser, you should <<link "grab it" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><<set $Items to true>><</link>>.
<<elseif $Stuff is "next to the dresser">>
Your stuff is gone!? you forgot if you saw it this morning, maybe your friend already placed your stuff outside the door, that would be very kind! you should go <<link "down" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><<set $Items to true>><</link>> and thank him!
Your forgot to unpack your bag last night, you can't seem to find it anymore. Maybe your friend has already grabbed your bag? Weird that he didn't tell you that... You should go <<link "down" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><<set $Stuff to "next to the dresser">><<set $Items to true>><</link>> and leave
<</if>><<set _tempLightbulb to recall('lightbulb', false)>>
<<set _tempDresser to recall('dresser', false)>>
<<set _tempTelevision to recall('television', false)>>
<<set _tempKnife to recall('knife', false)>>
<<set _tempDoorbell to recall('doorbell', false)>>
<<set _sentence to either("a strange looking mirror", "a flickering screen", "your friend in it")>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if _tempLightbulb is true && _tempDresser is true && _tempTelevision is true && _tempKnife is true && _tempDoorbell is true>>
You see that one of the doors of the locked rooms is open. Your hands start shaking nervously, this house doesn't give anyone a freepass to skip bad things. You have been stuck here for sometime now, you might as well <<link "enter the room" 'Library'>><</link>>, since whatever happens will happen. You take a deep breath and try to calm you nerves @@.youspeech;“keep your shirt on!”@@, you think to yourself. Your fingernails are starting to get cold again, maybe you should actually <<link "turn back?" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(1, 30)>><</link>>.
You say to yourself, “I shouldn't be near these doors!”, but as curious as you are, you walk to one of them and look through the keyhole. The house uses old door locks, the one's that are “see through”. You don't see much unfortunately, only a dark room with <<print _sentence>>. You should probably head <<link "back" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(15, 30)>><</link>>, your friend told you not to peek at things that were off limits.
<<if $Random gte 10>>
Your friends catches you while you are walking towards the forbidden door, “these doors are not to be opened, you also shouldn't come near them again”, he says with an almost scared voice. Whatever is inside the rooms behind the doors, your friend doesn't want you to find out. You respond to him “Alright, I am sorry, they just seem to draw my attention”. Your friend nods and you <<link "walk" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(15, 30)>><</link>> to the middle of the hallway again. When you turn around your friend is gone.
You walk up to the same door, expecting a different outcome since last time you checked the forbidden doors. You can clearly see that the door does sometimes open, since it sands down the wooden floor underneath it. You kneel down on the lighter part of the wood, just so that you can glimpse through the keyhole again. Again you only see a dark room with <<print _sentence>>. You should probably head <<link "back" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(15, 30)>><</link>>, your friend told you not to peek at things that were off limits.
<<if _tempLightbulb is true || _tempDresser is true || _tempTelevision is true || _tempKnife is true || _tempDoorbell is true>>
@@.eventtext;<br><br>You feel different, as if your mind is starting to picture things together again, instead of the fuzzy thinking you are currently experiencing.@@
<</if>>Pre release:
DONE = klaar
SEMI = revisit later
START = currently working on
NOT = niet verder gaan
SEMI - finish character tab
SEMI - more clear story line
- All deaths unlockable
- re-write death scenes
- new side quest, book reader, if all books are found you can find book in attic and learn about the back story. After that a secret latch opens in the basement
- count amount of times in room and log it to compare it to death amount to make sure content doesn't get lost
- Some options don't kill you anymore but give bad luck for other options and kill you later on. dialogue with mom or the man
- Books all found, you get a secret book from the attic, which sends you to the basement for the device's lore, the second way to enter the other side, accidentally activating it and stepping through the reflective surface, but separates a bad version from you who holds lily hostage if you lied to lily, else tries to kill you later on.
- You find out the scientist tried to apologize to his girlfriend but could only do it by performing the human experiments
- He needs strong blood to create portals via a physical connection
- He later tried it on a mirror since they would reflect the mental state and it seemed to work on the dog, but the mirror is not two way like the blood portals are. so they seperate your darkness outside of you and keep you locked inside the mirror world
- Blood portal only work for those we don't lie, otherwise a dark version will appear later on, leaking into the world
- secretly everytime you die, mom collects your blood
- Option to stay in the mirror or start over with knowledge to ensure
SEMI - Gore option to prevent gore backgrounds
- Friend kills everyone and keeps urns in the shed, underneath it is a mausoleum
- Create a variable to prevent the second update of a room counter to make sure players can't trigger new content
DONE - if coming down from the laboratory display different thing in basement
- finish altar, chap2alt and blocking the normal chapter
- add more to ghosts, girl under the bed, falling woman, etc :D
- extra storyinterface to show when a quest has completed
SEMI - more effects (in passage needs more)
DONE - curio as tab name for collection
DONE - Insanity tooltip
DONE - death after insanity reaches 99
- Adding dialogue to certain time
- learn about objects, random(1, 10) time set
- knifes
- etc.
secret ending:
START - secretly you solve to find the true end, locked room
- your name, addison marlowe
- looped in time for show death count
- find your friend locked up
- mirror are a way to go to the other side
- he tried to free the house
Long time tasks:
SEMI - chapels first macro
SEMI - change all text to be more engaging
- Making player thoughts
- Making different text for different purposes, via hasvisited()
simple school background
- your hands holding a paper with unreadable text on a note paper
- behind the note paper and hand there is a school
- old stuff
- young man with old clothing sitting/laying
Secret basement:
- laboratory
- old, victorian era looking
- electricity looking devices
- altar with bowl on top, strange cables running spiralled around it
- bones underneath it
- bowl filled with water reflecting a grim figure
Post release:
- mobile
- Shop? maybe trade in deaths for slower time and/or undying totems?
<<if settings.difficulty gte 1>>
You try to reach for the note with the rules on it in your backpocket. It must have fallen out. Sometimes you are clumpsy, but this feels weird.<br> You are sure you kept them in your pocket safely. That means you can't read them again.
<button class="accordion">GENERAL RULES</button>
<div class="panel">
1. Before entering the house, knock 2 times. If someone else answers the door besides me, stand<br>there and don’t say anything, just wait!<br>
2. Sometimes you might see a man sitting on the couch in the living room laughing at the tv. It will<br> not be on. You must say, “I love this show!”<br>
a. If he stops laughing and stares at you, close your eyes. Do not open them.<br>
3. If the dog sits at the table, do not tell him to get down. Do not pet the dog.<br>
4. There is a painting in the main hall. If the painting is in front of you, you must not move until the<br> painting blinks.<br>
5. If you make it to my room, put your stuff on my dresser.<br>
6. If you try to come back up the stairs and they never seem to end, you are stuck. <br>
7. If you reach the top of the stairs and the attic door is open, run to the kitchen.<br>
8. You must check the basement and make sure no one is down there. If I am, it’s good.<br>
9. Do not look in the mirror in the hallway.
<button class="accordion">AFTERNOON RULES (12:00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.)</button>
<div class="panel">
<p>1. Bed time is between 9 p.m. and 12 p.m. if you aren’t in the room by 12, I cannot open the door.<br>
2. If you are hungry or need to use the restroom, you may only do that at the hours of 10-12pm.<br>
a. My mother will be chopping food in the kitchen. She will stare at you, but don't make eye contact<br> with her.<br>
b. She is very clumsy, and she doesn’t pay attention well. She will cut off parts of her fingers until she<br> reaches the knuckle on the hand. Do not act as if anything is wrong.<br>
3. If the light in the fridge doesn’t come on when you open it, immediately close it.<br>
4. When you enter the bathroom the curtain must be open. If it’s not, exit and re-enter.<br>
a. If you hear someone in the bathroom, while you are showering, don’t leave the shower.
<button class="accordion">NIGHT RULES (12.00 p.m. – 5 a.m.)</button>
<div class="panel">
<p>1. If you hear screaming at night, put the covers over your head. Do not come out until the screaming<br> stops.<br>
2. If you wake up and I am not there, do not look for me. You are asleep.<br>
3. If you see car lights outside of the windows, do not look outside.
<button class="accordion">MORNING RULES (5 a.m. - 12 a.m.)</button>
<div class="panel">
<p>1. If you wake up before me, play Rock Paper Scissors with your reflection. If you lose, go back to<br> sleep. If you win, you may stay awake. Only leave the room when I am awake.<br>
2. How do you feel about cannibalism? If you don’t like it, don’t eat the meat.<br>
3. Any left overs must be put in front of the dog at the table.<br>
4. You must only go back upstairs to grab your items to leave. If you go back up there a second time,<br> you won’t come back down.<br>
5. Should you make it to your car, if the house has disappeared, drive away as fast as you can. If it’s<br> still there and you see yourself waving goodbye from the window, you must wave back and look<br> away from the house.
var acc = document.getElementsByClassName("accordion");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < acc.length; i++) {
acc[i].addEventListener("click", function() {
var panel = this.nextElementSibling;
if ( === "block") { = "none";
} else { = "block";
</script><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
@@.themspeech;“Please come in, you are more than welcome”@@, the man said. He hugged me and told me about how nobody visits him. He walked into the house and asked you to follow him, of course, you followed him blindly. You asked him where your friend is, the man stopped walking for a second. Frozen he stood there in the middle of the hallway. @@.themspeech;“My head hurts so much, I must have mistaken you for someone else young girl”@@, @@.themspeech;“I live alone in this little place of mine”@@. You slowly started walking backward, but the wooden floor squeaked a little more with every step you took. The man turned around and asked me with the same soft voice he had when he opened the door, @@.themspeech;“are you leaving already?”@@. Silently you watched him and you did not respond, you felt the doorknob in your right hand. You turned around and opened the door, but there was nothing there, only a fog.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, General rules, rule 1.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<set _tempOptions to ["yes","no"]>>
<<if Save.autosave.has()>>
You are not allowed to cheat says your friend! He slowly walks closer and offers you a solution, @@.themspeech;"I feed you to him and you are allowed to do whatever you want".@@<br>You say <<cycle "$temp" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _tempOptions>><</cycle>>and
<<link "confirm">>
<<set $Temp to $temp>>
<<if $Temp is "yes">>
<<run memorize("restarteddif", true)>>
<<run Engine.restart()>>
<<goto "Settings">>
<</link>> it.
Current difficluty is:<br>
<<if settings.difficulty == 0>>
<<elseif settings.difficulty == 1>>
<<elseif settings.difficulty == 2>>
<<if settings.difficulty == 0>>
<<link "Easy" "Difficulty">>
<<set settings.difficulty = 0>>
<<if settings.difficulty == 1>>
<<link "Normal" "Difficulty">>
<<set settings.difficulty = 1>>
<<if settings.difficulty == 2>>
<<link "Hard" "Difficulty">>
<<set settings.difficulty = 2>>
<<if $AmbienceAudio is true>>
<<set $AmbienceAudio to false>>
<<audio "ambience" volume 0.6 loop play>>
<<if $Time gte 1441>>
<<set $Time -= 1440>>
<<if $Insanity lt 0>>
<<set $Insanity to 0>>
<<elseif $Insanity gte 100>>
<<goto "dead27">>
<div id="options-block">
<<button "Rules">>
Dialog.setup("Rules", "nobr");"Rules").processText());;
<span> | </span>
<div class="tooltip">
<<if $Time < 1439>>
<<= setup.formatClock($Time)>>
<<elseif $Time is 1440>>
<span class="tooltiptext">Time</span>
<span> | </span>
<div class="tooltip">
<<= $Insanity>>
<span class="tooltiptext">Insanity</span>
<span> | </span>
<div class="tooltip">
<<link "Menu" 'Start'>>
<<if $GhostOpen is true>>
<<goto "dead1">>
<<elseif $Painting is true>>
<<goto "dead6">>
<<elseif $Mirror is true>>
<<goto "dead11">>
<<elseif $Peeing is true>>
<<goto "dead13">>
<<elseif $Curtain is true>>
<<goto "dead16">>
<<elseif $Breathing is true>>
<<goto "dead18">>
<<elseif $CarWindow is true>>
<<goto "dead22">>
<<elseif $Nightmare is true>>
<<goto "dead24">>
<<masteraudio stop>>
<<run setup.randomSfx.stop(true)>>
<span class="tooltiptext">Autosave</span>
<span> | </span>
<<link "Cheats" 'CheatsInGame'>><</link>>
<<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
While you die, you see a glimpse of the unknown, a glimpse of both the past and the future. This one is more like a feeling, since the dog isn't a human. The emotions are not as complex nor fast, they are basic and primitive. You feel the cold and the sorrow the dog experienced. This house was his home, which was ruthlessly taken from him. He guards the one thing he desires the most, his home. You feel that he had so much hunger before he died, he must have waited an eternity and still has not found the peace he needed to move on.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, General rules, rule 3.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
You open your eyes and you see a rather big man standing in front of you, his clothing is old and he looks frustrated. He startled you by shouting out of nowhere @@.themspeech;“this place must be destroyed”@@, @@.themspeech;“I must tear it down”@@. He started laughing maniacally and began to kick the table. With great force the table flies to the wall and penetrates it. His body is steaming, and he is building up more anger and frustration the longer you look, yet the room feels so cold. Suddenly a shadowy figure appears behind the TV. The man starts laughing and grabs you by your arm and says @@.themspeech;“take it, it's yours”@@. The shadow looks at the hole, he seems to be upset about the man destroying the place. While turning his face towards us, the wall starts to repair. You blink and the shadow is gone, the man says @@.themspeech;“destroy everything”@@, but you feel a heavy object hitting you from behind.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, General rules, rule 2a.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
He says with a slow pace and deep voice @@.themspeech;“you will understand, you will”@@. He blows air into your face while, with your last strength, you try to get away from him. You feel so tired, his breath makes your body feel numb. @@.themspeech;“You made me sad, you insulted him, I was watching him”@@, he tells you and with every word that comes out of him you feel weaker. Finally, his last words let you fall asleep, but it's not the kind of sleep that you have at night. The static noises become greater with each second passing, suddenly you don't hear anything else and you feel as if your body has been crushed.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, General rules, rule 2.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<set _Random to random(1, 100)>>
<<if _Random lte 5>>
<<goto "PaintingFocus">>
<<elseif _Random is 8>>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("painting")>>
@@.eventtext;You can see that an old painting hangs next to the kitchen door.@@
<<elseif _Random > 47 && _Random < 51>>
<<run jQuery("html").removeClass("paintingdis")>>
<<run jQuery("html").removeClass("painting2")>>
<<run jQuery("html").removeClass("painting")>>
@@.eventtext;You thought this hallway had an old painting?@@
<<elseif _Random > 60 && _Random < 70>>
@@.eventtext;Wait, where is the painting? Did my friend move it?@@
<<elseif _Random > 80 && _Random <83 >>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("paintingdis")>>
@@.eventtext;You hear something scratching the wall, it is an old painting which sank a little on its left corner, hence the noise. It must have moved because of pressure differences. While you admire it, you are starting to feel nauseous.@@
<<elseif _Random gte 91 && _Random lte 95>>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("painting2")>>
@@.eventtext;Why is the painting upside down?@@
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("painting")>>
@@.eventtext;You can see an old painting made by an unreadable name, sloppy handwriting for such a good painter.@@
<<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
you tried to run, but you feel frozen to the flooring you are standing on. You hear a woman's voice singing a sad song. @@.themspeech;“Mary, Mary, quite contrary. How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockleshells. And pretty maids all in a row. And pretty maids all in a row”@@. You feel soft hands patting you gently on your neck, you relax for a moment and you close your eyes. You see yourself in a memory dancing with your boyfriend, you had all the joy in the world that instance. Soothed, you open your eyes and the painting is empty, the beautiful woman painted on the canvas was no longer there. The soft patting is becoming rougher and whoever was patting you decided to start using both hands. You try to breathe, but you simply can't. It doesn't hurt, you only feel your body going round and round as if you were dancing with him again, your beautiful boyfriend.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, General rules, rule 4.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<include "dead5">>-----------------------------------------------------
<<set $# = true>>
<<timed `random(15, 30) + "s"`>>
<<set $# = false>>
<<replace "#">>New text<</replace>>
<span id="#">old text</span>
<<link "dead confirm">>
<<run memorize("restarted", true)>>
<<run Engine.restart()>>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("dog")>>
<<run jQuery("html").removeClass("ghost")>>
<<link "press" 'TestSite'>>
<<run forget('deathcount')>>
<<set _tempDeath to 1>>
<<set $tempDeaths to recall('constants.deathcount', 0)>>
<<set $tempDeaths += _tempDeath>>
<<run memorize('constants.deathcount', $tempDeaths)>>
First visit text.
Second visit text.
Third visit and subsequent visits text.
<<button "Wristwatch">>
Dialog.setup("Wristwatch", "nobr");"Watch").processText());;
-----------------------------------------------------<<if recall("restarted", false)>>
<<run forget("restarted")>>
<<goto "Entrance">>
<<elseif recall("restarteddif", false)>>
<<run forget("restarteddif")>>
<<goto "Difficulty">>
<<elseif recall("restartednew", false)>>
<<run forget("restartednew")>>
<<goto "Intro">>
<<elseif recall("restartednew2", false)>>
<<run forget("restartednew2")>>
<<goto "Entrance">>
<div id="title-screen-block">
<h2>How to play?</h2>
- Red boxed sentences/words are pressable<br>
- You can use green boxed sentences/words multiple times<br>
- Headphones are recommended (no jumpscares)<br>
- This game is not optimized for mobile play (yet)<br>
- This is a horror game<br>
- Fullscreen is recommended <br>
- The game automatically saves (#cookies) <br>
<h1><<link "Play Sleepover Rules" 'Start'>><</link>></h1>
<</if>><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
@@.themspeech;“You should've only grabbed your bag”@@, whispers a soft girl voice in your ear. She is crying and going through her hair frustratingly. The morning light shines upon her beautiful white dress which was embroidered. She says @@.themspeech;“you can walk and walk, cry and cry, but no end will be found by thy”@@. You start to panic, will this endless cycle ever stop!? you run up the stairs and after a few seconds, you find yourself in front of the same girl again. You sit next to her and you start crying. She comforts you and whispers in your ear, @@.themspeech;“I can help you, just following me”@@. You look up and see that she is holding out her hand, you grab it without a doubt. She pulls you over the railing, and toghether you start to fall, an eternal fall.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, Morning rules, rule 4.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
@@.themspeech;“You should've jumped”@@ whispers a soft girls voice in your ear. The girl looks beautiful, her skin is smooth, her white dress is stainless and embroidered. She is holding her hands over her ears, which makes you believe some noise is hurting her, but it's rather quiet. @@.themspeech;“You should've jumped”@@ she repeats, without looking at me. You feel cold and without you noticing you offer her your hand, you couldn't pull it away. She looks up and you see her face, her pupils are dilated and almost span her entire iris. She grabs your hand and smiles, @@.themspeech;“he is watching us”@@, @@.themspeech;“we must jump”@@. The girl pulls you over the railing and drags you into an eternal fall, while she holds your hand.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, General rules, rule 6.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<include "Options">>
<<if $Painting is true>>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("mirror")>>
A cloudy mirror hangs on the wall next to the front door, it looks aged. For a second it drew your attention. You <<link "leave it be" 'MainHallDown'>><<run jQuery("html").removeClass("mirror")>><</link>>.
<<if $Random lte 50>>
<<set $Mirror = false>>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("mirror")>>
<<timed `random(25, 40) + "s"`>>
<<set $Mirror = true>>
<<replace "#mirror">>You are watching yourself in the mirror, it suddenly is cleaning up and the frame is almost brand new again. You hear voices whispering in your ear and you see copies of yourself in the mirror, vaguely you feel hands around your <<link "neck" 'dead10'>><</link>>.<</replace>>
<span id="mirror">At the wall next to the door there is an old cloudy mirror you barely see yourself in it, it seems broken, the frame seems rotten and it looks displeasing. You go <<link "leave it be" 'MainHallDown'>><<run jQuery("html").removeClass("mirror")>><<set $Insanity += random(5, 20)>><</link>>.</span>
<<elseif $Random gte 70>>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("mirror")>>
A rotten mirror hangs next to the front door on the adjacent wall. Whoever made it must have designed it whilst feeling a great darkness inside them. It drew your attention, because you vaguely saw something moving in the mirror. You try to <<link "forget it" 'MainHallDown'>><<run jQuery("html").removeClass("mirror")>><</link>>.
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("mirror")>>
A cloudy mirror hangs on the wall next to the front door, it looks aged. For a second it drew your attention. You <<link "leave it be" 'MainHallDown'>><<run jQuery("html").removeClass("mirror")>><</link>>.
<<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
The voices talk clearly now, @@.themspeech;“you will die, you will become one of us”@@, as you stare longer into the mirror, the reflection starts to move without you moving. The copies are becoming shadows, unlike you they are talking. @@.themspeech;“Join us”@@ and @@.themspeech;“you want to be here”@@ are just a few things they are saying. You can't stand it anymore, the offer feels so tempting! you could merge with the beautiful golden framed mirror. The hands around your neck are pulling you with great force against the glass of the mirror, both pulling and pushing. Without you realizing it you are bashing your head against it and bleeding, the mirror seems to withstand the bashing. You no longer need the hands, because you want to go in, and you start to feel less and less. You open your eyes and you see your body on the ground, you hear persons crying behind you, crying of agony.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, General rules, rule 9.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
You try to run away from whatever might be living in the attic, you try to go to the <<= $Run>>. You trip over the carpet and fall face down. Trying to stand up you realize that you are stuck, a nail is stuck inside your forehead. This was it, your body starts to relax and you feel cold. The warm blood spreads over the floor as you start to feel colder and colder. You can barely see anything, but a shadow of a small rodent is the last thing you perceive with your eyes. @@.youspeech;//There was no monster//@@ and you laugh about it.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, General rules, rule 7.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<include "dead10">><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
Mom started to shake violently, she wailed that they tricked her. She holds the knife in front of her chest, just where the heart resides. @@.themspeech;“She should've died, they told it, but she never had”@@, tears are running down her cheeks. @@.themspeech;“I saw her die, countless times, but they were all visions, this house makes me sick”@@, you felt her pain, it was radiating throughout the entire kitchen. Slowly she starts to press the knife deeper into her chest, it doesn't seem to hurt her, as if she had done this countless times. You tried to stop her, but you were too late. Suddenly you felt a warm tingling sensation under your shirt. You are starting to see a stain appear on the left of your chest, it darkens and enlarges with each heartbeat. You look up to see her standing in front of you, she says @@.themspeech;“sorry child, at least you won't be alone”@@.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, Afternoon rules, rule 2a and 2b.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Random gte 8>>
<<if $Fridge is true>>
This refrigerator is weird, whenever you get close to it, you feel nauseous again. A shiver runs through your spine, you should've listened to your friend. Maybe he knows why this is happening! You also shouldn't come <<link "near to the fridge" 'Kitchen'>><<set $Time += random(1, 5)>><<set $FridgeVisited to true>><</link>> again.
<<set $Fridge to false>>
<<timed `random(10, 30) + "s"`>>
<<set $Fridge to true>>
<<replace "#fridge">>You feel another rush of cold air blowing into your face. A nauseating feeling goes through your body. You must quickly <<link "close the fridge!" 'Kitchen'>><<set $FridgeVisited to true>><<set $Insanity += random(5, 9)>><<set $Time += random(1, 5)>><</link>> Since you don't feel so well anymore, you throw your snack back in the fridge and leave it behind.<</replace>>
<span id="fridge">As you open the refrigerator cold air rushes out, the lights are off and the temperature dial has been set to off, really odd. You reach with your hand into the fridge to grab a snack. Something is holding on to your hand, you feel a little resistance while pulling it back, you should <<link "close the fridge" 'Kitchen'>><<set $FridgeVisited to true>><<set $Time += random(1, 5)>><</link>>. Even while you are trying to close the fridge it's showing resistance.</span>
<<if _tempDeath gte 1 && _tempDeath lte 2>>
As you open the refrigerator cold air rushes out, @@.youspeech;//that's odd, I remember the feeling of that cold rush of air//@@, however the temperature dial has been set to off. You quickly grab a small snack and <<link "close the door" 'Kitchen'>><<set $FridgeVisited to true>><<set $Time += random(1, 5)>><</link>>. The snack is actually a chocolate bar, the packaging looks old, it says ‘Hershey's’ on the top side. @@.youspeech;//I have held this before, it felt like winning a lottery ticket//@@.
<<elseif _tempDeath gte 3>>
As you open the refrigerator cold air rushes out, @@.youspeech;//that feeling, I am sure I felt it before//@@, however the temperature dial has been set to off. You quickly grab a chocolate bar and <<link "close the door" 'Kitchen'>><<set $FridgeVisited to true>><<set $Time += random(1, 5)>><</link>>. The packaging of the bar looks old, it says ‘Hershey's’ on the top side. @@.youspeech;//I am sure this isn't the first time I have seen this bar, since it's old and rare there can't be many left//@@.
As you open the refrigerator cold air rushes out, that's odd, since the light turns on it must be powered, however the temperature dial has been set to off. You quickly grab a small snack and <<link "close the door" 'Kitchen'>><<set $FridgeVisited to true>><<set $Time += random(1, 5)>><</link>>. The snack is actually a chocolate bar, the packaging looks old, it says ‘Hershey's’ on the top side. You hold it firmly as if it was a winning lottery ticket.
<<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
You wake up in a room, it's the basement. You are tied to the wall, and you are unclothed except for your underwear. The door slowly opens and a faint light shines upon your face. Your friend is standing there and crying, he speaks with a sad voice @@.themspeech;“You should've followed the rules, I can only give you a merciful ending”@@. You try to stand up, but you are too weak. He grabs an ax from the corner and looks at you with the same crooked smile he had when you first stepped onto the front entrance. @@.themspeech;“This won't hurt as much as if I would let you die on your own”@@, @@.themspeech;“don't make it harder than it is”@@. @@.youspeech;//This was not a little joke, he is about to murder me//@@, you try to crawl away. You push your fingers deep into the wall and you try to scratch it, this was the only thing you could think of.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, Afternoon rules, rule 2.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
You can't breathe anymore. The hands drag you away.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, Afternoon rules, rule 1.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
You open the curtains and you see yourself. Your head starts to hurt and you feel dizzy, nauseous, and light-headed at the same time. You are quickly switching between your own sight and the sight of your doppelganger, it's hurting your head. You feel so hot, @@.youspeech;“what is happening!?”@@, asks the copy in the shower. You simply look startled at him and try to step back. This is not good, you shouldn't have seen this. It is almost as if you hear a train racing by and the noise gets louder and louder, you close your eyes to concentrate and to calm yourself. You feel the copy of you is doing the same thing. Your eyes seem glued together, you can't open them anymore. Your body is becoming weightless and you start to float.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, Afternoon rules, rule 4.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
Suddenly someone opens your curtains. That someone stares at you as if he had seen a ghost. You focus your eyes and you see a copy of yourself, standing there in the bathroom. He is clearly having a lot of pain, as do you. You ask him @@.youspeech;“what is happening!?”@@, but he doesn't respond. You constantly have the feeling you are no longer alone in your body as if he is watching through your eyes. The déjà vu feeling is growing, as is the pain in your head. You try to close your eyes to calm down and concentrate on whatever is happening, but it's too much. You open them and you no longer see a bathroom, no shower, no copy, just a void, without light.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, Afternoon rules, rule 4a.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<include "Options">>
you feel relieved, almost as if the fresh air breathes life into me. This sleepover was something you should never have done, you are a person who is easily persuaded to do things. Your friend never warned you, he never did. An invisible weights falls of your shoulder when you see your mom's car driving into the street, her beautiful sedan reflects the sun on your face. You inhale a deep breath and quickly exhale, you can say you feel euphoric.<br><br>
<span id="fadein1" style="display:none">
Your friend stands in the door frame and whispers to you @@.themspeech;“The greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing the world there was only one of him.”@@ You freeze for a second and feel that cold sensation again, the sensation of something grabbing you and holding you tight with freezing hands.<br><br>
<span id="fadein2" style="display:none">
@@.youspeech;“You think it might be a good idea if we will talk tomorrow, at school?”@@, you say to him with an anxious voice. @@.youspeech;“My mother did not drive to your house for fun.”@@<br><br>
<span id="fadein3" style="display:none">
you are shaking on your legs as you walk to your moms car. Your friend calls one final thing @@.themspeech;“Just keep in mind things tend to go missing on the property!”@@ <<link "you leave to your mom's car" 'Car'>><</link>>.
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>
<</linkreplace>><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
You, you, see something, just the outlining of it. It slowly speaks something @@.themspeech;“Find them, bring them, help them”@@. You feel weak, you close your eyes.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, General rules, rule 8.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">>
<<include "dead17">><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
The dog bites you, his jaws extend like that of a snake, while you die, you see a glimpse of the unknown, a glimpse of both the past and the future. This one is more like a feeling, since the dog isn't a human. The emotions are not as complex nor fast, they are basic and primitive. You feel the cold and the sorrow the dog experienced. This house was his home, which was ruthlessly taken from him. He guards the one thing he desires the most, his home. You feel that he had so much hunger before he died, he must have waited an eternity and still has not found the peace he needed to move on.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, Morning rules, rule 3.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">><<include "dead19">><<set _stuffOptions to ["on the dresser", "next to the dresser"]>>
<<if $Stuff is "on the dresser" || $Stuff is "next to the dresser">>
you think your stuff will be safe here.
<<else>> you place your stuff <<cycle "$stuff" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _stuffOptions>><</cycle>> and <<link "unpack them" 'MyRoom'>><<set $Stuff to $stuff>><</link>>
.<</if>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>>
<<if $Random is 1>>
You accidentally let your water bottle roll under the bed. Oh, well who cares?
<<elseif $Random is 2>> You accidentally let a pencil drop out of
your bag under the bed.
<<elseif $Random is 3>> You accidentally let a sock drop next to the bed, it somehow is gone?
<</if>><<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<set _tempCountCurios to recall('countcurios', 0)>>
<<set _tempDresser to recall('dresser', false)>>
<<set _tempSleep to recall('sleep', false)>>
<<if _tempSleep is false>>
<<run memorize('sleep', true)>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Random lte 2>>
<<set $Nightmare to true>>
<<timed `random(8, 16) + "s"`>>
<<set $Nightmare to false>>
<<replace "#nightmare">>The screaming stopped, finally, as you pull the covers from your head you see your friend do the same. He says to you @@.themspeech;“you can safely sleep again, he doesn't like screaming prey”.@@ Did he really say that or are you just dreaming? you should continue <<link "sleeping" 'Morning'>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>><<set $Time += 180>><</link>>.<</replace>>
<span id="nightmare">You hear loud screaming and wake with a start, you look at your wristwatch it has been only a few hours since you started to sleep. You quickly pull the covers over your head, you are honestly scared. Or Should you take a quick <<link "peek" 'dead24'>><</link>> and continue sleeping afterwards?</span>
<<elseif $Random gte 9>>
you wake up to a loud breaking noise, almost as if something was broken with blunt force. You sit up and see that your friend has gone, you also see that the door is left ajar, you should <<link "look for him" 'dead23'>><</link>>. However, you are so tired, you could also turn around and <<link "continue sleeping" 'Morning'>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>><<set $Time += 180>><</link>>.
You hear things crawling in the attic, whatever it is, it is moving nervously from one side to the other side of the attic. You try to sleep, but you keep hearing sounds that you are not used too. The party sounds and other loud dorm room sounds you are used to are normal, but this? Simply no. You turn around and see that your friend is sleeping just fine, as if the whole world is at peace, maybe the noises are normal and nothing to worry about. <<link "You should continue to sleep" 'Morning'>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>><<set $Time += 180>><</link>>, because you see an old analog alarm clock on top of the
<<if _tempDresser is true>>
<<if _tempDeath gte 6>>
<<link "dresser" 'Sleep'>><<set $DresserEvent to true>><<run memorize("dresser", true)>><<set _tempCountCurios += 1>><<run memorize('countcurios', _tempCountCurios)>><</link>>
that reads: <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>>.
<<if _tempDresser is true && $DresserEvent is true>>
@@.eventtext;<br><br>While you touched the dresser you felt different, as if you had a moment of pure clarity.@@
<</if>><<run jQuery("html").removeClass("man")>>
<<run jQuery("html").removeClass("mandis")>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Random lte 3>>
<<set _tempWinSeen to recall('WinSeen', false)>>
<<if _tempWinSeen is false>>
<<run memorize('WinSeen', true)>>
<<set $CarWindow to false>>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("man")>>
<<timed `random(15, 30) + "s"`>>
<<run jQuery("html").removeClass("man")>>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("mandis")>>
<<set $CarWindow to true>>
<<replace "#window">>you accidentally blinked for a second, the thing smiling at me is gone, so is its car. The windows start to freeze from the edges. You start to feel cold again, your body starts shivering. You close your eyes and fall backwards. Your friend is running away and says “it is coming”. “There is <<link "nothing" 'dead22'>><</link>> you can do”.<</replace>>
<span id="window">Bright light enters the window, you look straight into it. Your eyes hurt for a few seconds and you see blotches. You close your eyes to give them a little rest to see clear again. After you opened your eyes again, you took a step back. A humanoid figure is standing next to the car, oddly enough it is the same car your mother drives? you focus on him and you see that he is smiling with a rather crooked smile. You should <<link "leave the window!" 'MyRoom'>><<set $Insanity += random(1, 10)>><</link>></span>
@@.themspeech;“Sometimes you can see it”@@, @@.themspeech;“it will stare at you from a great distance”@@, your friends says. He slowly breathes on the window and waits for it to completely condensate at the spot he is breathing at. You see his fingers draw a smiley face with a crooked smile. He looks at you and gives you the same smile as the smiley has and says “it is so much fun to have a true sleepover, most leave before it is bedtime”. You stare confused through the window as well and only see a dimly lit backyard, many trees and an abandoned street. <<link "Leave the window" 'MyRoom'>><</link>>.
@@.themspeech;“You should not be looking through the window again”@@, says your friend. @@.themspeech;“He doesn't like it when you catch a glimpse of him”@@, while drawing another smiley face on the window he repeats that sentences a few times. Untill you say, @@.youspeech;“Oke I get it, don't look through the window”@@, with an annoyed voice, but you feel scared. You should <<link "leave the window!" 'MyRoom'>><</link>>
<</if>><<set _sleepprepOptions to ["check under the bed for dropped items.", "cover the mirror.", "grab
your snacks you brought."]>>
<<if $SleepPrep is "cover the mirror." || $SleepPrep is "grab
your snacks you brought.">>
<<elseif $SleepPrep is "check under the bed for dropped items.">>
<<goto "dead21">>
you also <<cycle "$sleepprep" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _sleepprepOptions>><</cycle>> While
you <<link "Stretch your back" 'MyRoom'>><<set $SleepPrep to $sleepprep>><</link>>.
<</if>><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
A little girl is sitting cross-legged under the bed, she is playing with her hair. She notices you and her eyes are almost starting to glow. With a girly voice she says @@.themspeech;“dear sir, would you want to play with me?”@@. You answer her question with a faint smile and a nod. @@.themspeech;“We will be playing raft under the bed, it's really simple, lay on your back, and we will float through the rivers of Neverland”@@, the girl says with a very happy intonation. You do as she says and lay flat on your back. Suddenly she jumps on top of you and her eyes glow bright yellow. She starts shouting @@.themspeech;“you will leave me too! You mustn't!”@@, with every word she speaks more black goo starts coming out of her mouth. Your body feels paralyzed and the black goo starts filling your mouth, you try to spit it out, but it's too much.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died becauce you looked under the bed!<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">>
<<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
After god knows how long you wake up, your head hurts from the fall. Your friend left the room since you can't see him or hear him. You look through the window and there he stands again. The longer you look the more details you perceive, it looks like a man, a homeless man trying to seek shelter. Your mom’s car is gone, it might have just been a mirage since you were sleepy. The man falls face down on the ground and behind it stands a shadow, you turn around and run, screaming the name of your friend. You open the door and before you know it, you are running towards it. For a second you stop and look behind you, no door, no house, nothing. You feel something behind you.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, Night rules, rule 3.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">>
<<set _tempRockPaperWin to recall('rockpaperwin', false)>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $BedroomMirror is true>>
<<if $ReflectionLost is 0>>
@@.youspeech;//Wait I lost? This is freakish!@@ you just played a game of rock paper scissors with your own reflection. <<if $ShowerVisisted is true>> Maybe you inhaled too much of that dirty water damp in the bathroom? <<else>> This must be a dream! <</if>> You think you should rinse your face with some <<link "cold water" 'dead25'>><</link>>. Maybe you could also play another game and try to <<link "win" 'BedRoomMirror'>><</link>>.
<<elseif $ReflectionLost is 1>>
Did the mirror play the same thing as you? you think you could call it a draw than? You think that you should take a shower with cold water to <<link "wake up" 'dead25'>><</link>>. Maybe you could also play another game and try to <<link "win" 'BedRoomMirror'>><</link>>.
<<elseif $ReflectionLost is 2>>
<<if _tempRockPaperWin is false>>
<<run memorize('rockpaperwin', true)>>
Did you just win a game of rock paper scissors against your own reflection? you are at a loss for words, this is the strangest daydream you ever had. While you are hitting your head to try and wake yourself up, you see your friend in the corner of your eye smiling. Usually his smile is humble and crooked, but now it seems he is enjoying this more than other things. You look at him and ask him @@.youspeech;“do you think we can eat breakfast?”@@. @@.themspeech;Still smiling he says “yes”, “follow me to the <<link "kitchen" 'Kitchen'>><<set $Time += 120>><<set $Slept to true>><</link>>”.@@
<<if $Random lte 2>>
Your friend is still sleeping while you wake up, you feel a little dizzy when you are trying to stand up. You rub your eyes and stretch your back a little while you are yawning. The dreams that you had last night were terrifying, the scratch noises didn't help either. Even though you are sure that you are fully awake, you can't figure out if the <<link "mirror" 'BedRoomMirror'>><<set $BedroomMirror to true>><</link>> that appeared next to the door is real or not. Your stomach growls
<<if $FridgeVisited is true>>
even though you grabbed a little snack last night you are hungry! you should go to the <<link "kitchen" 'dead25'>><</link>> and eat something.
you are starving, you didn't get any snack last night! you should hurry to the <<link "kitchen" 'dead25'>><</link>> to get something to eat.
Your friend is sitting on his bed, staring at his feet. You say @@.youspeech;“good morning”@@, his smile disappears and he says with a sad and lost voice @@.themspeech;“yes, good morning”.@@ He tells you that you should eat <<link "breakfast" 'Kitchen'>><<set $Time += 120>><<set $StairsUp to false>><<set $Slept to true>><</link>> with him. @@.youspeech;//Why did he look so sad?//@@, @@.youspeech;//at least he didn't make a move on me last night and I didn't have to blow him off//@@, you think.
<</if>><<include "dead14">><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
You slowly pull the covers from your head and you look around. The same small room, the same bed, and your friend still hiding under his covers. The screaming is starting to get worse and more painful. Even though the screaming is deafening, you also hear voices, whispering things. Whether they whisper of lies or truth is hard to distinguish. The voices seem in pain, strangely enough, as if they were trapped here by some sort of gravity. You leave the bed and walk to the hallway, your friend told you he lived alone, but clearly, he lied. Not only do you see people walking around you also see that the door which is locked is open. You look at your hands, they are becoming more transparent with every second.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, Night rules, rule 1.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">>
1. Before entering the house, knock 2 times. If someone else answers the door besides me, stand there and don’t say anything, just wait!
2. Sometimes you might see a man sitting on the couch in the living room laughing at the tv. It will not be on. You must say, “I love this show!”
a. If he stops laughing and stares at you, close your eyes. Do not open them.
3. If the dog sits at the table, do not tell him to get down. Do not pet the dog.
4. There is a painting in the main hall. If the painting is in front of you, you must not move until the painting blinks.
5. If you make it to my room, put your stuff on my dresser.
6. If you try to come back up the stairs and they never seem to end, you are stuck.
7. If you reach the top of the stairs and the attic door is open, run to the kitchen.
8. If you check the basement make sure no one is down there. If I am, it’s good.
9. Do not look in the mirror in the hallway.
[[Afternoon rules|AfternoonRules]]<span style="float:right"><<link "Skip" 'Entrance'>><</link>></span>NIGHT RULES (12.00 p.m. – 5 a.m.)
1. If you hear screaming at night, put the covers over your head. Do not come out until the screaming stops.
2. If you wake up and I am not there, do not look for me. You are asleep.
3. If you see car lights outside of the windows, do not look outside.
[[Morning rules|MorningRules]]<span style="float:right"><<link "Skip" 'Entrance'>><</link>></span><<set _tempRockPaper to recall('rockpaper', false)>>
<<if _tempRockPaper is false>>
<<run memorize('rockpaper', true)>>
<<run forget('rpsgame')>> <<set _rps to new RPS([ "rock", "paper", "scissors" ])>>
<<set _opponent to _rps.elements.random()>> <<silently>><<=
_opponent>><</silently>> <<include "Options">> <br><br> The reflection in
the mirror is you, but rather dark, almost as if all your darkness is
reflected. You are sure, this mirror doesn't show a true reflecion, it's
shows your dark side. It wants to play rock paper scissors against you. You choose <<cycle "$rpsgame" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _rps.elements>><</cycle>> and
<<link "show it">>
<<set _player to $rpsgame>>
<<set _result to, _opponent)>>
<<if _result gt 0>>
<<set $ReflectionLost to 2>>
<<goto "Morning">>
<<elseif _result lt 0>>
<<set $ReflectionLost to 0>>
<<goto "Morning">>
<<set $ReflectionLost to 1>>
<<goto "Morning">>
<</link>>.<<run setup.randomSfx.stop()>>
<<masteraudio stop>>
<<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
<<if $Stuff is "next to the dresser">>
As you smile and wave back, your mom tells you to grab some water out of the bag for her. You look down and go through her bag, a lot of papers from her work easily recognized by the last name, Marlowe, are scattered in it. After you gave her the bottle of water you look out of the car window again and you notice that you are driving in the direction of your friends house again.
After you fainted you found out that you are still in your moms car, but she is gone. Besides the fact that you are alone, why are you in front of an empty hospital? No parked cars, no people outside and all lights are off.
<<link "You won?">>
<<run memorize("restarted", true)>>
<<run Engine.restart()>>
<</link>><<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<set _tempNo1Seen to recall('No1Seen', false)>>
<div id="options-block">
<<link "Back" 'Start'>><</link>>
<span> | </span>
<<link "Quests" 'Hints'>><</link>>
<span> | </span>
<<link "Curios" 'Curios'>><</link>>
<span> | </span>
<<link "Ghosts" 'Characters'>><</link>>
<span> | </span>
<<link "Cheats" 'Cheats'>><</link>>
<div id="yourbook">
<h3>Cover page</h3>
<span id="text1">
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
The Diary of<br>Addison Marlowe
<h3>Turn to the next page</h3>
<<timed 40ms>>
<<if _tempDeath gte 2>>
<<replace "#text2">>
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
Dear diary, he invited me over<br>
last week, the joy was so great! <br>
I was standing in front of his <br>
house and couldn't help but <br>
notices that someone was <br>
looking at me from a window <br>
upstairs. Quickly I pressed the<br>
<b>doorbell</b>, but nothing happened. <br>
A strange-looking man let me <br>
in, he was rambling about odd <br>
experiences in the house. <br>
He kept patting his head as if <br>
he was in pain?
<span id="text2">
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
Dear diary, he invited me over<br>
last week, the joy was so great! <br>
I was standing in front of his <br>
house and couldn't help but <br>
notices that someone was <br>
looking at me from a window <br>
upstairs. Quickly I pressed the...
<h3>Turn to the previous page</h3>
<<timed 40ms>>
<<if _tempDeath gte 3>>
<<replace "#text3">>
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
I heard laughing coming from <br>
the living room, the man who let<br>
me in was gone, so I took a quick<br>
peek in the living room. Another<br>
man was enjoying watching the<br>
<b>television</b>, it was showing a static<br>
screen. I could see tears running <br>
down his cheek, he also had <br>
some blood on his hair. Oddly <br>
enough the television seemed <br>
to have a blood stain too.
<span id="text3">
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
I heard laughing coming from <br>
the living room, the man who let<br>
me in was gone, so I took a quick<br>
peek in the living room. Another<br>
man was enjoying watching the...
<h3>Turn to the next page</h3>
<<timed 40ms>>
<<if _tempDeath gte 5>>
<<replace "#text4">>
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
I slowly backed-up, since I was <br>
startled by everything. He told <br>
me he was living alone. I walked <br>
into the kitchen, seeing a <br>
woman chopping meat with a<br>
<b>knife</b>. She was preparing a <br>
dinner, while smiling with a <br>
crooked smile. I asked her if she <br>
was the mother of him, but she <br>
claimed she only had a daughter. <br>
I remember the rush of adrenaline <br>
I got to search for him, <br>
I was so scared
<span id="text4">
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
I slowly backed-up, since I was <br>
startled by everything. He told <br>
me he was living alone. I walked <br>
into the kitchen, seeing a <br>
woman chopping meat with a...
<h3>Turn to the previous page</h3>
<<timed 40ms>>
<<if _tempDeath gte 6>>
<<replace "#text5">>
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
I finally found him in his room. <br>
Was he the one watching from<br>
the window upstairs? It didn’t<br>
comfort me that he was still <br>
staring outside, but I settled in <br>
any way. I put my stuff on the <br>
ground and asked him if he had <br>
dinner for me since it was getting <br>
late. He advised me to put my <br>
bags on the <b>dresser</b> first. He <br>
completely ignored my question <br>
about the other people in his <br>
house and reacted nonchalantly <br>
about the dinner.
<span id="text5">
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
I finally found him in his room. <br>
Was he the one watching from<br>
the window upstairs? It didn’t<br>
comfort me that he was still <br>
staring outside, but I settled in <br>
any way. I put my...
<h3><<if _tempNo1Seen is true>>Turn to the next page<<else>>Last page<</if>></h3>
<<timed 40ms>>
<<if _tempDeath gte 7>>
<<replace "#text6">>
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
We walked down the stairs, the <br>
house was quiet, it almost seemed <br>
abandoned. The fire underneath <br>
the pots was still on when we <br>
entered the kitchen. He asked me <br>
if I could go down into the basement<br>
to grab some spices. The charming <br>
lady I am, I did what he asked. In <br>
the basement I could hear breathing <br>
behind me, the <b>lightbulb</b> didn’t <br>
work, I was alone with the breathing<br>
in the dark. Moments later I woke <br>
up on the ground and…
<span id="text6">
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
We walked down the stairs, the <br>
house was quiet, it almost seemed <br>
abandoned. The fire underneath <br>
the pots was still on when we <br>
entered the kitchen. He asked me <br>
if I could go down into the basement<br>
to grab some...
<<if _tempNo1Seen is true>>
<h3>Last Page</h3>
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
I saw a small latch had opened. <br>
Slowly I climbed down to see my<br>
friend pouring something inside<br>
a metal looking bowl, then I felt<br>
it, there had been a needle inside<br>
my arm. He drained my<b>blood</b>.<br>
When he was done pouring he noticed<br>
me and said, @@.themspeech;it's time again@@,<br>
after a few second the blood started<br>
to boil, but nothing happened. He sat<br>
down and said @@.themspeech;maybe the next one@@
<<run setup.bookletLoaded.then(function() {
manual: false,
overlays: true,
hovers: true
})>><<run setup.randomSfx.stop(true)>>
<<masteraudio stop>>
<<audio "death" loop volume 0.25 fadeoverto 10 0.7>>
<<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0) + 1>>
<<run memorize('deathcount', constants.deathcount)>>
<<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
The mirror starts cracking and a blackened hand pushes out, cracks as veins almost as if the hand was porcelain. Within a few seconds, a small child stands in front of me. He makes a distorted scream and shows his rotten teeth as if he was a little wolf trying to show his dominance. You are frozen to where you stand and wait for what the child will do next. @@.themspeech;“You will join us, you can't walk away from our game,”@@ says the child, almost in choir it sounds because you hear more than one voice. You try to run as fast as you can to the bathroom, but the child appears in front of you in the hallway, with a sturdy push from him you lose your balance and fall backward, through an oval door. The child smiles at you and says @@.themspeech;“I told you, no one walks away from a game with us”.@@
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because of, Morning rules, rule 1.<br><br>
<<include "WakeUp">>
<<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<set _tempCountBooks to recall('countbooks', 0)>>
<<set _tempMomSeen to recall('MomSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempManSeen to recall('ManSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempKidSeen to recall('KidSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempDogSeen to recall('DogSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempPaiSeen to recall('PaiSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempWinSeen to recall('WinSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempBo4Seen to recall('Bo4Seen', false)>>
<<set _tempRoom1 to recall('Room1', false)>>
<<set _tempRoom2 to recall('Room2', false)>>
<<set _tempRoom3 to recall('Room3', false)>>
<<set _tempRoom4 to recall('Room4', false)>>
<<set _tempQuest1 to recall('Quest1', false)>>
<<set _tempQuest2 to recall('Quest2', false)>>
<<set _tempQuest3 to recall('Quest3', false)>>
<<set _tempQuest4 to recall('Quest4', false)>>
<<set _tempChaMom to recall('ChaMom', false)>>
<<set _tempChaMan to recall('ChaMan', false)>>
<<set _tempChaPai to recall('ChaPai', false)>>
<<set _tempChaDog to recall('ChaDog', false)>>
<<set _tempChaKid to recall('ChaKid', false)>>
<<set _tempChaWin to recall('ChaWin', false)>>
<<set _tempLightbulb to recall('lightbulb', false)>>
<<set _tempDresser to recall('dresser', false)>>
<<set _tempTelevision to recall('television', false)>>
<<set _tempKnife to recall('knife', false)>>
<<set _tempDoorbell to recall('doorbell', false)>>
<<set _tempBlood to recall('blood', false)>>
<<set _tempRockPaper to recall('rockpaper', false)>>
<<set _tempChap2Alt to recall('Chap2Alt', false)>>
<<if _tempDeath lte 1>>
@@.eventtext;You found a diary whilst feeling your life force leave your body!@@<br><br>
<<if $DoorbellEvent is true>>
@@.eventtext;New content has been unlocked, check the curios page!@@<br><br>
<<elseif $TelevisionEvent is true>>
@@.eventtext;New content has been unlocked, check the curios page!@@<br><br>
<<elseif $KnifeEvent is true>>
@@.eventtext;New content has been unlocked, check the curios page!@@<br><br>
<<elseif $DresserEvent is true>>
@@.eventtext;New content has been unlocked, check the curios page!@@<br><br>
<<elseif $LightbulbEvent is true>>
@@.eventtext;New content has been unlocked, check the curios page!@@<br><br>
<<elseif $BloodEvent is true>>
@@.eventtext;New content has been unlocked, check the curios page!@@<br><br>
<<if _tempRoom1 is false>>
<<if _tempDeath gte 1>>
<<run memorize('Room1', true)>>
@@.eventtext;A new room has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempRoom2 is false>>
<<if _tempDeath gte 2 && _tempMomSeen is true>>
<<run memorize('Room2', true)>>
@@.eventtext;A new room has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempRoom3 is false>>
<<if _tempDeath gte 4 && _tempManSeen is true>>
<<run memorize('Room3', true)>>
@@.eventtext;A new room has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempRoom4 is false>>
<<if _tempLightbulb is true && _tempDresser is true && _tempTelevision is true && _tempKnife is true && _tempDoorbell is true>>
<<run memorize('Room4', true)>>
@@.eventtext;A secret room has been unlocked<br><br>@@
<<if _tempChaMom is false>>
<<if _tempMomSeen is true>>
<<run memorize('ChaMom', true)>>
@@.eventtext;A new character has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempChaMan is false>>
<<if _tempManSeen is true>>
<<run memorize('ChaMan', true)>>
@@.eventtext;A new character has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempChaDog is false>>
<<if _tempDogSeen is true>>
<<run memorize('ChaDog', true)>>
@@.eventtext;A new character has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempChaKid is false>>
<<if _tempKidSeen is true>>
<<run memorize('ChaKid', true)>>
@@.eventtext;A new character has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempChaPai is false>>
<<if _tempPaiSeen is true>>
<<run memorize('ChaPai', true)>>
@@.eventtext;A new character has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempChaWin is false>>
<<if _tempWinSeen is true>>
<<run memorize('ChaWin', true)>>
@@.eventtext;A new character has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempDeath is 2>>
@@.eventtext;A new quest has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempDeath is 3>>
@@.eventtext;A new quest has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempDeath is 5>>
@@.eventtext;A new quest has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempDeath is 6>>
@@.eventtext;A new quest has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempDeath is 7>>
@@.eventtext;A new quest has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempQuest1 is false>>
<<if _tempCountBooks gte 1>>
<<run memorize('Quest1', true)>>
@@.eventtext;A new quest has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempQuest2 is false>>
<<if _tempBo4Seen is true>>
<<run memorize('Quest2', true)>>
@@.eventtext;A new quest has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempQuest3 is false>>
<<if _tempRockPaper is true>>
<<run memorize('Quest3', true)>>
@@.eventtext;A new quest has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<if _tempQuest4 is false>>
<<if _tempChap2Alt is true>>
<<run memorize('Quest4', true)>>
@@.eventtext;A new quest has been unlocked!<br><br>@@
<<link "Wake up">>
<<audio "death" stop>>
<<run memorize("restarted", true)>>
<<run Engine.restart()>>
<<externalLink "Discord" "">><<set _tempPaiSeen to recall('PaiSeen', false)>>
<<if _tempPaiSeen is false>>
<<run memorize('PaiSeen', true)>>
<<include "Options">>
<<set $Painting to true>>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("painting")>>
<<timed `random(8, 16) + "s"`>>
<<set $Painting to false>>
<<replace "#painting">>Did the painting blink at you? You finally calm down, it was just a painting after all right? It is so strange that painting makes you feel afraid and restless, there must be a good reason that you don't understand why this happened. You close your eyes for a second and the painting is <<link "gone" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Insanity += random(10, 30)>><</link>>, were you actually dreaming?<</replace>>
<span id="painting">
<<if _tempPaiSeen is true>>
The same painting is staring at you directly, whoever was drawn on the painting gives you a restless feeling. You feel your heart rate is rising again, and you try to calm down. @@.youspeech;//I have seen that painting before, I should watch out for it, I feel scared of it//@@. You need to leave this place, you want to run <<link "away" 'dead5'>><</link>>.
you see that an old painting is staring at you directly, whoever was drawn on the painting gives you a restless feeling. Your heart is beating faster and you feel it in your throat. You try to calm down but you can't help yourself. You need to leave this place, you want to run <<link "away" 'dead5'>><</link>>.
<<button "View background">>
<<toggleclass "#passages" "nodisplay">>
<</button>><<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<set _tempCountCurios to recall('countcurios', 0)>>
<<set _tempCountBooks to recall('countbooks', 0)>>
<<set _tempCountDoorbell to recall('countdoorbell', 0)>>
<<set _tempSleep to recall('sleep', false)>>
<<set _tempChap2 to recall('Chap2', false)>>
<<set _tempRockPaper to recall('rockpaper', false)>>
<<set _tempRockPaperWin to recall('rockpaperwin', false)>>
<<set _tempLightbulb to recall('lightbulb', false)>>
<<set _tempDresser to recall('dresser', false)>>
<<set _tempTelevision to recall('television', false)>>
<<set _tempKnife to recall('knife', false)>>
<<set _tempDoorbell to recall('doorbell', false)>>
<<set _tempBlood to recall('blood', false)>>
<<set _tempBo3Seen to recall('Bo3Seen', false)>>
<<set _tempManSeen to recall('ManSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempMomSeen to recall('MomSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempKidSeen to recall('KidSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempBo2Seen to recall('Bo2Seen', false)>>
<<set _tempBo3Seen to recall('Bo3Seen', false)>>
<<set _tempBo4Seen to recall('Bo4Seen', false)>>
<<set _tempBluSeen to recall('BluSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempLabSeen to recall('LabSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempNo1Seen to recall('No1Seen', false)>>
<<set _tempAltSeen to recall('AltSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempTruthLily to recall('TruthLily', false)>>
<<set _tempLieLily to recall('LieLily', false)>>
<div id="options-block">
<<link "Back" 'Diary'>><</link>>
<div id="task-separator">
@@.youspeech;Main Quests@@
<<if _tempLightbulb is true || _tempDresser is true || _tempTelevision is true || _tempKnife is true || _tempDoorbell is true>>
<<if _tempChap2 is false>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;Reflections of the past@@
Somehow you feel different, as if you want to say something that is on the tip of your tongue, but you can't. Maybe you should find the secret room.
<<elseif _tempChap2 is true && _tempAltSeen is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;COMPLETED: Reflections of the past@@
You found a way to power the blood chalice, when chapter 2 is released continue your journey to find out the truth. Thanks for playing!
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;COMPLETED: Reflections of the past@@
Your friend is stuck inside of the mirror, when chapter 2 is released continue your journey to find out the truth. Thanks for playing!
<<if _tempDeath gte 1 && _tempLightbulb is false || _tempDresser is false || _tempTelevision is false || _tempKnife is false || _tempDoorbell is false>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
Read the diary
<<if _tempCountCurios is 1>>
<<elseif _tempCountCurios is 2>>
<<elseif _tempCountCurios is 3>>
<<elseif _tempCountCurios is 4>>
<<elseif _tempCountCurios gte 5>>
You should start to read the diary you found, maybe it contains important information.<br>
<<if _tempCountCurios is 1>>
You found one curio!
<<elseif _tempCountCurios is 2>>
You found two curios!
<<elseif _tempCountCurios is 3>>
You found three curios!
<<elseif _tempCountCurios is 4>>
You found four curios!
<<elseif _tempCountCurios gte 5>>
You found five curios!
<<elseif _tempLightbulb is true || _tempDresser is true || _tempTelevision is true || _tempKnife is true || _tempDoorbell is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;COMPLETED: Read the diary (5/5)@@
The diary did not lie, all the objects were hidden within the house.
<div id="task-separator">
<<if _tempDeath gte 2 && _tempDoorbell is false>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;The tenacious doorbell@@
Find out what's wrong with the doorbell. <<if _tempCountDoorbell gte 1>>Maybe you need to be more persistent?<</if>>
<<elseif _tempDeath gte 2 && _tempDoorbell is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;COMPLETED: The tenacious doorbell@@
While touching the doorbell you felt a moment of pure clarity. Maybe there are other objects which give you your memories back?
<<if _tempDeath gte 3 && _tempTelevision is false>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;A show never to forget@@
<<if _tempManSeen is true>>
Find out what's the reason why <<if _tempBo3Seen is true>>Mr. Brownrigg<<else>>‘The Man’<</if>> loves the show on the television so much.
Find a working television.
<<elseif _tempDeath gte 3 && _tempTelevision is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;COMPLETED: A show never to forget@@
You stared into the static of the television, somehow it gave you some clarity rather than obscurity. Maybe there are other objects which give you your memories back?
<<if _tempDeath gte 5 && _tempKnife is false>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;Cutting tears@@
<<if _tempMomSeen is true>>
Mom seems to chop the meat with a big knife, find out why she always uses the same knife.
Find out where you can find a knife for chopping meat.
<<elseif _tempDeath gte 5 && _tempKnife is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;COMPLETED: Cutting tears@@
You held the knife for a few seconds, but is was enough to give your mind some clarity about everything. Maybe there are other objects which give you your memories back?
<<if _tempDeath gte 6 && _tempDresser is false>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;Personal belongings@@
<<if _tempSleep is true>>
Everytime you look at the analog clock, you wonder what's so important about the dresser underneath it
Find out where you can find a dresser.
<<elseif _tempDeath gte 6 && _tempDresser is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;COMPLETED: Personal belongings@@
You opened the dresser and you saw multiple copies of the diary inside of it, you suddenly felt a clarity hit you. Maybe there are other objects which give you your memories back?
<<if _tempDeath gte 7 && _tempLightbulb is false>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;The light of dawn@@
Find out what's wrong with the lightbulb in the basement.
<<elseif _tempDeath gte 7 && _tempLightbulb is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;COMPLETED: The light of dawn@@
Your face was hit by the dim light of the lightbulb, it sparked clarity in you. Maybe there are other objects which give you your memories back?
<div id="task-separator">
@@.youspeech;Side Quests@@
<<if _tempBluSeen is true || _tempBluSeen is false && _tempBo2Seen is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;COMPLETED: The unknown language@@
<<if _tempTruthLily is true>>
The device around the mirror seems to be operated via a lever.
<<elseif _tempLieLily is true>>
You can't seem to find out what the blueprints were used for.
<<elseif _tempKidSeen is true && _tempDeath gte 4 && _tempManSeen is true && _tempBo2Seen is true || _tempBo3Seen is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;The unknown language (3/3)@@
You should return to the study to find out more about the blueprints.
<<elseif _tempKidSeen is true && _tempDeath gte 4 && _tempManSeen is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;The unknown language (2/3)@@
Your memory is foggy, you will need to look at the blueprints and quickly return to lily to see what she knows.
<<elseif _tempDeath gte 4 && _tempManSeen is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;The unknown language (1/3)@@
Find out how to read the blueprints inside the study.
<<if _tempDeath gte 7>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;COMPLETED: Awakening to death@@
You are certain, death is the key to everything. Death is the way to end the nightmare.
<<elseif _tempDeath gte 4 && _tempDeath lte 6>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;Awakening to death (3/3)@@
Your sanity is leaving you, death is nothing more than the end and beginning of an endless loop.
<<elseif _tempDeath gte 2 && _tempDeath lte 3>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;Awakening to death (2/3)@@
You are growing more certain that you have died and that this was not just a nightmare.
<<elseif _tempDeath lte 1>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;Awakening to death (1/3)@@
Did you just die? Or was it all a dream?
<<if _tempBo4Seen is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;COMPLETED: A twisted past (6/6)@@
Whatever happened to the young man, he mentioned interesting things. Maybe the experimenting part is true, maybe there are traces left.
<<elseif _tempCountBooks gte 1 && _tempCountBooks lt 5>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
A twisted past
<<if _tempCountBooks is 1>>
<<elseif _tempCountBooks is 2>>
<<elseif _tempCountBooks is 3>>
<<elseif _tempCountBooks is 4>>
<<elseif _tempCountBooks gte 5>>
Read all the books.
<<if _tempCountBooks is 1>>
You found one book!
<<elseif _tempCountBooks is 2>>
You found two books!
<<elseif _tempCountBooks is 3>>
You found three books!
<<elseif _tempCountBooks is 4>>
You found four books!
<<elseif _tempCountBooks gte 5>>
You found five books!
<<elseif _tempCountBooks gte 5>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;A twisted past (5/6)@@
The past of this place is strange and obscure. There should be more information!
<<if _tempChap2 is true && _tempAltSeen is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;COMPLETED: Obscure experiments (?/?)@@
For some reason the altar doesn't seem to work anymore, maybe the mirror draws to much power?
<<elseif _tempAltSeen is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;COMPLETED: Obscure experiments (5/5)@@
The gruesome experiments of the scientist were performed to apologize to his wife, was the price worth it?
<<elseif _tempLabSeen is true && _tempBo4Seen is true && _tempBlood is true && _tempNo1Seen is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;Obscure experiments (4/5)@@
You feel bad for stealing the human blood, but oddly enough you don't seem to care anymore for the fact it's human. Return to the laboratory.
<<elseif _tempLabSeen is true && _tempBo4Seen is true && _tempNo1Seen is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;Obscure experiments (3/5)@@
Find out where to find blood, to be more precise, human blood.
<<elseif _tempLabSeen is true && _tempBo4Seen is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;Obscure experiments (2/5)@@
You found the laboratory, hidden deep underneath the basement. Try to find out what the altar is used for.
<<elseif _tempBo4Seen is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;Obscure experiments (1/5)@@
Find the laboratory.
<div id="task-separator">
<<if _tempRockPaper is true>>
<<if _tempRockPaperWin is true>>
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;COMPLETED: Rock, paper, death@@
It's scary to think that you won against your own reflection.
<div id="task-block">
<div id="task-title">
@@.eventtext;Rock, paper, death@@
Win a game against the bedroom mirror.
<<include "Options">>
No one answers the door, you must have mistaken the way to announce yourself. While you re-think what to do you hear some faint laughing coming from within the house, strangely the laughing sounds sad, or at least fake. You don't know who is inside, but he does not sound like your friend. You remember that he told you that he lives alone. Maybe you should knock <<link "again" 'Entrance'>><<set $Door to "nothing">><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>.
Again, you knock one time on the cracked door, you wonder if you use too much force the door would break. As sessile as the door was before you knocked, it still is. Maybe you should have listen better to what your friend wrote down on the letter he gave you? While you step closer to the door to knock <<link "again" 'Entrance'>><<set $Door to "nothing">><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>, a shiver runs down your spine, the house gives off such an eerie vibe.
<</first>><<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<set _tempDoorbell to recall('doorbell', false)>>
<<set _tempCountDoorbell to recall('countdoorbell', 0)>>
<<set _tempCountCurios to recall('countcurios', 0)>>
<<include "Options">>
<<set _tempCountDoorbell += 1>>
<<run memorize('countdoorbell', _tempCountDoorbell)>>
As you are searching for the doorbell you hear your mom's car again, you thought that she had just left? When you turn around the street is empty, which makes you confused. After stepping closer to the door you find yourself a rusty old doorbell, which conveniently doesn't ring. You guess that you should've knocked on the <<link "door" 'Entrance'>><<set $Door to "nothing">><</link>>.
You press your finger against the rusty button of the
<<if _tempDoorbell is true>>
<<if _tempDeath gte 2>>
<<link "doorbell" 'Doorbell'>><<set $DoorbellEvent to true>><<run memorize("doorbell", true)>><<set _tempCountCurios += 1>><<run memorize('countcurios', _tempCountCurios)>><</link>>
again, but without luck, you hear no familiar “ding-dong” sound. You hope that the rest of the house does have electricity, otherwise it would be a luxurious camping trip without the scary forest part. You guess that you should've knocked on the <<link "door" 'Entrance'>><<set $Door to "nothing">><</link>>.
<<if _tempDoorbell is true && $DoorbellEvent is true>>
@@.eventtext;<br><br>While you touched the doorbell you felt different, as if you had a moment of pure clarity.@@
<</if>><<set _Random to random(1, 100)>>
<<if _Random lte 5>>
<<goto "PaintingFocus2">>
<<elseif _Random > 33 && _Random < 36>>
@@.eventtext;You see an old painting made by an unreadable name, sloppy hand writing for such a good painter. Why do they keep copies of the same painting everywhere?@@
@@.eventtext;You see an old painting hanging on the wall next to his bedroom.@@
<</if>><<include "Options">>
<<set $Painting to true>>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("#")>>
<<timed `random(8, 16) + "s"`>>
<<set $Painting to false>>
<<replace "#painting">>Did the painting blink at you!? you finally calm down, it was just a painting after all right? you close your eyes for a second and the painting is <<link "gone" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Insanity += random(10, 30)>><</link>>, were you actually dreaming?<</replace>>
<span id="painting">you see that an old painting is staring at you directly, whoever was drawn on the painting gives you a restless feeling. Your heart is beating faster and you feel it in your throat. You try to calm down but you can't help yourself. You need to leave this place, you want to run <<link "down the stairs" 'dead5'>><</link>> and leave.</span><<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<set _tempMomSeen to recall('MomSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempDogSeen to recall('DogSeen', false)>>
<<if _tempDogSeen is false>>
<<run memorize('DogSeen', true)>>
<<set _dogOptions to ["step back a bit", "pet him", "acknowledge his presence"]>>
<<set _dog2Options to ["you tell him to get down from the table", "you tell him he is a good boy", "you awkwardly smile at him"]>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Dog is "step back a bit" && $Dog2 is "you tell him he is a good boy" || $Dog is "acknowledge his presence" && $Dog2 is "you awkwardly smile at him" || $Dog is "step back a bit" && $Dog2 is "you awkwardly smile at him" || $Dog is "acknowledge his presence" && $Dog2 is "you tell him he is a good boy">>
While you slowly are backing away the dog whines, almost inaudible. You see that the dog is shaking a little bit and his stomach growls while you take another step backward. You wish you could pet the dog, but rules are rules, they must be there for a reason. When you almost reach the door, while still maintaining eye contact with the dog, it opens its mouth a little. Not only do its eyes glow, so do its teeth, white and sharp. The dog sets one paw down on the ground and moves like a panther stalking its prey. You better <<link "leave" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Dog to "nothing">><<set $Dog2 to "nothing">><<set $Insanity += random(5, 8)>><<set $Time += random(20, 30)>><</link>> while you can.
<<if $Dog is "nothing" && $Dog2 is "nothing" || $Dog isnot "pet him" && $Dog2 isnot "you tell him to get down from the table">>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("dog")>>
<<if _tempDeath gte 3 && _tempMomSeen is true>>
You know that the dog sitting in front of you on the table eats all the scattered meat from the kitchen floor. You are still not sure what breed it is, but his big teeth and omnious looking eyes tell you enough. You feel sorry for him, you decide to <<cycle "$dog" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _dogOptions>><</cycle>>. He seems to be not interested in you, maybe he is is a little neglected? <<cycle "$dog2" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _dog2Options>><</cycle>> and <<link "leave him be" 'Dog'>><<set $Dog to $dog>><<set $Dog2 to $dog2>><</link>>.
A dog is sitting on the table in front of the television. You are not a dog breed expert, but common sense tells you that this dog is a big breed. He has very short fur and a pointed snout. His ears are docked and his tail has been shortened, you feel sorry for him, you decide to <<cycle "$dog" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _dogOptions>><</cycle>>. He seems to not care for you, you think he is is a little neglected? <<cycle "$dog2" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _dog2Options>><</cycle>> and <<link "leave him be" 'Dog'>><<set $Dog to $dog>><<set $Dog2 to $dog2>><</link>>.
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("dog")>>
The dog opens its mouth. Enormous teeth reside in its lower and upper jaw. You try to run away, to the kitchen, as fast as you can. The dog gets hold of your leg, you trip and try to crawl away with your last strength. You feel the sharp teeth penetrating deeper into your flesh. You tried to scream for your friend, but your voice is muffled. You feel so weak, you accept your <<link "faith" 'dead4'>><</link>>.
<<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<set _tempCountCurios to recall('countcurios', 0)>>
<<set _tempTelevision to recall('television', false)>>
<<set _tempManSeen to recall('ManSeen', false)>>
<<set _watchOptions to ["you love this show!", "The television is not playing anything", "His laugh makes me dizzy"]>>
<<if _tempManSeen is false>>
<<run memorize('ManSeen', true)>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Television is "you love this show!" || $Television is "nothing">>
<<if $Television is "nothing">>
<<if $Random lte 3>>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("man")>>
<<audio "static" loop volume 0.1 play>>
<<timed `10 + "s"`>>
<<replace "#television">>You feel warmer again, as you slowly breathe in and out you hear his laughter again. He really seems to enjoy the show, you tell him that @@.youspeech;“I love the show!”@@ He doesn't react to it, he simply stares at the static screen. Creeped out by him you step <<link "back" 'Man'>><<set $Time += random(5, 10)>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>><<audio "static" stop>><</link>>.<</replace>>
<span id="television">you hear loud static noises coming from the television, <<if _tempManSeen is true>>the<<else>>a<</if>> man is sitting on the couch, you quickly close your eyes and squeeze them shut. You hear the man standing up from the couch, his footsteps are getting louder. Your body feels cold. He must be standing right in front of you,<<link "you should take a peek at him" 'dead3'>><<audio "static" stop>><</link>>.</span>
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("man")>>
<<audio "static" loop volume 0.1 play>>
you hear loud static noises coming from the television, <<if _tempManSeen is true>>the<<else>>a<</if>> man is laughing while watching the television. If you stare at him you can't really see him, it's like when you focus your eyes on something at night you can't see it, but if you look a little to the left or right you can see it more clear. The man seems amused by whatever he is watching, his laughter echoes through your head. You feel dizzy and uncomfortable, before you leave the room you tell him that <<cycle "$television" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _watchOptions>><</cycle>>. He does not respond to <<link "you" 'Man'>><<audio "static" stop>><<set $Television to $television>><</link>>.
The man is still enjoying the show on the
<<if _tempTelevision is true>>
<<if _tempDeath gte 3>>
<<link "television" 'Man'>><<set $TelevisionEvent to true>><<run memorize("television", true)>><<set _tempCountCurios += 1>><<run memorize('countcurios', _tempCountCurios)>><</link>>
, you can't help but notice that you somehow feel sorry for him. You wonder if he sees the daylight enough. @@.youspeech;//Why would I feel sorry for him?//@@ You still feel dizzy and uncomfortable, this man or whatever he is, changes the atmosphere inside the room from a dull one to a chaotic one. You are starting to feel like destroying the furniture, your energy is building up inside of you, almost as if your skin was boiling. It is better if you just<<link "leave him be" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><<set $Insanity += random(1, 22)>><<set $Television to "nothing">><</link>>.
<<run jQuery("html").addClass("man")>>
The man stands up, he is not happy, his laughing stops, and he seems to inhale and exhale great amounts of air. @@.youspeech;//Did I make him angry?//@@ He starts to crawl over the table while staring at you, and he grabs you. You feel cold, freezing. Your body starts shivering after you feel his breath, ice like air comes out of his mouth.<<link "you feel weak" 'dead2'>><</link>> and tired, you should take a short nap.
<<if _tempTelevision is true && $TelevisionEvent is true>>
@@.eventtext;<br><br>While you touched the television you felt different, as if you had a moment of pure clarity.@@
<</if>><<run jQuery("html").addClass("mom")>>
<<set _leftoverOptions to ["yes", "no"]>>
<<set _dogfoodOptions to ["quickly place it in front of him", "actually throw it away", "let the dog eat it out of your hand"]>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $DogFood is "quickly place it in front of him">>
The dog is staring at the food as if this was his second meal today, he doesn't really seem interested at all? Your friend says, “he already ate a snack I gave him, so this might be too much”. “Normally if we give him a fresh uncooked piece of meat, he goes crazy for it”. You think to yourself that this is not normal, and you should leave as soon as possible. You smile back at your friend and thank him for the delicious breakfast and that you will be grabbing your stuff from <<link "his room" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><<set $DogFood to "nothing">><</link>>.
<<elseif $DogFood is "actually throw it away">>
<<goto "dead19">>
<<elseif $DogFood is "let the dog eat it out of your hand">>
<<goto "dead20">>
<<elseif $DogFood is "clean">>
<<if $LeftOvers is "no">>
While you are finishing your bowl of yogurt and asking him what you will do next, he stares at you and tells you, you should first finish eating. Only the meat is left on your plate, which you didn't eat. You should give it to the dog! you <<cycle "$dogfood" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _dogfoodOptions>><</cycle>>. Your friend is watching every move, he tells you that you can go after you <<link "finish" 'MomMorning'>><<set $DogFood to $dogfood>><</link>> cleaning up.
<<elseif $LeftOvers is "yes">>
you eat the tender meat, you don't question where it comes from, but it tastes unlike cow, pig or chicken. You grab some more yogurt and watch him stare at you. The yogurt tastes a little sour, but doesn't smell bad. Your friend smiles at you and says “I hope you enjoyed the night with me!”, “Also I hope nothing weird happened, sometimes things have a life of their own in this house”. You nod your head in silence and tell him that <<link "you need to grab your stuff" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Slept to false>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>.
you and your friend are sitting at the table, the kitchen looks clean. Your chair is made of dark oak wood and doesn't sit very comfortable, but who are you to judge right? He asks you if you would like to eat some meat, of course you say <<cycle "$leftovers" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _leftoverOptions>><</cycle>>. He get's you your food and says <<link "enjoy your meal!" 'MomMorning'>><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><<set $LeftOvers to $leftovers>><</link>>
<</if>><<run jQuery("html").addClass("mom")>>
<<set constants.deathcount = recall('deathcount', 0)>>
<<set _tempDeath to constants.deathcount>>
<<set _tempCountCurios to recall('countcurios', 0)>>
<<set _tempMomSeen to recall('MomSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempNo1Seen to recall('No1Seen', false)>>
<<set _tempKnife to recall('knife', false)>>
<<set _tempBlood to recall('blood', false)>>
<<set _stairOptions to ["you stare back", "you quickly look away", "you close your eyes"]>>
<<set _knuckleOptions to ["This is madness", "Your knife is big", "You chop really fast", "You are bleeding, stop!"]>>
<<if _tempMomSeen is false>>
<<run memorize('MomSeen', true)>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Stairing is "you stare back">>
<<goto "dead12">>
<<elseif $Stairing is "you quickly look away" || $Stairing is "you close your eyes">>
<<if $Random gte 5 || $Knuckle is "This is madness" || $Knuckle is "You are bleeding, stop!">>
<<if $Knuckle is "This is madness" || $Knuckle is "You are bleeding, stop!">>
<<goto "dead12">>
<<elseif $Knuckle is "Your knife is big" || $Knuckle is "You chop really fast">>
<<if _tempBlood is true>>
<<if _tempNo1Seen is true>>
<<link "Blood" 'Mom'>><<set $BloodEvent to true>><<run memorize('blood', true)>><</link>>
<</if>> drips of the ceiling on you, it is very hot, it must have condensed on the ceiling while his mother was cooking. A <<link "refrigerator" 'Fridge'>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>><</link>> is catching dust in the corner. Not much to do here, maybe you should go <<link "sleeping" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Stairing to "nothing">><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>, it is almost bedtime.
His mother is very clumsy, while chopping the meat you clearly see that she also chops her hands. You see that her fingers lay all over the cutting board, and she even reached to her knuckles. <<cycle "$knuckle" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _knuckleOptions>><</cycle>>. You tell <<link "her" 'Mom'>><<set $Insanity += random(10, 30)>><<set $Knuckle to $knuckle>><</link>>. You feel frozen, what are you watching, why isn't she screaming of pain!?
<<if _tempBlood is true>>
<<if _tempNo1Seen is true>>
<<link "Blood" 'Mom'>><<set $BloodEvent to true>><<run memorize('blood', true)>><</link>>
drips of the ceiling on you, it is very hot, it must have condensed on the ceiling while his mother was cooking. A <<link "refrigerator" 'Fridge'>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>><</link>> is catching dust in the corner. Not much to do here, besides staring at the rather big cooking
<<if _tempKnife is true>>
<<if _tempDeath gte 5>>
<<link "Knife" 'Mom'>><<set $KnifeEvent to true>><<run memorize('knife', true)>><<set _tempCountCurios += 1>><<run memorize('countcurios', _tempCountCurios)>><</link>>
,maybe you should go <<link "sleeping" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Stairing to "nothing">><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>, it is almost bedtime.
A woman who you have not yet seen before is chopping food in the kitchen. It smells really sweet! A thick smoke of fresh cooked meat aroma blows in your face, it waters your mouth. The woman is staring at you, <<cycle "$stairing" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _stairOptions>><</cycle>> and tell her that tomorrow's breakfast looks <<link "delicious" 'Mom'>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>><<set $Stairing to $stairing>><</link>>.
My friends mother is still chopping the food in the kitchen, she is maintaining eye contact with you while she cuts at a fast pace. It really looks like the woman is cutting without being carefull. She still is staring at you, maybe you should do something about it, and <<cycle "$stairing" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _stairOptions>><</cycle>>. She is sobbing a little, but you don't feel like asking her why, you see that her chopping pace is <<link "increasing" 'Mom'>><<set $Random to random(1, 10)>><<set $Stairing to $stairing>><</link>>with every second you are waiting.
<<if _tempKnife is true && $KnifeEvent is true>>
@@.eventtext;<br><br>While you touched the knife you felt different, as if you had a moment of pure clarity.@@
<<if _tempBlood is true && $BloodEvent is true>>
@@.eventtext;<br><br>You collected some blood.@@
<</if>><<link "text" "passage">>
<<run memorize("knife", true)>>
<<run memorize("doorbell", true)>>
<<run memorize("lightbulb", true)>>
<<run memorize("dresser", true)>>
<<run memorize("television", true)>>
<<run forget("item")>>
<<set _tempKnife to recall('knife')>><<set _tempLightbulb to recall('lightbulb', false)>>
<<set _tempDresser to recall('dresser', false)>>
<<set _tempTelevision to recall('television', false)>>
<<set _tempKnife to recall('knife', false)>>
<<set _tempDoorbell to recall('doorbell', false)>>
<<set _tempCountDoorbell to recall('countdoorbell', 0)>>
<div id="options-block">
<<link "Back" 'Diary'>><</link>>
<div id="curios-block">
<<if _tempDoorbell is true>>
<div id="curios-title">
@@.eventtext;The doorbell@@
You found the doorbell and touched it. Because of this simple yet distinctive touch you remembered something small, it was not the first time you touched the doorbell, you have touched it <<print _tempCountDoorbell>> times. You have been at this house before.
<div id="curios-title">
You have not found this curio yet!
<div id="curios-block">
<<if _tempDresser is true>>
<div id="curios-title">
@@.eventtext;The dresser@@
You opened the dresser and saw its content. Many small diaries, all looking the same and exactly like the one you found whilst dying. Whoever has written it, he or she must have been there many times. There was no time to open them, but you are certain, whatever was written inside of them, it wasn't done by a sane person.
<div id="curios-title">
You have not found this curio yet!
<div id="curios-block">
<<if _tempKnife is true>>
<div id="curios-title">
@@.eventtext;The knife@@
You held the knife and felt its cold steel. Within seconds after placing it back into the cutter holder, you saw something, a child and a mother. They have spent many evenings in this house and the mother cooked with all the love she had. Suddenly the vision stops and you see the mother laying on the ground, with the knife inside of her.
<div id="curios-title">
You have not found this curio yet!
<div id="curios-block">
<<if _tempLightbulb is true>>
<div id="curios-title">
@@.eventtext;The lightbulb@@
You saw the lightbulb and felt its glow. The house is murky, but the few bulbs that are left give you enough light to guide you through its chambers. This particular bulb is different, when you looked into it, you saw a man, who was laying on his side and crying out loud without a sound coming from his mouth.
<div id="curios-title">
You have not found this curio yet!
<div id="curios-block">
<<if _tempTelevision is true>>
<div id="curios-title">
@@.eventtext;The television@@
You touched the television and felt a spark. The same spark blurred your vision for a second and exchanged it for someone else's. The vision you have is of a person, inspecting the house, the person sits down in front of a show. The show was about a woman failing horribly to escape a prison, the person seems to find it amusing. You snap out of the almost astral like projection.
<div id="curios-title">
You have not found this curio yet!
<div id="curios-block">
<<if _tempBlood is true>>
<div id="curios-title">
@@.eventtext;The human blood@@
It feels strange to you, the fact you collected human blood. While you look at it you don't seem to care who's it is, but it smells oddly 'good'. The longer you have stayed in this house the more corrupted you start to feel, and the more you start to lose the connection to reality. @@.youspeech;//Why does mom seem to cook human meat anyway?//@@
<div id="curios-title">
You have not found this curio yet!
</div><<include "Options">>
You finally enter the room that you have been spying on through the keyhole from the beginning. The room is filled with shelves containing many books, most of these books have titles that indicate engineering and electronic topics, other books have something to do with physics and math. The books are old, they are not from the twenty-first century. You have been trying to not let your eyes wander around the room too quickly, but you should have. In the corner of the room, there is something large, covered with a blanket, you start to feel awfully cold while looking directly at it. <<link "@@.youspeech;“I should take the blanket off and see why my friend keeps this room locked!”@@" 'FriendMirror'>><</link>>, or maybe I should leave to the <<link "leave the room" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>> before it is too late.
<<set _tempManSeen to recall('ManSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempMomSeen to recall('MomSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempDogSeen to recall('DogSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempKidSeen to recall('KidSeen', false)>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Time gte 480 && $Time lte 720>>
<<if _tempKidSeen is true>>
Lily fell asleep against a pile of <<link "books" 'Book'>><<set $Random to random(1, 5)>><</link>>. You feel sad after staring at her for a while, she doesn't want to leave the room to wait for her ‘Mommy’, even tho she has no bed or blanket. Whoever is the mother, she left the child alone and never returned for her. You softly say, @@.youspeech;“hey, are you awake?”@@, whilst shaking her a little, but after doing it multiple times you conclude she is fast asleep. You should slowly, whilst walking on your toes, <<link "leave the room" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
You enter a new room, a children's room. It's dim but a little sunray coming from the window gives enough light to let you see somewhat clearly. Suddenly you hear breathing and you focus your eyes immediately on the source of it. A small child is sleeping in the corner of the room, she has no blanket or bed. She fell asleep against a pile of <<link "books" 'Book'>><<set $Random to random(1, 5)>><</link>>. You softly say, @@.youspeech;“hey, are you awake?”@@, whilst shaking her a little, but after doing it multiple times she doesn't respond. Maybe you should <<link "leave her be" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>?
<<if _tempKidSeen is true>>
Lily is playing with her toys as you step into the room, she seems rather lonely, maybe you could go <<link "talk to her" 'Child'>><</link>>? It's still odd that this room exists, it looks sort of happy compared to the rest of the house. You could also <<link "read" 'Book'>><<set $Random to random(1, 5)>><</link>> one of the books that are piled up in the corner. The atmosphere of this room is different, less chaotic, less negative, you could stay her for a while or <<link "leave the room" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
You step into a room, it looks sort of less creepy than the rest of the house. You slowly close the door behind you and you suddenly hear, @@.themspeech; “Mommy, is that you?”@@, you freeze to the ground for a second, someone is pulling your dress. @@.themspeech; “Mommy?”@@ You turn around and see a little girl standing in front of you, she looks as startled as you are. Maybe you could go <<link "talk to her" 'Child'>><</link>>? Or you could simply <<link "leave the room" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>, to maybe catch a breathe.
<</if>><<set _tempRoom3 to recall('Room3', false)>>
<<set _tempBo2Seen to recall('Bo2Seen', false)>>
<<set _tempBo3Seen to recall('Bo3Seen', false)>>
<<set _tempBluSeen to recall('BluSeen', false)>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if _tempRoom3 is false>>
This room has newly opened since it has been closed shut since the beginning. It's a dusty room, much like the living room, it also has victorian era furniture. You can see a rather large vintage reading desk, with many small drawers. You walk closer to the desk to see blueprints, these blueprints seem to be connected to each other. They are numbered, with roman numerals. You didn't go to college to become an architect nor an engineer, but you certainly know that the biggest blueprint resembles a mirror and some sort of a device around it. The language is unknown to you, so you can't read it, maybe someone else can? <<link "Leave the room" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
<<if _tempBo2Seen is true>>
You walk to the reading desk again, you can't seem to grasp what it is all about, so many contraptions, so little information. You feel confused and anxious, @@.youspeech;“I shouldn't have lied to Lily, but whatever happens, I need to find out what it all means”@@ As much as you want it all to end, you need to find out why, why you keep waking up in front of the house, why your mind is blurry and why time seems frozen. <<link "Leave the room" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
<<elseif _tempBo3Seen is true>>
<<if _tempBluSeen is false>>
<<run memorize('BluSeen', true)>>
You immediately walk to the blueprints, @@.youspeech;“the young man must be my friend, during lectures I caught him drawing little mechanical looking things in his notebook.”@@ Underneath the blueprints you find some newer papers, they look much newer than the yellowed paper above it. You quickly notice the handwriting of your friend, he drew some sort of an electrical diagram. It's almost impossible to read, but he wrote down a few words; 'mirror', 'lever', 'shatter'. You are not sure what it means, but it's definitely something strange. <<link "Leave the room" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
It's a dusty room, much like the living room, it also has victorian era furniture. You can see a rather large vintage reading desk, with many small drawers. You walk closer to the desk to see blueprints, these blueprints seem to be connected to each other. They are numbered, with roman numerals. You didn't go to college to become an architect nor an engineer, but you certainly know that the biggest blueprint resembles a mirror and some sort of a device around it. The language is unknown to you, so you can't read it, maybe someone else can? <<link "Leave the room" 'MainHallUp'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
<</if>><<set _tempManSeen to recall('ManSeen')>>
<<set _tempMomSeen to recall('MomSeen')>>
<<set _tempDogSeen to recall('DogSeen')>>
<<set _tempCounter = $TimeCounter *-1 + $Time>>
<<if _tempCounter gte 120>>
<<set $RestedConservatory to false>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Time lte 360>>
The afternoon sun creates a beautiful colored pattern on the ground, it shines through the multiple glass in lead panels. This conservatory gives you a feeling of calmness and relaxation. You close the door behind you, and you sit down for a moment.
<<if _tempManSeen is true && _tempMomSeen is true>>
The man and woman you keep seeing around the house seem different, they are not always present, let alone leave their ‘room’. @@.youspeech;//I don't understand who they are and why they are here.//@@, it bothers you that you don't know the answers and your friend says he lives alone.
<<elseif _tempManSeen is true>>
The strange man in the living room seems addicted to his ‘show’. @@.youspeech;//Whatever I do, he can't seem to give that television a moment of rest//@@, <<if _tempDogSeen is true>> @@.youspeech;//maybe he should start paying more attention to the poor dog//@@<<else>>@@.youspeech;//I think he should leave the house more often.//@@<</if>>
<<elseif _tempMomSeen is true>>
The mother inside the kitchen is always cooking, she doesn't seem to get rest, the poor woman also cries a lot. @@.youspeech;//Why is she always so sad? I just don't understand it, can't my friend help her?//@@
@@.youspeech;//This house is weird, it feels like it studies me, or at least, it feels like the gravity here gets higher the longer I stay here. I should be careful what I do this afternoon and night.//@@
<<if $RestedConservatory is true>>
@@.eventtext;You have already rested here!@@
You could <<link "rest" 'Conservatory'>><<set $RestedConservatory to true>><<set $TimeCounter to $Time>><<set $Insanity -= random(1, 10)>><</link>> for a moment, close your eyes and start the day off good!
Looking at the door behind you, you wonder if it's a good idea to <<link "return to the hallway" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>.
<<elseif $Time gte 361 && $Time lte 600>>
It's getting late, the evening has set in and you feel less energetic than you were before. A slither of light shines through the glass in lead panels and it hits the ceiling, creating a colored pattern that isn't as beautiful as when the afternoon sun would have hit it.
<<if _tempDogSeen is true>>
You hear scratching coming from the hallway, it sounds like the dog, but you are not sure. You close the door, @@.youspeech;//better safe than sorry!//@@, you think.
You close the door, because this house spooks you, even more than the Halloween maze your college made last year. The sounds and the things that have happened are making you feel anxious about every move you make.
For a moment you feel alone, unwatched, and safe.
<<if $RestedConservatory is true>>
@@.eventtext;You have already rested here!@@
You could <<link "rest" 'Conservatory'>><<set $RestedConservatory to true>><<set $TimeCounter to $Time>><<set $Insanity -= random(1, 7)>><</link>> for a moment, close your eyes and get some energy back!
Looking at the door behind you, you wonder if it's a good idea to <<link "return to the hallway" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>.
<<elseif $Time gte 601 && $Time lte 720>>
As you step into the conservatory you can't see anything, it's so dark outside and the conservatory has no light nor candles. It has been a long day,
<<if hasVisited('Man') is true>>
filled with strange things, such as the man you saw in the living room.
<<elseif hasVisited('Mom') is true>>
filled with strange things, such as the woman you just saw cooking in the kitchen, who might be or not be his mom.
that made you really tired.
<<if $RestedConservatory is true>>
@@.eventtext;You have already rested here!@@
You could <<link "rest" 'Conservatory'>><<set $RestedConservatory to true>><<set $TimeCounter to $Time>><<set $Insanity -= random(1, 4)>><</link>> for a moment, close your eyes and prepare for the night!
Looking at the door behind you, you wonder if it's a good idea to <<link "return to the hallway" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>.
<<elseif $Time gte 721>>
The morning sun hits the glass in lead to create a pattern on the walls, this room is peacefull, as if
<<if $RestedConservatory is true>>
@@.eventtext;you can catch your breathe here.@@
you could <<link "rest" 'Conservatory'>><<set $RestedConservatory to true>><<set $TimeCounter to $Time>><<set $Insanity -= random(1, 4)>><</link>> for a moment, close your eyes and leave this forsaken house.
Looking at the door behind you, you wonder if it's a good idea to <<link "return to the hallway" 'MainHallDown'>><<set $Time += random(1, 40)>><</link>>.
<</if>><<set _tempMomSeen to recall('MomSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempManSeen to recall('ManSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempKidSeen to recall('KidSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempDogSeen to recall('DogSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempPaiSeen to recall('PaiSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempWinSeen to recall('WinSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempBo3Seen to recall('Bo3Seen', false)>>
<div id="options-block">
<<link "Back" 'Diary'>><</link>>
/* mom */
<div id="character-block">
<div id="character-title">
<<if _tempMomSeen is true>>
<span class="character-image">
<<if _tempMomSeen is true>>
<img src="icons/mom.jpg">
<img src="icons/questionmark.png">
<span class="character-info">
<<if _tempMomSeen is true>>
I can find ‘Mom’ in the kitchen during the evening hours. She will stare at me while she is cooking. Sometimes I can hear her cry, but most of the time she is either preparing meat or chopping 'things'.
<<if _tempKidSeen is true>>
Mom thought that lily had died because one of the voices told her so. While cooking she used her kitchen knife to end her life. She stays in the kitchen to finish the food for lily.
I don't know why Mom is always in the kitchen and why she is always carrying her kitchen knife with her, however, I am sure that she was caring and loving once.
@@.eventtext;You have not unlocked this ghost yet!@@
/* mom end */
/* man */
<div id="character-block">
<div id="character-title">
<<if _tempManSeen is true>>
<<if _tempBo3Seen is true>>
@@.eventtext;Mr. Brownrigg@@
<span class="character-image">
<<if _tempManSeen is true>>
<img src="icons/man.jpg">
<img src="icons/questionmark.png">
<span class="character-info">
<<if _tempManSeen is true>>
I can find <<if _tempBo3Seen is true>>Mr. Brownrigg<<else>>‘The Man’<</if>> in the livingroom, where he likes to watch his favorite television show. The show is purely a static screen, but he seems to enjoy it more than anything. Whenever I am close to the living room I feel really cold, and I feel a chaotic energy boiling inside of me. I don't understand why he never leaves the room. <<if _tempDogSeen is true>> He seems to like the dog, since he is not afraid of it.<<else>><</if>>
@@.eventtext;You have not unlocked this ghost yet!@@
/* man end */
/* lily */
<div id="character-block">
<div id="character-title">
<<if _tempKidSeen is true>>
<span class="character-image">
<<if _tempKidSeen is true>>
<img src="icons/lily.jpg">
<img src="icons/questionmark.png">
<span class="character-info">
<<if _tempKidSeen is true>>
‘Lily’ seems to never leave her little children's room, I don't think she knows that she never leaves the room. Most of the time she is playing with Mister Bear, she can't read yet, but she opens the books from time to time. I think she is a kind girl, since she offers to help me when I feel scared. <<if _tempMomSeen is true>> Her mother is cooking the dinner she is waiting for in the kitchen, at least I think it is her mother.<<else>>She is always waiting for her mother to return.<</if>>
@@.eventtext;You have not unlocked this ghost yet!@@
/* lily end */
/* dog */
<div id="character-block">
<div id="character-title">
<<if _tempDogSeen is true>>
@@.eventtext;The Dog@@
<span class="character-image">
<<if _tempDogSeen is true>>
<img src="icons/dog.jpg">
<img src="icons/questionmark.png">
<span class="character-info">
<<if _tempDogSeen is true>>
I think ‘The Dog’ is protecting itself or something, since it gets very aggresive when I command him things or touch him. Sometimes I can hear his whining upstairs, but I am not sure if it is actually the dog, or other strange things in this house. The dog is also a bottomless pit when it comes to food, especially meat. <<if _tempMomSeen is true>> The food Mom makes is his favorite, I think he likes the taste of humans.<<else>><</if>> I can see the dog is in some sort of a pain.
@@.eventtext;You have not unlocked this ghost yet!@@
/* dog end */
/* window man */
<div id="character-block">
<div id="character-title">
<<if _tempWinSeen is true>>
@@.eventtext;The man in the window@@
<span class="character-image">
<<if _tempWinSeen is true>>
<img src="icons/win.jpg">
<img src="icons/questionmark.png">
<span class="character-info">
<<if _tempWinSeen is true>>
I think the man that I sometimes see standing on the street, who is alone, at night, could be a homeless person. Somethings tells me that this might not be the case, since the same man drives a car just like the one my mother owns, coincidences don't exist. I need to be careful and follow the rules, not just the ones my friend gave me, but also the ones that apply to people in general; don't stare at people who you don't know.
@@.eventtext;You have not unlocked this ghost yet!@@
/* window man end */
/* painting */
<div id="character-block">
<div id="character-title">
<<if _tempPaiSeen is true>>
@@.eventtext;The painting@@
<span class="character-image">
<<if _tempPaiSeen is true>>
<img src="icons/pai.jpg">
<img src="icons/questionmark.png">
<span class="character-info">
<<if _tempPaiSeen is true>>
Whenever I look at this piece of art my mind starts to get numb, the painting mesmerizes me. The longer I look the more beautiful the painting gets, at first glance, it seems like a man, but slowly turns into a beautiful woman. The painter's name is unreadable but it looks like the first part spells @@.eventtext;//Eli//@@. I don't know who this beautiful woman is but she seems elegant and decent.
@@.eventtext;You have not unlocked this ghost yet!@@
/* painting end */
<<include "Options">>
You step through the wooden frame, the floor squeaks, even when you gently place your feet down. The hallway seems old, mostly decorated with victorian era paintings and ornaments. @@.youspeech;“I love the styling of the house, is it victorian?”@@, you try to make a good impression on him, since you don't want to be 'just a girl visiting'. He looks at the hallway as if he never really focused on the details of it, but rather used it as a means to an end to get from room to room, @@.themspeech;“Perhaps, I don't remember.”@@, @@.themspeech;“Before we can chit-chat about the house, I have some things to do.”@@. @@.youspeech;//That was odd, he doesn't seem too amused that I am here.//@@, You think to yourself. Before you realize he leaves to the second floor using the stairs. You decide to <<link "explore the house" 'MainHallDown'>><</link>> as well, what can go wrong?<<set _tempCountBooks to recall('countbooks', 0)>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if $Random is 1>>
<<set _tempCountBooks += 1>>
<<run memorize('countbooks', _tempCountBooks)>>
You open a random book, it's called 'This new old house'. <<link "You place it back" "ChildrensRoom">><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>.
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
We bought an old house, my boyfriend and I. He's in charge of the "new" construction – converting the kitchen in to the master bedroom for instance, while I'm on wallpaper removal duty. The previous owner papered EVERY wall and CEILING! Removing it is brutal, but oddly satisfying. The best feeling is getting a long peel, similar to your skin when you're peeling from a sunburn. I don't know about you but I kinda make a game of peeling, on the hunt for the longest piece before it rips.Under a corner section of paper in every room is a person’s name and a date. Curiosity got the best of me one night when I Googled one of the names and discovered the person was actually a missing person, the missing date matching the date under the wallpaper! The next day, I made a list of all the names and dates. Sure enough each name was for a missing person with dates to match. We notified the police who naturally sent out the crime scene team. I overhead one tech say "yup, it's human." Human? What's human? "Ma'am, where is the material you removed from the walls already? This isn't wallpaper you were removing."<br>- BatoutofHell821
<<elseif $Random is 2>>
<<set _tempCountBooks += 1>>
<<run memorize('countbooks', _tempCountBooks)>>
You open a random book, it's called 'Seeing Red'. <<link "You place it back" "ChildrensRoom">><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>.
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
Everyone loves the first day of school, right? New year, new classes, new friends. It's a day full of potential and hope, before all the dreary depressions of reality show up to ruin all the fun.I like the first day of school for a different reason, though. You see, I have a sort of power. When I look at people, I can...sense a sort of aura around them. A colored outline based on how long that person has to live. Most everyone I meet around my age is surrounded by a solid green hue, which means they have plenty of time left.A fair amount of them have a yellow-orangish tinge to their auras, which tends to mean a car crash or some other tragedy. Anything that takes people "before their time" as they say.The real fun is when the auras venture into the red end of the spectrum, though. Every now and again I'll see someone who's basically a walking stoplight. Those are the ones who get murdered or kill themselves. It's such a rush to see them and know their time is numbered.With that in mind, I always get to class very early so I can scout out my classmates' fates. The first kid who walked in was basically radiating red. I chuckled to myself. Too damn bad, bro. But as people kept walking in, they all had the same intense glow. I finally caught a glimpse of my rose-tinted reflection in the window, but I was too stunned to move. Our professor stepped in and locked the door, his aura a sickening shade of green. <br>- Zenryhao
<<elseif $Random is 3>>
<<set _tempCountBooks += 1>>
<<run memorize('countbooks', _tempCountBooks)>>
You open a random book, it's called 'They got the definition wrong'. <<link "You place it back" "ChildrensRoom">><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>.
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
It has been said that the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". I understand the sentiment behind the saying, but it's wrong.I entered the building on a bet. I was strapped for cash and didn't buy into the old legends of the hotel to begin with, so fifty bucks was more than enough to get me do it. It was simple. Just reach the top floor, the 45th floor, shine my flashlight from a window.The hotel was old and broken, including the elevator, so that meant hiking up the stairs. So up the stairs I went. As I reached each platform, I noted the old brass plaques displaying the floor numbers. 15, 16, 17, 18. I felt a little tired as I crept higher, but so far, no ghosts, no cannibals, no demons. Piece of cake.I can't tell you how happy I was as I entered that last stretch of numbers. I joyfully counted them aloud at each platform. 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 44. I stopped and looked back down the stairs. I must have miscounted, so I continued up. 44. One more flight. 44. And then down ten flights. 44. Fifteen flights. 44.And so it's been for as long as I can remember. So really, insanity isn't doing something repeatedly and expecting different results. It's knowing that the results will never ever change; that each door leads to the same staircase, to the same number. It’s realizing you no longer fall asleep. It's not knowing whether you've been running for days or weeks or years. It's when the sobbing slowly turns into laughter.<br>- Lloiu
<<elseif $Random is 4>>
<<set _tempCountBooks += 1>>
<<run memorize('countbooks', _tempCountBooks)>>
You open a random book, it's called 'There is no reason to be afraid'. <<link "You place it back" "ChildrensRoom">><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>.
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
When my sister Betsy and I were kids, our family lived for awhile in a charming old farmhouse. We loved exploring its dusty corners and climbing the apple tree in the backyard. But our favorite thing was the ghost.We called her Mother, because she seemed so kind and nurturing. Some mornings Betsy and I would wake up, and on each of our nightstands, we'd find a cup that hadn't been there the night before. Mother had left them there, worried that we'd get thirsty during the night. She just wanted to take care of us.Among the house's original furnishings was an antique wooden chair, which we kept against the back wall of the living room. Whenever we were preoccupied, watching TV or playing a game, Mother would inch that chair forward, across the room, toward us. Sometimes she'd manage to move it all the way to the center of the room. We always felt sad putting it back against the wall. Mother just wanted to be near us.Years later, long after we'd moved out, I found an old newspaper article about the farmhouse's original occupant, a widow. She'd murdered her two children by giving them each a cup of poisoned milk before bed. Then she'd hanged herself.The article included a photo of the farmhouse's living room, with a woman's body hanging from a beam. Beneath her, knocked over, was that old wooden chair, placed exactly in the center of the room.<br>- Whoeverfightsmonsters
<<elseif $Random is 5>>
<<set _tempCountBooks += 1>>
<<run memorize('countbooks', _tempCountBooks)>>
You open a random book, it's called 'The puppy in the basement'. <<link "You place it back" "ChildrensRoom">><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>.
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
“Mommy told me never to go in the basement, but I wanted to see what was making that noise. It kind of sounded like a puppy, and I wanted to see the puppy, so I opened the basement door and tiptoed down a bit. I didn’t see a puppy, and then Mommy yanked me out of the basement and yelled at me. Mommy had never yelled at me before, and it made me sad and I cried. Then Mommy told me never to go into the basement again, and she gave me a cookie. That made me feel better, so I didn’t ask her why the boy in the basement was making noises like a puppy, or why he had no hands or feet.”<br>- Unknown
<</if>><<set _tempKidSeen to recall('KidSeen', false)>>
<<set _tempTruthLily to recall('TruthLily', false)>>
<<set _tempLieLily to recall('LieLily', false)>>
<<set _sentence to either("We are playing, I spy with my little eye.", "We are drawing more flowers.", "Mister Bear is telling me secrets.", "I am making Mister Bear some food.", "I am drawing mommy's knife.", "We are drawing the mirror.")>>
<<set _lilyOptions to ["You lie to her", "You tell her the truth"]>>
<<if _tempKidSeen is false>>
<<run memorize('KidSeen', true)>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if hasVisited('Study')>>
<<if _tempTruthLily is true>>
@@.themspeech;“You shouldn't, he doesn't like it!”@@, @@.youspeech;“Who is 'he' Lily?”@@ she bends her head a little, almost as if she was too sad or afraid to say it. @@.themspeech;“Mister Bear and me could help you, but you can't tell anyone?”@@ You nod and see how Lily gives you a <<link "book" 'Book3'>><</link>>, @@.themspeech;“You can't take it, but you are allowed to read it whenever you want to say 'hello' to me.”@@ You can look at the book <<link "later" 'ChildrensRoom'>><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>.
<<elseif _tempLieLily is true>>
@@.themspeech;Mister Bear and me are very angry with you, you can go!@@, @@.youspeech;But... but... Lily, please, I didn't know@@ Lily is looking away, she doesn't want to talk to you right now. Maybe one of the <<link "books" 'Book2'>><</link>> can help you, or it might be better to <<link "leave her" 'ChildrensRoom'>><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>, because her tantrum won't help you.
Lily is watching you while you enter the room, normally the sweet girl wouldn't creep you out, be she just did. @@.themspeech;“Missy, I spoke to Mister Bear, and he told me that you have been naughty!”@@, you are a little startled since you don't know what she means. @@.youspeech;“I don't know what you mean Lily? Besides you don't have to call me a 'missy'”@@, she squinches her eyes and says with an angry voice, @@.themspeech;“You have been in the forbidden room, you can't do that, he gets angry when you do that”@@. <<cycle "$lily" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _lilyOptions>><</cycle>>, and
<<link "say it" 'Child'>>
<<set $Lily to $lily>>
<<if $Lily is "You lie to her">>
<<run memorize('LieLily', true)>>
<<elseif $Lily is "You tell her the truth">>
<<run memorize('TruthLily', true)>>
<<if _tempKidSeen is true>>
Lily is playing with her imaginary friend and her toys in the corner of the room, she is talking about all kinds of things, almost as if she is having adventures of her own. You kneel next to her and ask her, @@.youspeech;“Lily what are you doing”@@, she continues to talk to Mister Bear. @@.themspeech;“Mister Bear, can I let her know what we are doing?”@@ After a few nods and looking over her shoulder at you she agrees with Mister Bear. @@.themspeech;“<<print _sentence>>”@@ You watch her continue to play.
<<if $ChildVisited is false>>
<<if $Insanity gte 50>>
@@.themspeech;“You seem really not happy and sad”@@
<<elseif $Insanity gte 25>>
@@.themspeech;“You seem really sad”@@
<<elseif $Insanity gte 5>>
@@.themspeech;“You seem sad”@@
@@.themspeech;“Are you feeling alright?”@@
Says Lily to you, @@.themspeech;“Maybe I can help you?”@@ The child offers to <<link "help you" 'Child'>><<set $ChildVisited to true>><<set $Insanity -= random(20, 50)>><</link>>, or you could <<link "leave her" 'ChildrensRoom'>><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>> and let her continue to play with Mister Bear.
You <<link "leave her" 'ChildrensRoom'>><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>.
The little girl is still looking at you, she seems to look 'normal'. @@.themspeech;“You are not my mommy!”@@, you try to speak, but you can't seem to find the words that could explain who you are. @@.themspeech;“Have you seen my mommy? Mommy went to make food for dinner, I must wait here mommy said.”@@ The little girl is playing with your dress, she doesn't seem upset about the situation. @@.youspeech;“I don't know where your mother is, what is your name?”@@, the little girl smiles with an innocent expression at you and replies, @@.themspeech;“My name is Lily and this is Mister Bear”@@. Lily is pointing at the corner while she tells you the name of her friend, but the corner is empty.
<<if $Insanity gte 50>>
@@.themspeech;“You seem really not happy and sad”@@
<<elseif $Insanity gte 25>>
@@.themspeech;“You seem really sad”@@
<<elseif $Insanity gte 5>>
@@.themspeech;“You seem sad”@@
@@.themspeech;“Are you feeling alright?”@@
Says Lily to you, @@.themspeech;“Maybe I can help you?”@@ The child offers to <<link "help you" 'ChildrensRoom'>><<set $ChildVisited to true>><<set $Insanity -= random(20, 50)>><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>, or you could <<link "leave her" 'ChildrensRoom'>><</link>> and let her continue to play with Mister Bear.
<</if>><<set _tempBo2Seen to recall('Bo2Seen', false)>>
<<if _tempBo2Seen is false>>
<<run memorize('Bo2Seen', true)>>
<<include "Options">>
/* book 2 lily lie*/
You open a book which you haven't seen before. <<link "You place it back" "ChildrensRoom">><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>.
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
Kvsb ks twfgh ghiapzsr idcb hvwg zwhhzs hfsogifs hfcjs ks hvciuvh ks vwh hvs xoqydch, wh kcizr cbzm hoys o tsk kssyg wt bch romg hc fsrsqcfohs hvs dzoqs. Acgh tifbwhifs wg wb ob slqszzsbh ghohs, righm, pih slqszzsbh. Hvs vcigs'g tcibrohwcb gssag uccr sbciuv hc zsh vsf ghobr tcf oh zsogh obchvsf twthm msofg. Wh qcizr igs gcas acfs kwbrckg obr gcas acfs zwuvh-qczcfsr dowbh, pih hvoh wg bch bsqoggofm. Crrzm sbciuv hvs dcksf rcsgb'h gssa hc ps qcbbsqhsr hc hvs aowb ufwr, pih gcas fsqswjs szsqhfwqwhm. Ks vwfsr o zcqoz qcbhfoqhcf, 'Awghsf. Pfckbfwuu', ks ozgc tcibr dchsbhwoz pimsfg, o kwrcksr achvsf kwhv vsf qvwzr. Ks ozgc tcibr o ghirm kwhv pzisdfwbhg ct gcas gcfh, ks ogysr o mcibu aob wt vs qcizr hoys o zccy oh wh.
Yours sincerely,
- hbdcgbiew
</section><<set _tempBo3Seen to recall('Bo3Seen', false)>>
<<if _tempBo3Seen is false>>
<<run memorize('Bo3Seen', true)>>
<<include "Options">>
/* book 3 lily truth */
The books that lily hands you looks old, you haven't seen it before. <<link "You give it back" "ChildrensRoom">><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>.
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
When we first stumbled upon this little treasure trove we thought we hit the jackpot, it would only take a few weeks if not days to redecorate the place. Most furniture is in an excellent state, dusty, but excellent. The house's foundation seems good enough to let her stand for at least another fifty years. It could use some more windows and some more light-colored paint, but that is not necessary. Oddly enough the power doesn't seem to be connected to the main grid, but some receive electricity. We hired a local contractor, 'Mister. Brownrigg', we also found potential buyers, a widowed mother with her child. We also found a study with blueprints of some sort, we asked a young man if he could take a look at it.
Yours sincerely,
- fjcf rch ow
DONE - fix random F5 reset to ensure anticheat
DONE - move events outside parent to reduce headache when editing
DONE - wake up in front of house
DONE - explain stop doesnt remove save
DONE - time faster (10, 50)
DONE - character tab
DONE - Hints worden quests, onthouden hoeveel keer deurbel ingedrukt enzo
DONE - quests unlocked in wake up
secret ending:
DONE - wake up passage contain "check diary thing"
DONE - Clicking Parts of text (after minimal deaths) hidden things find
DONE - make it random(0, 40) added to it
DONE - display on screen without wristwatch
DONE - Random music (missing stop())
NOT* - Making hub to alter text according to death amounts
YES* _ Making _tempDeath equations
DONE - if attic monster, unique text in kitchen
DONE - change text after advice goto stairs front door
DONE - First time rooms comes, message tells you, after memorize true,
DONE - hint page diary
DONE - artifacts page, also changes text like "a knife is missing"
DONE - Secret room unlock text one time use
DONE - re-adjust intro
DONE - conservatory down stairs, open after 1 death,
DONE - Insanity level, shows hidden rooms, can't open them
DONE - insanity gotten from events, resets every play
DONE - lower at via:
DONE - restroom at night
DONE - observatory (every 2 hour)
DONE - bathroom if no event happens
DONE - childrens room 1 time per run
DONE - add childrens room after 2 deaths, moms child, good offers help
DONE - child page
DONE - book page has random stories
DONE - add study after death by man and 4 deaths, there you can find the
DONE - blueprints for the mirror machine, he build a device to freeze time. DONE - lily knows about the study via mister bear.
DONE - thought to italic
DONE - Add strange text.
DONE - names appear in ghosts tap according to book seen, if it is Book3<<set _tempChap2 to recall('Chap2', false)>>
<<set _tempChap2Alt to recall('Chap2Alt', false)>>
<<set _tempAltSeen to recall('AltSeen', false)>>
<<if _tempChap2 is false>>
<<run memorize('Chap2', true)>>
<<set _tempBluSeen to recall('BluSeen', false)>>
<<set _deviceOptions to ["Push the buttons", "Flick the switches", "Pull the lever"]>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if _tempChap2Alt is true && _tempAltSeen is true>>
As you slowly pull off the blanket, much like people do with new cars, your fingertips are getting icy cold. The blanket is heavy and big enough that it takes you multiple tries to remove it completely, every failed attempt leaves you with the burning sensation of when you run warm water over cold body parts. When you finally removed it you can't believe what you are seeing, as you might have expected a mirror with all kinds of crazy things build around its frame, imbued with strange forms of electricity. The blood vial in your pocket gets pulled out, reacting aggressively to the mirror. Before you know it, it burst into a thousand pieces on the reflective surface, the blood starts to spread out around the mirror. <<link "I should touch the mirror again..." 'Chapter2Alt'>><</link>> @@.youspeech;//I am shaking, never have I seen a mirror take something out of someone's pocket, this might be in the top three scary things inside this house//@@
<<elseif _tempChap2Alt is true>>
As you slowly pull off the blanket, much like people do with new cars, your fingertips are getting icy cold. The blanket is heavy and big enough that it takes you multiple tries to remove it completely, every failed attempt leaves you with the burning sensation of when you run warm water over cold body parts. When you finally removed it you can't believe what you are seeing, as you might have expected a mirror with all kinds of crazy things build around its frame, imbued with strange forms of electricity. The blood vial starts to aggressively vibrate in the pocket of your skirt, @@.youspeech;//for a second I thought I took a toy to the sleepover, but luckily it's just a vial of blood vibrating//@@, you think while you smile awkwardly, you know this is not normal, but you accept it anyway. The mirror seems broken or at least powered off. You can't seem to find a way to power it on, even when you pull a random lever. After you pulled the lever nothing happens, but the vial of blood stops vibrating for a second. Maybe you should put the blanket over the mirror again and <<link "leave" 'Library'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
<<elseif _tempBluSeen is true>>
As you slowly pull off the blanket, much like people do with new cars, your fingertips are getting icy cold. The blanket is heavy and big enough that it takes you multiple tries to remove it completely, every failed attempt leaves you with the burning sensation of when you run warm water over cold body parts. When you finally removed it you can't believe what you are seeing, as you might have expected a mirror with all kinds of crazy things build around its frame, imbued with strange forms of electricity. The mirror itself is what makes you not believe it is true what you are seeing, inside of the mirror a shadowy figure lays on its side, in a fetus position. You place your hand against the mirror, its surface is cold and rock-solid, but shattered. @@.youspeech;“Hello, are you alright?”@@, is the first thing you ask, you aren't scared of the fact that the figure is only see-able in the mirror nor the fact that everything tries to kill you in this house, this feels different.<br><br>
It does not respond to you, but you can see that whatever it is, it moved its hands towards you, almost as if it is fighting its last breathe to become eternal. You remember the handwritten notes from your friend on the blueprints, this mirror is what you saw on the prints. You slowly pull its @@.eventtext;lever@@ on the side, you hear something powering up, but the sound, it's something you haven't heard in your life before.
After the sound has stopped you can see the reflective surface of the mirror moving, you rub your eyes, but once you open them, you can still see the surface moving. The movement is peaceful as if waves slowly bounce back and forth, the machine itself produces a deep 'humm' with every pulse it generates. <<link "I should touch the mirror again..." 'Chapter2'>><</link>>
As you slowly pull off the blanket, much like people do with new cars, your fingertips are getting icy cold. The blanket is heavy and big enough that it takes you multiple tries to remove it completely, every failed attempt leaves you with the burning sensation of when you run warm water over cold body parts. When you finally removed it you can't believe what you are seeing, as you might have expected a mirror with all kinds of crazy things build around its frame, imbued with strange forms of electricity. The mirror itself is what makes you not believe it is true what you are seeing, inside of the mirror a shadowy figure lays on its side, in a fetus position. You place your hand against the mirror, its surface is cold and rock-solid, but shattered. @@.youspeech;“Hello, are you alright?”@@, is the first thing you ask, you aren't scared of the fact that the figure is only see-able in the mirror nor the fact that everything tries to kill you in this house, this feels different.<br><br>
It does not respond to you, but you can see that what ever it is, it moved its hands towards you, almost as if it is fighting its last breathe to become eternal. You can see many buttons, a lever and some switches on the device, what will you do? You <<cycle "$device" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _deviceOptions>><</cycle>>, and
<<link "step back">>
<<set $Device to $device>>
<<if $Device is "Pull the lever">>
<<goto "Chapter2">>
<<goto "dead26">>
<</if>>Here the content unfortunately ends, you have found the end for now, and you have powered the mirror. In chapter 2, which is in development, you will be able to continue the story from within the game itself and explore more of the world and background of sleepover rules.
I thank you for playing my game and finishing it. To keep up-to-date please join my <<externalLink "Discord" "">>!
If you want to allow me to progress faster and if you want to become part of the story and influence its true ending and let me make more art to give the game more depth and a better visual look, please have a look at my <<externalLink "Patreon" "">>, do know I am not looking to buy my food from the Patreon money, I do however want to spend it on; art, improved dialogue and sometimes a cup of iced coffee, but mostly art.
I thank everyone who helped me with making the game possible, the credits holds some extra details.
You can easily restart the game via the diary "reset-progress", this will reset everything, so be warned! Then you can also try to find new dialogue or things! now press this to end it: <br><br><<include "WakeUp">><<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
The machine powers on, its starting to create arcs of energy. One of the arcs hit you, there is no pain, there is nothing. Just before you feel your life pushing out of you, you see something. It's an image of your friend, and the mirror.
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died.
<<include "WakeUp">><div id="options-block">
<<link "Back" 'Diary'>><</link>>
<<if $Cheats is "Patreon2k21">>
<<link "Doorbell touched" 'Cheats'>>
<<run memorize('doorbell', true)>>
<<link "Television seen" 'Cheats'>>
<<run memorize('television', true)>>
<<link "Felt the knife" 'Cheats'>>
<<run memorize('knife', true)>>
<<link "Lightbulb seen" 'Cheats'>>
<<run memorize('lightbulb', true)>>
<<link "Dresser touched" 'Cheats'>>
<<run memorize('dresser', true)>>
<<link "Mom Seen" 'Cheats'>>
<<run memorize('MomSeen', true)>>
<<link "Man Seen" 'Cheats'>>
<<run memorize('ManSeen', true)>>
<<link "Lily Seen" 'Cheats'>>
<<run memorize('KidSeen', true)>>
<<link "Dog Seen" 'Cheats'>>
<<run memorize('DogSeen', true)>>
<<link "Window Seen" 'Cheats'>>
<<run memorize('WinSeen', true)>>
<<link "Painting Seen" 'Cheats'>>
<<run memorize('PaiSeen', true)>>
<<link "Blueprint Seen" 'Cheats'>>
<<run memorize('BluSeen', true)>>
<<link "Tell the truth to lily" 'Cheats'>>
<<run memorize('TruthLily', true)>>
<<link "Tell a lie to lily" 'Cheats'>>
<<run memorize('LieLily', true)>>
<<textbox "$Cheats" "Cheat code here!" "Cheats">>
In order to use the cheats, you will need a code, by becoming a <<externalLink "Patreon" "">> member. Otherwise, no cheats for you!
<div id="options-block">
<<return "Back">>
<span id="tbInput">
<<textbox "$var" "Cheatcode here!">>
<<timed 0s>>
<<run $("#textbox-var").on("keydown", function(ev) {
if (ev.keyCode === 13) {
if($( === "Patreon2k21"){
$("#tbInput").empty().wiki(`<<nobr>> Insanity:
<<button "Insanity + 5">>
<<set $Insanity += 5>>
<<button "Insanity - 5">>
<<set $Insanity -= 5>>
Current insanity: <<print $Insanity>>
<<button "Time + 60 min">>
<<set $Time += 60>>
<<button "Time - 60 min">>
<<set $Time -= 60>>
Current time: <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>>
<<button "Doorbell touched">>
<<run memorize('doorbell', true)>>
<<button "Television seen">>
<<run memorize('television', true)>>
<<button "Felt the knife">>
<<run memorize('knife', true)>>
<<button "Lightbulb seen">>
<<run memorize('lightbulb', true)>>
<<button "Dresser touched">>
<<run memorize('dresser', true)>>
<<button "Mom Seen">>
<<run memorize('MomSeen', true)>>
<<button "Man Seen">>
<<run memorize('ManSeen', true)>>
<<button "Lily Seen">>
<<run memorize('KidSeen', true)>>
<<button "Dog Seen">>
<<run memorize('DogSeen', true)>>
<<button "Window Seen">>
<<run memorize('WinSeen', true)>>
<<button "Painting Seen">>
<<run memorize('PaiSeen', true)>>
<<button "Blueprint Seen">>
<<run memorize('BluSeen', true)>>
<<button "Tell the truth to lily">>
<<run memorize('TruthLily', true)>>
<<button "Tell a lie to lily">>
<<run memorize('LieLily', true)>>
<</button>> <</nobr>>`);
$("#Error").empty().wiki('In order to use the cheats, you will need a code, by becoming a <<externalLink "Patreon" "">> member. Otherwise, no cheats for you!');
<<include "Options">>
As you step through the wooden door frame, and look into the hallway, a thought pops up @@.youspeech;//the styling looks familiar//@@. You feel some strange urge to make a good impression on your friend, you want to tell him that you like the victorian age furnishing, but you hold back. Your friends stares at you, as if he expects something to happen or as if he expects a combination of words. After a few seconds, that felt longer than they were, your friend tells you that he will be gone for now and that you should explore the house a bit. @@.youspeech;//What just happened, and why did I feel a burning sensation in my mind while thinking about this hallway?//@@. You decide to <<link "explore the house" 'MainHallDown'>><</link>> and see if you can enjoy yourself while your friend is minding his own business for now.<<include "Options">>
As you walk behind your friend and stare at the different things in the hallway you are startled, @@.youspeech;//they are all victorian, I knew it before I walked in, but I somehow forget it?//@@ you take some more steps inside to see your friends walking has come to a halt, you see how he bends his knee a little and lifting his feet a little bit, but he places it back on the ground within the same second. @@.youspeech;“Has the hallway been decorated to resemble a certain theme?”@@ your friend turns his head a little to the side, @@.themspeech;“Maybe, never thought about it, do you recognize it?”@@, but before you can answer his question he continues to walk and steps on the stairs. @@.themspeech;“I did not realize it to be afternoon, make yourself comfortable, I will be gone for a few hours.”@@ You already opened your mouth to answer his question be he is gone before you can even respond to the last thing he said. @@.youspeech;//I am sure I have seen this hallway before!//@@ You decide to <<link "explore the house" 'MainHallDown'>><</link>> and see if you can find out what is happening.<div style="text-align:center;">
<h1 style="text-align:center">Settings</h1>
<<link "Difficulty" 'Difficulty'>><</link>>
<<link "Color blindness" 'Colorblind'>><</link>>
<<link "Audio control" 'AudioControl'>><</link>>
<<link "Fonts" 'Fonts'>><</link>>
<<link "Gore and violence" 'Gore'>><</link>>
<<link "Reset-progress" 'Start'>>
<<run forget('deathcount')>>
<<run forget('countdoorbell')>>
<<run forget('countcurios')>>
<<run forget('countbooks')>>
<<run forget('sleep')>>
<<run forget('rockpaper')>>
<<run forget('rockpaperwin')>>
<<run forget('Chap2')>>
<<run forget('Chap2Alt')>>
<<run forget('doorbell')>>
<<run forget('knife')>>
<<run forget('television')>>
<<run forget('dresser')>>
<<run forget('lightbulb')>>
<<run forget('blood')>>
<<run forget('MomSeen')>>
<<run forget('ManSeen')>>
<<run forget('DogSeen')>>
<<run forget('KidSeen')>>
<<run forget('WinSeen')>>
<<run forget('PaiSeen')>>
<<run forget('Bo2Seen')>>
<<run forget('Bo3Seen')>>
<<run forget('Bo4Seen')>>
<<run forget('BluSeen')>>
<<run forget('LabSeen')>>
<<run forget('No1Seen')>>
<<run forget('AltSeen')>>
<<run forget('Room1')>>
<<run forget('Room2')>>
<<run forget('Room3')>>
<<run forget('Room4')>>
<<run forget('ChaMom')>>
<<run forget('ChaMan')>>
<<run forget('ChaPai')>>
<<run forget('ChaDog')>>
<<run forget('ChaKid')>>
<<run forget('ChaWin')>>
<<run forget('Quest1')>>
<<run forget('Quest2')>>
<<run forget('Quest3')>>
<<run forget('Quest4')>>
<<run forget('TruthLily')>>
<<run forget('LieLily')>>
<<run Save.autosave.delete()>>
<<link "Back" 'Start'>><</link>>
</div>\Current color scheme is:<br>
<<if settings.colorblind == 0>>
Red (clickable) - Green (cyclable)
<<elseif settings.colorblind == 1>>
Red (clickable) - Blue (cyclable)
<<if settings.colorblind == 0>>
Red (clickable) - Green (cyclable)
<<link "Normal color" "Colorblind">>
<<set settings.colorblind = 0>>
<<if settings.colorblind == 1>>
Red (clickable) - Blue (cyclable)
<<link "Alternate color" "Colorblind">>
<<set settings.colorblind = 1>>
<<if settings.colorblind == 0>>
<<elseif settings.colorblind == 1>>
<<if settings.font == 0>>
<<elseif settings.font == 1>>
<</if>>Current sfx setting is:<br>
<<if settings.sfxcontrol == 0>>
Default - random sounds will play
<<elseif settings.sfxcontrol == 1>>
Off - random sounds won't play
<<if settings.sfxcontrol == 0>>
<<link "Default" "AudioControl">>
<<set settings.sfxcontrol = 0>>
<<if settings.sfxcontrol == 1>>
<<link "Off" "AudioControl">>
<<set settings.sfxcontrol = 1>>
**Version: 1.0.3**
This small patch includes several fixes:
- Certain ghost being unfindable fixed
- The last few missing backgrounds fixed
- Wrong spacing of text fixed
- Some typos fixed
- Quest not updating fiexed
New functions:
- Change the font (if you find the handwriting difficult to read!)
- Change the gore
- Foundation of Chapter 2 started
Added things:
- New side quest! (A Twisted past)
- New curio out there to find
- New room (can you unlock it?)
- New true alternative ending for chapter 1 (chapter 2 now has two possible starting places)
This update will be the last small update, patches will be made if bugs/typos are found or if I need to, however I will start working on the last things to finish chapter 1, which might take a while. Feel free to share ideas and thoughts for chapter 2 and what you are currently thinking of chapter 1.<<include "DeathCountUpdater">>
The insanity makes you feel dizzy, you can see a clear image of a figure staring at you from a distance. The figure is actually your friend, smiling at you with a crooked smile. You can see that he seems different, you can sense that something is wrong with him. @@.themspeech;“You shouldn't be able to see me if I don't want you too, but you somehow found a way to bypass it”@@, he walks up to you and before you can even run away, he paralyzes you with a single touch. He lifts you off the ground and starts to strangle you, @@.youspeech;“ple... ase... sto... p!”@@, you try to scream. @@.themspeech;“I will be seeing you again.”@@
You survived until <<= setup.formatClock($Time)>> and you died because your insanity was too high.
<<include "WakeUp">><<set _tempBo4Seen to recall('Bo4Seen', false)>>
<<if _tempBo4Seen is false>>
<<run memorize('Bo4Seen', true)>>
<<include "Options">>
You look at the book under the ladder. <<link "You place it back" "Attic">><<set $Time += random(1, 5)>><</link>> where you found it.
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
I first met him a few weeks ago, a simple lad wearing black finery, he seemed to watch everyone passing by his humble abode. I got the feeling he was guarding it and trying to memorize the people who walked by, for some reason, I don't know. He greeted me with a decent "young man!" and a nod, not suspicious if you'd ask me, but something was off about him, maybe it was his accent.
We live in a petty town, filled with your daily gossip, tension, and whatnot. We made the regional news from time to time, but it was not the news to be proud of. Headings that made me feel 'ashamed' of when I tell someone my cities name. People know each other here in and out, we all know of our terrible town's history, one might say that today's bad news reflects upon our past. The day he arrived most townsmen were whispering crazy stories, these tales were more like the usual "who gets scared or curious first", but I eavesdropped on some of them.
I learned that this new lad I have seen, the one who greeted me, was actually an estate agent trying to find houses to buy and possibly flip. The tales about him were all partially true, such as the one that claimed he was secretly trafficking women and that he needed a hideout to keep his head down when things got tense. Nonetheless, another tale claimed he would be here to buy the whole town, to make a big profit to make him rich, capitalism is easily acquired when you flap money in the air and lie. Of these stories, I only believed the part where he needed to hide from something and that he would be a house flipper.
The abode I first saw him at, he actually bought, it was an old one, which was being sold very cheaply. The lad didn't check the house I heard nor did he actually care for the state of the house. He simply bought it and claimed it to be his. I remembered we used to play near it, in the same streets, but none of our parents liked it. You see, the simplify it and turn it into a little cliché, the house is haunted. That day when he greeted me I knew for sure that man didn't know he wasn't going to be able to flip the house, since no residence of our town would ever buy it. Folklore and myths sometimes get taken too seriously, especially in a small town far away from the big world.
To clarify a little about why the house was 'haunted', people when missing near it, which is a big cliché as I said, a scary house that makes anyone disappear. But to be honest, our rich but dramatic past already claimed the house to be 'strange', when the town was founded around the victorian era, or before it, the initial founders build the 'core' of their to be wealthy town. These founders were claimed to be wealthy themselves and intelligent gentleman studied at the University of Cambridge, one of them was a scientist. This particular scientist, who's name has not been recorded, build the very house the new lad bought the other day. The scientist was believed to perform 'obscure' experiments on humans, but no one could prove it, the only thing they could prove was the fact some of his guests never left his abode. Do you see where this is getting? The town aged badly, many people left and the one's wealthy town starting to become a simple village without anything special. Years passed and people thought they could forget about the missing persons, but they only realized that disappearance never stopped in the last few years of the 20th century. They didn't have a police force yet, since the first one was founded in Glasgow, which wasn't nearby, and they didn't have fingerprints nor saliva swab tests, so scared people and an unknown force taking people will develop the 'haunted' house title.
In the days or maybe even in the few weeks passing, I would see the man standing on the property, always smiling and greeting me. The townspeople eased the gossip and started to accept him as a new residence, but I never did. It was told he came alone to the town, with cash only and just a suitcase, however, I saw people staring from the windows at me from time to time. I told my parents and they haven't paid attention to it. They simply didn't care and told me to focus on more important things, studying and getting my life on the right path. I might have not told you something important, I take hallucinating drugs from time to time. Now anyone can claim my story to be just a few figments of the imagination, but in the last months, I haven't taken any pill nor smoked anything other than my menthol cigarettes. So with this in mind, I decided to approach the gentleman, what is the harm in that, my parents knew I was going to the abode and my friends too if he would kidnap me or hurt me, at least he wouldn't get away with it.
While I am writing this I am inside the house, I am hiding, but not for the gentleman.
Today I decided it was time to pay him a visit. After walking maybe half an hour, which was because I decided to first soothe my addiction to nicotine, I arrived at the humble abode. There he stood, almost as if he hadn't moved an inch. "young man!" and a simple nod was the first thing he said and did. I greeted him too and asked him "What is your name sir, I haven't heard anyone say it or rumor it", the man still standing frozen to his spot turned his head a little down since I was smaller than him. "Does it matter? Aren't you here to buy the house?", I was silent for a few second and wanted to say something, my jaw moved down, but I decided to think first. He started to stare at me, with a tense focus. "If I am here to buy your house, I want to know who sells it, right?", the man didn't move his eyes while replying "well young man, why don't you follow me inside to talk about my name and the house", you might think, I took the offer and ended up being chased by the man, but something else happened. A car honked behind me and I turned around when I decided to politely decline his offer he was gone, the car must have driven fast because I could only see a girl sitting in the backseat, I didn't recognize her.
I am curious and maybe a little sassy, so I decided to enter through the broken fence, I quickly checked the number of cigs I had left to make sure I could keep my composure. The garden was overgrown and the house looked, well, victorian. Why do I know these things? My interest lies in architecture and engineering. The windows were stained and the door was cracked, my god, he wouldn't even be able to sell the property with the abode to anyone. The door was slightly opened, and I shouldn't have done it, but I slipt in. The inside of the house was actually 'beautiful' and well maintained, but that could be just my taste. Suddenly I heard some footsteps coming from within one of the rooms, they seemed too fast-paced, I was trespassing so I needed to get out of there as fast as possible. Before I could see the daylight again I needed to exit through the front door, conveniently it was stuck. I needed to find another way out so I quietly ran upstairs, there I found a little girl, asking where her mommy was. She claimed to be named lily and she didn't speak much, but she told me I could exit through the attic since it was connected to a ladder. Don't ask me why I ignored the fact a little girl was inside the house of a man who was living alone, I would return for her later on, so I thought.
I entered the attic, it was a dim space, but before I could find the exit I saw the latch closing and I heard a lock being primed. I was stuck, in the attic. As of now, I decided to write this on a piece of spare wallpaper I found and a pen I had left in my shirt's pocket. I tried to jump through the window, but every time I do so, I wake up here. My cigs are all smoked and I am having bad withdrawal symptoms, no sleep, and no food. Am I going crazy? Was this the reason why people went missing? Simply because they get locked up in the house. Suddenly the latch opens after what felt like days but could have been hours, and there his face appears, the gentleman's face. He had a crooked smile and started whispering things I couldn't understand nor perfectly hear, I am trying to write this but he is getting closer...
</section><<set _tempLabSeen to recall('LabSeen', false)>>
<<if _tempLabSeen is false>>
<<run memorize('LabSeen', true)>>
<<set $LabDown to true>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if _tempLabSeen is false>>
You climb down into a place that looks taken right out of a history book. Even though this room is underneath the basement it still receives power, since there are lightbulb placed all around the room and they flicker, they seem to light the place just enough for you to look around. @@.youspeech;//I can't believe my eyes, it looks like an improvised laboratory//@@, suddenly your eyes are fixed to the one thing in the middle of the room, it's a rather large <<link "chalice" 'Altar'>><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>, but made out of metal. Along the metal pillar it resides on, thick cables are spiraled, they seem to be connected to the edge of the chalice. While you step closer you can hear the cables making a humming sound, they are still being powered, but there is nothing happening to the chalice itself. A small <<link "notebook" 'Note1'>><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>> bonded in tattered leather lays on the ground next to the strange-looking apparatus. Maybe you should just go back <<link "up" 'Basement'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>> and leave this grim place!
The room is still as dusty as it was before, @@.youspeech;//the whole house has power problems, but the <<link "chalice" 'Altar'>><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>> in the middle of the room seems to be powered indefinatlly.//@@, you are not sure who the scientist was or what he tried to accomplish here, but you are certain you can maybe find some traces of at least what the altar was used for inside of the <<link "notebook" 'Note1'>><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>. This place feels colder than anywhere in the house, @@.youspeech;//why is it so cold? could it be because of the fact that it's underground, or is there something else going on?//@@, you think. Maybe you should just go back <<link "up" 'Basement'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>> and leave this grim place!
<</if>>Current font setting is:<br>
<<if settings.font == 0>>
Default - handwriting enabled
<<elseif settings.font == 1>>
Alternate - handwriting disabled
<<if settings.font == 0>>
Default - fonts
<<link "Default fonts" "Fonts">>
<<set settings.font = 0>>
<<if settings.font == 1>>
Alternate - fonts
<<link "Alternate fonts" "Fonts">>
<<set settings.font = 1>>
<<set _tempNo1Seen to recall('No1Seen', false)>>
<<if _tempNo1Seen is false>>
<<run memorize('No1Seen', true)>>
<<include "Options">>
You open the notebook that was left on the ground. <<link "You place it back" "Laboratory">><<set $Time += random(1, 10)>><</link>>.
<section class="paper">
<div class="papertext">
Ever since you have left my side there hasn’t been a single moment passed when I have not thought about you. I know you have issues with me and I am apologizing to you for the umpteenth time for what has happened. I have now realized that I can’t think of a life without you. No matter how much I try but I can’t run away from your memories. Just as the earth awaits a rain after a long summer day, I wish for you in my life. My dear, would it be easy for you to forget about all the moments we have shared? Do you not remember our kisses? Please, please, please come back to me and I promise I’ll never make you cry again. I build something so we could be toghether again, a small sacrifice it requires so I can hold your hands again, just a small sacrifice. My dear, I am willing to corrupt myself so I have a chance to apologize to you.
<<if _tempNo1seen is false>>
@@.eventtext;A secret page in the diary has been unlocked!@@
<</if>><<set _tempChap2 to recall('Chap2', false)>>
<<set _tempChap2Alt to recall('Chap2Alt', false)>>
<<set _tempBlood to recall('blood', false)>>
<<set _tempAltSeen to recall('AltSeen', false)>>
<<include "Options">>
<<if _tempChap2 is true>>
<<if _tempBlood is true>>
<<if _tempAltSeen is false>>
<<run memorize('AltSeen', true)>>
You walk near the chalice, the vial of blood you collected starts to feel hotter and hotter in your skirt, almost as if it reacts to the cables' humming. You open the lid and pour it into the bowl, as described by the diary you wait. After an hour of waiting you decide to <<link "walk away" 'Laboratory'>><<set $Time += 60>><</link>>. @@.youspeech;//The humming of the cables sounds weak, maybe the mirror in the library draws too much power for the chalice to work?//@@
The humming of the cables sounds weaker than before, whatever happened you are uncertain if you can get the device to work again. Maybe if you have the right things you can, but it feels as if you have already broken it before you could even activate it. Maybe you should return when you found the answer to how this altar works. For now you should <<link "walk away" 'Laboratory'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
<<if _tempChap2Alt is false>>
<<run memorize('Chap2Alt', true)>>
<<if _tempBlood is true>>
<<if _tempAltSeen is false>>
<<run memorize('AltSeen', true)>>
@@.youspeech;//I am sure that I can activate the alter now, I have the blood//@@, slowly you walk closer and closer to the altar, your skirts feels hotter and hotter while doing so. You feel with your hand inside your pocket, it's the vial, the vial is burning. @@.youspeech;The blood is boiling!?@@, you say out loud, as you unscrew the lid. Without thinking about it, you pour the boiling human blood <<link "in the chalice" 'Chapter2Alt'>><<link>>. However, you feel scared, things don't boil out of the sudden, maybe you should leave the altar <<link "behind" 'Laboratory'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>?
The altar looks alien-like when you think about the fact that this house originates from the early Victorian era. You are sure that this room hasn't been opened in at least a hundred years. Whoever built the altar, or rather the 'device' must have been beyond the knowledge of their time period, driven by something beyond energy. If only there was a way to activate the device? For now you should <<link "walk away" 'Laboratory'>><<set $Time += random(20, 40)>><</link>>.
Here the content unfortunately ends, you have found the alternative end for now, and you have activated the blood chalice. In chapter 2, which is in development, you will be able to continue the story from within the game itself and explore more of the world and background of sleepover rules.
I thank you for playing my game and finishing it. To keep up-to-date please join my <<externalLink "Discord" "">>!
If you want to allow me to progress faster and if you want to become part of the story and influence its true ending and let me make more art to give the game more depth and a better visual look, please have a look at my <<externalLink "Patreon" "">>, do know I am not looking to buy my food from the Patreon money, I do however want to spend it on; art, improved dialogue and sometimes a cup of iced coffee, but mostly art.
I thank everyone who helped me with making the game possible, the credits holds some extra details.
You can easily restart the game via the diary "reset-progress", this will reset everything, so be warned! Then you can also try to find new dialogue or things! now press this to end it: <br><br><<include "WakeUp">>Current gore setting is:<br>
<<if settings.gore == 0>>
Default - Gore enabled
<<elseif settings.font == 1>>
Alternate - Gore disabled
<<if settings.gore == 0>>
Default - Gore
<<link "Default gore" "Fonts">>
<<set settings.gore = 0>>
<<if settings.gore == 1>>
Alternate - No gore
<<link "Alternate no gore" "Fonts">>
<<set settings.gore = 1>>