You are on a journey to get to school.
Right now, you are out of your home.
It is currently 5:45am, you make this walk every day and know there are only 3 visible paths.
You have to make it on time. school starts at 7:30am and is 5 miles away. You can hear the rooster from Mr Jankins farm.
Their are fire flies roaming around.
You can see the stars up in the night sky flashing towards your eyes.
They are your map to school.
You take one more look at your green house.
You take a deep breath and tell yourself "you need a good education to be something."
With that you take your first step,where would you like to go?
[[over the mountain]]
[[through the Forest]]
[[down the Road ]]You enter the chruch.
Do yo Pray?
[[no]] You pick to climb the moutain.
you know its the fatsest way buty its also the most danerous.
As you walk, the snow get deeper and deeper.
You keep on walking.....
The temperature begins to drop.
You feel cold.
You dont know if you can continue.
You think about turning around.
No you must go on.
the temperature continues to drop.
[[junkyard]]the forest is dark and scary.
The fog is super thick. You cant see anything.
You begin to regret your decision.
do you turn around?
Then you hear a wolf down the path.
you get worried.
Are you sure you dont want to go home?
You decide you picked the forest your gonna stick with it.
You hear the wolf again.
You then remember the stories of the wolf that killed 7 people last year in the forest.
Its 6:00 am the fog is still thick and it ony gets thicker every step you take.
You pull out your flashlight but the batteries are dead.
You look to the left and see a clearing in the woods.
Should you stay on the path?
should you enter the woods?
[[Continue on path]]
[[run into the woods]]You head down the road you always take.
You know its the longest, but you also know its the safest.
you walk down the dirt road.
You see Mr. Stan in his blue pickup truck drive past you.
he throughs you a radio and shouts "listen to some music and you walk."
"Thanks" you shout back and continue on your way.
You turn on the radio.
Country Roads is playing.
The sun begins to come up.
You check your watch it is currently 6:30am.
You take a deep breath and keep walking.
Your running late you think to yourself.
You pick up the pace to a light jog.
The church comes in sight.
should you stop and enter the church?
enter [[Church]]
[[Continue on path]]you see the Junkyard and Mr. Candy invites you for breakfast. Do you eat?
[[NO]]You see a path coming from the wood merge with the road.
You no that means your only 15 minuetes from the school.
You get excited.
You check your watch. Its 7:20
Oh no you shout.
Ou pick up the pace to a sprint knnowing you arent allowed any more tardies in school.
You go over the river and then realise you must cross the street.
you sprinty across without looking and unluckly you get hit by a car.
you feel a sharp pain in your back but then it goes away.
you open your eyes and see a bright light
GAME OVER!!!!You dont think you should stay on the path.
You leave the path hoping to avoid the wolf.
you look to the stars as your map.
You see the north star to your left so you follow it knowing thats how you get to school.
You keep walking the fog gets thicker every step you take.
15 minuetes go by and a cloud covers the stars. you are lost.
In desperation you cry for help.
You hear the wolf again.
It sounds colse.
You begin to run not knowing what to do.
You hit a tree and recive a concusion.
You decide to sit down and rest.
You check your watch its 6:45.
Your gonna be late for school!
Then you feel something warm on your neck.
Its the wolf.
You get eaten by the wolf!!!
GAME OVERYou stop and pray for a minute.
You dont care about your attendance at this point.
You check your watch thiers no way you can make it on time.
You leave the church defeated, but when you get outside you see Mr Hobs dring Mark to school.
Bless your soul he drives you to school.
you made it!
you sit at your desk and the school bell rings. you get hit by a car.
GAME OVER!!!!Mr.Candy enjoyed the company and offers you a ride to school
you made it!!!you dont want breakfast so you keep walking on the path to school.
[[School]]Double-click this passage to edit it.