A Christmas Game (Inform Port) — 7 of 15

Luke Jones

Release 2

Section 6 - Santa's Grotto

Santa's Grotto is a room. "A shop specialising in Christmas toys and decorations, it looks like it's been ransacked by the shoppers. Most of the shelves are bare with the odd bauble, tinsel and teddy bear scattered about the place."

North of Town Square is Santa's Grotto.

Instead of listening to Santa's Grotto:

If idle elves are inside workshop:

Say "You can't hear much except the distant sound of the carol singers and the passing crowds of shoppers in the Town Square.";


Say "You can hear the flurry of activity coming from the workshop downstairs, and also the distant sound of carol singing from the Town Square."

Instead of smelling Santa's Grotto:

Say "It smells of pine and roast chestnuts."

Santa is a male person.

Description of Santa is "A portly, smiling, white-bearded man with half-moon spectacles, and a twinkle in his eye. He's wearing a red coat with white collar and cuffs, white-cuffed red trousers, and black leather belt and boots. He's sat on a large leather armchair."

Santa is on a Large Armchair.

Understand "Father Christmas" as Santa.

Large Armchair is an enterable supporter.

Large Armchair is inside Santa's Grotto.

Description of Large Armchair is "A wide, green, plush leather armchair."

Your Christmas Present is an object.

Your Christmas Present is nowhere.

Description of Christmas Present is "Your present from Santa. A rectangular parcel wrapped in red paper with green ribbon tied in a bow. "

Instead of opening Your Christmas Present:

say "You're tempted to open the present, but you decide to be good and save it for tomorrow.".

Teddy Bear is an object.

Teddy Bear is in Santa's Grotto.

Teddy Bear is scenery.

Description of Teddy Bear is "A rather sad looking Teddy Bear lies on the floor. It looks like it has been kicked about in an earlier ransacking of the store by Christmas Shoppers"

Instead of taking Teddy Bear:

Say "You decide the leave the Teddy Bear where it is, perhaps a late Christmas shopper might want him."

Bauble is an object.

Bauble is scenery.

Bauble is in Santa's Grotto.

Description of Bauble is "One solitary bauble is left on the shelf."

Instead of taking the Bauble:

say "You have no need for it".

Shelves are objects.

Shelves are scenery.

Shelves are in Santa's Grotto.

Description of Shelves is "Wooden shop shelves. Almost totally bare. Must have been cleared by last minute Christmas shoppers".

Instead of taking Shelves:

Say "They are fixed to the wall and you have no need for them anyway.".

Tinsel is an object.

Tinsel is scenery.

Tinsel is inside Santa's Grotto.

Description of Tinsel is "A few strands of silver tinsel."

Instead of taking tinsel:

say "You have no use for it."

A Sprig of Holly is an object.

A Sprig of Holly is inside Santa's Grotto.

Description of a Sprig of Holly is " A small twig of holly with three spiky leaves and a cluster of dark red berries."

A child's scarf is an object inside Santa's Grotto.

Description of the child's scarf is "It is a small scarf, probably made for a child. It is a faded blue colour with a repeated pattern of a snowman with an orange for a nose, wearing a floppy green hat and a green scarf."

Christmas Card is an object.

Christmas Card is nowhere.

Description of Christmas Card is "A cheap Christmas card, printed on thin card. It has a clichéd depiction of a nativity scene on the front.

Inside it says 'Seasons Greetings!' in a poorly chosen font, but underneath in perfect handwritten copperplate script it reads;

[italic type]'Merry Christmas, you’ve been good this year!

All the best from Santa and Rudolph xxx

PS: Sorry about the cheap card, terrible supply problems this year.'[roman type]".

Folding is an action applying to one visible thing.

Understand "fold[any thing]" as folding.

Instead of folding something:

Say "You cannot fold it."

Folded Christmas Card is nowhere.

Description of Folded Christmas Card is "Your Christmas card from Santa is now folded and is twice as thick as it was before".

Instead of folding Christmas Card:

Say "You fold the card in half.";

Now the Christmas Card is nowhere;

Move Folded Christmas Card to player.

Instead of entering Large Armchair for first time:

say "You sit down on Santa's knee. Santa says 'What would like for Christmas?' You whisper in his ear. Santa chuckles and says 'Well, you've been good this year, here you go' He hands you a parcel and a card. You say 'thank you' and stand up.";

move Your Christmas Present to player;

move Christmas Card to player;

Instead of entering Large Armchair:

say "You sit down on Santa's knee. Santa says 'Sorry kid, you've been good but you'll have to wait till next year for another present!' You stand up again."

Understand "Santa's Lap","Santas Lap","Santas knee" and "Santa's Knee" as Large Armchair.

Instead of talking to Santa:

say "Greetings! And a Merry Christmas to you! Ho! Ho! Ho! etc. How can I help you?"

Instead of asking Santa about "Elves":

Say "'Genius master craftsmen...when they actually do any work! The key is keeping the Chief Elf happy, the rest follow his command.'"

Instead of asking Santa about "Chief Elf":

Say "'He knows how to make the Elves work like you wouldn't believe..as long as he's happy...or drunk!'"

Instead of asking Santa about "Reindeer":

Say "'Couldn't do my job without them, lovely creatures and far less grief than Elves!'"

Instead of asking Santa about "Rudolph":

Say "'How else would I light my merry way? Especially when it's foggy.'"

Instead of asking Santa about "Crackers":

If Busy Elves are inside Workshop:

say "'Thanks for sorting out the Chief Elf, you should be able to pick up some crackers from the workshop now'";


say "A rueful smile plays on Santa's face. 'Ah you've come to the right place, but unfortunately I'm all out of stock. MyChief Elf is in one of his moods so my Elves are on strike, damn momentum Bolsheviks!'"

Instead of asking Santa about something:

Say "Santa chuckles to himself".