(This is an experiment in progress, as we all are)


dare to play?

Swear this punk and MSM are building a case to say apes are the problem. Apes do not manipulate markets. BUY AND HOLD. Opinion 👽

This how apes enter meatspace

Wir sind wütend.
Wir sind so wütend, das wir Schilder gemacht haben.
Wir machen QR-Codes drauf.
We're not sorry to bother you
Wir tanzen.

The MOASS Study Guide

Wie kann ich bei der #AAB mitmachen?
Get/make angry.
Get/make (ape)mask.
Get/make sign with your favourite slogan.

Choose link you like, Get/make QR-code.
Put on sign.
Put on mask.
Go dancing.
(un)official #AAB-Playlist
Be a nice ape :)
Get/make Picture.
Get/remove exif-data
Get/make MEME