I should and should and should\nmatter to them and\nto them them\nand to me and to them\n[[me]]\n[[matter]]
us me, me us\nme me and you\nand us and you\nyou should matter\nI should matter\n[[to them]]\n[[to us]]
you should matter to them\nyou should matter to them\nyou should matter to them\nyou should matter to them\nyou should matter to them\n[[they matter to you]]\n[[you you]]
you matter\ndo you? \nmatter you\nmatter me\n[[nothing matters, nothing;]]\n[[nothing else]]
no, olamaz\nnon\nno no no no no no no\n[[to them them]]
they they \nthey hey\nthe hey\nthe [[logic]] of\nhey hey\n[[nothing matters, nothing;]]\nhey they!
and you know\nI matter\nI should matter\nI should matter to them\n\n--the end--
I Should Matter To Them\n[[I should matter to them]]\n[[should I matter to them]]
or not with love \nbut to you\nas you matter to me\n[[you you]]\nI [[love]] you
no no \nand\nyes yes \nif i matter\n[[you matter]]\n[[else]]\n[[us]]
no not matter and \nmatter and matter\nyes matter\nno matter\n[[no matter]]\n[[yes matter]]
I should matter to them, I should \nshould should or\nmatter matter\n[[to them them]]\n[[to us]]
no and no\n[[and you know]]\nto them them\nto nothing else\nbut them\n[[to them them]]\n
matter matter \ndoes it matter\ndoes it\ndoes\nmatter\n[[does matter]]
no nothing and \nno no nothing\nand no yes, and no no\n[[yes matter]]\n[[I should matter, I should;]]\n[[else]]
should I\n[[or or or]]
you should matter to them\nI should matter to them\nthey should matter to me \n[[they matter to you]]
I Should Matter To Them
I should matter\nand \nmatter \nand matter\nand matter matter\nI should matter\n[[not matter]]\n[[does matter]]
with love \nmy love\nwith [[love]]
yes\nto them\nto us\nto me\nto you\n[[no no]]\n[[and you know]]
I should matter\nI should\nshould should\nmust\nmatter\n[[non non]]\n[[nothing else]]
if (they matter = true)\n\t{\n\t[[I should matter, i should;]] \n\t}\nelse\n\t{\n\t[[nothing matters, nothing;]]\n\t}
neither nor\nor neither nor\nthen matter to them\n[[go matter to them]]\n[[if you can matter]]
does it matter\n[[else]]
try matter to them\nthey matter to them\nyou...\n[[should I have told you]]\n[[or not not]]\n
to them and them\nI should matter\n[[and you know]]
me \nus \nthem \nthey\nme \nus us\nme me me\nthem them, and \nthem them\n[[us]]\n[[me us]]\n[[no matter]]
and yes \nand yes\nand yes \nand yes\nno?\nyes\n[[me]] yes\n[[you matter]]
no, and no\nand \n[[no no]]\n[[us]]
you [[else]]\nben, sen,\nbiz, siz\n[[no no]]\n[[non non]]\n[[to them them]]
if (they matter = true)\n\t{\n\t[[I should matter;]]\n\t}\nelse\n\t{\n\t[[nothing matters;]]\n\t}\n
[[if you can matter]]\nthen you should matter\nI should matter\n[[I should matter, I should;]]
if (they matter = true)\n\t{\n\tI should matter;\n\t}\nelse\n\t{\n\tnothing matters;\n\t}\n[[logic]]\nand [[love]]
Eden Unluata\n