<img src="ami1.2.jpg">
today is the perfect day to take a walk in the woods. the sun is beaming through the trees and the sunlight is warming everything it rests on.
you are away from chaos and madness for now. [[you are safe.->spotted]]<img src="ami2.2.jpg">
you notice something hidden in the shadows walking around the forest. it seems like it's looking for something.
what do you wanna do?
[[try and some close to it.->close]]
[[neglect it and keep walking.->neglect]]<img src="ami3.2.jpg">
you're getting closer to the creature. you see the back of them. it looks like they have a hoodie on.
tap them on the shoulder?
[[no.->no1]](link-replace:"you neglect the creature and walk away.")[S I K E ! you thought hahahaha. you're eager to know what the creature looks like.
tap them on the shoulder?
[[no.->no1]]]<img src="ami4.2.jpg">
just as you get close, the creature stops looking. it noticed you. when you tried to tap them, it vanished! you look around and it has a wand pointed directly at you!
what do you do?!
[[put your hands up and take a few steps back->stepsback1]]
[[have a staring competition with the creature->staring]]you're not trying to get it's attention but they noticed you! it vanished! you look around and it has a wand pointed directly at you!
what do you do?!
[[put your hands up and take a few steps back->stepsback1]]
[[have a staring competition with the creature->staring]]<img src="ami5.2.jpg">
you fell on the ground! the creature has the upper hand! "who are you?" the creature says.
what do you say?
[[" Y O M A M A ! "->yomama]]
[["I'm just passing by! I mean no harm!"->passingby]]you two are for a while, [[then the creature vanishes!->behind]] " Y O M A M A !" you shout. it caught the creature off guard! you pull off a low sweep kick and make the creature fall on the ground! the wand falls on the floor and you pick it up and try to point it at it, [[but the creature vanished again!->behind]]"I'm just passing by! I mean no harm!" you shout! "who sent you? the hive?" it says.
how do you respond?
[["the hive? who's that?"->whosthat]]
[["nobody sent me! i saw you and i wanted to ask if you were looking for something."->nobody]]the creature is behind you! it knocks you out!
you wake from the smell from a strong medicine and wake up. the creature is going is pointing his wand at you again. "who are you?! answer me!" it says.
what do you say?
[["wait, did i just get knocked out?"->waitdidi]]
[["I'm just passing by! I mean no harm!"->passingby]]"wait, did i just get knocked out?"
"don't avoid the question!" it says. the wand starts to create a blue haze around the tip, [[ready to fire.->passingby]] "the hive? who's that?"
the creature stayed silent for a moment. [["you...don't know who the hive is?"->dontknow]]"nobody sent me! i saw you and i wanted to ask if you were looking for something."
the creature pauses and then it says, "you don't seem to be lying. but why should i believe you?"
what do you say?
"[["i'm not lying! i'm realling telling the truth!"->notlying]]"
[["don't hurt me! i'm sensitive!"->imsensitive]]"i'm not lying! i'm realling telling the truth!"
the creature stayed silent for a moment. "i guess like take your word for now." it put their wand away. you got up and notice the height difference between you and the creature. it's a lot shorter than you.
what do you say?
[["woah, you're a lot shorter."->shorter]]
"[["who are you?"->whoru]]""don't hurt me! i'm sensitive!"
the creature stops moving. it pauses for a moment. "you really don't seem like a threat." you pick yourself up. you got up and notice the height difference between you and the creature. it's a lot shorter than you.
what do you say?
[["woah, you're a lot shorter."->shorter]]
[["who are you?"->whoru]]"you...don't know who the hive is?" the creature said. you say you don't. "i see... i guess I'll take your word for now." it put their wand away. you got up and notice the height difference between you and the creature. it's a lot shorter than you.
what do you say?
[["woah, you're a lot shorter."->shorter]]
[["who are you?"->whoru]]"woah, you're a lot shorter."
the creature looks mad. "don't make me turn you into a squirrel."
what do you say?
[["try me bitch!"->tryme]]
[["alright, alright. i'm sorry."->sorry]]<img src="ami7.2.jpg">
"who are you?" the creature takes off their hood. "i am ragu." it's a...walking frog!? it looks at look in a blank stare.
what do you do?
[[ask ragu what he's doing in the woods.->ask]]
[[get surprised and take a few steps back.->stepsback2]]"what are you doing in the woods?" "I'm searching for something important that was lost." you ask what it is. "my sister's ocarina."
what do you say?
[["where was the last place it was found?"->wherewas]]
[["what's an ocarina?"->whatocarina]]"woah!" you say in surprise. ragu is still staring at you. you get yourself together and apologize. "it's alright. [[i get that reaction often when humans meet me."->ask]] <img src="ami6.2.jpg">
"try me bitch!" you shout. the creature takes out its wand. a blue haze shoots out at you! oh no! you turned into a squirrel!
(link-replace:"the end.")[
[[click here to return to the previous passage.->shorter]]
]"alright, alright. i'm sorry."
the creature pauses. [[you ask who the creature is.->whoru]]"where was the last place it was found?"
"she said she lost it in the woods. she likes playing it in the woods," ragu says. "i must find it... it's very important that i do."
what do you do?
[[ask ragu he it needs help.->helpragu]]
[[tell ragu you hope he finds it.->ihope]]"what ocarina?"
it's a small instrument that makes beautiful sounds. it belongs to my sister. she likes playing it in the woods," ragu says. "i must find it... it's very important that i do."
what do you do?
[[ask ragu he it needs help.->helpragu]]
[[tell ragu you hope he finds it.->ihope]]"do you need help?" you ask. "you would help a stranger like me?" you say of course! "thank you so much! it means a lot!"
you two search for a while, but the search is becoming fruitless.
do you keep looking?
[[no->no2]]"well i hope you find it...," you say awkwardly. "yeah...me too," ragu says. there's a long silence. both of you part ways and you never see him again.
(link-replace:"the end.")[
[[you should've helped him! click here to return to the previous passage.->wherewas]]
]<img src="ami8.2.jpg">
you've been searching for a while and it's getting late. you look around one distinctive tree. there's a little pond around it and some lily pads on it.
you spot a green item on the ground. it's...the ocarina! you shout for ragu. [[he arrives and you hand him the ocarina.->foundoca]]"it's getting late now. i think i should go soon," you say in sorrow. "i understand. if you need to leave, i won't be upset. thank you for helping, stranger," ragu says.
you leave the woods and never see ragu again.
(link-replace:"the end.")[
[[click here to return to the previous passage.->helpragu]]
]"thank you! thank you! thank you! you found it!" ragu says as he smiles. "you have my deepest gratitude. i don't know how to thank you."
[["can you play it for me?"->playoca]]<img src="ami9.2.jpg">
"very well." both of you sit by the large root of the tree. ragu looks at the ocarina with content and starts playing. the ambiance in the woods serve as the perfect background music for it.
the woods and you enjoy ragu's melody.
you are glad you stayed.
(link-replace:"the end.")[
[[click here to play again.->primero]]]