[[else and else]]\nin [[a moment]]\nlike then just like then\n[[then like them]]\nof them \n[[they are not like them]]\n
[[not like them]]\nthem them not like \n[[like like them]]\nlike and like and them
Not like them\n[[them]]\n[[not like them]]
was there??? \never??\n[[else and else]]\nnot like them\nthem them\n[[not not like or like]]\nor of [[like]] them\n
was I like them\nor they like me\n[[was there ever]]\n[[a moment]]\nwhen\nI was like them\nor not [[like them]]
not like them
then like them\nthose them them \nand then\n[[then like them]]\nin that [[moment]]\njust like them
them them\n[[them them]]\nand them and [[like them]]
[[nor are they]]\nare they\nthey are not like them\n[[that then then]]
of them\nof then \nof\nthem\nof then \nof\nof them\nthen \n[[of]]\n[[nor are they]]
would they \nor would they not\n[[was was]]\nor not was what...\n[[not like them]]\n
I am not \n[[like them]]\nnor are you\n[[nor are they]]\n[[nor then them]]\nnor then then\nnor them them
[[not like them]]\nlike them like like\nnot like them\n[[them them]]\nlike them [[of them]]
not like that \n[[a moment]]\n
in that never ending\nmoment\nthen like you\nor of you\nlike you, like them\n[[not not like or like]]\nthem them\n[[they are not like them]]\n
would they like\nif I was like them \nif I [[was was]]\n[[them them]]
[[that]]\nthey are not like them\nthey simple are not\nnot like them \nno\n[[not like then]]
I am not like them\nyou are not like them\nthey are not like them\nthem are not them \nnot then \nnot now\nnot ever\n-- the end --
as if then\nI am one of them\nthen and then [[like]] them\nthen them \nthem them \nI as them\nthem as I\nat that [[moment]]\nthen then
I am not like them\n[[not like them]]\nor [[was there ever]]...\nwhat if\nwhat else\n[[else and else]]\nor [[of them]]\n
if I was like them\n[[not not like or like]]\n[[then like them]]\nfor a [[moment]] \nof them, like me\nlike [[you]]\n
[[of]] of of \n[[that]]\n[[they are not]]\n
[[not like that]]\nnot like\nnot \nnot like \nnot like [[that]]\n[[that then then]]
I am not like them\nnot like them\n[[not like then]]\n[[not like that]]\nnot of that \nnot of then
Eden Unluata
else and else \nnot why\nbut why not \nnot [[like]] them\n[[like like them]]
[[not not like or like]]\nthem them \nand then them \nand then them them\n[[they are not like them]]\n[[then like them]]