''Central Room, Facing the Black Door''
You are in a room with four walls, and a door on each wall.
You are facing the //(if:$qIj_opened is "true")[ [[lojmIt qIj->poSbogh lojmIt qIj]]](else:)[ [[lojmIt qIj]]]//. There is a [[weapons cabinet->nuH DeSwar]] built into the wall, and a [[poster->qIj poster]] next to the door. On the floor there is a [[note->note qIj]].
[[turn left->Center Room, facing the lojmIt chIS]] <---> [[turn right->Center Room, facing the lojmIt Doq]]
[[turn behind you->Center Room, facing the lojmIt SuD]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''Central Room, Facing the White Door''
You are in a room with four walls, and a door on each wall.
You are facing the //(if:$chIS_opened is "true")[ [[lojmIt chIS->poSbogh lojmIt chIS]] ] (else:)[ [[lojmIt chIS]]]//. At its side is a [[bookshelf]] with several books on it.
[[turn left->Center Room, facing the lojmIt SuD]] <---> [[turn right->Center Room, facing the lojmIt qIj]]
[[turn behind you->Center Room, facing the lojmIt Doq]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''Central Room, Facing the Red Door''
You are in a room with four walls, and a door on each wall.
You are facing the //(if:$Doq_opened is "true")[ [[lojmIt Doq->Qapla'!]]](else:)[[[lojmIt Doq]]]//. There is an [[informational poster]] on the wall.
[[turn left->Center Room, facing the lojmIt qIj]] <---> [[turn right->Center Room, facing the lojmIt SuD]]
[[turn behind you->Center Room, facing the lojmIt chIS]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''Central Room, Facing the Green Door''
You are in a room with four walls, and a door on each wall.
You are facing the //(if:$SuD_opened is "true")[ [[lojmIt SuD->poSbogh lojmIt SuD]] ] (else:)[ [[lojmIt SuD]]]//. There is also a [[hatch->'och]] on the wall, leading to a tunnel.
[[turn left->Center Room, facing the lojmIt Doq]] <---> [[turn right->Center Room, facing the lojmIt chIS]]
[[turn behind you->Center Room, facing the lojmIt qIj]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''lojmIt qIj''
you are standing in front of the //lojmIt qIj//. Submit the four-digit passcode to open.
(input: bind $qIj_password)
(link: "Submit")[ (if: $qIj_password is "4286")[ Correct! [[Open->poSbogh lojmIt qIj]] ] (if: $qIj_password is not "4286") [Incorrect! [[Try again->lojmIt qIj]] ] ]
[[Go back->Center Room, facing the lojmIt qIj]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''lojmIt qIj''
(if: $qIj_opened is "false")[(set: $qIj_opened to "true")]The //lojmIt qIj// is opened. There is a [[table]] and an [[inscription->qIj inscription]] on the wall.
[[Go back->Center Room, facing the lojmIt qIj]]
Greetings, cadets! I am Martok. You have done well in your training, but there is one more challenge before you can join the KDF. It is an escape room of my own design, which will test your wits, your mettle, and your knowledge of the Klingon language.
A few recommendations:
1. One of you should share your screen so you can all play together.
2. Before you begin, make sure you have access to the hol.kag.org website, the boQwI' mobile app, or some other way of translating words to and from Klingon.
3. Assign someone to take notes.
Other than that, the challenge should be completely self-contained.
When you are ready, press the Start Game button and you will be beamed into the Challenge Room. If you don't open all four of its doors within one hour, you will be honorably 'discharged' and I will find other recruits to join me in battle.
By the way, keep an eye out for my targ. It seems to have escaped, and it's probably hiding somewhere.
[[Start Game->Center Room, facing the lojmIt qIj]]
(set: $qIj_opened to "false")(set: $chIS_opened to "false")(set: $SuD_opened to "false")(set: $Doq_opened to "false")(set: $targh to "a problem")(set: $phaser to "false")(set: $stembolt to "false")(set: $weaponkey to "false")(set: $targhdiscovered to "false")(set: $weaponunlocked to "false")(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''Red Door''
you are standing in front of the //lojmIt Doq//. Just above the keypad, there is an inscription: //qIj, qIj, chIS, chIS, SuD, SuD.//
Submit the six-letter password to open (six Klingon letters, that is. The number of English letters may be different).
(input: bind $Doq_password)
(link: "Submit")[ (if: $Doq_password is "qettlhup")[ Correct! [[Open->Qapla'!]] ] (if: $Doq_password is not "qettlhup") [Incorrect! [[Try again->lojmIt Doq]]]]
[[Go back->Center Room, facing the lojmIt Doq]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''lojmIt SuD''
You are standing in front of the //lojmIt SuD//. Submit the six-letter password to open (six Klingon letters, that is. The number of English letters may be different).
(input: bind $SuD_password)
(link: "Submit")[ (if: $SuD_password is "SuvwI'")[ Correct! [[Open->poSbogh lojmIt SuD]] ] (if: $SuD_password is not "SuvwI'") [Incorrect! [[Try again->lojmIt SuD]] ] ]
[[Go back->Center Room, facing the lojmIt SuD]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''lojmIt chIS''
You are standing in front of the //lojmIt chIS//. There is an empty hole where the keypad should be, and a [[note]] beside it.
(if: $chIS_opened is "true")[ [[Open->poSbogh lojmIt chIS]]
](if: $stembolt is "true")[ [[Install self-sealing stem bolt]]
][[Go back->Center Room, facing the lojmIt chIS]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''lojmIt chIS''
the //lojmIt chIS// is opened. The room beyond is empty, save for an [[inscription->chIS inscription]] on the wall.
[[Go back->Center Room, facing the lojmIt chIS]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''lojmIt SuD''
The //lojmIt SuD// is opened. There is a small //[[DeSwar]]// and an [[inscription->SuD inscription]] on the wall.
[[Go back->Center Room, facing the lojmIt SuD]]
(set: $SuD_opened to "true")
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''rIn qaD''
Martok is standing at the door. He says, "Congratulations! You have completed the challenge. (if: $weaponkey is "false" and $phaser is "false")[And it seems you even cleaned up after yourselves. ]You can now join my crew in honorable battle. By the way, did you happen to find my targ?
(if: $targh is "stunned")["...You found it and stunned it? Wonderful! I'll send my lowest-ranking ensigns into the tunnels to drag it out. Oh wait, that's you. Go fetch my targ!"
''Qapla'{ }''! You win!](if: $targh is "dead")["...You WHAT??? Guards, take them to the airlock and throw them out into space!!!"
''Suluj''! You lose!](if: $targhdiscovered is "false")["...You didn't find it? Oh well, I'll just send my lowest-ranking ensigns to find it. Oh wait, that's you. Go find my targ!"
''Qapla'{ }''! You win!]
(replace:?sidebar)[(icon-restart: )]''Tunnel''
(if: $targh is "a problem")[There is a targ blocking the way! It bares its teeth menacingly.
(if: $phaser is "true")[ [[stun the targ]]
[[kill the targ]]
]](else-if: $targh is "dead")[The tunnel is clear, with only ashes and a bad smell to remind you of what used to be here.
[[Away from the central room->'och 2]]
](else-if: $targh is "stunned")[The snoring targ is a bit tricky to climb over, but you can get past it. //ghewmey tISuqQo'!//
[[Away from the central room->'och 2]]
][[Towards the central room->Center Room, facing the lojmIt SuD]]
(set: $targhdiscovered to "true")
There is a //[[DIghna']]// plant on the table.
[[Look under the table]]
[[Go back->poSbogh lojmIt qIj]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''DIghna' ''
It is a beautiful specimen, but seems to be purely decorative.
[[Go back->table]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]A riddle is carved into the underside of the table:
//jISuD. not jIqan. jIjach 'e' yIQoy! 'Iv jIH?//
(link-goto:"Go back", (history:)'s last)
This door is non-functional due to a missing self-sealing stem bolt. We are unable to install this part of the puzzle until it is returned. In the meantime, ''DO NOT OPEN THE CHALLENGE TO CADETS.''
Federation Engineering Liaison Montgomery Scott IV
P.S. The last time I saw the stem bolt, your targ was playing with it.//
(link-goto:"Go back", (history:)'s last)
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]You pick up the self-sealing stem bolt. A small notice is engraved on the underside:
//If this stem bolt does not self-seal, please return it for a full refund.//
[[Go back->'och 5]]
(set: $stembolt to "true")
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]You honorably suffer a small electric shock, but you successfully install the self-sealing stem bolt. The door slides open.
[[Go back->poSbogh lojmIt chIS]]
(set: $chIS_opened to "true")
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''Weapons Display ''
(if: $weaponunlocked is "false")[(if: $weaponkey is "false")[It is locked, and you don't have the key.](else:)[It is locked. Maybe the key can unlock it. [[Try the key]]]
](if: $weaponunlocked is "true")[(if: $phaser is "false")[There is a hand disruptor here. (if: $targh is "a problem")[It may be useful.]
[[Take disruptor]]
](else:)[This looks like a great place to store a hand disruptor.
[[Return disruptor]]
]][[Go back->Center Room, facing the lojmIt qIj]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]The targ gives a surprised grunt, then falls over. It's uninjured, but it won't be going anywhere for the next few hours.
[[Go back->'och]]
(set: $targh to "stunned")
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]The targ gives out a squeal which echoes through the tunnel as it crumbles into a heap of ash on the floor.
[[Go back->'och]]
(set: $targh to "dead")
The tunnel continues.
[[Away from the central room->'och 3]]
[[Towards the central room->'och]]
The tunnel continues. Through a grate, you can see Gowron practicing his eye-widening exercises in the mirror.
[[Away from the central room->'och 4]]
[[Towards the central room->'och 2]]
The tunnel continues.
[[Away from the central room->'och 5]]
[[Towards the central room->'och 3]]
The tunnel ends here. (if: $stembolt is "false")[There is a self-sealing stem bolt on the floor.
[[take self-sealing stem bolt]]](if: $stembolt is "true")[This seems like just the place where a targ would hide a self-sealing stem bolt.
[[put back self-sealing stem bolt->put back stem bolt]]]
[[Towards the central room->'och 4]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''Take disruptor''
This hand disruptor has two settings: stun and kill.
[[Go back->nuH DeSwar]]
(set: $phaser to "true")
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''Weapons Display ''
You put back the hand disruptor. If you need it again, you'll know where to find it.
[[Go back->nuH DeSwar]]
(set: $phaser to "false")
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]//[[Collected Klingon Sayings]]// by Various
//[[My Life as a Borg]]// by A. Borg
//[[The Never-Ending Joke: How to Cope with Humans Constantly Comparing the Words 'Cardassian' and 'Kardashian' by Imagining Yourself as the Protagonist of a Repetitive Epic]]// by Gul Abul
//[[The Ferengi Guide to Succeeding in Business]]// by Quark
//[[The Big Book of Klingon Humor]]// by tlhaw'In
//[[01001001: A Bynar Autobiography]]// by Zero Zero and One One
[[Go back->Center Room, facing the lojmIt chIS]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''//The Never-Ending Joke: How to Cope with Humans Constantly Comparing the Words 'Cardassian' and 'Kardashian' by Imagining Yourself as the Protagonist of a Repetitive Epic// by Gul Abul''
//...The first thing to realize is that for humans, there is no greater joy than telling the same joke over and over again. While it may be difficult, even traumatic, to continuously hear the phrase 'keeping up with the Cardassians', it should be noted that humans feel similarly about Cardassian literature...//
(link-goto:"Go back", (history:)'s last)
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''//My Life as a Borg// by A. Borg''
//...Then I went back to my regeneration alcove and regenerated. Then I walked around the corridors for a while. Then I went back to my regeneration alcove...//
(link-goto:"Go back", (history:)'s last)
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''//Collected Klingon Sayings// by Various''
//SuvwI'pu' qan tu'lu'be.
Dubotchugh, yIpummoH.
qaStaHvIS wa' ram loS SaD Hugh SIjlaH qetbogh loD.
jach SuvwI' 'e' yIQoy.//
(link-goto:"Go back", (history:)'s last)
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''//The Ferengi Guide to Succeeding in Business// by Quark''
//...Some readers will have heard allegations that I ran into trouble with the Ferengi Commerce Authority. This is all a big misunderstanding. Allow me to explain the real story. My brother Rom...//
(link-goto:"Go back", (history:)'s last)
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''//The Big Book of Klingon Humor// by tlhaw'In''
//Qo'noSDaq paw cha' DIvI' beq.
tlhIngan 'avwI' lughom.
lutlhob; naDevvo' vaS'a'Daq majaHlaH'a'?
jang avwI'; lIchopbe'chugh ghewmey.
Doq'a' SuvwI'pu'?
ghobe', SuD.
'avwI'vaD jatlh qama'; jIghung.
jang 'avwI'; jIghung je.
jatlh qama'; jI'oj.
jang 'avwI'; jI'oj je.
jatlh qama'; jIDoy'qu'.
jatlh 'avwI'; jIDoy'be'.//
(link-goto:"Go back", (history:)'s last)
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''//01001001: A Bynar Autobiography// by Zero Zero and One One''
//...01010010 01000101 01000100 0100000 01001000 01000101 01010010 01010010 01001001 01001110 01000111...//
(link-goto:"Go back", (history:)'s last)
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''lojmIt qIj ghItlh''
//Use the middle finger, ricochet,//
(link-goto:"Go back", (history:)'s last)
(if: $weaponkey is "false")[Inside the cabinet is a key, of the type used to open weapons displays.
[[Take key->key]]](else:)[This looks like a good place to store a key.
[[Return key]]]
[[Go back->poSbogh lojmIt SuD]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''lojmIt SuD ghItlh''
//essential, regret.//
(link-goto:"Go back", (history:)'s last)
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]You take the key.
[[Go back->DeSwar]]
(set: $weaponkey to "true")
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]You return the key.
[[Go back->DeSwar]]
(set: $weaponkey to "false")
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''lojmIt chIS ghItlh''
//ritual, sleeve,//
[[Go back->poSbogh lojmIt SuD]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]''Try the key''
The door to the cabinet unlocks!
[[Go back->nuH DeSwar]]
(set: $weaponunlocked to "true")
(replace:?sidebar)[{}](text-style:"underline")[Names of the Klingon Letters:]
a: //'at//
b: //bay//
ch: //chay//
D: //Day//
e: //'et//
gh: //ghay//
H: //Hay//
I: //'It//
j: //jay//
l: //lay//
m: //may//
n: //nay//
ng: //ngay//
o: //'ot//
p: //pay//
q: //qay//
Q: //Qay//
r: //ray//
S: //Say//
t: //tay//
tlh: //tlhay//
u: //'ut//
v: //vay//
w: //way//
y: //yay//
': //qaghwI'//
[[Go back->Center Room, facing the lojmIt Doq]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]//Wait! Show glossy prisoner!//
[[Go back->Center Room, facing the lojmIt qIj]]
(replace:?sidebar)[{}]You put the self-sealing stem bolt back where it was.
[[Go back->'och 5]]
(set: $stembolt to "false")
(replace:?sidebar)[{}](text-style:"underline")[Klingon Numerals]
0: //pagh//
1: //wa'//
2: //cha'//
3: //wej//
4: //loS//
5: //vagh//
6: //jav//
7: //Soch//
8: //chorgh//
9: //Hut//
[[Go back->Center Room, facing the lojmIt qIj]]