Jack found himself lost in the dense forest. He has been hiking for hours and became disoriented, as he struggles to find his orientation he realizes that the sun has begun to set and the once peaceful forest was beginning to look ominous.
Jack began to panic, he knew he needed to find a way out of the back before nightfall.
He contemplates on retracing his steps or staying put and waiting for help(text-colour:(hsl:30,0.8039,0.5,0.9))[=
[[Retrace Steps|Retraced 1]]
[[Stay Put|Stay Put]]
As he retraces on what he believes are his steps trying to find the trail he followed into the forest. He looked around worriedly, hoping a familiar landmark would appear to help determine his location.
After some time, Jack came across a stream that he that he believed he followed earlier.
Jack stood there for a while debating whether he should follow the trail or continue on the path he was following.(text-colour:(hsl:162,0.7253,0.4569,0.5))[=
[[Continue ahead|Retraced 2]]
[[Follow the stream|Stream 1]]
As Jack sat, hoping that his friends releases he was missing, he heard strange noises and saw shadows moving in the corners of his eyes. His heart began to race, and he felt a sense of panic rising within him.
He knew he needed to calm down and think logically in order to escape the project. As Jack calmed himself down, he yet again contemplated whether to retrace his steps or say in hopes of being rescued.(text-colour:(hsl:188,0.7178,0.4725,0.7))[=
[[Stay Put |Stay Put 2]]
[[Retrace Steps|Retraced 1]](if:$put<0)[(set:$put to 0)](if:$end>8)[(go-to:"end")]As the darkness of the night swept in, Jack's mind started playing tricks with him, he heard strange noises and saw shadows moving in the corners of her eyes. He heart raced with fear, he tried to not let it get to him but there is only so much one man can take.
Jack gave in to the voices and raced head first into the forest.
(text-colour:(hsl:0,0.8558,0.5922,0.6))[[[He was never heard of again.|No Dup1]]](if:$put < 1)[(set:$end to $end+1)]
Jack followed the stream, hoping that it would lead him out of the forest.
As he walked, he heard the sound of a waterfall in the distance.
He knew that waterfalls were often located near the edges of forests, (text-colour:#364fc7)[[[so he quickened his pace.|Stream 2]]]As the sound of rapid water started to draw closer and closer. Jack prayed that from the edge of the waterfall there was some hope of finding way to escape the forest or at least some sort of sheltered to hide away for the night.
He ran until he felt his foot reach the edge and luckily he stopped himself in time before he fell over. At this point darkness has spread across the land, he scanned the surrounding area with desperate hopes of finding shelter for the night.
Luckily Jack spots what he believes to be shack on the other side of the stream. Does he attempt to cross the stream or follow the edge of the waterfall.(text-colour:(hsl:188,0.7178,0.4725,0.75))[=
[[Cross the Stream|Cross 1]]
[[Follow the edge|Stream 3]]{(set: $maxTime to 8)
(if:$drown<0)[(set:$drown to 0)]
(if:$cross<0)[(set:$cross to 0)]
(display: "Cross 2")}He followed the edge to the best of his extent with only the man in the moon to guide him, as he walked, glancing in the forest every once in a while hoping to the see the glow of someone’s campfire in hopes of seeking shelter and sustenance for the night.
Suddenly, he feels a sharp pain go across his leg, as he looked down his leg with only the dim glow of the moon as light. There was blood gushing from his leg, he dropped to his knees screaming in pain. Jack attempted to stop the bleeding with some leaves from the nearby trees.
After some time, he finally managed to stop the bleeding, Jack deliberates to himself on whether he should (text-colour:(hsl:84,0.6867,0.5118,0.65))[ [[attempt to continue|Stream 4]]] or (text-colour:(hsl:84,0.6867,0.5118,0.65))[ [[wait till daybreak|Wait1]]]
(if:$wait<0)[(set:$wait to 0)]Jack struggled to his feet, gasping in pain as his leg touched the ground. He limps onward, praying for a miracle to appear. Jack wanders the edge until he caught glimpse of a fire, he ran with all his remaining strength, shoving branches and bushes out of his path. He kept running and running but every time he seems to draw closer, the fire would appear further away. He contemplates on stopping as he feels the remaining strength waning(text-colour:(hsl:270,0.8039,0.5,0.9))[=
[[Take a rest|Rest1]]
[[Continue foward|Stream5]]
(if:$stream<0)[(set:$stream to 0)]As Jack crawled to a nearby tree trunk, he leaned his head against the trunk tired, dehydrated and starving he thought about how he should’ve never left his group and started crying as he realized that no one cared enough to venture out the to search for him. As his life flashed before his eyes, tears sprung as Jack realized he wasted his life away doing nothing (text-colour:(hsl:189,0.8545,0.3235,0.7))[[[memorable.|No Dup6]]]
(if:$wait < 1)[(set:$end to $end+1)]{(set:$end to 0)
}Jack continues foward, using all the remaining strenght in his body chasing the light of the fire. As he limpily runs, the light finally draws closer and closer until it covers his whole body and everything goes (text-colour:(hsl:0,0.8039,0.5,0.9))[[[white|No Dup3]]](if:$stream < 1)[(set:$end to $end+1)]Jack dropped to his knees in exhaustion. The blood lost, starvation and dehydration are all getting to him. He starts seeing stars. Jack crawled to a tree stump to rest for a while. He notices a berry bush to his right. His stomach grumbles with hunger.(text-colour:(hsl:240,0.8039,0.5,0.75))[=
[[Eat the berries|Berry]]
[[Remain hungry|Rest2]]Jack prepares himself to cross the rapid stream.
He walks backwards average enough space for him to have a running start.
He runs and jumps
(text-colour:(hsl:0,0,0,0.9))[Does [[he|Safe]] make it across?]
(text-colour:(hsl:0,0.8039,0.5,0.25))[{(live: 0.5s)[
(set: $maxTime to $maxTime -1)
(if: $maxTime is 0)[(stop:)(go-to:"Drown")]]}]
Jack successfully made it across, he cautiously made his way towards the shack, unsure of what he might discover in the shack. He slowly opened the door, it appears to be abandonded as dust covered everything, Jack breathed a sigh of relief he decides to explore the shack hoping for to some sort of edible food. He carefully explored the desolate shack until he discovered an old (text-colour:#212529)[[[safe|Safe1]]]. He attempted to open it but was unsuccessful.Jack jumped with all his might but he sadly fell just short. He attempted to grab on to anything to save him from the waterfall's pull but sadly he was unable to.
He was pulled down by the waterfall and fell to his (text-colour:(hsl:230,0.5731,0.4961,0.55))[[[doom.|No Dup2]]]
(if:$drown < 1)[(set:$end to $end+1)]You have succesfully discovered (text-colour:(hsl:85,0.8385,0.3157,0.8))[$end] endings so far.
You have spent (text-colour:(hsl:17,0.8707,0.4549,0.8))[(round:$time/60)] minutes playing so far
Do you wish to discover more?
(text-colour:red)[[[Yes|Main]]]Jack sat there content with not consuming the berries fearing that they be poisonous. His started to grow (text-colour:#212529)[[heavy|Rest3]] as a wave of tiredness suddenly consumed him. He fought this until he didnt have any strength left in him.
(if:$rest<0)[(set:$rest to 0)]Jack wearingly grabbed and chewed a berry, praying that it wont be poisonous. He waited a few minutes after swallowing it to confirm that it was safe to continue. Jack proceeded to devour the berries, his face became covered in berry juice resembleing a wolf after devouring its prey.
After consuming the berries he decided to (text-colour:(hsl:162,0.6793,0.5353,0.35))[[[rest for a bit|Berry2]]]Jack awoke with a rush of euphoria, his surroundings transformed from a dimly lit forest to booming metropolis. He excitely explores the new city around him, thinking that the whole forest thing was just a horrible dream. Suddenly he hears someone calling his name, he hurried to the voice thinking it sounds familiar. As he draws closer the effects of the berries being to wear off the metropolis fades back to the dreadfull forest. He tries to stop himself but it was too late, he felt his foot slip off the edge, he tried to catch himself but sadly he didnt have the strength (text-colour:(hsl:17,0.8707,0.4549,0.55))[[[too.|Berry4]]]
(if:$berry<0)[(set:$berry to 0)]Jack awoke to a sharp pains all around his body, as his eyes adjusted to the darkness he stares in shock as a pack of wolves have been attempting to devour him. He startledly jumps to his feet, this pack sees this as an attempt to escape as they attack all at once.
He fell to the ground, blood gushing out of his many bites as his mind drifted to the (text-colour:(hsl:0,0.8558,0.5922,0.55))[[[darkness|No Dup4]]]
(if:$rest < 1)[(set:$end to $end+1)](if:$berry < 1)[(set:$end to $end+1)]
[[<img src="https://cdn.thefiscaltimes.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_hero_image/public/articles/11152012_WileECoyote_article.jpg?itok=uoq7Z9RX" width="900" height="550">|No Dup5]]
(set:$put to $put +1)
(display:"Restart")(set:$drown to $drown +1)
(display:"Restart")(set:$stream to $stream +1)
(display:"Restart")(set:$rest to $rest +1)
(display:"Restart")(set:$berry to $berry +1)
(display:"Restart")(set:$wait to $wait +1)
(display:"Restart")Jack and his friends decided to go on a hiking trip in the mountains. They packed their bags and set off early in the morning As they hiked, they marveled at the stunning views of the valleys and peaks all around them. They crossed rivers, climbed steep inclines, and even spotted some wildlife along the way.
After they decided to take a rest, but Jack still marveled by the views decided to explore some more by himself. He journeyed through the dense forest, amazed by the sights around him.
(text-colour:(hsl:339,0.8225,0.6686,0.55))[[[Continue|Main]]]{(live:0.5s)[(set: $time to $time +1)]} Jack searches the rest of the shack hoping to find some way to unlock the safe. He discovers pieces to a note that says: (text-colour:(hsl:339,0.6939,0.3843,0.8))["How mch 4s o you ned to add togeter to et 500".]
[[Return to the safe|Safe2]]
He rereads the note "How mch 4s o you ned to add togeter to et 500"
(set: $password to "")What number does he try?: (input-box: bind $password, "X==========", 1)(link: "Enter")[{(if: ($password) is "8")[(go-to: "Safe3")](else:)[(go-to: "Wrong")]}]He turns the dial to $password.
The safe does not buldge
(text-colour:(hsl:188,0.7178,0.4725,0.5))[[[Try again|Safe2]]]The safe clicked as he felt the lock slacken, Jack opens the safe and to his suprise it was empty, he reaches inside, thinking that the back of the safe may be fake. As reaches inside, a sharp pain engulfs his hand, he tried to remove it but was unsuccessful. He yelled out for help. Suddenly ominous laughter filled the shack, Jack slowly turns in time to see a knife cut across his neck. The last thing he saw before everything went black was a the white hockey (text-colour:(hsl:0,0.6543,0.4765,0.8))[[[mask|Dup7]]]
(if:$cross < 1)[(set:$end to $end+1)](set:$cross to $cross +1)
(display:"Restart")Jack continues along the current trail, looking for any signs of that his friends were on this trail. After some time of walking he hears a "crunch" noise, he looks down to find an empty sandwich wrapper. For this first time all night, Jack felt a glimpse of hope as he might find a way to (text-colour:black)[[[out|Retraced3]]].Adrenaline filled Jack, he quickened his pace until he saw an empty campsite. As he drew closer he notices the campsite is battered and torn up. He inspects the campsite and discovers torn map and broken compass. He reassembled the map to the best of his ability. But when he places the comapss on the map, due to it being broken, it points him to both east and west. Which direction does he go?
[[West]](if:$east<0)[(set:$east to 0)]He followed the West path through the dense dark forest. Making every turn as the map said, Jack prayed he made the right decision following this path as he walked he started to feel a sense of déjà vu like he has been on this path before. Suddenly he hear a his name in the distance, he yelled back a the top of his lungs. He saw the light of a torch light, he was finally saved. Jack raced towards his friends and hugged them with all his might. He was (text-colour:(hsl:39,1,0.4804,0.75))[[[saved.|Dup9]]](if:$west < 1)[(set:$end to $end+1)]He followed the compass towards the East. Jack followed the map to the best of his ability, following everything turn that the map shows. From time to time he would check his surroundings, he would see claw marks that were similar to those in the campsite. Suddenely he felt a chill go down his spine, he slowly turned around to meet the giant hairy bear as it slashed its claws directly at him. He tired to escape but the bear charged him and attacked him (text-colour:(hsl:300,0.8039,0.5,0.45))[[[repeatedly|Dup8]]](if:$east < 1)[(set:$end to $end+1)](set:$east to $east +1)
(display:"Restart")(set:$west to $west +1)
(display:"Restart")As the darkness swept in Jack started to see shadows appearing in the forest and hearing voices calling out his name. He gave in to the voices and ran towards inside the forest. Everything when white for a second and he woke up and realized it was all a bad acid trip.
(text-colour:(hsl:31,1,0.451,0.75))[[[Click here to view your stats|stats]]]You have discoverd all possible endings
And you only wasted (text-colour:#c92a2a)[(round:$time/60) minutes]