It's dark and scary. That's called space.
<<set $name = "Brian">>
<<set $awake = true>> Boolean
Hello <<print $name>>
You have died $deathCount times.
Hello $name
<<unset $name>>
<<set $money = 500>>
<<set $strength = 16>>
<<if $money gte 10 and $strength gte 12>>
You buy the sword.
can use or instead of and if you want it one or the other
neq means not equal
use is instead of eq if you want to be very predcise 11 vs "11" works for eq, not for is
gt = greather than
gte = greater than or equal
lt less than
lte less than equal
The player has $10.00.
<<elseif $charisma gte 14>>
Elseif overcomes the initial ifs, an alternate way in.
simply adding <<else>> at end before close /if is what happens if no conditions are met
check if a variable has been defeind
<<if def strength>>
Strength has been defined.
ndef = not defined
The interior bulkhead still has enough mirror shine to reflect back some semblance of who you are. Or at least what you've become. Distorted in the bulkhead's dents, you're a blue blob, lost in the primary color of the uniform you've come to hate. Even before this mission went south. Baby blue, off the rack polyester. Something a mall cop would be embarassed to wear. Of course, yours is extra-special. Gold stitching on your shoulders and over your breast pocket lets all the world know you're the Captain.
In addition to an opportunity for self-reflection and loathing, the bulkhead also features a [[technical panel->TechPanel]] and [[small video monitor->ExternalVid]].
You ignore them to focus your attention on the [[airlock interior door->Airlock-INT]] to your left and [[the kneeling engineer->Forney]] squatting down to your right.The SmartGlass shimmers slightly. Your view zooms forward, a sudden and jarring change in perspective that closes the distance on the floating spacesuited figure. For a moment you're zoomed in too far, locked on to the nametag on the suit: STEWART. It's streaked with blood.
Then the SmartGlass lives up to its name, reframing the image so you can see Stewart in all her grisly glory. The faceplate of her helmet is shattered. Shards of glass are smashed into her forehead. Slashing down across her face is a raging evolution of the crew's rash: it oozes, like purple-red maggots turning over themselves in a pulsing swarm.
You remember Stewart as a tough, no-nonsense blonde. There's litte of that left in this thing that's hungrily making its way back toward the ship as it sloppily munches on Billing's entrails.
"Damn it, Stewart," you whisper. ["What happened?"]<gasp|
(click: ?gasp) [From behind, you hear Kennedy's voice. "She can't answer you now, Captain. She's busy eating."]
You [[jerk away from the glass.->Airlock Decision]]The word "SmartGlass" is etched into the top half of the portal. Through the glass is a scene that makes you glad you're sealed on this side of the inner airlock door. The seemingly safe side.
A crew member you recognize as EVA Specialist Billings is jammed into the outer air lock doorway. The auto-hatch has come half way across the opening and been stopped in its closure by [[Billings' bloated, bloody corpse.->BILLINGS]]The gnome-ish Forney is on her knees in front of the electrical panel, making engineer motions with the red-and-yellow twist of cables in one hand. They're between the jaws of the wire cutter Forney grasps in her other hand. Both hands are infected with the veiny rash that has become the mark of the CSS Salk's remaining crew. "Ready when you are, Captain!"
"Stewart proves my point," Kennedy explains. "I'm a patch and stitch MD at best."
[Listen to more of Kennedy's med-babble.]<medbabble|
(click-replace: ?medbabble) ["We need to get back to Earth. They've got the medical expertise to get us clear from this!"]
[[One last look through the SmartGlass.->Stewart Gone]]
Tell the engineer, [["Blow it, Forney!"->Airlock Blows]]
(live: 15s)[(goto: "Stewart Attacks")]A pale-faced Forney snips the wires as she whispers, "See you soon, Billings..."
You and Kennedy cram shoulder-to-shoulder to watch through the SmartGlass portal as the outer airlock door and what's left of Billings explode away from the ship. The now free-floating but still ravenous Stewart is pulling/chewing her way down the entrails to close in on the tasty Billings.
"Here’s what worries me, Dr. Kennedy," you begin. ["If back home can’t fix us...]<hell|(click: ?hell)[then we're the ones that send the human race straight to hell."]
You tell Kennedy, [["Let's get the crew together in mess for a debrief."->Leave Airlock]](if: (history:) contains "Meeting Room")
["If you're done binge-watching, Captain," says Kennedy, [["I can give you my medical reco…"->KennedyPlan]]
[[Medical Exam Video->MedCam]]
[[Away Mission Video->AwayCam]]
[[Security Video->SecurityCam]]]
(else:) [It's called a "mess" for a reason. The Salk's dining hall is a drab, cluttered utility space. Pull up some chairs and throw down some reconstituted chow and it's an eatery. Toss a body on a table and it’s a forensics lab. Fire up some display tech and it’s a crew briefing on the end of the world as you know it.
The [[rest of the crew->Crew]] have gathered, glaring and sullen.
Your ship’s doctor appears heavily self-medicated as she gestures weakly at a trio of video screens. Each one extends down from the ceiling on a flimsy telescoping pole of grey PVC piping.
“These video records are our best chance figuring out whatever it is that happened to Stewart,” explains Kennedy. “And whatever it is that’s happening to us…”
[[Medical Exam Video->MedCam]]
[[Away Mission Video->AwayCam]]
[[Security Video->SecurityCam]]](text-style: "fade-in-out") [Mission Cam] flickers as a burn-in over the replay.
The Expedition Drone provides its point-of-view video as it follows Stewart across a boggy landscape. This is Sumi-4, the last away mission before everything went south.
Stewart trudges forward in her head-to-toe protective environment suit. Between that bulk and the planet's dense orange foliage, this journey is a slog.
"Salk, we may want to recalibrate our sensors," Stewart reports. "I'm [[not seeing much in the way of lifeforms."->AwayCam2]](text-style: "fade-in-out") [Med Cam] glows in the top corner of the display.
The replay looks down on the medical center. A surly Stewart is in her skivvies, shifting uncomfortably in her seated perch on the cold chrome of the exam table.
“This is bullshit, doc!”
The pre-infection Dr. Kennedy in attendance seems a lot more competent than the current incarnation of your ship’s physician. She shrugs off Stewart’s outrage with a knowing grin. and continues the exam.
"Protocol, Stewart. It's not your first rodeo. All biological encounters get a once-over on return."
Kennedy continues the exam, palpating along Stewart’s neckline. The doctor’s expression turns more serious. She reaches for the [[Med Scanner. ->MedCam2]](text-style: "fade-in-out") [Security Cam] identifies this replay.
From the “always watching” angle of your corporate overlords, the view looks down from a high corner of the prep station: the staging area for Extravehicular Activity.
Stewart and Billings — pre madness — stand in front of a high, dented chrome workbench. Both wear the body portion of their spacesuits. Helmets and gloves hang on pegs on the wall next to them.
The workbench acts as an impromptu grub station. Billings and Stewart bring metal forks down toward two trays filled with monochromatic nutrition cubes. Billings can’t chow down fast enough.
Stewart looks drawn. She only just nudges her edibles around with the sharp points of her utensil.
Billings tells his crewmate, “These EVAs burn a lot of calories, Stewart. [You got to keep your strength going…]<eatup|
(click: ?eatup)["Eat up, girl!"]
The veiny-rash across Stewart’s skin flares and pulses. It looks [[hungry…->SecurityCam2]](if: (count: (history:), "EngineSmash") <= 2)[The bar hits the Cores. The swirling energy inside strobes in wild green bursts. The crystal rods crack — but don't break. [[Swing again?->EngineSmash]]]
(else:)[Forney and Kennedy come bursting out of the maintenance hatch. Feral. Savage. Infected. But somehow still convinced of their humanity.
"We just want to go home, Captain!" Forney growls. “To see green hills...our family's smile!" Her grin is gnashing, grinding teeth.
"A home-cooked meal!" Kennedy hisses, licking her infected lips.
You issue your final order. “Hope you like it well done."
Bring the crowbar down for [[one last swing->SpaceDrift]]]
(live: 10s)[(goto: "EngineAttack")]
(print: (count: (history:), "EngineSmash"))What remains of the CSS Jonas Salk is a black and smoking crater that scars across the landscape of Sitek-3. Pulverized metal and charred bone are the final testament to a commercial enterprise gone terribly wrong.
You’re not the only one to judge. The spectrum analysis was right: Sitek-3 can — and does — support life. Well outside the impact zone three tall figures walk the perimeter, surveying the destruction. Extending down from what might be called their face, long, undulating stalks curl and vibrate.
The one in the center is taller than its companions. There’s something regal about its bearing, and the padded panels on its manufactured garb strike you as something worn by one in Control. It points toward the crash with one long, long arm that ends in a trio of — fingers? stalks?
You can’t understand the words, but you somehow sense the meaning.
[[“What do we know?”->Planetside2]] the Controller says.farmaceuticals - putting human proteins in other species to incubate
Starts here and [this link here]<clicktest|
(click: ?clicktest) [then this happens]
(set: $ring to 3)
(set: $ring to "gold")
(set: $ring to true)
insert variable into text:
(print: $ring) ring in your hand.
conditional if/then with variable:
(if: $magicalItem is "feather")[You feel the feather knocking against your leg
in your pocket, almost as if it's trying to tell you that you can fly. Do you
want to [[hold the feather|Fly]] and attempt to fly and get a key? Or do you
want to [[head down the hill|Town]] into the town and explore?](else:)[Too bad
you can't reach any of the keys. You should probably [[head down the hill|Town]]
more than one condition: elseif
Your path into the town is blocked by an enormous stone wall, broken only by a
gate being guarded by a mean-looking orc.
The (print: $magicalItem) in your pocket twitches as if it wants you to take it
out and use it.
(if: $magicalItem is "feather")[You take out the feather and feel your body rise
off the ground. You sail over the wall and land on the other side, unnoticed.]
(elseif: $magicalItem is "pair of glasses")[At that moment, a troop of orcs comes
marching toward the gate. You slip on the glasses to see them better and find that
the glasses make you invisible! You slip in with the troop of orcs and march through
the gate, unseen.](elseif: $magicalItem is "hat")[You put on the hat and feel your
body turn gelatinous. You wonder if you could walk through the stone wall. You
head down a few yards away from the orc and ooze inside the wall, unseen.]
The tech panel sputters to life, displaying a flickering hologram of the ship over the surface. It's a long craft, with a central cylindrical section dominating the design. The engines take the form of two circular rings, attached perpendicular to the main section and pulsing with a green energy. A long thin communications and scanning antenna stabs off the front of the cylinder.
In some ways the ship resembles one of those old, metal hypodermic needles, remade for the stars. A flat and artificial voice announces, "Commercial Space Ship Jonas Salk. Astrobiology Pharmaceutical Exploit License 27972."
You note a tiny dot of motion on the [[video screen monitoring the ship's exterior->ExternalVid]].
The ship's doctor, Kennedy, stands with her back to you, blocking your view of the [[airlock interior door->Airlock-INT]].The small monitor displays the feed from an external camera. The wide angle view looks out from above the airlock door, continuing down the length of the ship's worn, gray hull.
The stars in the blackness are so bright, they burn through even the feed's poor resolution. Against this brilliant background, there is what appears to be a tangled tether line. It stretches out from the general vicinity of the external airlock door. At the other end of the line is a spacesuit. The occupant appears to be pulling him or herself along the line, dragging hand over hand back in the direction of the ship.
You glance at the flickering [[technical panel->TechPanel]] set into the bulkhead. You glare at the back of Kennedy, your ship's doctor, as she blocks your view of the [[airlock interior door->Airlock-INT]].(if: (history:) contains "Airlock-INT") [A sickened expression rolls across Kennedy's features as she gestures toward the SmartGlass portal with a weak wave of her hand.] (else:) [The interior airlock door is very much closed to the harsh vacuum outside. It has a small SmartGlass portal set into its surface. At the moment, the portal is very much blocked by the lanky figure of Kennedy, the mission's nominal doctor. She exudes anxiety, and has her face almost pressed against the glass. Her position, combined with her long, black hair, makes it impossible for you to see what has her attention — and has her so anxious.
Kennedy turns to you, her face gaunt. "We need to get back to Earth, Captain!" She's pleading, really. "They've got the medical expertise to get us clear from this!"
Her left eye twitches. Below it, her upper cheek shows [[a spiderweb pattern of discolored veins->Rash]] just under the skin, edged with a slight rise of a rash.]
You push past Kennedy to [[look through the SmartGlass->SmartGlass]] for yourself.Forney, the ship's engineer, kneels down in the cramped corridor. There's an open electrical access panel in the wall in front of her, and her arms are buried deep among snaking cables looking for the right connection. She has her own polyester blue fashion statement, a coverall version of the CSS Salk's uniform. Rotund even standing upright, Forney is downright gnome-like in her squat.
Forney has a pair of wirecutters clamped between her teeth. "Almost got it, Captain," she promises, grimacing around the tool.
There's something odd around the edge of Forney's smile: [[a spiderweb pattern of discolored veins->Rash]] below the skin, edged with a slight rise of a rash.
You ignore Forney's dermatological condition. On the bulkhead are a [[technical panel->TechPanel]] and a [[small video monitor->ExternalVid]]. To your left is the [[airlock interior door->Airlock-INT]].The crew is not alone when it comes to skin problems. A glance down at your own hands shows the same unsettling spiderwebbing of veins, the same raw-red rise of skin. Of course, it's this very symptom which has brought you down to this part of the ship. Brought all of you to this moment.
On the bulkhead are a [[technical panel->TechPanel]] and a [[small video monitor->ExternalVid]]. To your left is the [[airlock interior door->Airlock-INT]].There's a row of tall metal lockers set into the hull, one for each member of the crew: Kennedy, Forney, Judkins, Walters, Tiernan — and you. Each name is engraved into a small identi-plate that is affixed above each locker's latch. The identi-plate is the same size and style as the nametag you wear on your uniform, just below your rank.
On the front of each locker is a slightly inset display panel, about 3 inches square. A thin glowing red line vibrates across the surface of each display, traveling from top to bottom every few seconds.
[Lift the locker latch.]<security|
(click: ?security) [A low-level klaxon lets off one short burst as the ship's computer flatly announces, "Security protocols initated. [[Identify to open."-> LockerQuiz]]]
[[Continue to the mess.->Meeting Room]]With his scraggly black half-beard and dumpy physique, Billings was never going to win any hunk contests in life. In death, he's a study in carnage. His helmet is missing. His spacesuit is badly torn open in many places. Ragged bites have been torn out of his exposed arm and face. It's clear he died badly.
On the back of Billing's hand — the one with two chewed fingers left on it — is the same mysterious spiderweb rash of veins that is plaguing your crew.
Billings abdomen has been torn open and ropes of his intestines spool out into space, extending down the length of the ship. Holding on to the far, far other end of the grisly instestine line is the distant figure of another spacesuited figure.
You note two touch hologram controls hovering just below the surface of the SmartGlass, sandwiched in the material with an almost transparent weave of fine circuitry.
[Identify Subject]<ident|
(click: ?ident)+(text-style: "italic") [Cross hairs lock on to the spacesuited figure in the distance and new words appear, floating above the glass: (text-color: "green") [Stewart, Stacy K. Astrobiologist Grade 2.]]
[[Zoom Subject->SMARTGLASS-ZOOM]]There's a sudden cracking sound from behind. You wheel around to see Stewart's hideous face pressed up against the the far side of the now cracked SmartGlass — consequence of her having smashed her face and helmet into the portal. She cranes her neck back — and slams her face and helmet forward again.
[[The SmartGlass shatters.->Stewart Feast]]With no one left to man the controls, the CSS Jonas Salk manages just fine on its own, thank you.
In the event of crew inaction beyond a 36 hour period, autopilot engages as per protocol.
It takes the Salk 127 days to make it back to Earth.
The Nav-AI brings the ship down through the atmo to terra firma, safe and sound.
Then the recovery crew cracks the hatch. And on the third planet from the sun [[the screaming starts.->CreditsBad]]What's left of Billings is still stuck in the outer airlock. But no sign of Stewart.
[[Press closer to the glass.->Stewart Appears]]
Activate SmartGlass [["Locate Subject".->Stewart Appears]]For the briefest millisecond, the shattered glass pushes toward you. You almost feel it peeling away the skin on your face, turning your eyes to jellied pulp.
And then the shards are jetting away as the air inside the ship races toward the vacuum of space beyond the broken airlock. The negative pressure slams you hard into the inner airlock. Your face is smashed against the portal.
Flesh and bones distort as they're squeezed through the narrow opening. Somehow, Stewart clings hard to the inner airlock on the other side. She opens her mouth wide — [[and bites down hard.->EarthboundO2]]Stewart lurches into view from just to the right of the SmartGlass. She's pressed hard against the inner airlock door. She seems to grin at you. Or that might just be the fact she's chewed off her own lips and her teeth are exposed.
Either way, she jerks her head back and slams her head into the SmartGlass. It cracks — [[and then shatters.->Stewart Feast]](set: $lockerloot to "nothing")The ladder up from the airlock puts you back on the ship's main level. The dim metal halls of the Jonas Salk are sleek but narrow. On the best of days they're a claustrophobic maze.
Now, with the deaths of Billings and Stewart — and the infection afflicting what's left of the crew — your command feels more confining than ever: a trap. You wanted more out of space exploration than being a drug runner. You expected more of yourself.
To the left are a row of [[crew lockers.->Crew Lockers]]
To your right is the corridor to the [[mess hall.->Meeting Room]]Your name on the locker's identi-plate glows red. The ship's AI — more artificial, less intelligent, you always think — rasps, "Input security key."
The red line on the display glows brighter as its up-and-down motion picks up the pace.
[[Put your eye to the display.->eye]]
[[Put your finger on the display.->finger]]
[[Tap your uniform's nametag.->nametag]]
[[Continue to the mess.->Meeting Room]](if: $nametag is true)[The red line of the display scanner glides lightly over your eye. The AI rattles, "Security protocols passed. Unlocking..."
There's a "thunk" from behind the metal, and the locker door opens toward you.
[[Open the locker.->Open Locker]]](else:)[Your vision blurs and you feel a sharp burning sensation spread across the surface of your eye. You jerk away from the display.
[[Put your eye to the display.->eye]]
[[Put your finger on the display.->finger]]
[[Tap your uniform's nametag.->nametag]]]
(if: $nametag is true)[There's a tickle as the red line of the display scanner glides lightly over the pad of your finger. The AI rattles, "Security protocols passed. Unlocking..."
There's a "thunk" from behind the metal, and the locker door swings toward you.
[[Open the locker.->Open Locker]]](else:)[A sharp jab assaults the tip of your finger. You jerk your hand back and see a blister beginning to form on the reddened pad of your finger.
[[Put your eye to the display.->eye]]
[[Put your finger on the display.->finger]]
[[Tap your uniform's nametag.->nametag]]](set: $nametag to true)As you touch the nametag on your uniform, you feel it depress slightly. There's a click — and then a snapping sound, joined by a sharp electrical crackle.
The AI rasps, "Ident-tag key active. Confirm with secondary input."
[[Put your eye to the display.->eye]]
[[Put your finger on the display.->finger]]
[[Continue to the mess.->Meeting Room]]You wrinkle your nose at the rank odor that drifts up from the laundry shoved in the bottom of the locker. A mirror to the blue polyester you're already sporting hangs neatly from a hook.
On the top shelf is a data tablet with a long crack along its front.
There's also a copy of the crew manual. And your MH-17 — the standard issue firearm for command crew on CSS vessels.
[[Pick up the tablet.->Tablet]]
[[Take the gun.->Got Gun]]
[[Take the crew manual.->Got Manual]](set: $nametag to false)(set: $lockerloot to "the gun")The ship suddenly rocks violently. You stagger to keep your balance. The Tablet slides out of the locker and crashes to the floor. Then the locker door swings inward and clangs shut. The AI croaks, "Artificial gravity malfunction. Compensating. Correcting."
You slide (print: $lockerloot) into a cargo pocket along your uniform's pants leg.
[[Tap your uniform's nametag.->nametag busted]](set: $nametag to false)(set: $lockerloot to "the crew manual")The ship suddenly rocks violently. You stagger to keep your balance. The Tablet slides out of the locker and crashes to the floor. Then the locker door swings inward and clangs shut. The AI croaks, "Artificial gravity malfunction. Compensating. Correcting."
You slide (print: $lockerloot) into a cargo pocket along your uniform's pants leg.
[[Tap your uniform's nametag.->nametag busted]](set: $nametag to false)You touch the nametag on your uniform. There's that sharp electrical crackle again — and then a whiff of smoke. You feel something crunch inside. Whatever open sesame this tech had to get into your locker has checked out.
[[Take at look at that Tablet.->Tablet-PostLocker]]
[[Time to get to the mess.->Meeting Room]]Kennedy taps at the center screen of the three coming down off the ceiling. They each cancel their video playbacks and begin to display elements of Stewart’s physiology. Computer generated visuals of DNA, cell structure and skeletal cutaways project in the space in front of each screen.
The doctor’s jittery hands gesture feebly, as they drift through the 3D holograms with no effect on the simulation or the reality.
"Whatever Stewart caught on that planet… it’s in us deep. Maybe even into the bone marrow.
"But I’m sure the [[biolabs back home->CapDecision]] can dig it out…"You raise yourself a little taller, trying to project some level of confidence in what's left of your command. But the only thing they seem ready to salute is fear.
You look from one to the next, sizing them up.
(click: ?Forney)+(text-style: "italic")[picks her teeth with a green piece of wire, ignorant to how it's cut into her gums, staining her teeth red.]
[Navigational Tech Walters]<Walters|
(click: ?Walters)+(text-style: "italic")[leans on a table. Pushes off up in a sudden jerk. Paces. Coughing fit. Repeat the sequence. Drops of dank sweat mark his strung-out path.]
[Mission Specialist Judkins]<Judkins|
(click: ?Judkins)+(text-style: "italic")[glowers, brutish and belligerent. Then again… hasn't he always been that way?]
[Molecular Analyst Tiernan]<Tiernan|
(click: ?Tiernan)+(text-style: "italic")[nods his head gently, a thin smile on this lips. But his eyes are dead, his gaze predatory.]
Whether it's hands, arms, necks, faces — the purple spiderweb rash has its roots in every person left on this ship.
You consider your other options.
[[Medical Exam Video->MedCam]]
[[Away Mission Video->AwayCam]]
[[Security Video->SecurityCam]]The Med Scanner is a tech-infused piece of curved glass at the end of a hand grip. Small, flexible rods extend off the glass, extending down like jellyfish arms.
“They make these displays so damn small.” Kennedy complains, running the scanner’s glass slowly over Stewart’s collarbone and then up to her jawline.
“Some kind of subdermal activity… looks like it wants to break through…”
[Zoom Med Scanner]<zoom|
(click: ?zoom)+(text-style: "italic") [The rods light up with a soft blue glow and reach out to gently trace Stewart’s skin. The glass’s extreme close up shows the first evidence of purple spiderweb veins just below the surface.]
“How long’s this been going on here, Stewart?”
I don’t know, doc. A while, I’m sure. I’m [not exactly keeping myself pretty]<bunk| on this boat.
(click: ?bunk)["Come on — I’m beat, cut me loose so I can hit my bunk..."]
[[Video playback ends->Meeting Room]]Tap on the cracked screen all you want. But the only thing the digital tablet displays is a long ago photo of you at graduation from the Commercial Space Academy. You look so full of possibility. There was more ahead of you than collecting organic samples for corporate profiteering. You were going to do something important, if not for you — than others. The stars promised a higher purpose.
Then the black void underneath the crack spreads out across the rest of the screen and who you were — and what you might have been — glitches into no more than memory.
[[Take the gun.->Got Gun]]
[[Take the crew manual.->Got Manual]]document.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) {
}, false);The crew rushes you from all sides.
There’s the stink of Judkins’ hot breath on your neck as he wrenches your arm up behind you, breaking it.
Walters joins Judkins in dragging you to the Command Display.
Forney slides her infected fingers along the monitor to chart a digital course for the Salk to follow back to Earth. A thin line of blood and pus glisten on the display where her fingers traced the path.
Tiernan grabs the hand of your broken arm and [[slams it against “Command Confirm”->EarthBound-Mutiny]] on the screen.
Is that you screaming?
You think you hear Kennedy crying.The Accelerator Cores shatter. Set free, those ribbons of emerald energy unfurl across the compartment to whip into cells and molecules. That’s when you discover there’s really no pain to being disintegrated on a sub-atomic level.
Whatever you were — the physical matter that defined you as strictly human — that’s gone now. You’ll miss some things. That blue poly uniform? Not so much.
Your consciousness still holds on, in some form. For how long? Who can say…
You exist outside the Salk now. The hull ruptures in an explosion of green — a new propulsion system that [[alters the ship’s trajectory.->SpaceDrift2]]Forney and Kennedy burst out of the maintenance hatch. Feral. Savage. Infected. But somehow still convinced of their humanity.
"We just want to go home, Captain!" Forney growls. “To see green hills...our family's smile!" Her grin is gnashing, grinding teeth.
You bash them out of her head with the crowbar.
Kennedy lunges for you.
[[Stand your ground.->StandGround]]
[[Dodge the attack.->Dodge]]The Virulence Protocol
by D.G. Chichester
This is space.
It’s dark and cold and made up chiefly of unimaginably large gaps of utter nothing.
It doesn’t so much want to kill you as it provides you with a multitude of ways to die.
Be orginal.
[[Make good choices.->Airlock]](if: (history:) contains "Tablet") [The drop to the floor turned a single crack into a full-blown shatter. No amount of tap-tap-tap will bring anything out of this dead-dead-dead display.
You keep your graduation hopes and dreams in memory. And toss the Tablet in the trash.
[[Time to get to the mess.->Meeting Room]]]
(else:) [Tap on the smashed screen all you want. But the only thing the digital tablet displays is a long ago photo of you at graduation from the Commercial Space Academy. You look so full of possibility. There was more ahead of you than collecting organic samples for corporate profiteering. You were going to do something important, if not for you — than others. The stars promised a higher purpose.
Then the black void underneath the crack spreads out across the rest of the screen and who you were — and what you might have been — glitches into no more than memory.
[[Time to get to the mess.->Meeting Room]]]A manic Stewart brutally slams her fork into Billings’ hand —
(text-color: "#CC0000")+(text-style: "blink")[SECURITY CAM] flashes faster and faster and —
Billings screams.
[Stewart uses the fork to wrench the panicking Billings off-balance.]<murder|
(click: ?murder) [Jerking his hand up to her mouth.]<murder2|
(click-replace: ?murder2)+(text-style: "italic")[Preparing to take a massive, meaty bite out of Billings' hand and fingers.]
[[Video playback ends->Meeting Room]]Stewart pushes through into a clearing, and the drone flys high above to provide a wide angle, straight-down view of utter carnage. Hundreds of small bodies — vaguely monkey-like in appearance — are strewn about.
"Then again… let's update that to say, not seeing much "life" in these forms."
The ground is blighted with torn limbs covered in matted purple fur. A bright yellow ichor — blood? — is splattered everywhere.
"Logging a new species. I'm not gonna argue for naming rights. I don't want these uglies called 'Stewarts'."
Stewart steps further into the clearing, navigating a path through the corpses.
"They have primate characteristics. If we could find a live one, it might be good for [farmaceutical work.]<define|
(click: ?define)+(text-style: "italic")[The video's AI notes your micro-attention on the term — a slight narrowing of your eyes, the smallest tilt of your head — and overcompensates with a solicitous, (text-color: "yellow") ["Farmaceutical research is the field of putting human proteins in other species to incubate."] (text-color: "white")[God's work. God help you all.]]
"Appears to have been some kind of…[[tribal conflict." ->AwayCam3]]As Stewart hunkers down among the death, she raises one hand toward the drone with a beckoning wave. In response, the Expedition Drone descends rapidly, bringing its documenting POV to settle on her. Through the clear mask of her suit, you see no evidence of any infection in her appearance or behavior .
Stewart points a finger at the drone, and then toward the ground. It follows her gesture by reorienting its camera toward the savaged corpses. What's left of them died locked in combat: they've torn into each other serrated tooth and claw.
[Zoom Drone Camera]<zoom|
(click: ?zoom)+(text-style: "italic")[The documented footage provides additional review features. When you tap on the function on the screen, the video zooms to show an enlarged detail on what’s left of these aliens. Where they still have skin there is also the spiderwebbed veins and fiery rash that’s come to haunt your ship.]
The drone’s camera takes in Stewart’s sample case as she sets it down among the ichor and mud. She pops it open to reveal the Cellular Extractor: the preferred power tool of space-faring pharmers across the galaxy. Its business end is a series of tiny buzzsaws that feed biological material into its hungry, harvesting vacuum hoses.
"We may still get some value from a tissue sample…"
Stewart digs the Extractor’s whirring blades into a pile of flesh.
A viscous wave of gore explodes out to cover the lens.
[[Video playback ends->Meeting Room]]You study the Command Display, a large translucent digital panel that cranes down from the ceiling on an articulating mechanical arm. It’s an efficiency monitor, digitally reconfiguring itself for everything from work details, to lunch menus, to star charts. Right now it shows a small graphic representing the CSS Jonas Salk appearing to orbit a bowl of chili.
[Rap your fingertips hard on the display.]<display|
(click: ?display)+(text-style: "italic") [The chili vanishes… to be momentarily replaced by a plate of spaghetti. Then the display refreshes and the mini-Salk floats among simulated stars. The ship is surrounded by navigational symbols that either tell you where you are in the great unknown — or confirm that you’re all hopelessly lost.]
You consider Kennedy’s reco to bring this problem back to Earth.
[[Good idea doc.->EarthBound-Mutiny]]
[[I can’t take that chance, doc.->CapPlan]]
You trace your fingers on the display. The oily residue of a thousand touches before yours creates a rainbow path as you chart a course for the Salk through space.
“We’ll make for Sitek-3,” you decide. “Spectrum says it can support life. We can make camp there.”
[Command Confirm]<confirm| appears on the screen.
(click: ?confirm)+(text-style: "italic")[The screen reads your biometric signature and sends instructions to the nav control system. Everyone feels the lurch of the gravity system compensating for the change in course and the ship’s new acceleration.]
“We’ll have more room to work,” you promise. "Natural resources we can draw from to find our own cure.”
Walters cackles. [[“Natural resources?->Walters1]]
Judkins sneers. [[“Listen to you, all high-and-mighty!”->Judkins1]]Space is a whole lot of nothing.
Props to you for choices that sought to make something good out of that.
And thanks for helping to make this story happen.
If you’re still game… there are other paths where worlds don’t devolve into bloody ruin.
[[Go again?->Space]]
The Virulence Protocol (version .5)
written by D.G. ChichesterWalters scratches at his rash, drawing blood and pus. “Natural resources on one of these dirtwater planets got us into this mess!”
Kennedy eyes the blood. Medical concern…or appetite?
“Shut up, Walters,” Kennedy says.
The crew shambles about… nervous energy? Or circling you?
[[Keep an eye on Tiernan and Judkins.->Judkins1]]
[[Focus on Forney.->Forney1]]Judkins slams a metal tray down on a tabletop, a blast of sound that sets everyone on edge. “Stop acting like you’re some kind of Captain Kirk.”
Tiernan smiles his thin, thin smile. “All your ‘rank’ means is you get to press more buttons.”
Judkins laughs. “And wear some gold stitch. Big fucking deal.”
They’re fast becoming a threat. To your command. To your life. But at least they’re right in front of you. Where are the others?
[[Put your attention on Walters->Walters2]]
[[Focus on Forney.->Forney1]]The wire that Forney has been using to pick her teeth digs deeper into her gums. Her attempt at logic is marred by the blood on her lips.
“Judkins and Tiernan have a point, Captain. We’re under no obligation to “do the right thing.”
“Whatever that might be!” Walters cackles — from somewhere you can’t see.
Forney continues. “It’s not our job out here to save — or even protect — anyone.”
Judkins holds one hand up, rubbing his fingers together in a “money, money, money” gesture.
“The only thing we got to protect is our pay day! The gig is to find some alien plant or monkey with mojo that can be turned into medicine with serious worth!”
[[Watch out for Tiernan.->Tiernan1]]
[[Back away from everybody.->Mutiny]] Your mind races, looking for any idea, any advantage to regain control of the situation. Your hands pat down your uniform and come up with… (print: $lockerloot).
(if: $lockerloot is "the gun") [From your locker, slipped into your cargo pocket. The MH-17 is the weapon of choice for beleaguered captains across the galaxy. [[Take aim->Gun]]]
(elseif: $lockerloot is "the crew manual")[From your locker, slipped into your cargo pocket. Rules and regulations promise a return to reason. [[Read them the riot act->Manual]]]
(elseif: $lockerloot is "nothing")[[[You're screwed.->Overwhelm]]]Walters starts to cackle in response to Judkins’ insult.
“Gold stitch, right. Big big big frigging fucking deal!”
He keeps laughing. And laughing.
Forney steps in-between you and Walters, a temporary block on the hysteria.
[[Look to Forney.->Forney1]]You hold up the crew manual. Everyone falls silent at the sight of this mystic totem.
“I understand you’re scared,” you say. “But what we need right now is in these pages: established protocol.
Nodding heads.
“Everyone has the right to articulate their concerns. I respect each of you. I only ask that you also respect that as Captain, I am the final arbiter.”
The crew give each other looks that seem to indicate… agreement?
(live: 5s)[[[Let me read to you from General Order 32|Overwhelm]]]
(live: 10s)[(goto: "Overwhelm")]You aim the MH-17 firearm at the mutinous bunch.
“It’s not just gold stitch,” you tell them. “Here’s the other perk that goes with my job.”
Walters staggers back. “Big man with a gun!”
Kennedy glares at Ritter, tense but trying to keep it together.
“You really need to shut up Walters.”
Walters skitters backward, throws his arms across his face “You’re gonna miss, gonna miss gonna punch a hole in the hull and kill us all!”
Judkins takes advantage of the craziness to lunge at you.
[[Fire the weapon->GunShot]]
[[Swing the gun->GunHit]]You smash the weapon into Judkins’ head.
There’s a horrid wet cracking sound as something important breaks inside his face.
The force of your attack crumples him to the floor.
Tiernan drops to his knees to comfort his fallen friend.
[[Race for the door.->CaptainRuns]]
[[Keep an eye on Tiernan.->TiernanEat]]As you break from the room, you hear Kennedy behind you.
“Forney, Walters — lock off Judkins and Tiernan in here! We’ll deal with them later!”
The [[control room hatch->ControlRoom]] is just ahead.The MH-17 kicks out a caseless round of deadly plasma energy.
The only thing more dangerous is your aim.
The crackling projectile flashes past your target. Crashes through the Command Display.
And smashes a hole through the hull.
“See see I was right!” Walters cackles. “You missed punched a hole into space and [[killed us all!”->Airloss]]
The stars outside look so very bright.It’s hard to hear anything over the high screech of the air as it rushes toward the break in the hull.
But the flat monotone of the ship’s AI manages to make its point: “Safety protocols initiated.”
Hatches at the exit points for the utility room slam shut.
The mad panic that follows doesn’t last long [[without oxygen.->EarthboundO2]]It takes the CSS Jonas Salk 127 days to make it back to Earth.
The crew turned on each other in just 10.
The Nav-AI brings the ship down to terra firma safe and sound.
Then the recovery crew cracks the hatch. And on the third planet from the sun [[the screaming starts.->CreditsBad]]You twist the emergency switch and seal the door shut.
From outside there’s a muffled THUD THUD THUD as they pound on the hatch.
Your eyes do a rapid scan of the room.
[[A dark video monitor->VidMonitor]] set into the wall.
[[The navigation panel->NavPanel]] in the center of the control board.
[[A maintenance hatch->MaintenanceHatch]] flush with the far corner of the floor.(if: (count: (history:), "VidMonitor") is 0)[You rap on the screen with a hard thrust of your fingertips.
The display glitches to life, showing you the fisheye view of the corridor and the sealed control room hatch.
Walters is spinning dials on a canister that feed the hoses that run to the welding torch Forney is using to cut into the door. Sparks flare the lens. Smoke obscures the video feed.
Kennedy pounds on the metal. “We just want to go home, Captain! You’re forcing this! Forcing us… to come for you!”
The virulence — flesh crawling, flesh hungry, tasty flesh to eat — is rampant on all their exposed skin.
Look down and see the same on yourself.
Look away and see…
[[The navigation panel->NavPanel]] in the center of the control board.
[[The maintenance hatch->MaintenanceHatch]] flush with the far corner of the floor.]
(elseif: (count: (history:), "VidMonitor") is 1)[Dense smoke from Forney’s welding torch fills the display. Blinding sparks cook the lens as the hot energy cuts into the metal.
Walters shrieks. “Almost there almost through faster Forney let’s get ourselves home!”
There’s one last fierce white spark. The screen glitches and goes black.
You turn your back on the panel and toward:
[[The navigation panel->NavPanel]] in the center of the control board.
[[The maintenance hatch->MaintenanceHatch]] flush with the far corner of the floor.]
(elseif: (count: (history:), "VidMonitor") is 2)[Nothing you can do brings the screen back to life. From what you saw before you know it’s not long before Forney’s torch cuts through the hatch.
And they come for you. Decision time:
[[The navigation panel->NavPanel]] in the center of the control board.
[[The maintenance hatch->MaintenanceHatch]] flush with the far corner of the floor.]
(else:)[Nothing you can do brings the screen back to life. From what you saw before you know it’s not long before Forney’s torch cuts through the hatch.
And they come for you. Decision time:
[[The navigation panel->NavPanel]] in the center of the control board.
[[The maintenance hatch->MaintenanceHatch]] flush with the far corner of the floor.](if: (history:) contains "NavPanel") [The navigational system is locked on to the planet designated as Sitek-3. Even you can’t override the course from here.
There’s a [[video monitor->VidMonitor]] set into the wall by the door.
And [[a maintenance hatch->MaintenanceHatch]] flush with one corner of the floor.]
(else:) [You punch buttons and a holographic CSS Salk hovers over the navigation screen. It’s oriented toward the planet corporate has designated as Sitek-3. A swooping animated line displays the arc of approach, and ribbons of data surround the virtual ship with velocity, coordinates and other pulses of confusing numbers.
There’s a physical command key at the bottom of the screen. You turn it so the key is oriented toward a green “confirm course” arrow.
You look at your hand on the key, the skin raw and raging with infection.
There’s no fixing this planetside. Not anymore.
But maybe still a chance to keep this from crawling back home.
You break the key off, locking off these controls.
There’s a [[video monitor->VidMonitor]] set into the wall by the door.
And [[a maintenance hatch->MaintenanceHatch]] flush with one corner of the floor.](if: (history:) contains "NavPanel") [You throw open the hatch and crawl into the maintenance shaft below.
Behind you there’s a “CLANG!” as the torched hatch falls into the control room.
Your crew’s voices follow you, rich with anger and panic.
“We’ve been locked onto Sitek-3!” Forney reports.
“Where the hell’s our fearless leader?!?” Walters shouts.
[[“Headed for engineering!”->MaintenanceHatch2]] Kennedy says.]
(else:) [You throw open the hatch and start to squeeze yourself into the tight maintenance shaft.
There’s a mighty “CLANG!” as the torched hatch drops into the control room.
And then Forney and Walters and Kennedy grab you by your legs.
Drag you back into the control room.
And [[sink their teeth->EarthboundO2]] deep into your flesh.]The shaft is a tight fit. Maybe you should have skipped that tasty mess hall chili. You push yourself to slither forward.
The control room voices are farther away, but rising in volume.
Forney rages. “We might be able to reset the course! But if he screws with the engine we won’t be able to break away from the gravity well. Or worse…”
Walters cackles. “We’re screwed so screwed we’ve got nothing —“
Kennedy barks. “Shut up! Shut UP! SHUT UP!”
Then a juicy, chewing sound: a rending bite. Bite. BITE.
And then it’s all Walters screaming.
Your hands come up against [[a metal grate.->EngineRoom]]With a shove, the grate clatters forward into the Salk’s Engine Room.
You spill out onto the metal grate floor, and come up into a feral crouch as you take in the surroundings.
Space travel is a lot messier than most imagine. Steam and smoke, turning gears and clattering, heaving pistons. The only nod to the future are the Accelerator Cores: a trio of translucent crystalline rods that stretch from floor to ceiling.
You forget exactly what science — or science-fiction — they’re based on. But they look important. Ribbons of green energy curl inside, pulsing and twisting with the promise of power. Power to take you to the stars and back. Power to keep the merciless cold of space at bay.
Nearby is the engineering station. Monitoring instruments. Precision tools. And brute force implements — including a crowbar.
The open shaft you just came out of looks like easy access for your mutinous crew. You should [[refit the grate->EngineEats]] onto the hatch opening.
There’s no time to spare. You should [[grab the crowbar.->CrowbarSwing]]You push the grate back into its fittings at the end of the shaft —
But before it can lock into place Forney and Kennedy burst forward, out of the shaft and into the Engine Room.
The force of their arrival sends the grate slashing back into you. You’re knocked onto your back.
Kennedy takes advantage of your prone position, leaping on top. She knits her fingers into the grate, pushing it down, cutting into your face.
“We just want to go home, Captain!” Forney growls. “Green hills...our family’s smile!” Her grin is gnashing, grinding teeth.
“A home-cooked meal!” Kennedy hisses, licking her infected lips.
They decide to [[settle for you.->EarthboundO2]]Forney said screw with the engines and they couldn’t break away from the gravity well.
Or worse.
Maybe this is it. Maybe this is the chance to get back to that cadet you were. The one who was going to make a difference.
The glowing green of the Accelerator Cores looks like a target. You [[swing the crowbar.->EngineSmash]]No longer on course for Sitek-3.
No longer a threat to Earth.
The craft begins a slow spiral toward interstellar space.
The emptiness there will absorb the infection. In the vast blackness, it will become nothing.
There will be no recognition for all you did here today. But you will know.
The difference you made. The destiny you realized.
The stars promised a higher purpose.
Maybe space isn’t so empty, after all.
Here at least — at last — you [[found satisfaction.->CreditsGood]]Space provides you with a multitude of ways to die.
Instead, you choose a way to save a multitude of lives.
And thanks for helping to make the story happen.
[[Go again?->Space]]
The Virulence Protocol (version .5)
written by D.G. ChichesterFire and sparks surge along the superheated hull, glowing the metal red hot. In a flash of rising temperature the inside of the ship becomes a crematorium.
Whatever you were — the physical matter that defined you as strictly human — that’s gone. You’ll miss some things. That blue poly uniform? Not so much.
Your consciousness still holds on, in some form. For how long? Who can say…
You exist outside the Salk now. It’s at a steep angle hurtling down through the atmosphere of a yellow and green planet that you somehow know is Sitek-3.
The strange energy of the Accelerator Cores’ energy ribbons out from the rear of the ship. One of the engine pods disintegrates.
The Salk flips and spins, spins and flips — and vanishes beneath dense cloud.
Even though you’re no longer Captain, you feel a strange pull to [[go down with your ship.->Planetside]]You brace the crowbar forward, like a lance —
And Kennedy’s furious assault impales her onto the tool.
Then your earlier efforts pay off: two of the cracked Accelerator Cores suddenly go dark. The ship’s gravity follows.
Kennedy floats off of the crowbar .
"Sorry, Captain," Kennedy says, at the end. “I just wanted to go home again…"
Her eyes go weak. But her teeth keep chomping.
You drop the bloody crowbar and start to drift. Almost peaceful, in comparison.
Until the Salk’s AI issues an update. “Atmospheric Entry inconsistent with reasonable safety limits…”
And the hull begins to [[glow a fiery orange.->ShipDown]]As you make your move, your earlier efforts pay off: two of the cracked Accelerator Cores suddenly go dark. The ship’s gravity follows.
The Salk feels like it’s listing to starboard — whatever that means in space — enough to throw you all off balance.
You manage to wedge the crowbar into a vise on the engineering station, arresting your drift.
Kennedy and Forney collide in mid-air and begin to feed on each other.
The Salk’s AI issues an update. “Atmospheric Entry inconsistent with reasonable safety limits…”
And the hull begins to [[glow a fiery orange.->ShipDown]]To the Controller’s left is a similar figure, if squatter in shape. This one wears a thick suit of bulbous — bladders? growths? — that flex in and out as if… breathing. The figure is investigating, analyzing by way of its grip on a a long a long rod of some form of technology. This Analyst tilts the rod back and forth, eliciting waves of thrumming sounds.
As before it’s not the words you understand so much as the intention.
“Humans, Controller,” the Analyst offers. “So far as can be determined from scanning their craft during its descent.”
The Controller directs its attention to the companion on the right, a gaunt figure with a serene air. It's clothed in a series of long slats of translucent material that shimmer with a rainbow of colors. A circlet of similar material sits on its head, above its single unblinking eye.
[[“Your feeling, cleric?”->Planetside3]]The Cleric brings its “hands” together in a prayer-like gesture. “They are fellow beings, Controller. They have customs. They honor their dead.”
The Controller turns its attention to the left.
["Your opinion, Analyst?"]<analysis|
(click: ?analysis) [The rod the Analyst holds begins to vibrate wildly. The Analyst jerks the technology back to steady its movement and silence its thrumming.
"This site bears evidence of multiple, discordant anomalies. As such it represents risk. I recommend extreme caution."]
(live: 7s)[(text-style: "bold")[The Controller looks from the Analyst to the Cleric, considering their counsel.]
(text-style: "italic")[Exercise caution. Or honor the dead.]
You sense this is a important moment. Maybe the same connection that enables you to understand these creatures can sway what happens next. As the alien leader begins to speak, you exert all the influence you have toward the Controller.
[[Go on faith->Planet-Faith]]
[[Go with science->Planet-Science]]]
The Controller begins to speak — then hesitates. Opens its single eye wide, unfocused… then narrows its vision with renewed focus.
“You say they honor their dead, cleric. Then we shall help them with that.”
The Controller gestures toward the crash. A fleet of small drones flash down from above to approach the wreckage.
“Gather the remains,” the Controller says
Triplets of thin robotic arms extend out from the hovering platforms to gingerly gather up the blackened bone. The drones return in a formal procession, carrying the remains past the leaders. The teeth of one blackened skull seem to grin in the direction of the Cleric. As it brings its hands together in a reverent gesture, you see the beginnings of a raised rash and spiderweb veins on its exposed flesh.
The Controller, Analyst and Cleric turn their backs on the crash and follow the drones. The mechanical bearers of the dead lead the way to a massive alien spaceship that has eased its way down out of the yellow clouds.
The Controller gestures his companions toward the portal that has opened on the ship, welcoming them to its dark interior.
“We’ll take these poor souls with us on our [[expedition to Earth…”->AliensLand]]The Controller begins to speak — then hesitates. Opens its single eye wide, unfocused… then narrows its vision with renewed focus.
“You warn against danger, analyst. Let us seal the area.”
The Controller gestures toward the crash. The Analyst twists the rod in its hands and a dome of energy appears over the wreckage, extending out almost to where the alien leaders stand.
The Controller nods its head. “Vaporize everything.”
The Analyst gives another twist and the interior of the dome is filled with white hot flare. When it cools and fades the area inside has been reduced to smooth circle of desolation.
The Controller, Analyst and Cleric turn their backs on the emptiness. The yellow clouds above part and a massive alien spaceship eases its way down to greet the trio.
The Controller gestures his companions toward the portal that has opened on the ship, welcoming them to its bright interior.
“Let us say nothing of this incident on our [[expedition to Earth…”->SaveSitek]]The inclination to strike out against the unknown has kept the human race alive for thousands of years.
As the alien spacecraft approaches Earth, every government gives in to panic. Fighters scramble. Missiles lock. Secret satellite defense systems are armed.
But when the ship displays no outward sign of danger, the guard is dropped. And greed rushes in to take its place. A multinational coalition agrees to share the bounty of technology and other interstellar treasure that must be waiting inside.
Then the salvage crew cracks the hatch. And on the third planet from the sun [[the screaming starts.->CreditsBad]]Whatever drew you the planet loosens its hold.
As the alien ship lifts into space, you drift off in the opposite direction.
There will be no homecoming for you. But no threat, either — for either race.
No one will recognize all you did here today. Only you will know.
The difference you made. The destiny you realized.
The stars promised a higher purpose.
Maybe space isn’t so empty, after all.
Here at least — at last — you [[found satisfaction.->CreditsGood]]Tiernan brings his hands together in a slow clap, applauding Judkins’ mercenary pitch.
“Hell, the pharma company that fronted this joy ride might even reverse engineer this shit into something good!”
Forney rubs her teeth against her lips as she considers the idea, spreading blood around in the process. “There’s an idea. Give us a cut. Right, doc?”
“Possibly,” Kennedy says. She seems torn, between hippocratic oath and greed.
Where’s Walters? What’s happened to Judkins?
[[Back away from everybody.->Mutiny]] Tiernan holds up Judkins' head, trying to comfort his dazed and bleeding crewmate.
“Judkins, buddy…”
Tiernan’s eyes lock onto Judkins’ bloody — yummy — head wound. A glint of madness *SNAPS ON* in Tiernan’s predatory gaze—
— as Tiernan chomps into his friend’s face with hungry abandon.
[[Shoot Tiernan.->GunShot]]
[[Escape room.->CaptainRuns]]