Have you played Part Two (1/2)?
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You continue walking through the forest. More ships fly overhead, but they don't seem to notice you. After a while, the sun begins to set.
[[continue walking]]
[[Make a fire]]Play the frist part. It will just be confusing.
[[Retry]]The forest quickly turns black. You can barly see, but you keep going. Suddenly, light pokes its way through the trees. You finally see a small disk-shaped spaceship through the trees. Two alien are draging someone into the spaceship. It was Bob!
[[Attack]]You make a fire, and sleep until morning. You continue walking, and the sun starts to set again.
[[continue walking]]You ran at them. You know this is a bad idea, but they might kill him the moment they get on board.
The aliens turn at you, and charge their lazer-cannons.
[[Block with Sheild]]
[[roll out of the way]]You try to block the lazer-beam with your sword, but when the beam hit, both the sword and you incinerated.
You have died.
[[continue walking]]You roll out of the way, and the beam incinerats a tree.
[[throw sword]]You charge at them, and they raise their lazer-cannons.
[[Save Bob]]
[[Kill alien]]You skillfully throw the sword, and it takes out one of the aliens. The other drops Bob and grows foot-long claws from it's "normal" hand.
[[Block claws]]
[[Nock unconscious]]You run at Bob, and you knock him out of the aliens' hands while you stab one of their lazer-cannons. By the time you get up, you see that Bob already killed the other wth his knife.
"What were you thinking?" Bob said angerily. "You tried t save me?"
"And I did, thank you vary much." you say.
"I was trying to sneek in and kill them from inside."
"Oh. Sorry."
"Well, now with you here, I don't need to do that."
"Wow!" Dave says, he appeared to have unhid himself. "That's amazing."
"Dave!" Bob shouted. "Your alive!"
"Yes, but don't worry about me! You've got to get in there before it takes off!"
[[Continue]]You stab your sword into one of the lazer-cannons, but the other alien easy kills you.
You have died.
[[continue walking]]
You and Bob enter the room. There are three aliens in the room, all of them don't seem to know you're here.
[[Kill two of them]]
[[Set explosive device]]You block the claws with your sheild. Suddenly, Bob jumps on the alien, and stabs it inn the lazer-cannon. It dies, but doesn't explode.
"What were you thinking?" Bob said angerily. "You tried t save me?"
"And I did, thank you vary much." you say.
"I was trying to sneek in and kill them from inside."
"Oh. Sorry."
"Well, now with you here, I don't need to do that."
"Wow!" Dave says, he appeared to have unhid himself. "That's amazing."
"Dave!" Bob shouted. "Your alive!"
"Yes, but don't worry about me! You've got to get in there before it takes off!"
[[Continue]]You charge at it, and you try it nock it out with your sheild. But before you do, it digs its claws into your chest, and throws you a hundread feet in the air, and you plumit to your death.
[[continue walking]]You see that there is something on their backs that you've never seen before. It looked like a red cryistal. Both you and Bob stab two of them in that spot, and they die. The other turns around, and aims its lazer cannon at Bob. Your sword is stuck in this alien, and Bob's knife seems to be stuck in the other.
[[Punch alien]]
[[Jump on alien]]You see what looks like an elplosive device. You turn it on, and it exploded without warning, killing both you and Bob.
You have died.
[[Continue]]You try to punch the alien, but it appears unaffected. It kills Bob, then you.
You have died.
[[Continue]]You jump on the alien, and the beam goes through the floor. Bob discovers how to get his knife out, and kills the other alien.
After a some more walking, you finally find it.
You have found Orlin.
Congratulations! You've finished Part Two!